Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 318: Xuanfeng Alliance specializes in dealing with green tea?

[Special eye-brightening medicinal wine brewing technology! ]


[This is a special brewing technology. Put special materials into the brewed high-proof liquor. In one month, you can get medicinal wine that can restore vision. After using it, you can get the corresponding technical information! ]

[Special nutrient preparation technology! ]

[This is a special nutrient preparation technology developed by a scientist on the eve of the end of the world, which can reduce food pressure.

In some survivor cities, this technology saved countless survivors after the end of the world. A tube of medicine contains nutrients that meet the needs of the human body, but it contains extremely low calories.

Sequelae, drink it for a month, and you will be as thin as a refugee! After using it, you can get the corresponding technical information! ]

After seeing these two technical materials, Lu Feng was really surprised.

He gave the medicinal wine brewing technology to Cheng Sisi and Cheng Yaoyao's scientific research department to crack, and he already knew the effect.

But this special nutrient preparation technology really surprised him.

He roughly understood the function of this thing.

It should be the eve of the end of the world. Some scientists had a premonition that the end of the world was coming. They knew that food would be in short supply in the future, so they developed such a nutrient technology.

Simply put, this nutrient technology can meet the nutritional needs of human survival, but the extremely low calorie content can make people consume their own fat all the time.

Simply put, this is a problematic thing. If people keep drinking it, the nutritional needs for survival in the short term will be met, but long-term use will have serious sequelae.

But in the end of the world, there is no way. Having this nutrient is better than nothing.

Tianhai City can make cockroach nutrient paste.

But if other cities may not have such a thing as mutant cockroaches.

What should we do then?

When Lu Feng saw this note, he thought of this thing having a greater role in reality.

That is to be used as a weight loss drug.

Think about it, why is it difficult for some people to lose weight? That is, even if they eat green vegetables, there will be corresponding calories and increase fat.

Therefore, many people rely on taking medicine and fasting to lose weight.

Many people will have problems with their bodies if they lose weight in this way.

Now there is such a nutritional supplement. If you eat it normally, it will not affect the body's nutritional needs for survival, and it will not increase calories.

Then the fat will continue to be consumed to provide the body's functional needs.

As the note says, you will be as thin as a refugee after a month.

Of course, reality is not the end of the world, and users can automatically stop using it and lose weight in a controlled way.

If this thing is effective, think about how many people will buy it. Countless people will buy it, especially those who are getting fatter as they age.

Even, there is a very impolite name on the Internet, such as dead fat house!

Maybe this thing can eliminate this word and improve the quality of the Internet.

Lu Feng looked at Cheng Sisi and Cheng Yaoyao again, thought about it, and took out two beast ability crystals from the backpack space and handed them to the two sisters.

[This is the beast ability crystal of the Charm Rabbit Clan X2. After using it, you can get the Charm Rabbit beast ability, increase speed and bounce!

Sequelae, you will grow cute rabbit ears! 】

These are also two of the beast crystals he got, and they also have sequelae.

Lu Feng naturally wanted to take these two beast crystals as rewards. Although the two sisters had no combat power, a computer expert helped him a lot. If it weren't for Cheng Sisi, he wouldn't have gotten Xiaozhi's artificial intelligence.

Cheng Yaoyao also majored in electrical technology and helped him. The domestic electromagnetic rice cooker technology is now selling like hot cakes.

The key is that the two sisters have been helping him manage the scientific research department in the game, helping him to create the Xuanfeng mask, and now they have cracked two more technologies.

Naturally, he also told the two sisters about the descendants of the two beast crystals.

Cheng Sisi and Cheng Yaoyao didn't care about the sequelae. In the end times, they also wanted power.

"Thank you, boss!"

The two women sincerely thanked Lu Feng and then went back to the scientific research department.

Lu Feng also picked up two technical materials and chose to use them. In an instant, the two materials turned into dots of light and dissipated.

At the same time, Lu Feng's mind also had all the information about the two technologies.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng quit the game, and then got the materials needed for the two technologies on the computer. After that, he called Baguda.

"Governor, good news." Baguda said excitedly when he arrived: "The first batch of tourists from Longguo has arrived. You can never imagine how enthusiastic they are. Each of them has visited all the scenic spots."

Baguda was obviously very happy. The publicity effect of opening up tourism was surprisingly good. If this continues, the tourism industry of Xuanfeng Alliance can support a lot of people.

Lu Feng smiled when he heard this. Where are those tourists enthusiastic?

Xuanfeng Alliance arranged all the beauties in the beauty pageant to work in various scenic spots. Each of them has talent shows, sweet voices, can dance and sing... It would be strange if the male tourists from Longguo didn't go to the scenic spots to play.

For them, what is the difference between this and a beauty pageant? Especially when they know that these beauties are single.

Even most people can't go home after hunting for beauty.

Although Xuanfeng Alliance lacks men, those beauties will not want any ugly ones.

After all, they had long been told that many handsome men would come here to travel.

So, stay calm and don't waste time.

