Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 306 Robbed by bandits?

Border of Myanmar.

Several cars quickly left Myanmar and drove towards the direction of Xuanfeng Alliance.

Although there is a border, there are still some no-man's land between them, which can be regarded as a buffer zone.

After all, in this chaotic area, countries are afraid of conflicts and have to leave some room for each other.


These places are still rich soil for robbers to survive.

But for Feiying, all robbers and bandits are garbage.

Along the way, he has eliminated a wave of bandits.

He didn't want to get entangled with those guys, so he eliminated them directly, and even didn't want to deal with the bodies afterwards and left directly.

His target is the hacker god of Xuanfeng Alliance.

Moreover, this time he must eliminate the opponent, which is a death order from Mr. Doug.

Suddenly, someone reported: "Flying Eagle, there are robbers ahead again, the road is blocked."

Flying Eagle frowned and cursed: "I hate this kind of chaotic place, these bandits are really annoying, get rid of them."

The group stopped the car and frowned at the wooden stakes blocking the road ahead.

Sure enough, it was another old trick.

He immediately led people out of the car.

Then, as expected, a group of people swarmed out.

These bandits, the routine is the same.

In the car, an F-B-I has received a communication inquiry: "What happened?"

"Mr. Doug, we encountered bandits again." The F-B-I immediately answered.

"Damn, why are there so many bandits?" Doug's angry voice came: "Hurry up and get rid of them, Bauer can't stay there for too long, otherwise it will be easy to be exposed."

Flying Eagle has already gotten out of the car, and he naturally heard Mr. Doug's request from the headset.

Annoying bandits.

As soon as he got out of the car, he took out a pistol from his waist with the help of the car door and planned to shoot.

Ordinary car doors cannot withstand bullets, but their car is different. It is an off-road car. The second-hand dealers in Myanmar added steel plates as required.

He is very confident in his marksmanship. If he takes the initiative, he can kill three people before the other party reacts.

Including his men.

With their marksmanship, they can kill more than half of the bandits with one shot.

The rest are timid and have no fighting spirit, so they can only be crushed by them.

The idea is good, but this time he just raised his gun, but the opponent fired first, and the bullet flew out and hit his gun-holding hand directly.

"Ah!" Feiying screamed, and the gun in his hand fell directly to the ground.

This made him unbelievable.

The other party actually shot before him and knocked the gun out of his hand.

This marksmanship.

Then, gunshots rang out, shooting at each other, followed by screams.

Feiying widened his eyes in horror. These screams sounded very familiar. They were his men.

When he came to his senses, he found that his men had either fallen to the ground or had their weapons knocked down like him, covering their hands and howling miserably.

Feiying's face instantly lost all color. He didn't understand why there were such powerful bandits.

Or, the other party was not a bandit at all?

But this was even more impossible. If the other party was not a bandit, why would they come to deal with them?




Gunshots rang out one after another, and Feiying saw his men being killed by successive snipers.

These people didn't want to leave any alive.

Before he could react, another bullet hit him, and finally another bullet hit his head, killing him directly.

In the car.

The person in the last fairy tale got out of the car, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he was numb.

Then, a bullet instantly hit his head.

In an instant, all these people were killed.

The communication in the car was still preserved.

Doug's voice came again: "What's the situation? Report the situation quickly after the battle is resolved."

On the other side, Doug heard the gunfire stop and asked immediately.

But no one answered from the other side, but a burst of Burmese came over.

He couldn't understand these Burmese words at all, but his face changed, realizing that something had happened.

Then, there was a dead sound.

"Quick, find someone who knows Burmese." Doug shouted immediately.

The men next to him didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately left to find someone who knew Burmese.

"Quick, translate this paragraph." Doug immediately edited the recording of the conversation just now and played it.

The translator immediately began to translate:

"It's really unlucky, there's nothing."

"We robbed the wrong people, it seems not them, our target hasn't arrived yet."

"Drive these cars away, see if there are any positioning or communication devices, and dismantle them all."

Doug's face changed drastically when he heard this translation, or felt a little fantasy, and couldn't believe it.

What the hell is going on?

The most elite warriors sent by their department were to assassinate the hacker god of Xuanfeng Alliance.

Now tell him that Feiying and his men were robbed by a group of bandits before they even arrived at Xuanfeng Alliance?

The key is that Feiying and his men were actually solved by a group of bandits?

Moreover, this is not the most ridiculous thing, the most ridiculous thing is that those bandits robbed the wrong target.

Damn, is this a Hollywood movie?

But the fact has already happened.

He hurriedly took out the special code phone and dialed Bauer's number.

At this time, at the border of the Xuanfeng Alliance, Ball was also waiting for the arrival of Feiying in a secret room.

As the person in charge of the response, he had already arranged the next action plan.

After killing the hacker god, he would retreat with Feiying and the others.

Seeing Doug's call, he immediately answered: "Mr. Doug, are Feiying and the others here? Earlier than expected."

Doug immediately said: "Ball, Feiying and the others were robbed by bandits, and something might have happened. You should check it out quickly. I will send you the location."

Ball was shocked: "How is it possible? Aren't those bandits looking for death by robbing Feiying and the others?"

But after he received the order, he did not dare to hesitate. He hurriedly left the room and headed towards the border. Soon he left the border and went to the location sent by Doug.

When he arrived at the location, his face changed completely!

There were corpses thrown randomly on the roadside. Aren't they Feiying and the others?

These people are the elites of their department. How could such a thing happen?

What kind of bandits have such ability?

Could it be someone from the Xuanfeng Alliance who did it?

This is impossible, because the other party didn't know that Feiying and the others would come.

Moreover, his people were also monitoring the three hackers, and the other party didn't operate the computer, let alone lock Feiying and the others.

But this is too terrifying. There are such terrifying robbers on the border of Myanmar. Can they wipe out all the elites of Feiying?

At this time, in the Xuanfeng Alliance, Lu Feng was also watching a video broadcast by a satellite. The satellite was naturally the satellite controlled by Xiaozhi in the United States.

The picture was exactly where F, B, and I were eliminated by the special warriors under the Red Lizard.

With a specific location, Xiaozhi can easily use the satellite of the United States to lock here.

He was also looking at Bauer with a terrified face.

When Bauer left in a panic, Xiaozhi's voice sounded: "Master, do you want to get rid of this person?"

"No need, keep an eye on him, and it will be easier to kill him next time there is a fish." Lu Feng shook his head.

"Okay, Master!" Xiaozhi said and sank.

Later, Lu Feng also found Baguda to learn about the beauty pageant, refined salt, and salt factories.

After knowing that everything went well, he looked at the game world again and moved the game perspective to patrol.

But when he looked at the Qingfeng Base in the Zhuangyuan Community, his brows furrowed!

Who are these guys?

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