Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 241 Is the other party seeking death?

When One-Eyed Tiger and Xu Bin heard Lu Feng's name, they all looked at each other in astonishment.

This guy really has big intentions.

But the other party wants to deal with their boss, and he actually wants to cooperate with them?

Is this guy crazy?

Li Kai obviously noticed the expressions of the people of One-Eyed Tiger, and said with a smile: "I know that this news is very surprising to you. After all, that is the East Suburb Fortress, which is the territory of the East City Alliance. Even if you break into the East Suburb Fortress, you dare not occupy it, otherwise it will cause the wrath of the East City Alliance and you will be finished."

"But you don't have to worry, I'm not asking you to attack the East Suburb Fortress." Li Kai talked freely and continued: "You just need to enter the East Suburb area to make trouble, such as destroying crops, so that the East Suburb Fortress has to send people out to deal with you."

"As long as the people of the East Suburb Fortress are attracted out, I will personally kill that Lu Feng. After the matter is done, I will control the East Suburb Fortress."

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"You will not be short of benefits by then. Weapons, supplies, and food can be given to you. We can even cooperate for a long time."

"Uh!" One-Eyed Tiger felt a little confused when he heard this. Why is this routine so familiar? Isn't it the same as what Mr. Lu did?

But this guy probably doesn't know that he is already Mr. Lu's man.

Xu Bin knew Li Kai's identity, so at this time he deliberately said: "Sir, are you sure you can control the East Suburb Fortress?"

Li Kai smiled confidently and said: "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Li Kai. I am from the Li family of the East City Alliance. The East Suburb Fortress is under the control of the Li family. Once Lu Feng dies, do you think I can't control the East Suburb Fortress?"

Xu Bin heard this and pretended to be enlightened and said: "So that's it. In this case, we will take over this business, but you have to give us some time. We still have things to deal with. When we can act, we will notify you."

Li Kai heard the masked man speak and looked at the one-eyed tiger, obviously asking whether he would do anything.

The one-eyed tiger immediately said: "I agree with what he said."

After getting a definite answer, Li Kai smiled: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

Isn't this done?

Next, wait for the one-eyed tiger to finish his business and help him transfer Lu Feng's men away.

After that, Li Kai did not stay for long, and hurriedly left Shangya Town and returned to Dongjiao Fortress.

After he left, the one-eyed tiger looked at Xu Bin in confusion: "Why agree to him? Just deal with him directly."

Xu Bin explained: "You have seen the strength of the other party. You are not an opponent. Who knows what cards the other party has? If you insist on taking action, if you fail to deal with the other party, we will be exposed."

"So, it is better to stabilize the other party first and let the boss deal with the other party. The reason why I delay time is to wait for the boss to arrange it."

The one-eyed tiger nodded.


Dongjiao, on the edge of the desert area in the west, Lu Feng and Lin Jiao came here.

The reason why this place is called a desert area is that the acidity of the soil here has not been neutralized by the East City Alliance, and no crops can be grown. After all the crops withered, only desolation remains.

Lu Feng stood and looked around, and he could still see rotten tree stumps, which means that this place was a dense forest before the end of the world.

Now because of the problem of acidic soil, these trees are completely withered.

Lin Jiao was testing a piece of soil with a special instrument.

Guo Zhen had already led people to make a pool, filled it with water, and threw materials into it and stirred it.

There were also people carrying buckets to irrigate the soil to neutralize the acidity of the soil.

After a while, Lin Jiao also took the instruments and came to Lu Feng with a surprised face to report: "Boss, the materials you brought can neutralize these soils and meet the requirements of planting, but the two bags of materials you brought can only neutralize more than 20 acres."

"That's good, go back and ask someone to prepare a secret warehouse." Lu Feng also instructed Lin Jiao.

"Okay, boss." Lin Jiao knew very well that this was to be kept secret from the Li family.

After that, Lu Feng also followed Lin Jiao to a secret warehouse in the East Suburb Fortress.

This warehouse is on the west side of the East Suburb Fortress.

Generally, the survivors of the base cannot get close to here, only the combatants guarding the warehouse are guarding it.

After Lu Feng told Lin Jiao not to let anyone get close, he also entered a thought and exited the game world, and appeared in the real warehouse again.

After that, he put on his mecha weapons and began to move the materials in the warehouse into the game.

With the blessing of mecha weapons, I hope these materials will not make Lu Feng feel tired.

It took him a while to move all the materials in and out of the warehouse into the game world, filling several warehouses.

After that, he called Lin Jiao and handed the materials to her.

Lin Jiao was surprised when she saw the materials in the warehouse.

These materials can allow them to open up a lot of land for planting.

In this way, as long as the first wave of crops is planted and they persist for a period of time, their Qingfeng base will be completely self-sufficient for a period of time before it develops to a certain scale.

She knew that once the boss asked something, he would definitely take out a lot.

But these materials are really different. These materials can integrate the acidity in the soil, which can allow the land to plant crops.

After the end of the world, there is nothing more precious than this.

At this time, the intercom on Lin Jiao rang.

It was an internal intercom on a special channel. Only a few people in the base had the password of this channel and could communicate through the intercom.

"Commander Lin, is the boss here?" Xu Bin's voice rang from the intercom.

Lin Jiao immediately looked at Lu Feng and handed him the intercom: "Boss."

"Speak!" Lu Feng said directly into the intercom.

Xu Bin's voice came immediately: "Boss, Li Kai from the Li family found the base of the one-eyed tiger. He wants to unite with the one-eyed tiger to deal with you. He wants to kill you and then control the East Suburb Fortress. "

"Looking for the one-eyed tiger to cooperate with me to kill me?" Lu Feng was stunned. Does this guy know how stupid he is?


On the other side.

Li Kai returned to the East Suburb Fortress as quickly as possible. He also found Zheng Lin as soon as possible and said: "We have been in the East Suburb Fortress for a while, and it's time to act."

"Action?" Zheng Lin was stunned.

Li Kai said coldly: "I have made a plan. Join forces with the One-Eyed Tiger to target Lu Feng and give me a chance to kill Lu Feng. Then you have to join forces with me to kill him."

"???" Zheng Lin was stunned when he heard this.

Made a plan?

The other party still wants him and the One-Eyed Tiger to cooperate?

Is the other party looking for death?

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