Also, you can get coupons for Xuanfeng masks when you go to the scenic spot. Female tourists will definitely go there, and they can get coupons while traveling.

After all, most of them come here for the Xuanfeng masks.

Lu Feng did not forget the business, and took out two documents and handed them to Baguda, saying, "Baguda, these are two technologies. You prepare the materials in the documents, and then arrange for people to build a production line and produce the products. Remember, keep it confidential."

"Another technology?" Baguda's eyes lit up.

He didn't know where the governor got these technologies from, but he knew that the technologies the governor got were definitely very good and powerful.

Then, he left Fengzhi Manor as soon as possible and started to make arrangements.

Lu Feng was naturally relieved about Baguda. First, he was really a guy who worked for the country and the people, and he was also capable. Therefore, after the establishment of the Xuanfeng Alliance, he kept him and reused him.

Secondly, it is the electronic chain. With this thing, I can be assured of Baguda.

After Baguda left, Lu Feng also said: "Xiaozhi, tell me about the reaction of the tourists from Longguo to the Xuanfeng Alliance."

Xiaozhi's voice sounded immediately: "Master, after those tourists arrived at the Xuanfeng Alliance, they uploaded the pictures they took back to the Longguo Internet, which caused a huge sensation."

"Moreover, under my special control, many men will see the scene of beauties everywhere in the Xuanfeng Alliance, and women will naturally see some videos of female tourists receiving Xuanfeng masks for free..."


Indeed, the popularity was already high, and there was an artificial intelligence secretly playing tricks. On the domestic Internet, the Xuanfeng Alliance was completely popular.

As the first batch of tourists went to the Xuanfeng Alliance, the videos sent back made more and more people unable to hold back.

Women are okay, after all, there is only one Xuanfeng mask to attract them. The nature of cute beauty is a huge temptation.

Men are finished, and they have to face the temptation of all kinds of exotic beauties in the Xuanfeng Alliance.

How to say it, the beauties of Xuanfeng Alliance and the beauties of female stars ‘Mou Ba’ and ‘Mou Zha’ are somewhat similar.

Male compatriots look at the various videos of beauties sent back by male tourists online, and their hearts are simply uncontrollably agitated.

Even in a short period of time, some people on the Internet have created small cards for those beauties of Xuanfeng Alliance, with names, ages, and whether they are single.

Unsurprisingly, a series of them are all single.

Many beauties of Xuanfeng Alliance have even become famous on the domestic Internet, and have even become the reason for many male tourists to go to Xuanfeng Alliance.

Huang Cheng is like this.

He saw the news about Xuanfeng Alliance and bought a ticket as soon as he saw it, but there was no way to buy the fastest ticket, so he could only wait.

Now he is watching the news online one by one, which is really tormenting. He has fallen in love with a beauty from Xuanfeng Alliance.

The other party is called Wu Ya, very beautiful, completely in line with his aesthetics, and is still single.

But he found that he has a lot of competitors. When the video of Wu Ya appeared, there were a lot of people calling her wife in the comment area, saying that they had bought tickets and were going to Xuanfeng Alliance.

When the time for his purchased ticket finally came, he hurried to the airport and boarded the plane to Xuanfeng Alliance.

There are many people like Huang Cheng in China.

It's not that they have never seen women, but many women in China are really difficult to please. A second marriage with three children dares to ask you for a full house + 400,000 betrothal gifts.

Now, the beauties in Xuanfeng Alliance are more beautiful than these women, with better figures, and the key is that they don't bring children.

This has caused many female compatriots to be dissatisfied with Xuanfeng Alliance.

Li Ling was very dissatisfied.

Because the boy who had been pursuing her for half a year suddenly lost contact and deleted her WeChat directly.

What the hell is this?

It was the first time that a man deleted her WeChat.

Li Ling complained to her bestie: "This is the first time a man deleted me on WeChat. Why did Chu Sheng do that? I thought he was generous with my money, so I should give him a chance before I hook up with a rich second-generation."

The bestie next to her also complained: "Go to Xuanfeng Alliance. Isn't Lu Hao, who is chasing me, the same? I thought that I didn't have a target recently. If he could spend 20,000 to buy me a bag, I would date him for a while. Who knew that he would go to Xuanfeng Alliance? Now there are a bunch of bitches there."

Li Ling couldn't help but get angry when she heard this. If it wasn't for the bitches in Xuanfeng Alliance, how could she be deleted by a spare tire?

The other party licked her so actively at the beginning.

"No more talking, let's leave quickly, the plane to Xuanfeng Alliance is coming." Li Ling said viciously immediately.

The bestie also nodded. They went there to buy Xuanfeng masks, which are too difficult to buy in China.

It can be said that they really love and hate Xuanfeng Alliance now.

If there weren't so many single women in Xuanfeng Alliance, they would absolutely love it.

Even if the women of the Xuanfeng Alliance can ask for the same high bride price as them, and have those requirements, that's fine.

They feel that the women of the Xuanfeng Alliance are lowering the level and style of women.

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