Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 301 Lu Feng, listen to us carefully!

Lu Feng sneered in his heart when he heard Xiao Zhi's report.

He really sent people to the hotel.

Unfortunately, these people can't pose a threat to the ability users.

In reality, if you want to deal with the ability users, you must have enough manpower, powerful enough weapons, and ambush.

If the ability users launch a sneak attack, they will be dead.

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Obviously, the people sent to the hotel by the other party could not have powerful enough weapons, and even did not know the situation, so they were easily dealt with.

At this time, the driver turned the car and drove directly to the suburbs.

Seeing this, Lu Feng also pretended to act and said: "Isn't this the route to the airport?"

"It's not." The driver nodded jokingly and pressed a button on the car. The car behind him suddenly sprayed a puff of smoke towards Lu Feng.

At that moment, Lu Feng felt a sour taste.

This should be specially prepared for him, right?

Unfortunately, it didn't affect him at all.

After all, his physique is far better than that of ordinary people.

In order to catch the people behind him, he pretended to be hit again, closed his eyes and lay down on the back seat.

The driver smiled when he saw this scene, and reported to the headset: "This effect is really strong, it worked immediately and he lay down."

Smith's voice came from the headset immediately: "This is carefully prepared for him, bring the person here!"

"Okay, Mr. Smith!" The driver responded, stepped on the accelerator, and drove towards the prepared suburban warehouse at high speed.

The car soon stopped in a warehouse in the suburbs.

Lu Feng pretended to be unconscious, and could feel someone opening the car door, and then lifted him up to sit on a chair.

"Mr. Smith, how long will it take for him to wake up?"

"He will wake up in a while."

Lu Feng listened to the conversation and woke up in a while. Then he acted again and looked around in confusion: "Where is this?"

Then he saw Smith and his men and looked terrified: "Who are you?"

Smith sat across a table from Lu Feng with a smile and introduced himself: "Mr. Lu Feng, let me introduce myself. I am from the United States. The reason why I invited you here in this way today is that I have a very important cooperation to discuss with you!"

Lu Feng knew the other party's identity a long time ago and said playfully: "You went to so much trouble to get me here, just Is it to discuss cooperation with me? I guess this cooperation should not be simple, right? "

Smith smiled and said, "It is indeed not simple. I want you to become our man and hand over the information of the governor of Xuanfeng Alliance to us to help us monitor Xuanfeng Alliance. I also know that you must have a deep relationship with the governor of Xuanfeng Alliance. It would be best if you can let the other party get close to us. "

"Wait." Lu Feng did not expect that the other party had this purpose, and asked back: "Why do you think that I have a good relationship with the governor of Xuanfeng Alliance, but not that I am the governor of Xuanfeng Alliance?"

"Hehe, Mr. Lu, you are kidding, you are a Dragon countryman, and you escaped into the Xuanfeng Alliance in a panic, right?" Smith said very confidently.

He did not think that a Dragon countryman could create the Xuanfeng Alliance in an environment like Cambodia*, not to mention that the other party's information showed that the other party did not have the strength in this regard.

"Okay, you guessed right." Lu Feng was helpless.

According to this posture, he told the other party that he was the governor of Xuanfeng Alliance and he would not believe it, right?

People always believe in things they speculate and imagine more, but they will not believe the facts.

When the facts you state are inconsistent with the other party's speculation, the other party will subconsciously choose not to believe the facts.

Smith heard Lu Feng's words and said more confidently: "Now the influence of Xuanfeng Alliance is not small, especially after Xuanfeng Bank replaced Ruishi Bank."

"Such a Xuanfeng Alliance is not comparable to Pakistan, Myanmar... these small countries, so we don't want the other party to get close to Longguo, and hope they can follow our example."

"Naturally, in return, we can let Mr. Lu join our nationality, and let Mr. Lu's business be unimpeded in the United States."

Lu Feng didn't expect that these people's purpose was this.

He suddenly felt a little proud, at least it showed that his Xuanfeng Alliance also had some international influence, otherwise, why would the other party spend so much effort?

But is the other party too arrogant? He actually thought that he was willing to join the other party's nationality?

"Sir, are you so confident that I will agree to cooperate?" Lu Feng asked jokingly.

Smith said calmly: "Although Longguo is well-protected and it is difficult for our people to investigate there, we also know that you were suppressed in Longguo. Mr. Lu, you joined the Xuanfeng Alliance afterwards. You must have a lot of complaints in your heart, right? You must want to make Longguo regret it, right?"

"So, you can get very little help in the Xuanfeng Alliance. If you join our beautiful country, you can get more help and make Longguo regret it."

Smith is very confident about this.

