Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 305 Thousands of percent profit!

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

“???” Baguda was indeed stunned.

What is this for?

They were talking about traveling, how did it become a beauty pageant?

Seeing that Baguda didn’t understand, Lu Feng immediately added: “Notify everyone that the selected beauties will not only receive rewards, but also be arranged to work in the scenic area!”

Baguda’s eyes lit up: “I see, this can solve the employment problem of a group of people.”

Lu Feng smiled and reminded: “Just like this? Those who can travel abroad have spare money, and those who have spare money are generally capable, that is, talents, and many of them are single.”

Baguda’s eyes lit up even more: “If the girls have a way to keep them, start a business or work in the Xuanfeng Alliance, they can also be rewarded, or even have a wedding for them?”

As he said this, he looked at Lu Feng in disbelief.

The governor is too good, and he can still recruit talents to immigrate in this way?

But this is definitely a good idea, after all, there are really too few people in the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The key reason for the war is that too many men were conscripted and died, which also caused so many more women of marriageable age than men.

This situation needs to be solved by the Xuanfeng Alliance itself, and it will probably take 10-30 years for the next generation to grow up.

Lu Feng naturally couldn't wait for such a long time, but after hearing what Baguda said, he still shook his head. This guy's idea was too vulgar.

However, in Longguo, if you want to say what strategy has appeared the most and has the highest success rate from ancient times to the present, it is indeed the beauty trap.

The beauty trap is the wisdom of the ancients.

Therefore, since the ratio of women to men in the Xuanfeng Alliance is 3:1, this beauty trap must be used well, after all, the Xuanfeng Alliance is now in a trend of worrying about marriage.

Anyway, it is better than two or three women marrying one man.

After all, he, the governor, is devoted to his girlfriend, and most of the men in the Xuanfeng Alliance are poor and can't afford so many women. Marrying too many women will make them live too hard.

The key is that this is too chaotic. It is always not good for an ordinary family to play palace intrigue every day.

Therefore, there are not enough men, and monogamy is still required, and those women also have opinions.

After he asked Baguda to issue the monogamy system, people came to the Governor's Office to complain every day.

In this case, use these women to recruit more people and talents for the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Moreover, men can be rational at any time, but they can't be rational with women.

Therefore, if you can marry a wife for free, the work salary will not be reduced, and there are even policies such as rewards for marriage and help with the down payment of the house, how many people are willing to immigrate?

At least there will definitely be many in China.

Naturally, this will also attract some freeloaders, and many scumbags will come, right?

But what does it matter?

Men and women don't have to get married when they fall in love. Maybe there is a man, and for women who are worried about getting married, they are willing to be scumbags.

It can also alleviate the social contradiction of the imbalance between men and women.

Of course, it can't be left alone. At least it is necessary to ensure that the man has no physical problems, let alone some diseases. If he brings some infectious diseases between men and women, it will be very bad.

This requires a physical examination to join the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Of course, there is another kind of freeloaders, that is, dating a girl from the Xuanfeng Alliance, and then thinking of taking the girl back to get married and getting a wife for free.

There is no doubt that when the domestic people knew that they didn't need a dowry to marry a wife in the Xuanfeng Alliance, countless single unmarried men would flock to the Xuanfeng Alliance with this idea.

Those people who have no house, no car, and no savings generally can't give a dowry, and their families will even shamelessly teach them to get the girl pregnant so that they don't have to give a dowry.

There are many such families, and they have the attitude of "I am poor and I am right", and they will have all kinds of dirty tricks.

Didn't the news broadcast before that a man couldn't afford the dowry, and his family suggested to pierce a hole in a small umbrella to make the girl pregnant.

Once the girl is pregnant, the man will hang on, making the woman anxious, and then take advantage of her.

At that time, the woman either aborts the child or can only accept her fate.

Many irrational and unconscious girls will also fall for this trick.

The final outcome can be imagined.

This type of man has no backbone and ambition, and basically has little ability after marriage, can't make much money, and has an unhappy family life, so women choose to divorce.

The divorce rate is getting higher and higher now, which is also related to this type of family.

Some people may say that this is a generalization, and there are many unmarried births.

But one thing is certain, even if they have unmarried births, families with good family education will never take the opportunity to get the girl pregnant to take advantage of them. Even if it is for the relationship between the two families, they will discuss it to some extent.

In reality, most dowry gifts are not as exaggerated as they are said on the Internet, and many families also discuss it.

Lu Feng has seen more than one case in China before.

His two neighbors married wives who got pregnant before marriage. One family took the opportunity to take advantage of the woman. Although the purpose was achieved, the woman's family was also very reluctant. Except for the cold visit after the marriage, the two families rarely interacted with each other, and finally divorced. It is said that the woman saw through it and became a mistress to a rich man. The man is still a bachelor and can't deceive the woman anymore because he is old.

The other family was different. After knowing the pregnancy, the man borrowed 80,000 yuan from relatives and gave it to the woman's family. They discussed it and gave it with a positive attitude.

