Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 245 Is the Xuanfeng Alliance going to cause trouble again?

"Quickly retreat." Li Chen knew something was wrong when he saw this scene.

All this was the other party's calculation, and he also gave the order decisively.

He was not a waste like Li Kai, who was only qualified to be sent here to monitor the Qingfeng base.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a fireball suddenly hit him, and the explosive impact instantly rushed him out, staggering and rolling on the ground.

"Zheng Lin!" Li Chen widened his eyes and immediately understood that the other party had betrayed.

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Then, he saw figures appearing around and surrounding here.

This is a trap.

He hurried to turn over, and a figure had already appeared in front of him.

It was Lu Feng wearing a mecha weapon. Before Li Chen could react, he had already grabbed Li Chen.

The huge power of the mecha weapon made it impossible for Li Chen to resist.

Even if he struggled with all his strength, it was useless.

His strength was already very strong among the East City Alliance's ability users, but it was useless against mecha weapons.

Several lasers from the mecha weapons were already aimed at him.

"Run, run back, tell the head of the family the news." Li Chen could only shout out in despair. Obviously, this person was loyal to the Li family.

Several lasers hit him instantly, killing him.

Seeing this scene, the people of the Li family dared not hesitate and fled out one after another.

Wang Cheng, who was standing aside, had already activated his speed ability to chase after them, and quickly rushed into those people with the help of mecha weapons.

At the same time, the small figure of Jin Wen also appeared.

Its speed was extremely terrifying, even faster than those Li family ability users.

Immediately afterwards, a series of miserable howls were heard.

The knee joints of those Li family ability users were seen to burst into blood, and they staggered and fell to the ground.

There was thick blood on Jin Wen's claws.

"Don't kill me, I surrender. I'm not a member of the Li family. I'm just attached to the Li family." A person with special abilities shouted hurriedly when he saw Wang Cheng catching up.

Wang Cheng subconsciously glanced at the other person, then rushed to the next person from the Li family and killed him with two lasers.

Soon, people from the Qingfeng base also appeared around and surrounded the place. The leaders were Chen Fei and Lin Nan (Chapter 132). After the Red Leaf Base was merged into the Qingfeng Base, they have always been one of the senior executives under Lin Jiao.

They are now completely convinced by Mr. Lu. They have seen with their own eyes how the other party occupied the East Suburb Fortress all the way here, and now they are even attacking the Li family.

In this case, the people of the Li family had no place to escape. It was just that the ability users of the Li family's vassal surrendered at the first time. As for the people of the Li family, none of them were left.

In the end, only 4 surrendered vassal Li family ability users were left.

Lu Feng looked at the four people, activated his speed ability, and knocked them unconscious. He said coldly: "Lin Jiao, I leave it to you."

"Okay, boss." Lin Jiao nodded. If you want to control this kind of ability user with confidence, then implant the pulse crack chip.

After all, he is an ability user, even if he is a cannon fodder, he is of great use.

Lu Feng looked at the bodies of Li Chen and others, and then ordered Zheng Lin: "Record a video and send it to the Li family. You have to give them a gift in return."

"Okay, Mr. Lu." Zheng Lin nodded, and at the same time he was completely relieved.

After tonight, no matter how slow the Li family reacted, they knew that he had betrayed. Fortunately, after losing these dozen ability users, the Li family could not spare any manpower in a short time before the end of that matter.

In other words, Qingfeng Base is completely safe.

Now Mr. Lu asked him to do this, and it also gave him time to pick up his family.


The young cry of Jin Wen also sounded, and it was seen sitting on the ground, with two claws in front of it stretched out to Lu Feng, with blood on the claws, meaning that it wanted to clean up.

Lu Feng was stunned, feeling something was wrong, why did a leopard love cleanliness so much?

He could only look at one of his subordinates: "Help it clean up."

Time passed.

The next day.

The news that the Li family was punished also spread quickly in the East City Alliance.

At the same time, the fact that the Li family had hidden a large area of ​​arable land for private use was also spread.

This made the Li family's reputation and reputation in the East City Alliance plummet.

The Li family had to face strange looks when they went out.

In the Li family, Li Sheng was still furious, and he scolded everyone in the Li family early in the morning.

A Li family member ran to Li Sheng in a panic and reported: "Master, there is news from the East Suburbs."

"That Lu Feng is dead?" Li Sheng finally had a good mood.

The reason why the Li family has come to this point is all because of Lu Feng. When he knew that the other party had killed Gray Wolf, he should have killed him.

The Li family member shook his head hurriedly, and took out a message ball and handed it to Li Sheng: "Master, there is only this message ball, and there is a note saying that it was sent from Dongjiao. I haven't read it yet."

"Open it." Li Sheng frowned, and for some reason he had a bad premonition.

The Li family member did not dare to hesitate and immediately played the content of the message ball on the multimedia screen in the hall.

When he saw the video inside, Li Sheng's face was extremely gloomy. He waved his hand angrily at the chair next to him, and saw that the chair was torn into pieces.

"Damn it." Li Sheng cursed.

The video showed corpses, which were Li Chen and others.

In other words, more than 10 powerful ability users sent by the Li family died in the hands of Lu Feng.

If the opponent has such power, how can he not be able to deal with a one-eyed tiger?

He really wanted to kill Lu Feng himself, but he knew that doing it himself would make Emperor Yan even more angry, but now the Li family couldn't spare any manpower.

Why is this happening?

Li Sheng became furious just thinking about it, and smashed things in the hall crazily.

Shortly after.

Emperor Yan's Mansion.

