Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 319 Mysterious Wind Salt? Mysterious Wind Essence? What is that?

As the plane landed.

Huang Cheng became more and more excited.

Finally, he came to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and disordered chapters.

Inside the plane, you can see that everyone is curiously and expectantly looking out of the plane, looking at the airport that is getting closer and closer.

The plane landed and the cabin opened.

Huang Cheng, like everyone else in the plane, rushed out of the plane impatiently.

As soon as he entered the Xuanfeng Alliance, Huang Cheng and his male compatriots were attracted by the staff at the airport.

Because of the ratio of men to women in the Xuanfeng Alliance, the airport work is originally women.

In addition to the reason for opening up tourism, Baguda also arranged the beauties born in the beauty pageant to work at the airport, serving as shopping guides, shopping guides, answering questions... and other jobs.

The most are naturally standing guard and acting as vases, just for tourists to see.

Seeing that Huang Cheng and others have taken out their mobile phones to take pictures, it is self-evident.

"That one is very beautiful!"

"This one has a great figure, so perfect."

"That shopping guide is so hot!"


A group of male compatriots got off the plane and expressed their excitement without hiding it.

After all, the purpose of their coming here is self-evident.

This caused dissatisfaction among the female compatriots who flew here together.

A group of men with waists and kidneys.

It's as if they have never seen a woman.

Naturally, they are more dissatisfied with being ignored all the way here, right?

You know, they used to be able to talk to men wherever they went.

Obviously, those who have spare money to buy facial masks in Xuanfeng Alliance at this time are almost all women with better conditions and more confidence.

In the past, they were the center surrounded by men.

This journey has made them feel a big gap.

Huang Cheng also scanned the beauties in the airport, but none of them could compare with Wu Ya, whom he liked.

But Huang Cheng and his people didn't know that the beauties standing guard at the airport also scanned their group of men, sometimes disappointed, sometimes shaking their heads.

The purpose is also self-evident.

The Governor's Office said that if they like a man, as long as he is single, they can pursue him. As long as they can make him stay in Xuanfeng Alliance to work, there will be rewards.

If they can make him immigrate and marry them, the reward will be even greater.

But for them, it doesn't matter whether there is a reward or not. The important thing is that they can finally choose men at will.

They are really overwhelmed now. If they really meet someone they like, they will do everything they can to make him stay.

Huang Cheng left the airport quickly.

He booked a hotel and took a taxi.

"Sir, where are you going?"

As soon as he got in the car, Huang Cheng heard the driver's very sweet voice. Through the Qingfeng Smart Assistant software, he understood what the driver meant.

But what surprised him was that the driver turned out to be a very sweet and beautiful girl.

Although she is not as beautiful as those beauties like Wu Ya, she is also the kind of girl in China who can ask for a house, a car, and a dowry.

Oh my God...

In China, there are many female taxi drivers, but they are all very old. Where can I see such a young, beautiful and well-built female taxi driver?

Huang Cheng looked out the window and found that there were many young girls like this working as taxi drivers.

It seems that it is true as the Internet says that the original Cambodia of the Xuanfeng Alliance should have been in chaos and war for many years, and too many men died, which led to this situation.

This also made Huang Cheng's heart burn.

With his profession as a rectangular solid directional mobile engineer and so many years of experience, it is not easy to find a job?

Passing by a street, he looked at the construction site, his eyes were very hot, and he would find a construction site to apply for a job when he found an opportunity.

Huang Cheng did not notice that the female driver was also observing him in the rearview mirror, and she could not help shaking her head while observing.

Obviously she didn't like him.

She was naturally not here to be a driver.

Her father had already found out the news that many people would come here to travel in the future, so he let her drive a taxi, so that she could meet many tourists and maybe find a satisfactory husband.

Moreover, her father has two buildings, which have appreciated very fast recently. As long as she gets married, he can give her one as a dowry.

The female driver started driving seriously soon. The tourist had rough skin and dark face, which was far worse than those tourists she had picked up before. She was not even interested in adding Qingfeng Assistant.

Qingfeng Smart Assistant software has already opened the friend chat function, which is similar to Penguin.

In China, due to preconceived reasons, there is no way to deal with Penguin for the time being, but in Xuanfeng Alliance, everyone uses Qingfeng Smart Assistant to add people instead of WeChat.

Even after the Xuanfeng Alliance became popular with scanning code payment, everyone also used Xuanfeng Smart Assistant to scan code payment, even domestic tourists have to follow the local customs.

Her smart assistant has already added several young men from Longguo.

Huang Cheng didn't know that he had been PASSed by a female driver.

His mind was full of thoughts about Wu Ya.

In the car, he picked up his mobile phone again and watched short videos in China.

Wu Ya's popularity has increased.

This also made him more anxious. After dropping off his luggage at the hotel, he immediately took a taxi to a scenic spot called Blue Star Bay.

The Wu Ya he loved was there.

