Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 283 Skill Enhancement? This is a super explosion!

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’96๐˜ด๐˜ฉ๐˜ถ.๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ต

In other words, the ability of energy barrier can not only protect oneself, but also protect teammates. More importantly, it can also be used as a disguised cage to trap enemies.

Obviously, after the second level of ability is unlocked, its functions and effects will definitely be stronger.

There is no such setting in the game, only skill enhancement, but skill enhancement requires the purchase of expensive strengthening stones in the mall.

After all, there is no domestic game that does not earn money.

Because this is a real game world, there is no mall where you can buy strengthening stones. Therefore, this ability must be broken through by yourself. It also has another name, second-level ability unlocking.

Thinking about it this way, there should be a third-level ability unlocked, or a fourth-level ability unlocked, right?

After all, as the level increases in the game, skills can not only be strengthened once.

To put it simply, unlocking second-level abilities = strengthening skills!

There is also no doubt that the abilities will become stronger each time you unlock them.

After all, this requires mental power to reach a sufficient level to unlock, and the strength of mental power can determine the power of special abilities.

The mutated fox once again impacted the energy barrier that trapped it, causing the energy barrier to shake and threaten to disperse at any time.

Although this energy barrier is not permanently invincible, its defensive power is definitely very strong.

After all, the energy barrier could withstand the bullets of old-fashioned guns from the beginning. Now the mental power of 40 is more than three times stronger than at the beginning, and now everyone will be shocked by the impact of this mutant fox.

This is enough to show that this mutant fox is very strong.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng stepped forward, took out the laser rifle in his hand, directly inserted the muzzle of the gun into the energy barrier, and pointed it at the mutated fox.

The next moment, he fired continuously, and lasers shot out wildly.

In the energy barrier, the mutated fox had no way to avoid it, and was instantly hit by a series of lightning strikes. He fell down wailing and died immediately.

[Congratulations on killing a mutant fox and gaining 500 experience! ใ€‘

Obviously, this fox is not weak. It actually has 500 experience points. An ordinary killing dog only has more than 100 experience points.

"No!" Hu Xin shouted with grief and anger on his face when he saw the death of the mutated fox: "Lu Feng, just wait for me, I will definitely make you pay the price."

As soon as she finished speaking, she turned around and ran away without looking back.

But she had only taken two steps when she suddenly screamed, blood spurted from her neck, her throat was slit by something, and then she fell straight to the ground.

Wang Cheng was surprised when he saw this scene.

This woman was suddenly killed.

The only other person here besides him was the boss. He subconsciously looked at Lu Feng beside him, and found that Lu Feng's figure quickly disappeared. When he turned around, he had appeared next to Hu Xin's body.


Wang Cheng was shocked. He couldn't react at this speed.

He also has the ability to speed, so he knows even more how incredible the boss's speed was just now.

This one has never shown his true strength.

The moves the other party showed just now were also the first time, and they were definitely more terrifying than they thought before.

[Congratulations on killing an orc and gaining 6,000 experience! ใ€‘

When Lu Feng saw this experience, he knew that no matter how beautiful this woman was, she deserved to die.

Even with 6,000 experience points, I donโ€™t know how many humans have been killed.

It's a pity that neither Hu Xin nor the mutated fox exploded anything.

Wang Cheng also looked at the terrifying pit in the distance at this time, and said with surprise: "Boss, how many orcs were there before? There is no way to know now."

Nuclear weapons.

No matter how small it is, it is still terrifying. Who would have thought that one would actually appear in Tianhai City.

He was a member of the military region before the end of the world, and he knew very well that it was impossible for the military region in places like Tianhai City to possess such weapons.

But now the boss took out one.

"It doesn't matter how many orcs there are. It's all dust now. Let's go there and take a look." Lu Feng said, took out his mecha weapon and ran towards the giant pit.

The place after the nuclear weapon exploded was so severely radiated that ordinary people would not dare to approach it, and those with abilities would be affected if they came near.

However, mecha weapons have the ability to withstand radiation and can also purify radioactive materials, so there is no problem at all.

Soon, Lu Feng arrived in the huge pit.

No life exists here anymore, even the plants have been evaporated, leaving only scorched land.

I believe that there will be no grass growing here for a long time, and no life will even dare to approach.

Lu Feng's eyes were quickly attracted to some locations in the giant pit, and there were actually some milky white lights floating around.

These are also the reasons why he came here.

Because those orcs are not considered human beings. With such high experience, they might be able to explode things. And with so many orcs being killed, they must be able to explode a lot of things, right?

The key is that the orcs can control the mutated beasts, and the many hyenas gathered together can explode things.

Those floating opalescent lights said it all.

There are a lot of things that explode.

Moreover, due to system reasons, these things were illusory before he put them away, and no one else could see them, so they were not affected by the explosion.

It's a pity that the bodies of those mutated beasts are gone, and the crystal nuclei in their heads are obviously gone.

However, with such a big harvest this time, Lu Feng did not hesitate. He immediately walked towards the place where the white light was floating, collected the things that exploded one by one, and casually read the notes of some things.

[This is a special life potion...]

[This is a special energy potion...]

Obviously, these two potions appeared again. Almost every time you kill a monster, these two things will explode.

But this is a good thing.

Although it is only for replenishing blood and mana in the game, in this real world, as long as there are enough life potions, you will not die, and you can replenish it completely with one breath.

Not to mention energy potions, if there are enough of these things, you can continue to fight and have unlimited skills.

[This is a special backpack space exchange card! ]

[This is a special ability crystal (hyena). After using this ability crystal, you can get the hyena beast ability and become a hyena beast ability user

Special attribute: Hyena is a crazy animal. When it becomes loyal, it will be a licking dog that will never betray. If you don't use it yourself, use it as a loyal subordinate for you~! ใ€‘

ใ€This is a special ability crystal (barbarian bull). After using this ability crystal, you can get the ability of barbarian bull beast and become a barbarian bull beast ability user.

Special attribute: barbarian bull is a strong creature. After using it, it can make you very strong, but your skin may become dark. ใ€‘

Lu Feng was surprised after looking at the two crystals. They were both ability crystals, and they were both beast ability crystals.

He seemed to have found something interesting. It seemed more meaningful to kill the orcs.

Lu Feng then put the remaining things into the backpack space one by one. The big commotion here just now would definitely attract people soon, and he didn't plan to stay here for long.

So, after collecting the floating light, he left here immediately.

Not long after, people really began to appear here. When they saw the huge pit here, everyone showed a look of shock.

"What...what happened?"

"Don't get close..."

"It seems that there is a special energy that will corrode the body..."

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