Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 242 Who is being led by whom?

Lin Jiao frowned and asked Lu Feng: "Boss, I didn't expect Li Kai to actually plan to attack you. The funny thing is that he actually went to the one-eyed tiger to unite. The people of the Li family are really annoying."

Lu Feng nodded.

He naturally knew that the Li family was just a temporary measure for him to be the guard officer of the East Suburb Fortress.

Li Kai is going to attack him now. If the other party kills him, the Li family will definitely not pursue it, but if he kills Li Kai, the Li family will definitely pursue it.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Lu Feng frowned and said: "We have to think of a way to get rid of the Li family and firmly control the East Suburb Fortress. By the way, did you leave any evidence when Li Kai asked you to hide the planting area before?"

"All left, including the recording!" Lin Jiao replied.

"That's good." Lu Feng thought of the plan in his mind.


Now many bases have been destroyed, which may be done by the orcs, which means that the orc crisis chapter is about to begin.

In this case, if he could get rid of the Li family, or make the Li family lose control of the East Suburb Fortress, and then manipulate it, the East City Alliance would most likely not replace him.

If there are other forces that want to take advantage of the situation, they can use the same trick again and let the one-eyed tiger take action and pretend to be the orcs.

As for how to make the Li family lose control of the East Suburb Fortress, it is very simple, that is, let the East City Alliance know that the Li family has been hiding a lot of arable land and pocketing it.

The Li family did do this.

But the little that the Li family hid was not enough to make the Li family completely lose control of the East Suburb Fortress.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng said to Lin Jiao: "Use these materials to neutralize more land as soon as possible."

At that time, once someone from the East City Alliance comes to check, they will see a lot of arable land that is not in the Li family's report.

In the game background, the Yan Emperor is not a good person to talk to, and the Li family will definitely be blamed.

At that time, you can send people to the East City Alliance to secretly publicize this matter, and it would be best if everyone knows it.

Since Li Kai wants to take action against him, it is to force him to tear his face.

"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiao replied.

In the following time, she followed Lu Feng's instructions and began to quickly use those materials to neutralize the land and plant new crops.

If you want to use this land to frame the Li family, you have to do a full show.

A courtyard of the East Suburb Fortress.

Guo Zhen brought a group of people to Lu Feng: "Boss, these people are the smartest, and they are the earliest batch of combatants."

The earliest batch of combatants are the ones left over from the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group. They all have pulse crack chips in their heads and can be absolutely trusted.




When these people saw Lu Feng, they also shouted respectfully, and even had some fanaticism in their eyes.

They did not have any grudges because of the pulse crack chips in their minds. After all, the pulse crack chips were not implanted by the boss, but by the Gray Wolf.

Moreover, they had long known that this boss was powerful and could even turn people into capable people. They naturally hoped that they could perform well and be appreciated by the boss.

The boss never restricted their freedom, nor did he threaten them with the pulse crack chip in his mind. Instead, they felt that the pulse crack chip was their advantage.

Because of the existence of the pulse crack chip, the boss can completely trust them.

If they make meritorious contributions, the boss will definitely reward them with confidence.

Lu Feng instructed these people: "You go to the East City Alliance and secretly publicize two things. The first is that the orcs and cannibals have appeared in Tianhai City. The orcs are in a beast state for a long time, which is very similar to the beast ability users."

"The only difference is that the orcs cannot restore their normal human bodies, their appearance is ugly, and their reproductive isolation has mutated, so they can have sex with beasts. The key is that the orcs like to treat humans as food."

"The cannibals are humans captured by the orcs. In the end, they colluded with the orcs and became perverts who like to eat human flesh."

"Now the orcs and cannibals have destroyed several bases. If this continues, they will stir up a big storm."

Lu Feng talked about the information of the orcs and cannibals, as well as what will happen next.

The orcs did stir up a huge storm in Tianhai City.

Lin Jiao was obviously shocked when she heard Lu Feng's words: "Boss, is what you said about the orcs and cannibals true?"

Lu Feng nodded.

Seeing this, Lin Jiao was even more shocked.

This was the first time she heard of such a perverted cannibalism.

Lu Feng continued: "The second thing I want you to spread secretly is that the arable soil in the East Suburbs area is actually not limited to what it is now. A large part of the arable land has been hidden by the Li family. Over the years, I don't know how much the Li family has embezzled."

The people brought by Guo Zhen nodded hurriedly, indicating that they had taken note, and then they left one after another, leaving the East Suburbs and heading to the East Alliance of the City.

A few days later, everything was ready.

Li Kai has been preparing to kill Lu Feng these days, and now he is waiting for the one-eyed tiger to take action.

While waiting, Li Kai received a report that the one-eyed tiger's people came to find him.

He almost left the East Suburbs Fortress as soon as possible and saw the other party behind a hillside. It was the guy with the mask.

He could see at that time that this man's words carried a lot of weight, and the one-eyed tiger would not refute anything the other party said.

After seeing Li Kai, Xu Bin said as planned: "Mr. Li Kai, our leader has already dealt with the matter, and we can deal with your cooperation next."

When Li Kai heard this, he immediately said: "That's good, tell the one-eyed tiger to take action immediately, I don't want to wait too long..."

"Got it." Xu Bin nodded, then turned and left. As he walked away, he couldn't help but smile.

Li Kai also went back to the East Suburb Fortress to wait for news.

Not long after, a message came back from the East Suburb Fortress: that is, the one-eyed tiger appeared again and destroyed the guard camp west of the East Suburb Fortress.

The four guard camps of the East Suburb Alliance were all stationed with guards. The destruction of the western camp by the one-eyed tiger shocked everyone, especially those guards who didn't come back alive, indicating that the situation was bad.

When Li Kai heard the news, his face was full of smiles, and everything was going according to his plan.

After that, the news that the one-eyed tiger was rampant in the East Suburb Alliance became more and more popular.

Under this situation, the East Suburb Fortress seemed to have to react, so Lu Feng arranged for Lin Jiao and Wang Cheng to take the elite to deal with the one-eyed tiger.

Soon, Lin Jiao and the others began to gather soldiers and prepared to set off.

This naturally let the Li family get the news quickly, and he knew that his plan was about to succeed.

He immediately found Zheng Lin and ordered: "Zheng Lin, the plan to kill Lu Feng is about to begin. Assist me well. When I control the East Suburb Fortress, I will not treat you unfairly."

Zheng Lin was surprised to hear this. It's going to take action so soon? In other words, Li Kai's death is coming.

Soon, someone came in to report: "Mr. Li Kai, the people from the East Suburb Fortress have already set off. Lin Jiao, Wang Cheng and others have been transferred out of the East Suburb Fortress to find the one-eyed tiger."

"Haha, very good, I led you by the nose." Li Kai smiled proudly: "Where is Lu Feng? Have you investigated his location?"

The man immediately said: "I already know, the place is in his own courtyard, and there are no guards around."

Li Kai sneered and said: "There are not many guards. It seems that the other party is very confident and thinks that no one in the East Suburb Fortress can deal with him. This is just more convenient for us to act."

As he said, he ordered the person who reported: "Gather people, we will act soon."

After that, he called Zheng Lin and went to the courtyard where Lu Feng was. As he moved forward, figures quickly gathered behind him.

These people were arranged by him to sneak in, and now they can finally be used.

Li Kai quickly arrived at the courtyard where Lu Feng was, and with a wave of his hand, his men all sneaked in.

He also walked straight into the courtyard, then opened the door of the hall and walked in.

"Lu..." Li Kai just uttered a word, but when he saw the scene in the hall, his eyes widened and he suddenly stopped talking.

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