What he didn't expect was that the driver this time was a young girl, whose appearance and figure were much worse than Wu Ya's, and also a little worse than the previous one.

When Huang Cheng was thinking about it, he didn't notice that the girl driver was also looking at him in the rearview mirror, and then shook her head.

Obviously, she also passed him.

Huang Cheng didn't know this. After arriving at Lanxingwan, he excitedly bought a ticket and entered the scenic area.

At the entrance of the scenic area, he saw several women receiving Xuanfeng mask exchange coupons, who should be women from China.

After entering the scenic area, he finally saw Wu Ya, who he had been thinking about, but he was dumbfounded when he got here. He saw that there was a handsome young man kneeling on one knee in front of Wu Ya, holding a bouquet of big roses, obviously courting.

The other party spoke Long Mandarin, and was also from China.

The key point was that when he arrived, Wu Ya had already gotten into the arms of this handsome young man.

At that moment, Huang Cheng felt that he had broken up and his heart was a little broken.

There were many envious voices around:

"Hey, goddess Wu Ya has a boyfriend, so sad!"

"I heard that this handsome guy came from China and pursued Wu Ya for 2 consecutive days!"

"2 days..."

"I heard that this guy is a self-employed boss, his parents have passed away, and he has millions of savings."

"I heard that he has planned to transfer the company to Xuanfeng Alliance and settle down here for Wu Ya!"


The messages made countless people sigh, including Huang Cheng.

They seemed to have an epiphany.

Even if there are more women than men in Xuanfeng Alliance, and women are worried about getting married, when people from China come here, and even men from other countries come here, there will be great competition.

Even if they say they don't want a dowry, it will become a competition of men's strength.

For example, this handsome guy, he is handsome, and he has millions of savings and his own company.

Can he compete with him?

Huang Cheng was heartbroken, and felt that his identity as a rectangular solid directional mobile engineer was simply a fart.

Just at this moment, a woman in her 30s weighing 80 kilograms came over with a sign.

Huang Cheng learned the content of the sign through Qingfeng Smart Software:

"Looking for a husband, the family has a manor and a hotel, the father is the Minister of Agriculture of Xuanfeng Alliance, 100,000 Dragon Country currency pocket money a month, the requirements are *big* good, 3 days of trial marriage, qualified to get the marriage certificate!"

The content of the sign shocked Huang Cheng and others.

At first, when he saw the words "Looking for a husband", Huang Cheng wanted to complain, an 80-kilogram woman is looking for a husband, who is blind.

But when he saw the content behind, he almost subconsciously raised his hand.

He subconsciously thought of Chen Hao, who married the daughter of the Minister of Finance and became the warden of the prison.

The only difference is that the other party's wife is so young, beautiful and has a good figure, while the one in front of him weighs 80 kilograms.

But if he marries the other party, he can still reach the peak of his life, which is something that people like him can only encounter.

The moment Huang Cheng raised his hand, he was surprised to find that two rows of men had already raised their hands in front of him, and the 80-pound woman only glanced at him and looked at other people.

"..." Huang Cheng was hit again.

He suddenly found that everything seemed different from what he thought.

It seemed impossible to marry a beauty like Wu Ya.

Or, lower the standard?

The two female drivers were not bad, and they were of a level that he could not afford in China.

Thinking about it, Huang Cheng became motivated again, but he felt a little hungry and wanted to find something to eat, but he found that there was no food for sale in this scenic area, but there was a self-service dining area.

You can rent some kitchen stoves and barbecue grills for some money, as well as some ingredients.

Huang Cheng does have some cooking skills. After all, he is single and always has to cook for himself at the construction site.

But when he got to the kitchen stove and got the ingredients, he was a little surprised.

Xuanfeng special MSG!

Xuanfeng special refined salt!

Xuanfeng special sauce!

Does the Xuanfeng Alliance produce these things by itself?

Not only Huangcheng, but many tourists from China have discovered this. MSG and salt are not strange at all, but adding the word "special" makes it attractive.

"Beauty, is this Xuanfeng special MSG produced by Xuanfeng Alliance itself?" A tourist asked.

The staff member was also a beauty, and nodded and replied: "Yes, if you want to buy it, you can buy it when you go back. One catty is only 500 Longguo currency!"

After understanding the translation, the tourists from Longguo, including Huangcheng, all started to make a noise.

What a joke?

One catty of refined salt actually costs 500 yuan?

You should know that one catty of salt from a big domestic brand is only more than 10 yuan, which is 50 times more.

For a while, everyone thought that the Xuanfeng Alliance had a pig-killing scheme in the scenic area.

Some people were even scared and asked directly: "Beauty, then this should be free for us to use, right?"

"No." The staff member explained.

Some people were worried and recorded this.

Otherwise, the pig-killing scheme in the scenic area is too cruel.

These are free, and they are not fools anyway. They won’t suffer any loss if they don’t buy MSG and refined salt in the future.

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