Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 321: There is such a salary? Undercurrents surge!

This recruitment advertisement is indeed eye-catching.

The two factories of Xuanfeng Alliance do need to recruit people, and this will not be the last batch.

Needless to say, the reputation of Xuanfeng Mask has spread, but the production capacity is still insufficient, and now distributors from various countries are urging.

𝟔𝟗 Book Bar

So, it is necessary to recruit another batch to expand production.

Xuanfeng Seasoning Company is naturally a company that specializes in producing Xuanfeng flavor essence, Xuanfeng refined salt, and Xuanfeng sauce.

Lu Feng naturally knows that these three things will be popular, especially the three are daily seasoning supplies, and the number that can be sold is unimaginable.

Therefore, recruiting workers is also necessary, and the number to be recruited is not small.

Now recruiting only 20,000 people is definitely not enough.

After all, a group selling ketchup has a scale of more than 30,000 employees.

These are three products, each of which will exceed that of the ketchup company.

When the scale is fully rolled out, the number of people required will far exceed this number.

Moreover, now Xuanfeng Huimeng Wine, Xuanfeng Mask, Xuanfeng Seasoning Factory, and the related industrial chain, when fully developed, will definitely benefit hundreds of thousands of people in Xuanfeng Alliance.

As for the 20,000 basic salary, that is not a problem at all. You should know that these three products have a profit of several thousand percent.

A pound of salt is bought for a few yuan, plus more than 30 yuan of materials and labor, water and electricity... costs, and it is sold for 500 yuan.

But when Huang Cheng saw the advertisement information, he subconsciously thought about how much the wages in domestic factories were.

It seems that the average factory salary announced by the state is more than 11,000.

But according to his impression, the factory he has been to seems to have a salary of only more than 6,000, and the salary for moving bricks is higher.

Now the salary of the factory in Xuanfeng Alliance actually starts at 20,000?

This full attendance + performance bonus, isn’t it 25,000 or more?

Huang Cheng couldn't help but envy and hate when he saw this.

Originally, he checked the information of Xuanfeng Alliance on the Internet, because he planned to find a long-term job in Xuanfeng Alliance and then find a girlfriend who didn't want a dowry.

But the most common description on the Internet is that the predecessor of Xuanfeng Alliance is Cambodia*, and the description is that Cambodia* is no longer poor, but can be said to be one of the poorest places in the world.

Therefore, Xuanfeng Alliance inherited everything from Cambodia*. Even if there are improvements, the working environment should be very poor.

The working environment is very poor.

A factory can offer a basic salary of 20,000 yuan a month, which is called very poor?

Those people in China don’t know a thing.

Then, he reacted, and it seems that the two factories of Xuanfeng Alliance do not require identity when recruiting workers?

Can he go for an interview?

Huang Cheng thought about it, and couldn’t help but take a taxi to the location mentioned by Xuanfeng Seasoning Factory.

Xuanfeng Mask has no choice but to recruit women.

Soon, he arrived at the recruitment place of Xuanfeng Seasoning Company. He still had a mobile phone in his hand and opened Qingfeng Smart Assistant, naturally wanting to use the translation software.

Otherwise, how can he apply for a job if he can’t speak or understand?

But when Huang Cheng arrived at the place where he applied and filled in the information for the job, he found that there were still staff from Longguo in this company.

"From China?" the staff member asked after looking at the information Huang Cheng handed over.

"Yes, yes." Huang Cheng nodded immediately, with surprise on his face.

The staff member looked at Huang Cheng's information and said, "I used to work on a construction site for 7 years... Our Xuanfeng Seasoning Factory can accept you, but we have to sign a corresponding contract, and the contract time must be at least 5 years, with holidays during the period..."

"Of course, if you make a mistake during the contract time, we have the right to fire you. As for the terms in the contract, the final right of interpretation belongs to us..."

Huang Cheng didn't understand the other terms of the staff member.

He only knew that he was accepted and would soon be a worker with a basic salary of 20,000.

As for 5 years, who would care?

Working in a factory with a basic salary of 20,000 a month, how can it be more than 5 years? For someone like him, it is no problem to work for a lifetime.

