Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 240 Li Kai talks to One-Eyed Tiger about cooperation!

The one-eyed tiger's territory is in Shangya Town in the eastern suburbs.

Li Kai also spent a lot of money and time to find the base of the one-eyed tiger.

At the beginning, he calculated several small towns.

According to his calculations, the one-eyed tiger is running around in the eastern suburbs, and it must need a base for recuperation, repair, and storage of supplies.

So, he looked on the map and checked the towns and villages near the eastern suburbs. It would definitely not work if it was close to the forest, after all, there were too many mutant beasts in the forest.

Finally, 5 small towns were found to be suitable for garrisons.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

He sent people to investigate one by one, and found traces of the one-eyed tiger in Shangya Town.

Li Kai smiled.

So the people in Qingfeng Base are also incompetent, and they can't even find the base of the one-eyed tiger.

As long as this place is found and then a sneak attack is carried out, a lot of the one-eyed tiger's power can still be killed.

Unfortunately, he didn't come here to deal with the one-eyed tiger.

He saw the scale of the entire town from a distance, as well as the checkpoints and guards set up at the entrance, and the bunker in it.

Just these can tell that the one-eyed tiger's power is definitely not small, and there are many warriors inside.

No wonder the other party can roam freely in the East Suburbs and threaten the East Suburbs Fortress.

However, the other party chose a good time to make trouble. The Li family was dragged down by another thing, and the power of the family could not be withdrawn.

The Li family did not want to lose control of the East Suburbs Fortress, and did not report to the East City Alliance. They could only rely on the Qingfeng Base to drag it out first. Otherwise, where would the one-eyed tiger and others have the opportunity to show off?

However, all this is not important. The important thing is that he is now using the one-eyed tiger to deal with Lu Feng.

Because those bases were destroyed by mysterious forces, many survivors poured into the East Suburbs, and many of the people absorbed by the Qingfeng Base were arranged by him.

These people were cultivated by him with the resources of the Li family, but the Li family did not know the existence of these people.

The people in the Qingfeng Base are naturally even less likely to know.

At critical moments, these people can play a huge role, beheading directly, and killing with one blow.

But to create an opportunity for these people and himself to kill Lu Feng, we must use the power of the East Suburb Fortress to the fullest and let Lu Feng's men leave the East Suburb Fortress.

This seems difficult.

After all, the other party's men will not listen to him.

But if there is a one-eyed tiger leading people to attack and cause chaos, that's different.

The other party's men must be dealt with, and then he will definitely have a chance.

Li Kai quickly arrived at the entrance of Shangya Town and was stopped by the one-eyed tiger's men, who surrounded him one by one.

Looking at these people, Li Kai rushed forward without any hesitation.

When you want to achieve some goals, you always have to show your strength.

In an instant, all of the one-eyed tiger's men were knocked to the ground, groaning one by one, looking at Li Kai with horror.

The guy in front of him must be a capable person.

"Go tell the one-eyed tiger that I have a big deal to discuss with him!" Li Kai said directly to the one-eyed tiger's men.

The men of the one-eyed tiger did not dare to hesitate. They covered their wounded parts and retreated into the town. One of them even ran to the central hall of the town in a hurry.

The one-eyed tiger was also eating the meat of the mutant beast with a few people in the central hall.

Those people were sent by the Qingfeng base to assist him.

Two of them were obese and had strength abilities.

One of them was wearing a mask, Xu Bin, who often went back and forth between the East Suburb Fortress and the one-eyed tiger to pass on information.

After the appearance of Li Kai, he had to be more secretive every time he went back to the East Suburb Fortress, so as not to be discovered. He also had to wear a mask in the base of the one-eyed tiger.

The other two were speed abilities.

They were all transformed by Lu Feng using the ability crystal core.

So, they were loyal to Lu Feng.

Except Xu Bin, the others basically stayed here to help the one-eyed tiger.

As for the one-eyed tiger, he always wore a scarf around his neck to cover it up, so that people could not see the electronic chain, otherwise it would tell others that he had a problem.

