Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 302: Getting ready for fishing! Just going crazy!

The plane landed at the Xuanfeng Alliance International Airport.

As soon as he got off the plane, Yang Ming excitedly handed his mobile phone to Lu Feng and said, "Xiaofeng, look, something happened in the United States."

They solved the F-B-I people in France, so they were naturally very concerned about the F-B-I.

So, after a long flight, he checked the relevant information when he got off the plane and had the Internet. Unexpectedly, he saw a surprising news.

Lu Feng took the phone and saw the news on it.

The content of the news was very simple, that is, all the intelligence personnel of the F-B-I were exposed.

Especially their undercovers and spies, none of them were spared, and the detailed information was posted on the Internet.

This naturally caused a sensation.

Now these people are being madly targeted by various forces, and the United States is also in a panic and busy with rescue.

This is Xiaozhi's reward to the other party.

With these troubles, the other party should not have the heart to trouble him in the short term.

Or, they dare not do it for the time being.

At least before confirming that the network will not be invaded again.

"Xiaofeng, who did this?" Yang Ming asked in a low voice.

He was talking about the God of Hackers.

The other party was too mysterious, and none of them had seen him yet.

Lu Feng just nodded without further explanation.

After all, Xiao Zhi's identity to the outside world was the God of Hackers.

But Xiao Zhi's voice suddenly rang out: "Master, the other party will not bother you for the time being, but they seem to be targeting me, and have set up a special team just to find me!"

Lu Feng was stunned.

Yes, when the other party's people were exposed, the first thing they would think of was the Xuanfeng Alliance. After all, to the outside world, they have a God of Hackers.

But these people will waste their efforts.

It is impossible for them to find an artificial intelligence?

It will be a waste of effort no matter how much time they spend.

But on second thought, he felt that he could change his mind.

The other party targeted him, and this time he killed the other party's people again, so the other party couldn't just let it go, right?

Now he has no time to restrain himself. After dealing with this matter, I'm afraid those guys will come to trouble him again.

So, it's better to create a target for them and then go fishing.

If you fish too much, the other party will get bored, right?

Aren’t there still a few hackers in the No. 1 prison of the Xuanfeng Alliance?

These were caught when the capital tycoon Obens targeted the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Airport pick-up point.

Baguda had already brought people to greet them. When Lu Feng brought people out, he excitedly greeted them.

How could he not be excited?

Xuanfeng Mask has placed orders for 100 billion Dragon Country currency in one exhibition. After these products are sold out, everyone knows the effect of Xuanfeng Mask. How popular can the mask be?

Baguda still couldn’t wait to report: "Governor, more than 50 people have been recruited from Longguo. They are all top students and graduate students from Longguo Agricultural University. Now Mr. Black Snake has helped them arrange jobs."

At this point, Baguda's smile became even bigger.

He originally just wanted to recruit some farmers, but he didn't expect that all the recruits were college students and graduate students, which far exceeded his expectations.

He then added: "By the way, we have also started to produce masks with all our strength these two days. The first batch has been sent to the agent in Longguo."

"Yes." Lu Feng walked out of the airport while listening to Baguda's report.


Longguo Magic City.

After receiving a call, Huang Xin took the company's employees to the Magic City International Airport, and even the management of the headquarters of Nawei Women's Plaza followed him.

Because the first batch of Xuanfeng masks arrived, he did not expect the speed of Xuanfeng Alliance to be so fast.

He had just signed the contract with the other party in France, and in two days, Xuanfeng Alliance sent the first batch of masks with an order of 10 million, and airlifted them to Magic City.

When signing with Xuanfeng Mask before, the leaders and directors of the company headquarters still put a lot of pressure on him.

After all, the three domestic agents placed a total of 28 billion orders, and their Nawei Women's Plaza placed an order of 10 billion.

The deposit alone is 1 billion.

For them, placing such a large order on a mask product is definitely a very risky thing and a very wrong decision.

Naturally, if the chairman had not given him this right, he would have really regretted not signing it.

Moreover, he threw the Xuanfeng mask he brought back in front of the directors, and after asking someone to try it, those people completely shut up and changed their words to say that he had made a wise decision.

Huang Xin quickly arrived at the airport and got the batch of masks.

He immediately instructed the management who came with him: "Put the Xuanfeng mask on the shelves as quickly as possible. The price of ordinary masks is 50, the price of fine masks is 140, and the price of the collection is 2000!"

This was the result of his discussion with the other two sellers. The ordinary and fine masks were based on the order price. The price increased by 40%, while the price of the collection version was directly increased by 100%.

After all, they also have to pay wages, so they still have to make some money.

Those managements also took action immediately.

In the past two days, not only the Xuanfeng Alliance acted quickly, but their Nawei Women's Plaza also acted very quickly. They had already issued orders and established Xuanfeng mask counters in various places.

And this counter also played the introduction of Xuanfeng Mask, especially the video of what happened at the exhibition site, Huang Xin also took out his hand and played it repeatedly.

