Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 282: Horrible Pit! Second-level ability unlocked!

As the small nuclear bomb was launched, Hu Xin no longer wanted to fight. He hurriedly distanced himself from Wang Cheng and looked in the direction of the nuclear bomb.

Wang Cheng did the same, looking towards the direction of the nuclear bomb.

He had already been waiting here following Lu Feng's instructions.

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Now he also understands Hu Xin's strength. He can easily solve it with mecha weapons, let alone the boss.

Therefore, he didn't care about Hu Xin.

At the mountain col.

The hyenas were still roaring.

Old Dog sits in the forest. As one of the people in the orc tribe who can control the mutant beast king, he has great power in the orc tribe.

This time most of the orcs and cannibals came.

He also did not take the small eastern suburbs fortress seriously.

It's just that a long time has passed according to the agreed time, and the people from the eastern suburbs fortress haven't arrived yet, which makes him frown.

"Go and see what's going on." The old dog immediately ordered the person next to him, but found that the person was looking at the sky blankly: "Then... what is that?"

The old dog subconsciously raised his head and saw a dazzling flame tail, as if something had fallen.

At that moment, he felt the ground shake horribly.

Everyone was unsteady under the shock.

After a terrifying light flashed, he saw with his own eyes a terrifying wave of earth rising and pushing towards the surroundings, accompanied by a terrifying wave of flames.

Under the wave of flames, everything around him was instantly destroyed and even vaporized.

At that moment, there was only fear in the old dog's eyes, and he thought of some kind of weapon from before the end of the world.

But the fear only lasted for a moment, because he was instantly swallowed up by the wave of flames, including the orcs and cannibals he brought.

After that, there is no after.

With this kind of weapon, they have no ability to react at all.

In an instant, the entire forest disappeared.

First there was a raging fire, and in the end not even a trace of soot was visible, but a terrifying giant pit was left on the spot, and everything disappeared without a trace.

In the church on the other side, the battle was already fierce.

The people from the Shidong Alliance and the orcs are still confronting each other.

Emperor Yan and Beast King have also been staring at each other, and they have already made a move.

But after starting, the two stopped again.

Because no one can do anything to anyone.

Emperor Yan's face was a little solemn. He was fighting against a person who had unlocked the second stage of his ability. If the opponent made it clear that he wanted to hold him back and wanted to leave quickly, there was no other way but to kill him.

But after taking action just now, he knew that if he had to forcefully deal with the Beast King, he would have to pay a heavy price.

Just when the atmosphere was stagnant.

Suddenly, a slight vibration came from a distance.

This vibration seems to be an earthquake?

Beast King and Yan Emperor were both stunned.

How could there be an earthquake in a place like Tianhai City? Moreover, from far to near, the movement seemed a bit loud.

At this moment, exclamations sounded in the headsets of Emperor Yan and Beast King at the same time:

"Emperor Yan, there seems to be an earthquake over there in the eastern suburbs!"

"Beast King, there was a flash of light, and then there was a terrifying flame attack. I don't know what happened over there in the eastern suburbs."

Apparently, both of them had arranged for someone to secretly let him know and reported at the same time.

This also made both of them look solemn.

"What happened?" Beast King frowned.

Things in the eastern suburbs seemed to go beyond his plan.

The Beast King and Yan Emperor subconsciously glanced at each other and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

Then, Emperor Yan led people out of the church directly, and this time the Beast King did not allow anyone to stop him.

After Emperor Yan's people left, the Beast King led his people towards the eastern suburbs.

For some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Eastern suburbs.

As the nuclear bomb exploded, the terrifying power could be felt even from a long distance away.

In fact, this area has become hot and dry, and the air blowing is hot.

Hu Xin looked at the terrifying crater formed by the power in the distance, and knelt on the ground in despair.

Everything there disappeared, leaving only the horrific pothole.

Lu Feng closed his eyes in enjoyment at this time, and waves of escalating warmth kept flowing through his inner body.

