Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 331 What is going on?

Those white people also quickly entered the Xuanfeng Alliance through another place.

A few of them travel lightly and faster.

After entering the Xuanfeng Alliance, one of them ordered: "We will go directly to the Wind Capital and wait for the people on Boa's side to take action. The battle there will not end in a short time."


"After the Xuanfeng Alliance's attention is attracted, that's when we take action!"

There is a small town on the border of Xuanfeng Alliance called Dodoas Town.

After the Xuanfeng Alliance promoted cotton planting, this town became very lively.

The Wind Capital sent two experts on cotton cultivation to teach them how to grow cotton.

Moreover, this is a project that the Xuanfeng Alliance takes care of.

The alliance will purchase the cotton grown by everyone, and the value is very high.

The people in the town calculated that if they all planted cotton, each of their families could earn more than 3 million Xuanfeng coins every year.

This made the whole town excited.

You know, before the Xuanfeng Alliance was established, their family could earn 300,000 Cambodian dollars a year, which was pretty good.

Now 1 Xuanfeng coin is equivalent to the previous value of 2 Cambodian* coins.

In other words, their future income will be 20 times higher than before.

Therefore, the entire town has fallen into the craze of cotton planting, and everyone is full of hope for life and the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Naturally, he was also full of respect for the governor.

A small town.

Lin Xiang and Zhao Da entered an office and looked at the growth charts of cotton seedlings in Dodoas Town.

They are naturally experts from the Wind Capital Sect.

In fact, they are ordinary agricultural research workers in China, but it is more than enough to come here to guide cotton cultivation.

In terms of agricultural research, they were at the bottom in China, and their wages were extremely low. Now that they are here in the Xuanfeng Alliance, they feel very good, and their wages alone are three times the original.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. In China, for ordinary agricultural researchers like them, anyone in any research department can boss them around.

It's different here in the Xuanfeng Alliance. The people all treat them as experts and are very respectful. They seem to have privileges here.

This also makes them like this kind of working state more.

Therefore, they naturally hope that the cotton cultivation in the small town of Dodoas will yield a big harvest, which will be worthy of the people here.

The two were looking at the growth chart of cotton seedlings when they suddenly heard a special siren sounding on the street.

After the siren sounded, the streets of the town were in chaos. Residents were seen running anxiously out of the town. It seemed that no one dared to delay.

The predecessor of this place was Cambodia. It was originally a war-torn area with frequent riots and wars.

Therefore, they knew what this alarm meant, that there was going to be a war, and someone was going to attack the town of Dodoas.

Lin Xiang and Zhao Da were stunned and didn't understand what happened.

The door of the office was kicked open, and several officials from Dodoas Town ran in, holding mobile phones with the Qingfeng smart software open in their hands, and hurriedly said to them:

"Two experts, let's go quickly, there's going to be a war here."

"Yes, someone is going to attack here. Life has finally improved, so why is disaster coming again?"

"Those damn bastards never let anyone have a good life."


When Lin Xiang and Zhao Da heard these words, they understood what was going on. A war was about to break out.

Although they all heard that there was chaos abroad, especially in this area, and war could break out at any time, they did not expect that they would encounter it.

Does this mean that the Xuanfeng Alliance is very stable and there will be no internal war?

Could it be external?

The two were put into a car and fled out of the town together. When they left the town, they saw military vehicles driving into the town.

There was another person in the car holding a loudspeaker and shouted: "Everyone evacuate in an orderly manner. If we find anyone who takes the opportunity to cause trouble, endanger others, or commit crimes... we will punish them on the spot. Please rest assured. The Governor's Mansion guarantees that they will not be allowed to do anything." Everyone’s property was damaged…”

In the car, Lin Xiang and Zhao Da stared at the military vehicles going away. This was really the first time they encountered such a battle.

"It's General Dalai Lama," said an official.

"General Dalai Lama came here in person, so there should be nothing wrong with him," another person said.

The people in the town of Dodoas quickly evacuated the town following the sound of the alarm.

They have long been experienced in this situation.

After the Dalai Lama led people into the town, he also shouted to his men: "Everyone take action and install all those damn bombs. Then we will give those bastards in Poya a fireworks show."

The Governor's side has determined that Boa's invasion target is this town.

As he spoke, the soldiers could be seen unloading boxes one by one from the military vehicles. After opening them, they found bombs inside.

After the soldiers took out the bombs, they went to the floors on both sides, and then installed them in the middle of the floors and on the rooftops.

Many soldiers are actually a little confused.

After all, installed in such a place, the effect seems to be very small.

After all, when Boya's people rush in, they can't run to the rooftops one by one and let you blow them up, right?

In other words, I basically won’t go to the rooftop.

But they just obeyed the orders given by their superiors.

Not long after, bombs were installed everywhere in the town of Dodoas.

After doing all this, Dalai also shouted to everyone: "Leave the town."

Then, they hurriedly left the town, which made the soldiers even more confused. If there were enemies coming, they should use the town's buildings to form a defensive formation.

But they had to follow the order.

Soon, Dalai led his men to retreat to a place outside the town, and then to several special vehicles. He asked people to open the vehicles and take out the things inside.

It turned out to be a drone. After they were taken out, they were placed on the flat ground. There were quite a few of them.

Dalai knew what this was. After the Governor's Office collected evidence, these things would make those sons of bitches in Boya cry for their parents.

In the Wind Manor.

Lu Fengye, Yang Ming, and Hong Xi were looking at the screen in front of them. The scene of Dodoas Town was being broadcasted by satellite. Not long after, he saw shadows appearing from the horizon of the distant highway.

They were military vehicles, and they were moving quickly towards the town of Dodoas.

This is exactly Boya's warrior, and this is the target of their invasion.

Boya's commander this time is called Duolongna, who is also a militant.

That's why Yasna asked him to come.

Duolongna soon saw the town of Dodoas and shouted: "Everyone, load your bullets, prepare to fight, it's time to sacrifice for Boya."

As he shouted, all the fighters began to fiddle with their weapons.

In almost no time, they rushed to the front of Dodoas Town.

But before they entered Dodoas Town, suddenly, a violent explosion sounded.

It was a building in Dodoas Town.

This sudden scene stunned Duolongna.




Then, there were another burst of explosions, and the fire in Dodoas Town burst, as if it was bombed.

On the other side, in the Wind Manor, Lu Feng also saw this scene. At the same time, Xiaozhi in his headset also said: "Master, it has been filmed, using a long shot. I have sent the video to international news companies."

"In 5 minutes, there will be no humanitarian invasion in Boya, and the news of the inhumane bombing of the town of Dodoas will sweep in. So, can I control those drones to harvest these people?"

"At that time, we can move their bodies to the town of Dodoas, change their clothes, and say that they are our sacrificed residents. At that time, the master will occupy Boya and be the righteous side."


Outside the town of Dodoas.

The people of Boya stopped and looked at the town of Dodoas with fire everywhere in disbelief.

"???" Duolongna was stunned.

He didn't understand what was going on at all. They hadn't started yet. What happened?

Moreover, even if they started, they couldn't have such a fierce firepower?

But what was going on?

The people of the Xuanfeng Alliance blew themselves up?

They shouldn't be so stupid, right?

But what was going on?

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