So, the wedding was held happily, and the two families often visited each other. The woman also gave birth to two daughters and one son for her husband.

Lu Feng was sure that knowing that the Xuanfeng Alliance did not require a dowry for marrying a wife, the former type of man would definitely set his sights on the Xuanfeng Alliance and try to deceive people away.

If this were true, his Xuanfeng Alliance would lose both the wife and the army.

However, he did have a way to deal with such people. He asked the girl's family to ask for a dowry, saying that there would be no dowry for marriage in the Xuanfeng Alliance, but not for marriage away from home.

Just give it according to domestic standards.

Don't give it?

There are ways to prevent you from taking people away.

Naturally, if someone is willing to give this kind of dowry, it means that the girl has met true love, and there is nothing she can do, so she can live a happy life.

However, the key is still the beauty pageant. First select a group of beautiful ones to attract people.

Those who sell things know that when advertising, the best-looking ones should be brought out.

Baguda immediately asked: "Governor, I will arrange the beauty pageant, what is the second thing?"

Lu Feng then handed the formula he had just written down to Baguda, and ordered: "Please buy all the materials in these three formulas for me, and then find someone to build a special production line to produce the things in this formula."

Baguda took the formula curiously, and was stunned when he saw the content of the formula: "Salt, MSG, and sauce? Governor, these things are daily seasonings in the kitchen, right?"

Lu Feng nodded and said: "Well, it is to process ordinary MSG and salt into special seasonings. At that time, it is not a problem to sell them at a price several dozen times higher."

Lu Feng is sure of this.

Don't look at it as just a few +1 attributes, the +1 attribute of the electromagnetic rice cooker has proved to be very powerful.

You know how much is a pound of salt? It costs less than 10 yuan for a normal family, and 20 or 30 yuan for a more expensive one, and a family of three can use it for a month.

So, even if it is multiplied by several dozen times, it is only a few hundred yuan.

A few hundred yuan a month, making the food more delicious, and improving one's cooking skills to a higher level, even comparable to a chef, he believed that countless people would buy it.

All they had to do was to purchase salt that cost a few yuan per pound, and then purchase materials, prepare special salt, and then resell it at dozens of times the price.

The profit was several thousand percent.

This business must be done.

When Baguda heard Lu Feng's words, he did not doubt it, nodded immediately, and went out to make arrangements immediately.

So, in the following time, the Xuanfeng Alliance announced a beauty pageant event, which would be held in all counties and towns.

This sudden event made everyone very confused, and they didn't know what the purpose was.

However, when they saw that there were bonuses for the beauty pageant and that high-paying jobs would be arranged, everyone's enthusiasm was very high.

For a time, the Xuanfeng Alliance entered the beauty pageant craze.

At the same time, Baguda had also arranged people to purchase various materials, and the production lines for making special refined salt, MSG, and sauces had also been customized.

During this period, the fish that took the bait also came.

"Master, the people sent by F-B-I to deal with Kulik and his men have already gone to Myanmar, and there are quite a few of them, all of them are elite." Xiaozhi's voice suddenly sounded: "It seems that they really hate me."

"Since the fish are here, keep an eye on their location." Lu Feng heard this and immediately called Yang Ming.

The fish are here, so they have to be cooked.

As for how to do it, I have to think about it carefully.

By the way, isn't the other party going to enter the Xuanfeng Alliance through the border in Myanmar?

There are a lot of robbers at the border, right?

It is reasonable that the elite of F-B-I encountered border robbers at the border and were all eliminated?

At that time, someone can pretend to be a group of robbers and then claim to be responsible for this matter.

That should be fun, right?

On the other side.

In a secret location in the United States, Doug was also looking at a screen, which fed back a coordinate, which was exactly Myanmar.

The people he sent to deal with the hacker god of the Xuanfeng Alliance have arrived in Myanmar.

Another blond man frowned and asked, "Doug, are you sure it will work this time?"

Doug nodded: "We have made careful arrangements. The identities of the three hackers have been confirmed and must be dealt with. They are too threatening to us. If we don't deal with them, we will have to be cautious about what we do to the Xuanfeng Alliance in the future."

The blond white man next to him nodded: "The influence of the Xuanfeng Alliance is getting bigger and bigger, and we really have to do something. The hackers of the other party exposed the information of our members before, causing us to suffer heavy losses. We can't just let it go."

Doug also picked up the communicator and said, "Flying Eagle, Myanmar has arranged accommodation for you. After tomorrow, you will sneak into the Xuanfeng Alliance again, and someone will pick you up there. Although the person who picks you up has helped to keep an eye on the three hackers, you still have to pay attention to the network status and don't be discovered by their hackers."

On the other side, in Myanmar, two teams have already entered a bus.

One of the sturdy black men answered with a communicator: "Don't worry, Mr. Doug, we will be careful, and our secret communications have anti-intrusion alarms. If the other party invades, we will find it."

This black man is Flying Eagle, and he is very confident.

Moreover, with their ability, they had already sneaked through the border secretly, and the other party would never find out.

He also couldn't give the other party a chance to find out.

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