Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 243 The unsolvable frame-up of the Li family!

When Li Kai entered the hall of the manor where Lu Feng was, he showed astonishment on his face, and even couldn't believe it.

In the hall, a group of people seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time.

Those people were Lin Jiao, Wang Cheng and other ability users who had already led people out of the East Suburb Fortress to deal with the one-eyed tiger.

The key is what did he see?

The one-eyed tiger was actually inside, and there were also those ability users around the one-eyed tiger.

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Li Kai seemed to understand it instantly.

This Lu Feng had already woven a big net in the East Suburbs, and the one-eyed tiger was his man.

Damn, this is what he wanted to do next, but he didn't expect that the other party would do it first.

In this situation, he naturally knew that it was going to be bad, and hurriedly said to Zheng Lin: "Let's break through with all our strength later, don't worry about others."

This made the men around him subconsciously look at him.

? ? ? ?

But the answer to Li Kai was the sound of a door closing.

The door of the hall was closed, blocking the retreat route.

Li Kai turned his head subconsciously and saw Zheng Lin standing in front of the door.

"????" Li Kai was stunned for a moment and shouted angrily: "Zheng Lin, what are you doing?"

"Obviously." Zheng Lin waved his hand helplessly.

"Damn it!" Li Kai cursed angrily.

He didn't expect that even Zheng Lin was on the other side.

With Zheng Lin, a fire elemental ability user, the situation was obviously worse.

"It's too late for me to surrender, right?" Li Kai asked Lu Feng helplessly.

"What do you think?" A laser rifle appeared out of thin air in Lu Feng's hand and shot at Li Kai.

Li Kai obviously recognized the laser rifle, and was shocked to enter the beast and dodge to the side.

The laser shot at him directly hit one of his men behind him.

As Lu Feng took action, Lin Jiao and others also took action, and they all urged their abilities to rush towards Li Kai.

The one-eyed tiger also entered the beast and attacked Li Kai.

Zheng Lin did not hesitate, a flame appeared in his hand, and a rocket was condensed and shot at Li Kai.

Lu Feng waved his hand, and the golden pattern appeared at his feet.

Since Li Kai wanted to die, he would help him and ensure that he would die 100%.

As soon as the mutant cub appeared, it stared at Li Kai, and a special light appeared in its eyes, which was the hunting gaze.

"Get out!" Li Kai roared and punched the one-eyed tiger.

As a beast, Li Kai was obviously much stronger than the one-eyed tiger. The one-eyed tiger staggered back again like last time.

But at the same time, a rocket was shot in front of him in an instant. He turned around and dodged in a hurry. The moment he passed by the rocket, the rocket suddenly exploded, and a shock hit his face, making his face burnt black.

"Zheng Lin, if I can escape today, I will never let you go." Li Kai shouted angrily.

This made Zheng Lin more ruthless, and in a blink of an eye, two more rockets were condensed and flew towards Li Kai one after another.

Li Kai tried to hide again, but was suddenly surprised to find a small figure at his feet. He could see from the corner of his eyes that it was a cat.

A cat ran out to get in the way, is it looking for death?

He didn't care at all, but when he dodged the rocket, his face changed in horror. He felt a horrible pain in his leg, which was already bleeding.

And the cat actually raised its paw, which was also covered with blood, and even shook its palm in disgust.

How could it be...

As soon as Li Kai thought of this, Zheng Lin's two rockets hit him instantly, and the horrible air wave that exploded directly hit him and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This heavy injury made it impossible for him to resist the siege of these people again, so in a hurry he made the worst choice and attacked Lu Feng.

At that moment, he felt a sudden pain in his joints, and it was the cat again. Then, blood spurted out of his foot joints, and he staggered towards Lu Feng.

Lu Feng raised the laser rifle in his hand, and a laser shot directly at Li Kai's head, who had no way to avoid it.

Then the scene was a bit cruel!

Plop! ~

Li Kai's body fell to the ground.

Meow! ~

Jin Wen suddenly called out, raised his claws, and seemed very dissatisfied with the blood on them, and pointed them at Lu Feng, meaning to clean it up for me quickly.

Lin Jiao and others looked at the kitten with surprise, just seeing how the kitten hurt a very powerful ability user.

Only Wang Cheng knew that this was a mutant leopard cub, and it had eaten the crystal source of the mutant leopard king.

"Wash it clean." Lu Feng understood Jin Wen's meaning and ordered one of his men.

The man did not dare to hesitate, and immediately stepped forward and tremblingly picked up Jin Wen.

It was also a special experience for him to hold this terrifying little guy in his arms, right?

Then, Lu Feng looked at the men brought by Li Kai. These people had put down their weapons, squatted on the ground one by one, and waited for the verdict with bitter faces.

After all, they didn't have the energy to resist at this time.

Lu Feng directly ordered Guo Zhen: "Take these people away, interrogate them, and keep those who can stay!"

"Yes!" Guo Zhen nodded.

Those who can stay will stay, and those who can't stay will be dealt with.

Lin Jiao stepped forward and said: "Boss, now that the people have been killed, the Li family should react soon, but it will be too late for them to react. The people sent should spread the news in the East City Alliance."

Lu Feng nodded and asked: "Has the soil been neutralized?"

Lin Jiao nodded: "It has been done, and people have replanted crops. That large area is several times larger than the newly discovered area hidden by the Li family."

"That's good!" Lu Feng nodded.

I'm afraid the people of the Li family didn't expect that Dongjiao would suddenly produce so much arable land out of thin air, and so much arable land was specifically used to frame their Li family.

This is an unsolvable frame-up. The Li family can't explain why so much arable land is not recorded.

However, Lu Feng didn't feel bad at all. After all, he could buy materials in reality and neutralize more land.