Seeing that Ou Ya, the world's number one skincare brand, was afraid of Xuanfeng Mask's frame-up and playing dirty tricks, customers of Nawei Women's Plaza had long been paying attention to Xuanfeng Mask.

Ou Ya is not as good as Xuanfeng Mask, which means that Xuanfeng Mask is already the world's number one and the best mask in the world.

Girls care a lot about their appearance, so of course they have to use the best masks in the world.

Therefore, many people also searched for relevant news on the Internet, and the more they read, the more they were surprised by the effect of Xuanfeng Mask.

The most important thing is that Huang Xin brought back some Xuanfeng Masks, and in the past two days, there was an event for lucky customers to try the masks at the Xuanfeng Mask counter.

This event naturally attracted the attention of countless customers. When everyone saw the effect of Xuanfeng Mask with their own eyes, they were even more shocked.

Therefore, the effect of Xuanfeng Mask has long been expected by countless people.

After knowing that Xuanfeng Mask was going to be on the shelves, the counter was surrounded by a lot of customers early on.

Huang Xin brought people to the square to transport the masks, and also put the masks on the counters as quickly as possible.

Then it was out of control, and they rushed to buy them.

Chen Xue and Lin Li’s favorite thing to do every day is to go to the nearby Nawei Women’s Square. They have good figures and good looks. They are dressed elegantly and wear expensive watches on their wrists.

They are white, rich and beautiful women who are not short of money. It is easy to attract people’s attention when they go out.

Even many female customers in Nawei Women’s Square will cast envious eyes when they see them.

After entering Nawei Women’s Square, the two walked straight in one direction.

“Xiao Li, hurry up, I heard that Xuanfeng masks are on the shelves.”

“Well, my cousin has participated in the Franc exhibition before and told me the magic of this Xuanfeng mask. I must buy the best one.”

The two hurried to the Xuanfeng Alliance counter and found that it was already surrounded by people.

"Give me a box of premium products."

"I want two ordinary ones!"


Obviously, in just two days, with the publicity from the Nawei Women's Plaza, the status of Xuanfeng Mask as the world's number one mask has been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

In addition, the experience of lucky customers in the past two days was photographed, and countless customers of the Nawei Women's Plaza were shocked. How could they not grab it?

When Chen Xue and Lin Li arrived, the shelves in the ordinary and premium areas were actually empty, and only the collector's edition area had goods.

Many customers were hesitant when looking at the collector's edition masks.

After all, one piece costs 2,000 yuan, and a box of 20 pieces, which is 40,000 yuan.

Most people can't afford a box of 40,000 yuan masks. Even if they want to be beautiful, they have to consider whether they have the ability.

Chen Xue and Lin Li didn't hesitate, and hurriedly squeezed forward and said to the salesperson: "Give us 4 boxes of the collector's edition masks."

4 boxes of the collector's edition masks, that's 160,000 yuan.

The salesperson naturally helped the two people get the masks immediately. Seeing the two people swiping their cards to pay, the people around them were envious.

Really, it's impossible not to be envious. He's beautiful, has a good figure, and is rich. This is a life that all women envy.

After Chen Xue and Lin Li paid, they also enjoyed the envious looks.

After all, this face and figure cost 300,000 yuan. If they don't make people envious, wouldn't it be a waste? It would also be a shame for the two rural girls to get hurt in order to become beautiful.

Women, only by spending money on their appearance can they make more money.

When the two left the square, their phones vibrated at the same time. It was a message from the entire group of Xin Guose Jiali Group @.

"Young Master Wang will be at Xin Guose tonight. According to gossip, there will be 4 young masters around him, and a big star Lin Gou. Sisters, find a chance to enter the box. If you accompany him well, the tip will not be small. The rest depends on your own means..."

The two women saw the group message, looked at each other, and rushed home immediately. They had to apply the Xuanfeng mask immediately and see the effect of the mask in the evening.

Half a day passed quickly.

Huang Xin also received a call from the Plaza, and couldn't help but excitedly said: "The masks with 15 million orders were all sold out within one hour of being put on the shelves?"


Huang Xin immediately reported the news to the board of directors, which also shocked the directors of Nawei Women's Plaza.

They have been making women's products for so long, and this is the first time they have seen a product sell so crazy.

Not only here at Nawei Women's Plaza, but also the other two domestic agents have received the first batch of masks. Even if their publicity is not as good as Nawei Women's Plaza, they are still selling like crazy and sold out quickly.

But the really crazy thing is that those customers are really crazy after using the Xuanfeng mask.

After experiencing the effect of the Xuanfeng mask in person, all those who have used it have recommended it and posted videos to share online.

For a time, the entire network was full of Xuanfeng masks, and other masks became miserable and dull.

At the same time, Lu Feng took Yang Ming and Hong Xi to the Xuanfeng Alliance Prison No. 1.

He thought of fishing, so the bait must be selected well.

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