Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 300 The hidden person takes action!

Two days passed quickly.

Lu Feng also decided to take a group of people back to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

He also knew about Baguda's recruitment of farmers from China.

However, this is indeed a very good method. In just two days, Qingfeng Online Entertainment Company received applications from hundreds of thousands of farmers.

Some of these people are real farmers, while others are fishing in troubled waters. After all, with a monthly salary of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, everyone thinks of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Moreover, these people think that the Xuanfeng Alliance is so far away that there is no way to check their details, right?

It's a pity that these people didn't know that there would be so many people signing up.

The key is that among these people there are actually many top students who graduated from agricultural universities, and even graduate students. After all, many agricultural graduate students in China only have a salary of 6,000-8,000.

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A monthly salary of RMB 30,000 to RMB 50,000 is naturally attractive.

And a cotton plantation is no problem at all for these people.

So, with these people around, other people don’t even think about it anymore.

After all, the Xuanfeng Alliance does not really want to recruit farmers to grow cotton. It only recruits teachers to teach people from the Xuanfeng Alliance to grow cotton. It is enough to arrange one in each town. They can be regarded as the planting leaders recruited by Xuanfeng Mask.

From this, Lu Feng felt that his plan to attract talents could be implemented.

There are 1.4 billion people in the country. As long as the temptation is big enough and enough talents are attracted from the country, there will be no problem at all.

Even neighboring countries such as Myanmar and Pakistan are extremely poor, and their people can be attracted to them.

After that, he brought more technologies from the game world, and then used the talents attracted from the country to lead the people attracted by poor countries to develop projects. He believed that the Xuanfeng Alliance could develop rapidly and prosper economically.

Yang Ming came to Lu Feng and said, "Xiao Feng, everything is ready. Once the car arrives, you can go to the airport."

Lu Feng nodded and was about to say something when Xiaozhi's voice suddenly sounded; "Master, something unexpected happened. The driver of the reserved car seems to have disappeared. The person driving now is not the original driver. It was those people who took action."

Lu Feng suddenly frowned when he heard this.

Xiaozhi had said before that someone was spying on them, and it was someone sent by that nosy country.

These days, he has been asking Xiaozhi to monitor the other party, but he did not expect that the other party would finally take action.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng said to Yang Ming: "Cousin, the trip is postponed. You can take someone to stay in the hotel to protect Qingxue and the others. I have to go out."

Yang Ming was shocked when he heard this: "Xiao Feng, what's going on?"

"Yeah." Lu Feng nodded and walked out.


In another villa.

A group of people have gathered again.

A photo profile has appeared on the multimedia screen in front of them.

That's exactly what Lu Feng looked like in the photo.

"Remember this person in the photo." One of the blond men pointed at the photo. He was the person in charge of this operation, his name was Smith.

He is a highly decorated figure in the department and is very comfortable with such overseas missions.

Smith continued: "This man's name is Lu Feng. He is from the Dragon Kingdom. He is the boss of the Qingfeng Network Company in the Dragon Kingdom. This is a very powerful company, almost the same as Facebook in our country!"

"Now the Qingfeng Network Company also has a branch in the Xuanfeng Alliance. Xuanfeng Mask belongs to the Xuanfeng Alliance, but he must have a stake in it."

"Our people also investigated that when Qingfeng Network Company was in the Dragon Kingdom, it suffered from oppression by the Dragon Kingdom system. It was the Xuanfeng Alliance's investment that solved the crisis."

"So, this should be the reason why the other party went to the Xuanfeng Alliance. Moreover, Lu Feng definitely has a deep cooperative relationship with the mysterious governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance."

"We must get this person. He can join the Xuanfeng Alliance. I believe he will be under our control. Let's take action!"

This made the others nod.

The group of people left the villa one after another.

A car was parked outside.

These people got into the cars and drove out of the villa to a warehouse in the suburbs.

When the time comes, the target will be brought here.

Only two people got into two extended Lincoln business cars, started the cars and headed to the hotel.

These two cars were exactly what Lu Feng and his party had booked.

The other party would not have thought that the driver of the car had already been replaced silently.

