Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 244: Plantable land appears out of thin air?

Eastern suburbs fortress.

After Lu Feng led his men to kill Li Kai, he did not quit the game. He kept waiting.

Those who were sent to the Shidong League to spread the news should have spread the news of his instructions throughout the Shidong League.

If the reaction of the Shidong Alliance was not too slow, the Shidong Alliance should have made some moves by now, and it is impossible to ignore it.

Moreover, if Emperor Yan was so slow to react, he would not be able to create the Lower City East Alliance.

Soon, Lin Jiao hurriedly came to him and said: "Boss, someone is here. He claims to be from Emperor Yan's Mansion. He wants to see you and has brought the record book of the land that can be planted in the East City Alliance. Let us cooperate." He calculated that the person has been confirmed and is indeed from Emperor Yan's Mansion."

"Let's go!" Lu Feng smiled.

In other words, the Li family should be blamed, and then the next step is to make it difficult for the Li family to speak out.

Lu Feng followed Lin Jiao to the reception hall of the eastern suburbs fortress and saw a group of people sitting and drinking tea. The leader was a middle-aged man.

"Boss, this is Mr. Zhu from Emperor Yan's Mansion." Lin Jiao introduced immediately, and at the same time said to Mr. Zhu: "Mr. Zhu, this is Mr. Lu, the guard officer of our eastern suburbs fortress."

Mr. Zhu looked at Lu Feng for a moment and then said: "I didn't expect Mr. Lu to be so young. Emperor Yan already knew that Mr. Lu was the one who sent people to the Shidong Alliance to spread the news. Therefore, Emperor Yan also said that if the matter is true, Mr. Lu Serving the public wholeheartedly is a meritorious service. If it is false, you should know the consequences."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhu." Lu Feng smiled.

He was reassured by this.

In the game background and information description, Emperor Yan is very popular because he is a person with clear rewards and punishments. Once he feels that you have merit, then you are not afraid of not being rewarded.

Isn't that why he gave so much good and plantable land to the Shidong Alliance for nothing?

After that, Lu Feng took Mr. Zhu to calculate the land that could be planted in various places in the eastern suburbs.

There is no problem with the previous lands.

Therefore, Mr. Zhu said directly: "Mr. Lu, take me directly to see the cultivated land hidden by the Li family."

Lu Feng nodded and took the newly discovered valley first.

Seeing the cultivated land in this valley, Mr. Zhu immediately looked through the records, confirmed it, and then frowned.

There is really no record here.

Lu Feng naturally noticed Mr. Zhu's appearance and couldn't help but smile in his heart. Then he took him to the area where Lin Jiao and others had just neutralized him.

After Mr. Zhu saw the land that could be planted in an area, his expression became extremely gloomy.

Because this area is many times larger than that valley, but it has not been recorded at all.

He even took out a special instrument to test and confirmed that the land here could be used to grow crops. In other words, the Li family had hidden so much land.

He cursed angrily: "Damn the Li family, greedy worms."

How much food and grain can be grown in such a large planting base every year? Now all of this food and grain has disappeared, and it has all gone into the pockets of the Li family.

No wonder people say that the Li family wants to break away from the Shidong Alliance and create a wealthy base.

"Mr. Lu, you have made a great contribution this time. Emperor Yan has clear rewards and punishments. You will be rewarded." After Mr. Zhu finished speaking, he used a communicator to call a hover car, and then left in a hurry.

Seeing this, Lin Jiao sighed and said: "Boss, the plan should be considered successful now. Emperor Yan indeed has clear rewards and punishments. If you give such a large piece of land that has no record of cultivation, the other party will definitely think that you are selfless."

"Otherwise, according to normal thinking, you can be greedy a lot by cooperating with the Li family. Now you are not greedy at all, and you have offended the Li family for it. Such a person is most suitable to be the guard officer of the eastern suburbs fortress."

