Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 304 More technology is needed! Why beauty pageants?

After hearing what his subordinates said, the white man immediately took the information of Kurik and the other two, then opened a system and began to investigate the information of the three.

Soon, he got the identity information of the three.




The information of the three was very simple on the Internet, but there was a note in the department that the three might be hackers.

Such information made the white man nod his head.

Hackers can modify their own information, and it is difficult to check their identities based on the information, but someone in the department suspected these three people, which basically determined that the three people were hackers.

The most important evidence is that the three people were hired by Osborne, a capital crocodile.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵

When these capital crocodiles take action, they are afraid that someone will mess with them on the Internet, so they will hire some very powerful hackers to escort them.

This is even more true for capital crocodiles like Obens, after all, the other party's goal was very big at the beginning and raised so much money.

But no one expected that Obens would be defeated by the Xuanfeng Alliance after practicing with the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The capital raised by Obens also helped the Xuanfeng Alliance, doubling the value of the people in the Xuanfeng Alliance, and all the capitalists who raised funds for Obens suffered heavy losses.

But no one understood how a big crocodile like Obens could suddenly fall in the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Now seeing this information, he suddenly had a guess, and the result was very surprising.

That is, Obens had been targeted by the Xuanfeng Alliance for a long time.

These three people were deliberately arranged for Obens by the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Therefore, there were three people inside, and the Xuanfeng Alliance was well prepared, and Obens was directly introduced to the Xuanfeng Alliance, and finally lost all his money.

If this is the case, the Xuanfeng Alliance is too cruel.

This is also the only possibility he can think of at present.

At the same time, it also shows that Kurik and the other three are the hacker gods of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The outside world is afraid that they don’t know that the hacker god is really not a person, but a team.

It is said that no matter how powerful a hacker is, it is impossible for him to do such a thing. It turns out that it is not the same person at all.

After confirming the identities of Kulik and the other two, the white man did not hesitate at all and directly used a special password to communicate and contacted a number.

Moreover, during the call, he reported a set of passwords in public.

This is the password prepared by their F-B-I privately. There is no trace on the Internet. It will only be activated when necessary.

Therefore, knowing the password is definitely one of us, and it is impossible that the other hacker is impersonating.

After a while, a voice came from the communication: "Bauer, activate this special number, do you know the identity of the hacker god?"

The white man Bauer immediately said: "Mr. Doug, it can be confirmed."

Mr. Doug is the head of their F-B-I special department.

All their actions are responsible to Mr. Doug, and this time the action against the hacker god of the Xuanfeng Alliance was also formulated by Mr. Doug.

Ball continued, "Mr. Doug, the hacker god of the Xuanfeng Alliance is not one person, but a team. There are three people on the other side, named Kurik, James, and Green. Of course, there may be others."

The cold voice of Doug came from the other side: "Whether there are only three people or not, since it is confirmed, let's get rid of these three people first. The other party has exposed the information of so many of us, and there will always be a price to pay."

Ball also echoed, "I will cooperate."

Doug ordered: "In order to avoid the exposure of the action, the people we sent this time will first enter Myanmar, and then enter the Xuanfeng Alliance from the border."

"You should be prepared to respond. In addition, don't be discovered by the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance. Remember to use network communications carefully, and don't be invaded and monitored without knowing it."

Ball immediately said: "Don't worry, sir, I have sent people to monitor the three people to make sure that the three people communicate outside, and the other party will not find out."

This is indeed foolproof.

Wind Manor.

The screen in front of Lu Feng is playing the conversation between Bobby and the other person.

Won't find out?

The other party is afraid that he doesn't know that he has been monitored by Xiaozhi, the artificial intelligence, all the time.

He was curious about Doug's identity: "Xiaozhi, I want Doug's information."

"Okay, Master." Xiaozhi replied.

A moment later, a piece of information appeared on the screen in front of him. This information was Doug's information inside F-B-I.

From the information, this person is indeed very capable and has made many contributions. He has planned many similar actions, and each time he succeeded.

It's just a pity that the other party chose the wrong opponent this time.

Lu Feng ordered again: "Xiaozhi, monitor closely, and when the F-B-I people come, give them a big surprise."

After that, he looked at the game screen, moved the game perspective, and inspected the Red Leaf Base and the Zhuangyuan Community where the Qingfeng Base was located.

Zhuangyuan Community was the first base he occupied after destroying the Gray Wolf. Now he has not given up, and still keeps it, and arranges people to recruit survivors here.

Because it is closer to the East City Alliance.

After occupying the East Suburb Fortress, they need more survivors. In order to deal with the East City Alliance that fell apart after the Hexagonal Beast Rebellion, more survivors are also needed.

As for the Red Leaf Base, it is a place where people are arranged to lure out zombies and kill them to gain experience for him.

After checking that there were no problems everywhere, he entered the game with an idea and appeared in the eastern suburbs fortress.

Everything was business as usual in the eastern suburbs fortress, and he was relieved. Then he returned to reality, took out a piece of paper and started writing on it.

He wrote the recipe.

It is a fact that the Xuanfeng Alliance is economically backward. It will not be completely improved with the addition of a Xuanfeng Bank, but the addition of a Xuanfeng Huimeng Wine and a Xuanfeng Facial Mask.

