Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 280: Really eager to die!

An hour passed.

When Lu Feng looked at the light screen in his mind again, the dense group of hyenas was still there.

If he was right, this was the place where the mutant beasts arranged for him by the orcs to gather.

Hu Xin would report this place to him and let him lead people there.

And the orcs' troops would probably ambush him and give him and the people of the East Suburb Fortress a fatal blow.

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Thinking of this, he moved the perspective of the game world to find the location of the orcs' troops.

The other party must be nearby.

After searching carefully for a long time, he soon found the trace.

In a small town that had been explored, an orc army had already hidden in it. There were quite a few of them, about 300 people.

"No, there shouldn't be only this many people." Lu Feng frowned.

More than 300 people, plus those weapons, even if they were ambushed, it would be impossible to wipe out all the people in their Qingfeng base.

The orcs played so many tricks and sent Hu Xin in to perform the beauty trap. The ambush could not be just that simple.

Soon, he discovered something unusual.

Several orcs entered a forest and didn't come out for a long time.

He still hadn't been to that forest, so he couldn't move the game perspective and couldn't see the situation inside.

But he knew that there should be orcs hiding in that forest.

This made him comfort Yang Qingxue immediately, and then he got up and went to another room in the villa, took out a map of Tianhai City from the backpack space, and focused on the map around the East Suburb Fortress.

After a while, he drew a circle on the map.

This area should be where the orcs gather. As long as a nuclear warhead goes down, all the orcs here will be dead.

However, there are no satellites to use in the game world, and the guidance system of this nuclear weapon cannot be used, and it can only be aimed by people.

Then the distance cannot be too far, and it must be close to that area, and it must not be too close, so as not to be affected by the power of this nuclear weapon.

After determining the location, Lu Feng also moved the perspective of the game world back to the East Suburb Fortress.

Hu Xin really returned to the East Suburb Fortress.

Seeing this, Lu Feng went into the bathroom, took a shower, changed his clothes and entered the game.

He appeared in the East Suburb Fortress in a high-profile manner, and then openly summoned Lin Jiao and Wang Cheng and others.

Naturally, Hu Xin also came.

Seeing this, Lu Feng also deliberately asked: "Lin Jiao, have you explored the area around the East Suburb Fortress during this time? Have you found any places where mutant beasts gather?"

"Boss, I didn't find any here." Lin Jiao said immediately.

Wang Cheng also said: "I did kill a few mutant beasts here, but I didn't find any signs of a large number of mutant beasts gathering."

Others also spoke up, saying that they didn't find any mutant beasts gathering.

This is indeed the case.

In order to open up the East Suburb planting area, Emperor Yan killed a mutant beast king nearby, so ordinary mutant beasts didn't dare to get too close to the East Suburb Fortress.

Only some stronger mutant beasts, or those that are not afraid of the mutant beast king in terms of race, dare to get close.

But these will generally be discovered when they appear, and then Wang Cheng will use mecha weapons to clean them up.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, except for the appearance of the orcs, it is impossible for a large number of mutant beasts to gather here.

It is normal that Lin Jiao and others did not notice the movement.

Hu Xin saw that the others had finished speaking, and took the opportunity to step forward, holding a holographic camera and said: "Guard officer, I found a group of mutant hyenas gathering here, and the number is very large."

As he said, he handed the holographic camera to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng knew everything in advance, but he still pretended to take the holographic camera and operated it. Then he saw that the holographic camera projected a holographic light and shadow.

Then, a picture appeared, and in a valley, mutant hyenas gathered one by one. The number was so large that Lin Jiao and others were surprised.

"Boss, these are mutant hyenas, and there are too many of them." Guo Zhen said in surprise.

"There should be a mutant beast king." Wang Cheng said at this time.

He had seen this scene before. Didn't he and the boss encounter the mutant leopard king before? If he didn't have a mecha weapon, the leopard king would have bitten off his head in a face-to-face encounter.

At that time, he hadn't reacted yet, and his head was in the mouth of the mutant leopard king. The sharp teeth bit the mecha helmet and made a rattling sound.

Lu Feng also echoed at this time: "There should be a mutant beast king. So many mutant hyenas can't be kept, lest the orcs appear to control these mutant hyenas. So, Lin Jiao, gather the troops, get ready, pull up all the weapons, and we will set out on time tomorrow to eliminate those mutant beasts."