Moreover, when the Hexagon Beast incident occurs and the Shidong Alliance disintegrates, these lands will belong to their Qingfeng Base.

Indeed, as Lin Jiao said, the Shidong Alliance and the Li family are already in a mess.

In the Shidong Alliance, two pieces of news spread wildly.

One piece of news is naturally about the orcs and cannibals, and this news makes many survivors panic.

Another piece of news is about the Li family. The Li family is responsible for the affairs of the East Suburbs and is related to one of the food sources of the East City Alliance. Now the news about the Li family's embezzlement is spreading wildly:

"Have you heard? The arable land in the East Suburbs is not just a little bit now. The Li family has hidden a lot."

"I heard that the hidden land of the Li family allows the Li family to have more food and wealth than the nobles in other noble districts combined."

"More than that, I heard that the Liu family, the Lin family, the Wu family...their food and supplies combined are not as good as the Li family!"

"If the Li family is willing, they can completely split off and build a very rich base by themselves."


The information of each rumor is very heartbreaking.

You must know that there are many nobles in the East City Alliance. These nobles fight for power and profit. Now who would be happy to hear that the Li family has so much food and embezzles so much?

Besides, isn't this a good opportunity to deal with the Li family? Maybe you can get some benefits.

East City Alliance Noble District

When Li Sheng (Chapter 189), the head of the Li family, heard the spread of news, his white beard was about to be crooked with anger. This was obviously aimed at their Li family.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have given that Lu Feng a chance. I should have been more decisive at the beginning." Li Sheng's old face was full of anger. He was not stupid. This news must be related to the Qingfeng base.

After all, the newly discovered planting land in the valley and the hidden seed land of their Li family, as long as their Li family and the other party knew.

Sure enough, the other party killed the dog Gray Wolf and replaced the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group. He was an ambitious guy.

Now he seems to be restless again.

To be one of the nobles of the East City Alliance, Li Sheng is obviously not simple. He accurately guessed the initiator.

"Master, it seems that the East Suburb Fortress must be dealt with." A member of the Li family frowned and said, "Anyway, we have also withdrawn some of our strength."

Li Sheng nodded and said, "Notify Li Kai and ask him to be prepared. We will send someone over!"

Almost as he finished speaking, a member of the Li family suddenly ran in hurriedly: "Master, it's not good. Several nobles have protested against impeachment against you at Emperor Yan's place. Now Emperor Yan has sent someone to see you and ask you to go to Emperor Yan's mansion!"

"Damn it!" Li Sheng cursed when he heard the news and immediately walked out of the Li family.

This news has reached Emperor Yan, and it will definitely not end well.

Fortunately, it is not unsolvable. He still made a record of the newly discovered land and put it at the bottom of the document.

He can completely say that this is under inspection and has not been filed yet. It will be filed after the inspection.

Of course, if this matter has not been exposed, it will be different, and there is no need to use this backhand.

As for the hidden points before, whoever is responsible will do so. At most, they will be punished, which is not enough to make their Li family lose their responsibility and power over the East Suburb.

But that Lu Feng, after this matter is resolved, he must be killed.

The highest power center of the Shidong Alliance is naturally the Yan Emperor Mansion.

In the Yan Emperor Mansion.

A young man was sitting in the middle seat drinking a glass of milk. Who would have thought that the founder of the Shidong Alliance would be such a young man?

But everyone knows that Yan Emperor is not as young as he seems, because he is a person with a higher level of ability and his metabolism is different from that of ordinary people, so he is so young.

"Have people been sent out?" Yan Emperor asked the person next to him after drinking milk.

The man next to him nodded and said, "They have been sent out to check the planting area in Dongjiao. Moreover, they have also investigated clearly that the one who spread the news is a person called Qingfeng Base. The leader of the other party, Lu Feng, is the new guard officer of Dongjiao Fortress."

"The other party must want to use this method to expose the Li family. However, the guard officers of Dongjiao Fortress are generally arranged by the Li family. I think there is a gap between Lu Feng and the Li family."

"Well!" Emperor Yan nodded and said angrily, "If it is true, then the Li family should be punished. The world is already like this, and some people's greed is still endless. As for Lu Feng, no matter whether he has a gap with the Li family, he should be rewarded."

"What about another thing?" Emperor Yan asked again.

The man next to him frowned and said, "This matter may also be true, because we found clues earlier, which is the situation we encountered in Anhui Commercial District. Those who were roasted and eaten may be orcs and cannibals."

"And, I did find some survivors of the destroyed bases. Most of them are in bases near the eastern suburbs. The situation seems to be a bit bad."

Emperor Yan frowned.

The appearance of an orc and a cannibal is obviously bad, because it means a relationship of life and death.

What's more, the place where the other party is causing trouble is too close to the eastern suburbs.

At this time, a man came in from outside and reported: "Your Excellency Emperor Yan, Li Sheng, the head of the Li family, is here."

"I know." Emperor Yan nodded and walked outside. He met Li Sheng in the hall. As soon as he met him, he asked: "Li Sheng, do you know why I asked you to come?"

Li Sheng's face changed, and he hurriedly said: "Your Excellency Emperor Yan, I know that those news are slander. Although our Li family has hidden some arable land, it is not much. One piece is newly discovered and is still being verified..."

"Okay, whether it is true or not, I have sent someone to check it out, and they will be back soon." Emperor Yan said coldly, and after sitting down, he said: "So, you also wait here for the results with peace of mind. People should be back soon."

Li Sheng was slightly relieved when he heard this.

Fortunately, when Zheng Lin reported the newly discovered arable land, he had kept a hand. With that document, at least he could get away with it.

If Lu Feng thought that he could deal with their Li family with such a trick, he would be too naive.

After all, he is not a fool, and he will not leave a backhand when doing such a thing to enrich himself.

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