Lu Feng said: "The Li family will definitely take revenge if they fall. Therefore, inform Wang Cheng and have mecha weapons ready at all times."

With the mecha weapons, unless the Li family came out in full force, there was nothing the other party could do to him.

But since the Li family can come out in full force, there is no need to rely on outsiders to find that team of Salvation Army and get this mecha weapon.

It's a pity that the Li family didn't know that the mecha weapons were already with him.

City East Alliance.

In Emperor Yan's mansion, Li Sheng had been sitting there. During this period, Emperor Yan recruited several more people, all of whom were nobles from the Shidong Alliance.

After these nobles arrived, they all looked at Li Sheng as if they were watching a good show.

Naturally, they all heard the news about the Li family.

If it were true, they would be upset too.

After all, they also wanted to enrich their own pockets, but the Li family seemed to have failed this time.

Li Sheng naturally noticed the gazes of these people and snorted coldly.

It’s still early for these guys to want to see a show.

Even if the Li family would be punished this time, it would be nothing more than punishment. After all, except for the newly discovered piece of land, they actually didn't have much to hide.

Emperor Yan's reputation is there, and they didn't have the chance to hide those lands in the past.

Until the sun went down.

When Emperor Yan ordered the food to be served, a figure hurriedly entered the hall. It was Mr. Zhu who was sent to the eastern suburbs by Emperor Yan.

"Your Excellency Emperor Yan, the investigation is clear." Mr. Zhu handed the investigation information to Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan took the information and read it. In just a moment, his expression turned extremely gloomy: "Li Sheng, your Li family really has a big appetite."

With that said, he threw the information to Li Sheng.

Li Sheng was stunned and immediately picked up the information and started reading. After a moment, he also showed astonishment on his face, or he couldn't believe it.

How could there be such a large area of ​​arable land without records?

The key is that he didn't know about these lands at all.

Why did such a large area of ​​arable land suddenly appear out of thin air?

Li Sheng was not stupid. He immediately guessed the reason. It must be related to the guards sent by their Li family before.

The biggest possibility is Chen Feng (Chapter 189). Otherwise, how dare Chen Feng think of leaving the Li family? He also joined forces with those bandits. It must be related to this land.

So much arable land can give anyone courage.

So this time, Lu Feng discovered this unrecorded arable land.

But is Lu Feng a fool?

There is no temptation at all for so many arable lands. Let Yan Di know directly in this way?

If it were someone else, he would definitely hide it. After all, this is arable land that even their Li family didn't know about.

Obviously, he didn't know that this arable land was created by Lu Feng out of thin air.

In this situation, the Li family can't explain it clearly, because the East Suburb is their responsibility.

He could only say bitterly: "Emperor Yan, our Li family definitely doesn't know about these arable lands. You can send someone to investigate the situation of our Li family."

Emperor Yan was already full of anger, and he snorted coldly: "Next, the East Suburb Fortress will no longer be under the responsibility of the Li family. The Li family will temporarily stop all matters of the alliance and accept the investigation. Lu Feng, the guard officer of the East Suburb Fortress, will temporarily be responsible for all matters of the East Suburb."

After that, Emperor Yan left the hall and walked inside.

The Li family hid these arable lands, which obviously made him very angry. If the Li family had not made great contributions in the early days of the establishment of the East Suburb Alliance, he would not have just punished them.

When Li Sheng returned to the Li family, he clenched his fists tightly and his face was extremely gloomy.

Damn Emperor Yan.

If it weren't for not finding that team of salvation army!

If they got the map controlled by that team of salvation army and the mecha weapons in the news, why would they, the Li family, be afraid of Emperor Yan?

He still didn't understand what was going on, but it didn't matter anymore. The Li family was temporarily excluded from the alliance. Even if they were restored later, their reputation and power would be greatly weakened.

Li Sheng directly ordered a member of the Li family: "Li Chen, the forces withdrawn should go to the East Suburb Fortress according to the original plan. Before the news is passed, contact Li Kai and Zheng Lin to kill that Lu Feng."

