Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 329 Can reproduce movie scenes!

Lu Feng naturally didn't know the experience of A Pao and others. He called Baguda the next day to make arrangements for Yang Lin.

The electrical appliance factory needs to find a good location.

However, opening a new factory is good for Xuanfeng Alliance.

Especially after hearing how good the electrical appliances produced by Qingfeng Electric were, Baguda showed his greatest enthusiasm to Yang Lin: "Mr. Yang, I will arrange the best location for you to build a factory."

His vision has also improved now. He knows that such an electrical appliance company brings not only those jobs, but also external display functions.

As long as this Qingfeng Electric Company is well run and prosperous, other similar companies may also come.

Just like Qingfeng Network Company opened a branch in Xuanfeng Alliance, many Internet companies from Dragon Country have come now, and there are many Internet companies opening in the Wind City.

Lu Feng had just arranged the Qingfeng Electric Appliances, and a call came in.

The number was from Kuikuda, the head of the weapons department.

He guessed what was going on, and immediately pressed the answer button and asked: "Have the drone weapons been produced?"

"Yes, Governor, I would like you to come over to check." Kuikuda's excited voice came immediately.

Lu Feng responded immediately after hearing this.

He had obtained a lot of things from the game world, and the only weapons that could be mass-produced were the old-fashioned guns.

These old-fashioned guns were stronger than those of modern countries, with longer power, faster firing speed, and more accuracy.

This drone technology was the second mass-produced weapon he had obtained.

He also immediately left the Wind Manor and went to the weapons department.

Kuikuida had been waiting with people, and when he saw him, he respectfully welcomed him in.

Soon, several brand-new drones appeared in front of Lu Feng.

Each drone was sprayed with a special gray titanium color, without the conventional exposed fan blades, and under the middle main body bearing shaft was a modified weapon system.

Special bullets were used inside, not conventional bullets.

Conventional bullets take up too much space, and the weapon system of this drone fired bullets in a different way from guns, so ordinary weapons could not be used.

"Governor, they are all equipped with weapons. Do you want to test them immediately?" Kuikuida asked.

"Yes!" Lu Feng nodded.

"Governor, please come this way." Kuikuida immediately invited Lu Feng to a playground.

You can see that many targets have been set up in various places on the playground.

Moreover, many of those targets are still behind the bunkers.

This is to simulate some special battlefield positions and then use drones to raid.

Kuikuida said excitedly: "Governor, the drone technology you brought out is really amazing. Before notifying you, we will test it first. This can definitely become a killing weapon."

As he spoke, he raised a gesture, and immediately the arranged operators came out and operated the drones with a special remote control.

In an instant, you can also see those drones flying quickly and shuttling around.

However, it seems that because the control is not proficient and the drones fly too fast, there are still some problems in the operation process.

That is, the operator cannot operate at full speed. After all, it is only temporarily found by the weapons department, and professional operators will have to be trained in the future.

But even so, the speed of the drone is also very fast, which is definitely far beyond the speed of ordinary drones.

In this situation, even if there was a close combat or a sudden attack, even a group of soldiers would not be able to form a queue and shoot them down.

Because when they aimed, the drones could already fire quickly.

After the drones were operated, they quickly flew to the targets, and then after finding a better position, they opened fire instantly.

Da da da!

Da da da!

With fierce gunshots, bullets were quickly poured onto the targets. Regardless of whether they were behind the cover or not, all the targets were hit and fell.

Lu Feng walked over and found that the bullets basically hit the targets. For modern technology, this is definitely very powerful.

Xiaozhi's voice rang in Lu Feng's ears: "Master, their operation cannot bring out the power of this drone. Let me operate it."

Almost at the same time, the faces of the operators changed:

"Mr. Quequeda, it's bad, my remote control is out of order."

"My remote control can't control these drones either."


The operators were obviously shocked. Their remote controls were out of control, but the drones were still flying in the air.

Quequeda was frightened. If the governor was injured by an accident, he would be in trouble.

Seeing the drone flying over, he was even more frightened and wanted to pounce on Lu Feng to protect the governor.

Who knew that before he touched Lu Feng, he was hit by a layer of something, and then he fell to the ground and was about to faint.

When he looked up at Lu Feng again, he saw that the drones were actually floating next to the governor.

This scene was really... weird!

Lu Feng looked at the drones around him and thought of the movie Marvel Spider-Man Expedition.

After Iron Man died, he left Spider-Man with a drone army. That drone army was controlled by the artificial intelligence left by Iron Man, and it was absolutely terrifying.

It's just a pity that Spider-Man is too stupid. Such a good weapon was wasted by him.

Now let's see, if Xiaozhi controls the drones, if there are enough drones, can the scene of the drone army in the movie be reproduced?

While he was thinking, Xiaozhi had already controlled the drones to fly again. This time there was no target, and the drones shot directly at the wall of the bunker.

Da da da!

Da da da!

Quiqueda and others watched the drones spitting gunfire and attacking nervously, but after a moment, they all widened their eyes in horror, revealing incredible expressions.

On the wall of the bunker, bullet holes appeared one by one, forming a perfect heart shape.

"This..." Quiqueda was shocked.

It takes a terrifying and accurate shooting to do this.

The drones flew back to a table and landed, neatly arranged.

When Quiqueda saw this scene, he subconsciously thought of something. Someone controlled these drones, it was the hacker god.

But this kind of control is too terrible.

Lu Feng watched Xiaozhi's operation and became more and more certain that he could reproduce the scene in the movie.

Then, he immediately ordered: "Quiqueda, try to produce more of this drone weapon. It may be used soon."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Governor." Quiqueda immediately responded respectfully.

After Lu Feng saw the power of this drone weapon, he also left the weapons department and returned to the Wind Manor, and saw the red lizard coming.

"How is the matter in Boya?" Lu Feng asked the first time he saw the red lizard.

He asked the red lizard to send people to Boya, trying to provoke Boya to attack them. Only if Boya did such a stupid thing, he would have the opportunity to occupy Boya.

If the other party is not provoked, then he really has no way.

In this era, whoever takes action first is at fault. If you don't find a reason for yourself, it's unreasonable to take action. At that time, some country may jump out and force you to blame.

On the other hand, the reason why the two bears haven't ended the fight until now is that some bastards are interfering.

If Boya didn't do such a stupid thing, and their Xuanfeng Alliance took action first, some bastards would definitely show up and complain. .

We can't give those bastards a chance, so we can only let Boya make mistakes.

When Red Lizard saw Lu Feng, he said excitedly: "Governor, after our people went over there, they found that Boya was actually gathering soldiers. It seems that he is going to attack our Xuanfeng Alliance. It seems that we don't need to provoke him at all."

"What? Is this true?" Lu Feng was just a little amused.

This Boya is brave enough. If he had known this, he would not have sent anyone and would have just waited for the other party to come at home.

Hong Xi immediately said: "It is absolutely true. Our people have confirmed it several times. Now the other side is still mobilizing and preparing. They may attack us at any time."

When Lu Feng heard this, he immediately ordered Hong Xi: "Go and inform the Dalai Lama, be prepared at all times, and wait for Boya's people to come. Moreover, this time we have to put on a big show for the other side, and we must leave comprehensive evidence that the other side violated the international treaty first."

"When the time comes, we will retaliate in anger, but this anger will accidentally destroy the other side. Once it is destroyed, it will be too late for others to react."

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