"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiao nodded immediately.

Since it is a threat, it must be resolved.

After that, Lu Feng asked everyone to go back and prepare, and then quit the game with a thought, and immediately moved the game world to Hu Xin's side.

Now this woman should show her performance, right?

Give her time to notify the orcs and let them prepare for an ambush.

When they think they have won, then directly give the other party a nuclear weapon.

Hu Xin did not disappoint Lu Feng. He quietly left the East Suburb Fortress, and then took out the special communicator again to start contacting.

As soon as the communication was connected, she said to the inside: "Be prepared, the people from the East Suburb Fortress will go to the trap tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Hu Xin smiled.

Everything is so simple.

Although the beauty trap has not been used yet, the effect has been achieved.

Although I don't know where Lu Feng got the news that their orcs can control the mutant beast king, but the other party doesn't know that not every orc has this ability.

Otherwise, he wouldn't care so much about the mutant beasts gathered, and he wouldn't fall for this.

The mutant beast king who led the mutant beasts, the orcs with enough strength didn't dare to provoke it easily, not to mention that there were not many people who had enough strength to control the mutant beast king.

But doesn't this prove a point? The other party was too rampant and arrogant, and deserved to die in her hands.

Hu Xin thought, and soon quietly returned to the East Suburb Fortress as if nothing had happened.

On the other side.

A man also quickly entered a forest, and you can see that there are dense figures gathered in the forest.

Many of these figures were very ugly, and there were even mutant beasts walking around, showing their identities.

The man came to one person and reported: "Mr. Lao Gou, Hu Xin has sent back news that people from the East Suburb Fortress will come tomorrow."

Lao Gou laughed when he heard this: "It seems that Hu Xin is still quite capable. Tomorrow, after destroying the East Suburb Fortress, remember to let some people go and let them ask for help from the East Suburb Alliance. Then we will continue to fight the reinforcements of the East Suburb Alliance."

"As for the Yan Emperor of the East Suburb Alliance, the Beast King will personally take action, and the other party will have no time to take care of this side. In addition, remember one thing, the guard officer Lu Feng of the East Suburb Fortress will never let the other party escape. He is so arrogant and provoked us, so he is naturally a must-kill target."

Just when these orcs were plotting, the people in the East Suburb Fortress were also gathering.

Lin Jiao summoned the soldiers of Qingfeng Base as quickly as possible.

The soldiers of Qingfeng Base were all elite because of sufficient food and long-term training.

Lin Jiao really thought that she was going to destroy those mutant hyenas, so she executed it very seriously.

That's why Hu Xin saw all this and smiled.

She had to admit that these were all elites, but unfortunately, no matter how elite they were, they would all become food tomorrow.

Time passed, and at night, Lu Feng also arrived at a room in the East Suburb Fortress, which was Lin Jiao's residence. After he knocked on the door, he was welcomed in by Lin Jiao.

Half an hour later, he came out of Lin Jiao's room and went to another room, which was Wang Cheng's residence. He talked for 2 minutes before leaving.

The next day also came quickly.

In the East Suburb Fortress, Lin Jiao had already summoned all the soldiers of Qingfeng Base.

When Lu Feng appeared, Lin Jiao explained the purpose of this time, to eliminate the gathered mutant beasts.

After that, Lin Jiao led the soldiers of Qingfeng Base out of the East Suburb Fortress.

Lu Feng took out the two motorcycles he brought in from the backpack space, and the scene of the car appearing out of thin air attracted Hu Xin's attention.

It was the first time she saw Lu Feng perform such a scene.

It was really an unexpected ability.

But it doesn't matter, the other party is going to die soon.

This is the price to pay for provoking their orcs.

Lu Feng also looked at Hu Xin, pointed at one of the motorcycles, and invited: "Miss Hu Xin, can you ride this car? Are you interested in going with me? I want to go to the col you found with a large group first to check the situation."

"Of course!" How could Hu Xin not agree?

It would be best if the other party went first. As the saying goes, a snake will not move without a head. If the other party arrives first, they can completely deal with the other party before the people from the East Suburb Fortress arrive.

At that time, the people from the East Suburb Fortress will definitely be in chaos, and it will be easier to eliminate them.

Thinking of this, her smile became even stronger.

The other party is really eager to die.

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