Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 281 Hu Xin was dumbfounded!

After Hu Xin responded, Lu Feng invited her again. Hu Xin also walked to the motorcycle and tried it.

After Hu Xin got on the motorcycle, she was a little surprised and said: "Guard officer, where did you find such a retro motorcycle? It seems to be quite new."

Lu Feng made up a story: "I found it in a villa. The owner before the end of the world must be a retro motorcycle collector."

Hu Xin did not doubt it.

These are not important to her.

After studying it, and with the help of Professor Lu Feng, she also understood how to operate this motorcycle.

After a while, Lu Feng rushed out on the motorcycle, and Hu Xin also started to follow.

After leaving the East Suburb Fortress, she took the initiative to drive in front to lead the way.

The two motorcycles quickly surpassed the soldiers of Qingfeng Base, went ahead, and soon disappeared in front of everyone.

Lin Jiao looked at the motorcycle going away, smiled and gave an order: "Repair on the spot! Rest for half an hour before setting off."

This order made everyone stunned. Aren't they going to destroy the mutant beasts?

Guo Zhen asked even more puzzledly: "Commander Lin, the boss has already passed, shouldn't we catch up quickly? Why do we have to rest here?"

Lin Jiao explained: "This is what the boss ordered!"

"???" Guo Zhen was stunned for a moment, not knowing what was going on.

On the other side, near the area of ​​the East City Alliance, Emperor Yan, with a gloomy face, led more than a dozen masters to move quickly in one direction.

He had just received a report that a team of ability users in their East City Alliance had been killed, and the other side was the Orcs.

In addition, a surviving ability user had been tracking behind and could send them the location in real time.

"Where is it?" Emperor Yan stopped on the top of a house and asked.

"Emperor Yan, the location is in the church in front." An ability user of the East City Alliance answered.

"Let's go!" Emperor Yan shouted, and rushed to the church with his men, and soon rushed into the church.

It can be seen that a figure was hung in the middle of the church, and it was the ability user of their East City Alliance who was tracking the Orcs.

And inside the church, there were figures. From their ugly faces, it could be seen that these people were the orcs.

One of the figures was the most obvious. His long hair was extremely thick, but it was like a frizzy hair that stabbed backwards to the waist.

More importantly, his left eye was not a human eye, but a beast's eye.

"You are the Emperor Yan, right?" The figure stood up and looked at the Emperor Yan at a glance: "The second stage of the ability has been unlocked, it is really powerful!"

"You are the Beast King?" The Emperor Yan also looked at the other party with a gloomy face. ,

Because he also felt that the other party also unlocked the second stage of the ability.

Before, he was the only person in Tianhai City who unlocked the second stage of the ability. Unexpectedly, there is another one now, and it is the Beast King of the Orcs.

It can only be the Beast King. Otherwise, if ordinary members of the Orcs have people who unlock the second stage of the ability, then this Orcs are too terrible.

The Beast King smiled and said, "Yes, it's me. Since we are all people who have unlocked the second stage of ability, I think we should sit down and talk. It won't be so easy to kill you, so just sit and watch my people destroy the East Suburb Fortress."

This made Emperor Yan's face change. He knew the importance of the East Suburb Fortress.

He also understood that the other party deliberately lured him here so that he would not be able to support the East Suburb Fortress. The other party must have deployed many people in the East Suburb Fortress.

Damn it.

The other party was so deliberate, and the East Suburb Fortress would definitely not be able to stop it.

After knowing the strength of the Beast King, he knew more clearly how terrible these guys were. He underestimated the Orcs.

He was not the only one who unlocked the second stage of ability.

The Beast King said proudly: "Emperor Yan, I think you have guessed it. Most of our Orcs have gone to the East Suburb Fortress. It will be finished soon. At that time, your East City Alliance will lack food for a long time. Our Orcs will slowly greet you."

"Retreat!" Emperor Yan gave the order decisively.

But when he wanted to take people away, the orcs had blocked the way, and the beast king personally stood in front of him.

"Today, the East Suburb Fortress will definitely be destroyed." The beast king said coldly: "I will not allow anyone to arrogantly provoke me while I am still alive,"


East Suburb!

A mountain valley.