Soon, the two cars arrived outside the hotel and saw Lu Feng standing there waiting.

It's just that the drivers in the two cars were a little confused, because there was only Lu Feng outside the hotel and no one else was seen.

Two cars stopped.

Fortunately, the people posing as drivers were also very experienced. One of them immediately got out of the car respectfully and approached Lu Feng: "Sir, we are the drivers of the vehicle you booked. Where are the other passengers?"

"I have to go back beforehand. They have a public holiday and will spend two more days to see the beautiful scenery of France." Lu Feng said, and got into the car as if nothing had happened: "Take me to the airport!"

This scene made the two drivers look at each other in confusion.

However, this seems normal. Many companies go abroad for business. As long as their performance is good, they will travel there for a period of time.

At this time, Smith's voice also came from the headset: "A car brought him here, and another person went to the hotel and controlled the others. Maybe it could also act as a threat."

After receiving the order, one of them didn't hesitate at all, immediately got in the car and started driving, taking Lu Feng away.

The driver of another car also walked into the hotel. When he waved his hand, he could see another three people getting out of a car on the opposite street and walking into the hotel together.

They had already investigated which suites the other party lived in. Now they just had to control the people.

It was easy for the four of them to control those people.

Soon, the four of them took their weapons and installed silencers, got out of the elevator, and threw out a signal jammer.

From now on, all the surveillance of the hotel was affected.

If the information is correct, the group of people lived in the suites at the end of the corridor.

The first room is a few bodyguards, right?

It should be bodyguards.

But it doesn't matter. Controlling the other party is the most important thing. If they don't know what's good for them, they can only send them on their way.

But at this moment, they found that someone came out in front of them and looked at them jokingly.

It was Lu Feng's bodyguard.

The four people were obviously stunned when they saw this, as if the other party knew they were coming.

How could this be possible.

Then, the four people felt footsteps behind them again.

But the next moment, the four people showed horror in their eyes, and they only felt that the person in front of them turned into a residual shadow and passed by, and they couldn't react to that speed.

In a blink of an eye, the opponent appeared in front of them, and two of them were thrown up and hit the ground.

The other two also noticed the attack of the two people behind them, and turned around subconsciously, only to find that there was a monster with horns behind them.

The two were dumbfounded.

What monster?

They fired subconsciously, and the bullets hit the monster, but at the same time, their necks were also grabbed by the monster.

With the sound of two broken necks, the two went directly to see God.

Vast dropped the two corpses and looked at the other two.

The two were knocked down by Yang Ming's speed ability, and they saw that their two companions had become corpses, and one of the opponents had turned into a monster.

Is this a dream?

Before they could react, Yang Ming had already used his speed ability again, and there was an extra dagger in his hand, which directly cut across the necks of the two.

As blood spurted out, the two slowly fell to the ground.

Vast stepped forward, checked the two people, and said after a while: "They are FBAs from the United States!"

"FBA?" Yang Ming was puzzled. He had heard of F-B-I, but not this FBA.

Vast explained: "It is a special operations force in F-B-I, specializing in doing some dirty things, and each one is much stronger than the ordinary F-B-I."

While speaking, he was a little disdainful. After all, no matter how strong they were, they were easily solved by them.

No matter how strong ordinary people are, they are all lambs to be slaughtered in front of people with abilities.

Just at this time, a voice came from the headset on a corpse: "Report, how is the situation?"

"..."Yang Ming.


The two looked at each other.

On the other side, Smith had already arrived at the prepared warehouse, holding a communicator in his hand, waiting for his subordinates' answers.

The people from the Xuanfeng Alliance were his bargaining chips, and he could threaten Lu Feng with their lives.

After a while, the voice of his subordinates came from the headset: "Mr. Smith, they have been controlled."

"Very good." Smith replied with a smile.

Then, he notified another subordinate: "The hotel has been dealt with, bring the person back."

The other person was driving the car, and when he received the order, he subconsciously looked at Lu Feng through the rearview mirror.

At this time, Xiaozhi's voice also sounded in Lu Feng's Bluetooth headset: "Master, they have dealt with the person, and I also simulated the voice to report to the other party,"

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