[Congratulations on killing a cannibal and gaining 3500 experience! 】

[Congratulations on killing a cannibal and gaining 3800 experience! 】

[Congratulations on killing an orc and gaining 4500 experience! 】

[Congratulations on killing an orc and gaining 5,000 experience! 】

[Congratulations on your level up! 】

[Congratulations on killing a mutant beast and gaining 800 experience! 】

[Congratulations on your level up! 】


[Congratulations, your mental power has exceeded 30 and you have successfully unlocked the second level of various special abilities! 】

[Congratulations on killing an orc and gaining 10,000 experience! 】

In the attribute version, the experience tips gained from killing are densely packed.

At that moment, the orcs and cannibals killed by the nuclear weapon all turned into his experience, and each one's experience was very high, much higher than the last time.

It's not that they are stronger, but that they have done more evil. The more evil they have done, the higher their experience points are.

Naturally, what surprised Lu Feng even more was a tip that his mental power had exceeded 30, and all special abilities had been successfully unlocked at the second level.

It was the first time he had received such a tip, and he didn't quite understand what the second level unlocking meant.

He didn't even know that there was any unlocking function for special abilities.

Because in the game, there was no introduction to unlocking the second level of abilities except for the level.

Then, he looked at the character attribute panel.

Character: Lu Feng

Level: 20

Strength: 31 (ordinary person 5)

Agility: 39 (ordinary person 5)

Stamina: 31 (ordinary person 5)

Mental power: 40 (second level unlocking!)

Combat skills: basic fighting skills, old-fashioned gun proficiency!

Special abilities: ability barrier, speed ability!

Energy: 400

Experience: 10235676/104857602

Each attribute has exceeded 30, which is absolutely terrifying for the attributes of ordinary people 5.

At level 20, it takes more than 100 million experience points to upgrade.

According to the calculation of level increase and experience increase, this wave of orcs and cannibals has at least increased his experience by more than 80 million.

This is terrifying.

Although the number of orcs is far less than that of the Shidong Alliance, a large number of them were definitely destroyed under this nuclear weapon.

Moreover, after the mental power attribute, the words "second-level ability unlocking" appeared.

He studied it a little and immediately understood what the second-level ability unlocking meant.

It roughly means that the ability level is upgraded to a higher level, not only the power is increased, but also the new function of the ability is opened.

Isn't this the skill level enhancement in the game?

In the game, the skill enhancement is more powerful, and the skill enhancement stone must be bought in the mall, which is very expensive.

After studying it clearly, Lu Feng was surprised.

For ordinary people with abilities, this second-level ability unlocking only has one ability, so only one ability can be unlocked at the second level.

But he is different. He has two abilities, so these two abilities can be unlocked at the second level at the same time.

In other words, under normal circumstances, the more abilities a person has, the stronger his strength will be after the second-level unlocking.

"You deserve to die!" Hu Xin's angry voice sounded, and she directly entered the beast transformation, fox hair grew on her face, and her ears became sharp, becoming fluffy fox hair.

Moreover, a fox tail also extended from behind her buttocks.

This is her beast-human state.

She rushed directly to Lu Feng.

How could Wang Cheng let her do what she wanted? He directly blocked in front of her and even forced her back with a punch.

She couldn't be a match for the mecha weapons.

But when Wang Cheng rushed forward, a fiery red figure suddenly attacked from the side and pounced on Wang Cheng. ,

It was a huge mutant fox, and its sharp claws slapped Wang Cheng.

With mecha weapons, Wang Cheng would not be hurt, but Lu Feng raised his hand and waved it at this time, and a layer of energy barrier instantly appeared around Wang Cheng.

This is the energy barrier ability.

The mutant fox instantly hit the energy barrier and was directly shaken back.

Without waiting for the fox to react, Lu Feng waved his hand again, and another layer of energy barrier appeared around the mutant fox.

This is not to protect the mutant fox.

The mutant fox stood up and wanted to continue to attack, but it directly hit the energy barrier and was trapped inside.

This is a new function of the energy barrier ability after the second level is unlocked.

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