In a situation where there are no gold mines, no oil, and no important energy sources, the Xuanfeng Alliance needs more technologies if it wants to develop.

In the game world, the scientific research department that Cheng Sisi and Cheng Yaoyao were responsible for was where he had high hopes.

The game world is 7 or 80 years ahead of reality. There are too many technologies. As long as he can crack them, he can take them out and use them.

And the formula he is going to write now is what was revealed last time when the orcs were eliminated, which is the formula for special salt, special MSG, and special sauce (Chapter 285).

These three items are daily commodities. If they can occupy the market, they will definitely become big industries.

The key is that both special refined salt and special MSG have the attribute of +1 for delicious cooking.

Special sauces also have the attributes of Taste +1 and Appetite +1.

Making these three things is probably equivalent to improving the chef's cooking skills. As the saying goes, if you make a good sauce and boil it with water, it will be delicious when you dip it in it.

This thing is worth doing.

After writing down all the recipes, he was about to call Baguda, but was informed that Baguda had already arrived and wanted to see him.

After letting Baguda in, without waiting for him to speak, this guy immediately said: "Your Excellency, Governor, please take a look at these documents first."

"What information, about facial masks?" Lu Feng was confused.

Baguda said: "The facial mask matter is on the right track. We don't need to worry about it. It is about the development of the Xuanfeng Alliance. Our Xuanfeng Alliance has few resources, so we have been poor, but the scenery in many places in our Xuanfeng Alliance is still good. , you can use it to develop tourism resources.”

"In the past, we were poor and chaotic, and had no conditions to develop tourism, but now it is different. The entire Xuanfeng Alliance is very stable. Moreover, because of Xuanfeng Bank, Xuanfeng Mask, Xuanfeng Huimeng Wine, and the previous Obans Capital incident, we have gained quite a reputation internationally, and we have the conditions.”

"So, we must make full use of what should be used. If you look at the framing in this document, it shouldn't be worse than Taiguo, right? Taiguo can do it, why can't we?"

Lu Feng was surprised by Baguda's thoughts.

Indeed, tourism is a development project that many countries are engaged in, even a big country like Dragon Kingdom is no exception.

Even in places like Pakistan and Myanmar, there are still countless domestic people traveling there, even if there is the threat of the Gayaozi Group.

Lu Feng looked at the document in his hand. The scenery inside was indeed no worse than the scenery in Taiguo.

Barong Temple, Wuge Grottoes, Ta Prohm Long Shu Cave landscape, Bengmi Rock View, Bakken Mountain sunrise...

From the photos alone, many places are not even worse than domestic scenic spots, with perfect preservation and high naturalness.

Even if he is not good at the tourism industry, he knows that this kind of place is suitable for tourism development.

Moreover, in the final analysis, traveling is just one person going to a place that another person is tired of seeing, just like a northerner going to the south to play in the water.

Southerners think northerners are stupid.

When southerners go to the north to play in the snow, northerners will think that southerners are crazy because of their excitement.

Therefore, in addition to the quality of the scenic spots themselves, tourism projects also need to be promoted.

Why is Taiguo’s tourism program so good and so many people from home go there? The biggest reason is the good publicity and the proximity to China.

When domestic people travel to Taiguo, it is equivalent to going abroad.

Traveling abroad can virtually increase your style.

This kind of force can also be used by the Xuanfeng Alliance, because the Xuanfeng Alliance is also close to the Dragon Kingdom.

Taiguo can use transvestites as a gimmick, and their Xuanfeng Alliance also has gimmicks. The first one is the origin of Xuanfeng Huimeng Wine and Xuanfeng Mask.

They can also set up a purchase policy for Xuanfeng facial masks, something similar to a duty-free shop. This policy will definitely attract countless female tourists to visit just for this mask.

Under the premise of being complete enough, the Xuanfeng Alliance is close to the Dragon Kingdom, and at least many female friends from China will come.

As a native of the Dragon Kingdom, he is well aware of the psychology of women in the country.

The second one is naturally a beautiful woman. The ratio of women to men is now 3:1.

If you think about it, if you select all the beautiful ones, the scenic area employees will use these beauties, and they will even use these beauties to greet the team.

He even took more videos of beauties to let everyone know that beauties can be seen everywhere on Xuanfeng Alliance Street.

The key point is that these beauties are all single, worried about getting married, and can't find a boyfriend.

It is easy to have some romantic encounters when traveling here, and countless domestic men will be attracted to it.

When those men really meet and fall in love with beautiful women, let them know that if they stay and work in Xuanfeng Alliance and marry each other, they don’t need gifts, cars, or houses, and there will be many very good policies. What will happen?

No doubt many will remain.

This was also the way he originally thought of recruiting talented immigrants.

This is called a honey trap, and it is absolutely useful whether it is used for tourism or for talents.

So, they can be used together this time.

Baguda asked nervously: "Your Majesty the Governor, what do you think of this tourism development plan?"

Lu Feng said without hesitation: "Baguda, this plan is good, so now I have two things to tell you. The first is the beauty pageant, all cities and towns will have beauty pageants."

"???" Baguda was stunned.

Beauty pageant?

Talking about tourism!

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