Because he has seen many such Longguo people and has conquered many of them. The one in front of him will be a new one.

"Mr. Lu, what do you think?" Smith asked again.

Lu Feng asked with a smile: "Mr. Smith, what if I don't agree?"

Smith frowned.

He has already said this, and the other party actually asked this kind of question?

It seems that his backhand still needs to be used.

He also said with a hint of threat: "Mr. Lu, you should know that since we have taken action, we must achieve our goal. Moreover, you must not only consider it for yourself, but also for your colleagues. Let me first let you listen to the familiar words sound."

While talking, he also took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of his men who were going to the hotel.

After a moment, the call was connected, and he said inside: "Let my guest listen to his companion's voice."

But what responded to him was not the voice of his subordinates, but Yang Ming's teasing inquiry: "Are we the companions of the guests you mentioned? By the way, you called your subordinates, right? They are already dead!"

"What?" Smith subconsciously stood up and looked at Lu Feng with a changed expression.

"Looks like I've disappointed you." Lu Feng waved his hand teasingly, then stood up and said, "I've been playing with you for so long, it's time to end."

"You're looking for death." Smith took out a pistol and pointed it at Lu Feng.

He obviously realized that something was wrong and something had changed.

But he didn't understand that he was very careful when leading people to monitor him, so that the other party would never find out. Moreover, his men were all elites, so how could they end up in the hotel?

With the other party's bodyguard?

Almost at the same time, Smith's men also took out weapons and aimed them at Lu Feng.

Lu Feng was not afraid at all and said jokingly, "It's really a big battle, but you have provoked the wrong person."

As he spoke, he turned the table aside and walked towards Smith.

This made Smith's expression gloomy to the extreme, and he directly pulled the trigger.

But with the gunshot, Lu Feng was not hurt at all.

He has condensed an energy barrier, how can the gun in the opponent's hand hurt him?

Smith's eyes widened when he saw this scene: "How is that possible?"

He was so frightened that he fired continuously.

Are you kidding me?

It was obvious that he was shooting at the other party, so why was there no effect at all?

He has performed so many missions and has never encountered such a weird thing.

Bullets hit the energy barrier one after another. , still unable to cause any damage to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng stepped aside and grabbed Smith's neck with a sneer. Due to his speed, Smith didn't even have the ability to react.

"You... what kind of monster are you?" Smith's face turned red, and he was almost out of breath when his neck was strangled. When his body was lifted, he shouted with fear on his face: "Quickly... kill him, do it... "

His voice was urgent and anxious!

The people around him didn't dare to hesitate and shot Lu Feng one after another.

They have all received special training and their marksmanship is very good. Every bullet goes straight to Lu Feng.

But when the bullets hit the energy barrier, they were blocked one after another and rolled to the ground, making a clanging sound.

This scene suddenly made the air stagnant.

Everyone took a step back in fear.

" is this possible?"

"He...what the hell is he?"

"Why is this happening?"


Smith's eyes widened in shock, as if he had realized something: "You... you are really the... president of the Xuanfeng Alliance..."


However, Lu Feng directly broke the other person's neck, causing the other person's words to stop abruptly.

Leaving Smith's body behind, he looked at the others, and then he saw two little guys appearing at his feet, Jin Wen and Xiao Shi.

The two mutated beast king cubs knew their master's intentions as soon as they appeared and rushed towards those people.

Howls sounded.

Two little guys running past would cause continuous wailing.

Lu Feng walked out of the warehouse without looking back.

When he walked outside, the sounds in the warehouse had stopped, and two little guys quickly followed him out.

There were only corpses in the warehouse and the smell of blood.

Xiaozhi's voice also sounded: "Master, all related cameras and car rental information have been cleared. Do you need to teach the other party a lesson? I have invaded the other party's network!"

"It's not rude to come back without reciprocating!" Lu Feng looked back and dialed Yang Ming's number.

Putting down his cell phone and putting away the two little guys, he left the warehouse and took a taxi to the airport.

After the airport, Yang Ming and the others were already waiting for him.

When a group of people boarded the plane, sirens blared from the hotel where they were staying.

Soon after, the Bali police received another call that a warehouse was full of weapons and many corpses.

When the police raided the warehouse and examined the bodies, they came to the conclusion that those people had been injured by the claws of wild beasts.

This brought the case to a dead end because it was simply impossible.

These corpses were obviously armed. It was impossible for a wild beast to harm them. If there was a wild beast, one shot would kill the beast.

If it's not a beast, then what is it?

The wounds on the corpses were obviously caused by the claws of wild beasts.

Undoubtedly, this will become an unsolved case.

Lu Feng had already taken a plane and left France.

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