Fortunately, the scarf is made of tiger skin, which is consistent with his name, so it is not strange for outsiders to see him wearing a tiger skin scarf.

The one-eyed tiger took a bite of meat and said: "Xu Bin, we have absorbed a lot of survivors this time. You talk to Mr. Lu. We need more food in the future."

"Well, I will report to the boss!" Xu Bin nodded.

At this time, a subordinate ran in in a panic: "Boss Tiger, and several adults, there is a capable person outside. He injured the brothers and said he wanted to see Boss Tiger to discuss a big deal."

The one-eyed tiger was stunned when he heard this.

What big deal?

You know, in the eyes of outsiders, he is a big thief and a bandit who specializes in robbery and bad things.

There are people who want to do business with them. Is this person crazy?

But a capable person came to the door, and he also wanted to see who the other party is.

"Just bring the other party in." The one-eyed tiger ordered the subordinate.

The subordinate did not dare to hesitate and ran out, heading directly to the entrance of the town, where he met Li Kai again: "Our Boss Tiger asked you to go inside."

Li Kai laughed when he heard this.

This is the benefit of showing off your strength.

Otherwise, it might take a long time to argue.

After all, the little devil is difficult to deal with.

Sometimes you just need to show your fist to let others know that you are not easy to mess with.

It is easier to talk about things this way.

Li Kai followed the survivor into the central hall of the town, and then saw the one-eyed tiger and his men.

"I guess you are the one-eyed tiger." Xu Bin saw the one-eyed tiger with one eye missing, and his features were too obvious.

Xu Bin was surprised the moment he saw Li Kai.

Because he recognized that the other party was the guy arranged by the Li family in the East Suburb Fortress.

How could this guy appear here?

"You guessed right." The one-eyed tiger looked at Li Kai coldly.

He didn't know Li Kai's identity, but he hated this kind of guy who always wanted to cooperate with others for no reason and injured his people.

This kind of guy is too self-righteous.

The one-eyed tiger looked at Xu Bin,

Xu Bin naturally understood and looked at the two speed ability users.

Xu Bin was the person in charge of these people.

The two speed ability users also understood immediately, knew the meaning, slowly stood up, and walked towards Li Kai.

Xu Bin's eyes also turned cold, and he wanted to teach this guy a lesson.

It would be better if he could kill this guy directly.

After all, this guy came to the One-Eyed Tiger base by himself. How could he not help him if he wanted to die? To save him from causing trouble for the boss.

The two speed users immediately drew their daggers and rushed towards Li Kai.

With the speed ability activated, both of them turned into phantoms.

"Two speed users." Although Li Kai was surprised, he also understood that if the One-Eyed Tiger had no ability users, Qingfeng Base would not be in trouble.

After all, Qingfeng Base had many ability users.

But Li Kai did not panic when facing these two speed users. He actually went up to them at that moment. Moreover, at that moment, his skin changed. He actually showed a piece of special keratin layer. His speed also became extremely fast, exceeding the two speed users.

Bang! Β·

Bang! ~

Two punches, and the two speed users were repelled.

This scene made Xu Bin and One-Eyed Tiger stand up with serious eyes. This guy was a beast-like ability user, but it was impossible to tell what kind of beast the other party was from the keratin layer alone.

The one-eyed tiger snorted coldly, and instantly entered the beast state, and attacked Li Kai in the same way.

"He is also a beast ability user." Li Kai was surprised.

This one-eyed tiger can be subdued if there is a chance, and it may play a big role.

When he controls the East Suburb Fortress, if the Li family wants to replace him, he can also use the one-eyed tiger to kill the other party.

Thinking of this, he has already attacked the one-eyed tiger, and in an instant, the two of them hit each other.

Under this attack, the one-eyed tiger was startled, felt a huge force, and was directly hit back.

The opponent's strength is obviously stronger than his.

"Can we talk about business now?" Li Kai asked the one-eyed tiger confidently.

The one-eyed tiger had to be cautious now, looking at Li Kai, frowned and asked: "What business?"

Li Kai said slowly: "The resources of the East Suburb Fortress, and the life of a person, the other party is called Lu Feng, you should have heard of it."

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