Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 320 Must buy! Xuanfeng Factory's base salary starts at 20,000?


Huang Cheng nodded his head after hearing what the people around him said.

A bottle of MSG that costs hundreds of yuan, who would buy it?

If it can be used for free, then he will try it. It is absolutely impossible for him to buy it.

Thinking of this, he also cleaned up the ingredients, and then got busy in front of the small kitchen stove.

Pour the ingredients, stir-fry, add salt and MSG!

It is a very common home cooking method, Huang Cheng naturally only knows so much, after all, he is just a rectangular solid directional movement engineer, and has no time to study these.

He also quickly fried two dishes for himself and cooked a bowl of noodles.

Simple ingredients, not much money.

It’s just that the scenic spot of the Xuanfeng Alliance is too unprofessional.

The scenic spot is open, but tourists are required to cook their own food.

Complaining in his heart, he also picked up a bowl, made a bowl of noodles directly, and then ate it.

β€œHuh! What’s going on?”

After just two bites, something was wrong with his face.

The noodles and vegetables don't taste like he made them.

They didn't taste bad, but they tasted good. They tasted very good and had an indescribable freshness.

It was as if the food was made by a chef.

But he was sure that he had cooked the vegetables and noodles himself.

Why was it so delicious?

He subconsciously looked at the Xuanfeng Special MSG and Xuanfeng Special Refined Salt.

Not only Huang Cheng.

Right next to him, several tourists also said in surprise:

"Cannon, your cooking skills have improved. You've caught up with the chefs."

"When did you secretly practice cooking? What you cooked for me was so bad before."

"I didn't practice any cooking skills. Has it always been like this?"

"It seems to be the effect of this MSG and salt. Look at the introduction on the bottle..."


Huang Cheng was attracted by these words and subconsciously picked up the Xuanfeng Refined Salt and Xuanfeng Flavored Salt bottles to check:

Xuanfeng Special Refined Salt: This is a salt process unique to the Xuanfeng Alliance. It is made with... and other materials. It can make food more delicious after use.

Xuanfeng Special MSG: This is a MSG process unique to the Xuanfeng Alliance, which is made with... and other materials. After using it, it can make food more delicious and fresh.

In other words, the dishes and noodles made by yourself are comparable to those of a chef, all because of the effect of this MSG and salt?

It can be said that everyone who saw this looked at each other in bewilderment, but the facts are in front of us.

Tourists who used Xuanfeng Special MSG and Xuanfeng Special Salt to cook found that their cooking skills had improved.

Some people thought they had performed exceptionally well at first, but after knowing that many tourists were like this, they were unwilling to believe it and could only admit that it was the effect of Xuanfeng Special MSG and Xuanfeng Special Salt.

"Salt and MSG have this effect?" Huang Cheng couldn't believe it. If this was the case, would there be people who would cook bad food in the future?

At least he thought that his cooking was not delicious before, but now it is at the level of a chef.

One of the tourists next to him stood up hurriedly: "Wait, I'll go ask where to buy Xuanfeng Special Salt and Xuanfeng Special MSG."

"Didn't you just say that you would never buy this salt and MSG?" Another person teased.

The man hurriedly said, "You heard wrong, that's definitely not what I said."

Huang Cheng looked at the MSG and salt in his hand, and was also eager to try.

Although his job only made a little money a month, this MSG and salt are really amazing. Buying a bottle can at least last a month, right?

Thinking of this, he also silently finished the noodles in the bowl, and also went over to look and ask for information.

Who would have thought that a moment ago, a group of tourists had already surrounded the staff to ask about the Xuanfeng special MSG and Xuanfeng special refined salt.

Huang Cheng was speechless. Many of these people had just made up their minds not to buy it, right? Why are they joining in the fun now?

Obviously, he didn't expect that he had the same idea just now.

Not only Xuanfeng MSG and Xuanfeng refined salt.

Xuanfeng sauce is also amazing.

In addition to cooking, many tourists also rented barbecue grills for barbecue, and these people need to use Xuanfeng sauce.

A barbecue table.

Two men were already busy, one was grilling, one was washing vegetables, and one was cleaning seafood.

There were two women waiting for food next to them.

It was obvious that the two men had small families.

They were obviously the hard-working people who accompanied their girlfriends to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

After all, their girlfriends came to buy Xuanfeng facial masks, but they came to the Xuanfeng Alliance and dared not even look at so many beauties.