All this was caused by Lu Feng of the Qingfeng Alliance. The other party dared to betray the Li family and must pay the price.

"Okay, patriarch." Li Chen obviously saw that the patriarch was furious and immediately went to gather people.

Soon, a team of more than ten people left the East Suburb Alliance from the Li family.

These people were the capable people brought by Li Chen. Some of them were from the Li family, and some were vassal families of the Li family.

Moreover, each of them was very strong.

They took the hovercraft and rushed to the East Suburb Fortress at the fastest speed.

Not far from the East Suburb Fortress, Li Chen contacted Li Kai and Zheng Lin in the East Suburb Fortress in a unique way.

He didn't know that Li Kai had been killed.

However, Zheng Lin still received the news.

He immediately found Lu Feng: "Mr. Lu, the Li family has contacted Li Kai and me. I think the Li family has taken some action again. Should I go to contact them?"

"Go!" Lu Feng said with a smile: "If those people are here to retaliate against me, to kill me, etc., remember to tell them that I will leave the East Suburb Fortress and go to a plantation to check the situation."

"Okay, Mr. Lu." Zheng Lin nodded and left the fortress. He felt a little sympathetic to those people in the Li family.

Why do these people keep sending heads in batches? If they do it all at once, maybe they can still solve this person.

Zheng Lin soon met Li Chen and the people from the Li family he brought.

Li Chen asked Zheng Lin when he saw him: "Where is Li Kai?"

Zheng Lin replied: "This Lu Feng is ambitious. Li Kai is under surveillance and has no way to come out."

Li Chen nodded and said: "The head of the family ordered us to kill him. This requires you and Li Kai to cooperate with us, especially to grasp the other party's whereabouts."

Zheng Lin was surprised to hear this.

These people really came to kill Mr. Lu.

He also hurriedly said as instructed: "It's just right, that Lu Feng is about to go to a plantation to check, he usually doesn't bring too many people, it's a good opportunity for you to ambush and kill him."

This made Li Chen and others look happy immediately.

I didn't expect that there would be such a good opportunity just after arriving in Dongjiao.

It's just right, kill this Lu Feng, and then go back to report to the head of the family.

After Zheng Lin informed the news, he quickly returned to Dongjiao Fortress and found Lu Feng to report: "Mr. Lu, the people of the Li family are really here to kill you. They brought more than a dozen powerful people this time."

Lu Feng said coldly: "Then after solving these people, the Li family should stop in a short time, right?"


Not long after, a hovercraft left Dongjiao Fortress in a high-profile manner. There were not many people in the car. In addition to the driver, there were only Lu Feng and Wang Cheng. Of course, there were two boxes in the car.

Li Chen and others naturally noticed this car.

Soon, Zheng Lin appeared in front of him again: "The one in the hovercraft is Lu Feng."

"Follow him." Li Chen didn't hesitate and led his men to chase after him. Soon, he saw the other party's hovercraft stopped at a planting area.

Only two people got off the car, and the driver was still in the car.

Li Chen secretly saw this scene and sneered. There were only two people, and more than ten powerful ability users surrounded and killed them. The other party had no way out.

So, he waved his hand decisively, led people to start the hovercraft and rushed out, and arrived at the planting site at the fastest speed.

Lu Feng and Wang Cheng naturally saw these people first.

Wang Cheng had tightened the box in his hand. When those people rushed to the front, he decisively opened the box and put on the mecha weapons.

Lu Feng did the same.

When Li Chen led people to rush to the front, he saw Lu Feng and the other two who were already wearing mecha weapons.

"Mecha weapons?" Li Chen's eyes widened in horror at that moment, and even his head was buzzing.

Because he knew how powerful mecha weapons were.

The mecha weapons that their Li family had always wanted to get were actually in the hands of the other party.

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