Hyenas were bored and baring their teeth over there.

The old dog was hiding in the dark, waiting for the people from the East Suburb Fortress to arrive.

He looked at his watch several times in a row, and suddenly stood up, because the time agreed with Hu Xin was about to come.

The people from the East Suburb Fortress were coming soon.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little suffocating, and the surrounding forests began to exude a murderous atmosphere.

On the other side, on a road, two motorcycles were driving fast one after the other.

Hu Xin drove in front, constantly leading Lu Feng to the direction of the ambush.

But suddenly, Lu Feng's motorcycle sounded more urgently, and then he was seen quickly overtaking Hu Xin and driving in one direction.

Hu Xin was stunned when she saw this scene.

Because the direction Lu Feng was heading was not the direction of the ambush, he had deviated.

This made her speed up to catch up with Lu Feng.

When she reached him, she shouted: "Sir, you have deviated. The place where the mutant beasts gather is not in this direction."

Lu Feng said with a smile: "You have to observe the situation first. Who knows if there will be an ambush or something like that."

These words made Hu Xin's face change slightly, and he said hurriedly: "Your Excellency, Guard Officer, are you kidding? How could there be an ambush?"

Suddenly hearing Lu Feng say this, she was really a little nervous, after all, she felt guilty.

Finally, Lu Feng stopped at the top of a mountain.

This is the best location he found on the map. If a miniature nuclear bomb is dropped here, the orcs can be sent directly to the sky.

Hu Xin frowned and said: "Guard officer, you can clearly see the mountain col from here. There is no ambush. Let's hurry over and eliminate those mutant beasts!"

"No hurry!" Lu Feng said jokingly, and then he took out something from the backpack space.

The structure of that thing seems to be a transmitter.

What Lu Feng took out was the launcher of the micro-nuclear weapon. After taking out the things, he began to assemble and fix the launcher.

"Guard officer, what is this?" Hu Xin asked with a frown.

The more she realized something was very wrong.

"A launcher that can fire a terrifyingly powerful weapon. One single launcher can destroy those mutated hyenas, including everything around the radius, including the people inside." Lu Feng told the truth, and at the same time, from the backpack space He took out a nuclear warhead from inside, without any concealment, and said: "You know about nuclear weapons, right? This is the one I have."

"Have you known this for a long time?" Hu Xin looked at the miniature nuclear bomb, and his pretty face became even more ugly.

She naturally knows about nuclear weapons. Even before the end of the world, nuclear weapons are an extremely terrifying strategic weapon.

Lu Feng said with a smile: "It's just that you orcs underestimate me. Since I dare to provoke you, I'm naturally not afraid that your people will come to me for trouble. Moreover, I really want you to come to me. Who knows, you are really Delivered to your door with cooperation. ”

Hu Xin couldn't believe it: "When did you know my identity? I can't keep it. I've obviously checked it for you."

Lu Feng teased: "Then did you take off your underwear? I knew who you were when you appeared, and I knew that your orcish parts were in a private place."

"You..." Hu Xin was shocked. Only she and the Beast King knew this secret, and no one else knew about it at all.

How does the other party know now?

In other words, it is impossible for the other party to know.

For a moment, her face became more and more ugly.

Lu Feng had already connected the nuclear warhead to the container, and then installed it on the launcher slowly and methodically.

Then just adjust the angle and press a button to end everything.

Hu Xin dared not hesitate and launched an attack directly, rushing towards Lu Feng.

But at this moment, a figure rushed out quickly, appeared in front of her, and punched her.

She subconsciously waved her fist to resist, and then she felt her punch hit a layer of metal hard. When she took a closer look, she saw that the man who appeared was wearing a metal mecha.

The key is that the opponent is obviously a person with speed ability.

No wonder the other party dared to come alone with her first. The other party had already acted as a back-up.

Lu Feng looked at Hu Xin jokingly: "Watch carefully what happens next, it will definitely be a very exciting fireworks."

As he spoke, he had adjusted the angle of the transmitter and pressed a button.

call out! ~

Almost instantly, there was a sound of launching, and the nuclear weapon flew out instantly and shot straight into the sky.

Hu Xin's face completely lost all color.

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