The girlfriend wanted to eat barbecue, but the scenic spot had not sold it yet, so they could only rent a grill and do it themselves.

Men are suffering.

A woman suddenly pointed to the Xuanfeng sauce on the small table next to her and said, "Hey, is this the sauce made by the Xuanfeng Alliance itself?"

Another woman said, "Well, open it and take a look."

The barbecue will obviously taste better with some sauce.

The two women curiously picked up the bottle of Xuanfeng sauce on the small table.

A woman opened the sauce and handed it to the man who was fiddling with the barbecue: "Hubby, use this Xuanfeng sauce to see how it tastes."

The man also curiously took the Xuanfeng sauce, spread some on a grilled octopus leg, and then handed the octopus leg to his girlfriend.

The woman took the octopus leg, put it in her mouth and tasted it, then her eyes lit up and she said exaggeratedly: "This Xuanfeng sauce tastes so good. To be honest, I haven't eaten such a delicious sauce."

Another person also became interested.

The two men were also curious.

"Is it so delicious?"

"Let me try it too."


The man in charge of the barbecue grilled an octopus leg for each person and spread Xuanfeng sauce on it.

They tasted it one by one.

After a while, the three of them nodded in unison.

"The sauce of the Xuanfeng Alliance is really delicious, much better than those bought at home."

"Indeed, it is easy to distinguish. It is better than the world's number one Larmon sauce, and it makes people very appetizing as soon as they eat it."

"It is incredible that the Xuanfeng Alliance actually has such a delicious sauce. In the future, I can cook noodles at home and they will taste very delicious."

"Well, this Xuanfeng sauce is really good. Let's take a few bottles back."

It really tastes good. As long as you have tasted it, you can tell it. The taste buds will not deceive you unless you are sick.

Obviously, this Xuanfeng sauce is really delicious.

If you come across this kind of product, you will feel sorry for your trip abroad if you don't buy some.

The same scene happened to tourists who made their own meals and barbecues in various scenic spots of Xuanfeng Alliance.

Without exception, everyone found that the three products of Xuanfeng Alliance had incredible effects.

With the attributes of deliciousness +1, freshness +1, and appetite +1, many people who originally had poor appetites felt that the food they cooked was very delicious and tasty.

In a short time, more and more tourists couldn't help but post on WeChat Moments, wanting to tell others that they found good things in Xuanfeng Alliance.

That's it.

Because of these tourists' recommendations, Xuanfeng sauce, Xuanfeng flavor essence, and Xuanfeng refined salt became popular on the Internet in China in a short time.

A bottle of Xuanfeng flavor essence and Xuanfeng refined salt that costs more than 500 yuan made many people stunned.

But more people heard about the effects of Xuanfeng flavor essence and Xuanfeng refined salt and wanted to try it. After all, one bottle can be used for a month. If it is really so magical, what is the point of spending a little more money in a month?

For a while, there were purchase information everywhere on the Internet.

This also made some people discover business opportunities, and they began to buy on behalf of others. Then, the stores selling these three products appeared in various places of Xuanfeng Alliance and were directly swept away.

And when they found that Xuanfeng Alliance had a special duty-free shop, they went crazy.

In a short period of time, Xuanfeng flavor essence, Xuanfeng refined salt, and Xuanfeng sauce were sold at an incredible speed.

The production at the factory could not keep up at all.

Of course, these are just very flexible minds.

People like Huang Cheng could not think of this way at all. After leaving the scenic area, he just wanted to find a construction site and get his brick-moving job done first.

Otherwise, more people will come to the country later. Even if the women of Xuanfeng Alliance can't get married again, there must be many people like him who are willing to find a job in Xuanfeng Alliance and even settle down.

The later, the more intense the competition.

But when Huang Cheng arrived at a construction site and was about to enter the site, he saw a signboard message playing on an open-air screen:

"Xuanfeng Mask Factory recruits 15,000 employees, requirements: female... Salary 20,000 + full attendance + performance bonus..."

"Xuanfeng Seasoning Factory recruits 20,000 employees, requirements:... Salary 20,000 + full attendance + performance bonus..."

"???" When Huang Cheng saw this recruitment, his eyes widened in shock.

Factory, basic salary starting from 20,000?

Oh my God!

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