Emperor Yan was drinking a glass of milk, and he did not forget to praise: "The taste of this mutated cow is getting better and better. Let people continue to breed it. After the production increases, maybe everyone will have this kind of milk to drink."

At this time, a person hurriedly walked in and reported: "Emperor Yan, there is news from the Li family. Li Sheng sent more than ten ability users to the eastern suburbs, and they all seem to be dead."

Emperor Yan nodded and said, "I can rest assured now. The eastern suburbs at least have the power to protect themselves. We will focus all our efforts on investigating the orcs for the time being. The Li family will give you another warning. At this juncture, we will be able to protect ourselves." points.”

He let Lu Feng take charge of everything in the eastern suburbs. It was indeed a reward for him, and it was also done for everyone to see.

But the prerequisite is that the other party must have enough strength. After all, it is related to the food of the Shidong Alliance.

More than a dozen ability users from the Li family were defeated. Lu Feng's power was about the same, at least better than the guard officer appointed by the Li family.

In this way, he can also devote all his energy to the affairs of the orcs.

One night passed.

The morning sun arrived as promised, shining on the Wind Capital.

Some streets in the City of Winds can be seen being cordoned off.

There are also notice boards in the local languages ​​of Eastern Dragon Kingdom and Xuanfeng Alliance.

This is because the domestic infrastructure company responsible for Wind City has started construction. When faced with large-scale projects, construction companies usually recruit local workers while starting construction.

The Wind Manor is the largest and most luxurious manor in the City of Wind, and it is also where Lu Feng lives. The previous name was very awkward, so it was changed to the Wind Manor.

Lu Feng woke up early in the morning and looked at the game screen. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the eastern suburbs fortress, he took his mobile phone and browsed the news about the Xuanfeng Alliance.

With all the time spent focusing on the game world, it’s time to pay attention to the development of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The news company of the Xuanfeng Alliance is very rough, not at all the level of other big countries, and even the news content is dry.

However, Lu Feng also saw two pieces of news.

One is the news that Xuanfeng Alliance acquired and integrated wineries and built Qingfeng Winery. Now Qingfeng Winery is recruiting a large number of workers.

The other one is about the alliance's large-scale purchase of sweet potatoes, autumn grass, drunken root... and other materials.

These are the ingredients for brewing Huimeng Wine.

It wasn't just Lu Feng who saw the news, many people in the Xuanfeng Alliance saw it. Moreover, Baguda issued an order that all towns and villages should be notified, and there would be dedicated people to purchase it.

This has also puzzled countless people, because those sweet potatoes have never been worth much, and autumn grass and drunken root... these things are everywhere in many mountains.

Lyall Village.

Quelda ran back to the village early in the morning and found his father and wife: "Quick, bring your sickles and go up the mountain with me."

The father looked at his son in confusion and asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

The wife also asked: "Quelda, what's wrong?"

Quelda said hurriedly: "The alliance wants to buy a lot of things. The autumn grass on the mountain behind our house can be sold for 250 yuan per pound!"

The 250 yuan here naturally refers to Xuanfeng coins. Because of Xuanfeng Bank, the 250 yuan in Xuanfeng Alliance can now be exchanged for 25 yuan in China.

Ratio 10:1

Naturally, if the Xuanfeng Alliance develops well, the ratio can be reduced, and the Xuanfeng Alliance coins will become more and more valuable.

"Is this true?" my father asked with surprise on his face.

He knew how much autumn grass there was on the hill behind his house. If he harvested it and sold it, he could make a lot of money, enough to build a house. It seemed that the Dragon Kingdom's project was very fast in building a house.

Quelda immediately said: "Of course it's true. The alliance also harvests a large amount of sweet potatoes and drunken roots... These things can be sold in the town."

"Let's get the sickle quickly." The father immediately shouted to his daughter-in-law.

You must know that there are not many ways to make money here, and they can only grow some crops to satisfy their hunger. How can they make extra money like this.

The daughter-in-law did not dare to hesitate and immediately went to get the sickle, and then the family hurried up the mountain to harvest autumn grass.

My father did not forget to ask: "If you have seeds, remember to collect them. We can plant them ourselves later."

Clearly, this is a father with a vision.

The family quickly cut hundreds of kilograms of autumn grass, found a cart, and dragged the cart to the town. They couldn't transport more, so they had to wait until these were sold before coming back to cut.

When they left the village, they found that there were other people in the village doing the same thing, so they had to speed up their pace.

As expected, there was someone specializing in purchasing Qiuqiucao in the town. They sold a total of 412 kilograms of Qiuqiucao for 103,000 Xuanfeng coins.

This made the Quelda family smile.

The town was also very lively. Countless people selling sweet potatoes and autumn grass gathered together and talked happily.

"The Xuanfeng Alliance is better. There used to be opportunities like this to make money."

"Yes, the Xuanfeng Alliance is also helping to build roads!"

"I hope the alliance will get better and better in the future. I will work hard to grow more sweet potatoes and sell them to the alliance."


Obviously, the people are simple, as long as they can make money, they will remember your kindness.

This also shows how poor Cambodia was before.

This is happening almost everywhere in the Xuanfeng Alliance. Lu Feng said it was a large-scale acquisition, and Barbuda really did a large-scale acquisition.

Selfishly, he really wanted the people to make more money.

As for the recovered materials, the Governor should have a way to deal with it, right?

When the Xuanfeng Alliance was buying up the materials for the Huimeng wine, an invitation issued by the Xuanfeng Alliance through the Xuanfeng Bank quickly spread internationally.

When seeing this invitation, everyone subconsciously had an idea, is the Xuanfeng Alliance going to make trouble again?

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