When the contract was placed in front of him, he signed it in a hurry.

Not only Huang Cheng, but also many male tourists from China, they were initially attracted by the beauty trap of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

But they were inexplicably attracted by the recruitment of this factory. Many people tried to apply for the job, and it was easy to apply for the job.

They couldn't believe it.

This was naturally Lu Feng's intention.

The ultimate goal of using the method similar to the honey trap to attract some bachelors in the country is to solve the population problem of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Moreover, these bachelors have no family burden. As long as they get used to the life of the Xuanfeng Alliance, they are likely to join the nationality of the Xuanfeng Alliance and then marry and have children here.

In addition, 5 years is enough for these people to get used to the Xuanfeng Alliance. During this period of time, those women in the Xuanfeng Alliance who are worried about getting married can also slowly cultivate feelings with them.

Such a marriage will be more stable.

Therefore, this time he asked Baguda to open a certain proportion of positions to people from the country.

Of course, not everyone is recruited. People like Huang Cheng who can work on the construction site for 7 years must be hardworking and hardworking, so there is no problem in recruiting them.

This recruitment will not have much impact on the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance. After all, there will be nutritional supplements and medicinal wine to restore eyesight soon.

There will be more products in the future.

If those people in Huangcheng were successful in their applications, that would be even more amazing.

After all, many tourists saw the job posting.

After the spread, more and more tourists flocked to the recruitment site.

Soon, the news was also spread to China, and the Internet made countless people eager to try.

In particular, some experts analyzed that the Xuanfeng Alliance recruitment was only the first batch, after all, Xuanfeng seasoning had not been rolled out yet, and it had just started to promote.

According to the recruitment demand for this kind of daily seasoning, it will at least increase several times.

After all, the domestic Lao Ganma industry can support more than 5,000 employees.

According to the magical description on the Internet, the future output value of Xuanfeng sauce alone can far exceed Lao Ganma by dozens of times.

Therefore, Xuanfeng Seasoning Company will continue to recruit workers.

Seeing the news that domestic people have been successfully recruited online, I don’t know how many people started to get excited.

Therefore, in the next few days, due to various reasons, the number of people from Longguo pouring into the Xuanfeng Alliance increased sharply.

Xuanfeng Alliance.

Wind Manor

Baguda came to Lu Feng with a smile on his face and reported: "Your Excellency the Governor, the publicity strategy of Qingfeng Network Company is really amazing."

"In the past few days, not only has the number of people coming from Longguo increased dramatically, in addition to the 2,000 people who successfully applied for the seasoning factory, more than 5,000 people from various industries have applied for 5-year labor contracts."

"A large number of these people have fallen in love with the girls of our Xuanfeng Alliance. In addition, there are more than 20 new companies that have come to Xuanfeng Alliance to start a business. However, most of them are related to food..."

Baguda was obviously getting more and more excited as he spoke.

Although these numbers are not too exaggerated, it should be clear that it has only been a few days, and it has just begun.

In the long run, there will be a stage of explosion.

Lu Feng was naturally very satisfied with the results. After all, most of these people will be his people in the future.

He also did not forget to order: "Baguda, the factories of nutrient supplements and medicinal wines should also speed up."

"Don't worry, Governor, there will be no problems." Baguda hurriedly assured.

Obviously, the Xuanfeng Alliance is developing in a good direction, and if nothing unexpected happens, it will get better and better.

But sometimes, this kind of good will often cause accidents.

In the Xuanfeng Alliance, on a high-rise building in the suburbs, several figures have appeared and looked at the factory not far away.

That is the Xuanfeng seasoning factory.

The leader looked at the factory with a strange light in his eyes.

At the same time, his mobile phone rang, and he hurriedly answered it and said to the inside: "We are all in place, but are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure they will help us?"

On the other side, in an office, a middle-aged man also held a mobile phone and said: "We can only do this. If your action is unsuccessful this time, we can only take extreme measures as they said."

As he spoke, he looked at the table in front of him.

On it were Xuanfeng facial masks, Xuanfeng Huimeng wine, Xuanfeng flavor essence, Xuanfeng refined salt, and Xuanfeng sauce.

They were all products of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

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