Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 209 Without anyone noticing! Directly brought into the game and lost!

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Yang Ming also noticed that the people in the ward looked at him strangely.

"Mr. Yang, doesn't your leg hurt?" The doctor asked subconsciously.

He performed the operation himself, so he knew that Mr. Yang couldn't stand up, and couldn't even get out of bed.

Most importantly, the action just now would definitely cause the wound to burst and bleed, but where was there a drop of blood on this person?

Yang Ming subconsciously looked at his feet and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with my feet?"

As he said that, he subconsciously raised his feet and saw that his feet were wrapped in thick bandages. He directly pulled the bandages off.

When the doctor saw Yang Ming's legs that had recovered as before, he was dumbfounded.

"Doctor, aren't you talking about Brother Ming's legs..." Lin Yao asked, but the rest of the words were not said, and everyone understood the meaning.

"Impossible, impossible!" The doctor ran to Yang Ming's feet like a madman, squatted down and held his legs to check.

The more he looked, the more he wondered if he was dreaming about the operation in the operating room just now.

Mr. Yang's legs didn't look like they had been operated on at all.

Yang Ming looked at the doctor and pushed him away with disdain.

This guy is sick, he hugged his legs right away.

Lu Feng left the hospital, and soon Black Snake came back and reported to him: "Boss Lu, we have investigated that Brother Huaqiang is in Xinghua Hotel, which is the hotel that the Gao brothers had built before. After the Gao brothers died, the hotel fell into the hands of Brother Huaqiang and was renamed."

"Yes!" Lu Feng nodded.

He naturally knew that hotel.

The Gao brothers were dealt with there before.

Black Snake said again: "Boss Lu, Brother Huaqiang seems to know that attacking Brother Ming will anger us, so he is hiding in his lair. Moreover, the other party has gathered a lot of his men to the hotel, and I think there will be more actions later."

"No matter what actions the other party takes later, he has no chance. Send someone to monitor him." Lu Feng said coldly, with murderous intent in his words.

Black Snake nodded silently and stopped talking. He knew that Mr. Lu said that Brother Huaqiang must be finished.

Time passed.

It was not until night that Black Snake came to report again: "Mr. Lu, Brother Huaqiang has not left Xinghua Hotel, and the other party has gathered a lot of people in the hotel. I have also investigated Brother Huaqiang's location. He is in the inner suite on the top floor."

Lu Feng said: "Well, I know!"

Black Snake is very capable in this regard, otherwise he would not decide to bring him with him.

However, Brother Huaqiang has not come out of the hotel, which is not giving him a chance.

Then he had to go to the door himself.

In the dead of night, it was confirmed again that Brother Huaqiang was still in the hotel, and Lu Feng also left Qingfeng Entertainment City.

Soon, he came to a building.

This is where he killed the Gao brothers before.

Unexpectedly, he came here again.

Then, he took out the box containing the mecha weapons from the backpack space, opened the box, and put the mecha weapons on his body.

At the same time, he also took out a round ball and mounted it on the mecha weapon.

This is the signal jammer (Chapter 147).

In order to deal with the Gao brothers before, he brought this thing out of the game, but he didn't expect to use it again.

In this way, no real camera can capture him.

Then, he jumped directly from the top of the building and fell down. Relying on the power of the mecha weapon, he grabbed the protruding parts of the building and landed safely on the first floor.

Speed ​​ability urging.

He turned into a steel shadow and rushed towards Xinghua Hotel quickly.

The street was very deserted, and there were not many people at this time.

There was a taxi passing by, and it glanced at Lu Feng and was stunned for a moment.

But under the speed ability, Lu Feng disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Xinghua Hotel was originally built by the Gao brothers, but now it is cheap to Brother Huaqiang.

Because the hotel is defined as a 5-star hotel, the hotel's surveillance is also very strict, and there are many surveillance cameras outside the hotel.

Moreover, in the monitoring room, the security guards must always watch the monitoring. Those who are unqualified or lazy will be fired directly.

Two security guards were on duty, watching the monitoring, but one of them suddenly found a strange side on one of the monitors.

The security guard immediately asked: "Look, is this monitoring broken? Why is there a mosaic?"

Another security guard looked at the monitoring screen and saw that it was obviously normal. He asked in confusion: "What mosaic? Have you watched too many movies recently? Brother, be moderate!"

No one noticed that on the outer wall of Xinghua Hotel, there was already a mecha figure holding the wall, climbing up quickly, and locking a position on the top floor.

There is a very large internal suite on the top floor of the hotel.

This internal suite was originally built by a high-level expert for his own use.

But before he moved in, he provoked Lu Feng and went to see the King of Hell.

After the hotel fell into the hands of Liu Huaqiang, this Huaqiang brother naturally occupied this suite. He usually stayed here overnight when he didn't go home, and he didn't go home most of the time.

In the suite, the bed creaked continuously, and Liu Huaqiang roared, obviously reaching the most critical moment.

After the roar, a phone rang.

Liu Huaqiang took the phone immediately and saw the number on it. He immediately said to the three hot women on the bed: "You go out first."

The number belonged to Mr. Chen, so it was inconvenient for the three women to be present.

The three women were called here, so they were naturally very sensible and immediately picked up their clothes and went out.

Liu Huaqiang then locked the door and answered the phone: "Hello, Mr. Chen!"

The voice of Mr. Chen came from the other side: "Is it done?"

Liu Huaqiang immediately said: "It's done. Yang Ming is already in the hospital. If he doesn't die, he will be disabled."

Mr. Chen said with satisfaction: "Very good. Tomorrow, people from several anti-monopoly departments will send another warning letter to Qingfeng Network Company. At that time, the man surnamed Lu will either give up his shares, be forced to make rectifications, or publish the code. Then you don't have to hold back."

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, I won't let you down. I'm fully prepared... OK... OK, hang up." Liu Huaqiang made the promise and hung up the phone. His face showed panic: "You... who are you?"

A figure appeared in the suite, and the other party's body was wrapped in that steel armor.

What the hell is this?

Liu Huaqiang's face instantly lost a trace of blood.

You know, he locked the door, how could the other party come in? And when did he come in?

The key is that if the other party wants to come here, his men are not blind, and it is impossible for them to let the other party come in. If the other party enters the elevator, he can't press this floor without the set password.

If he breaks in by force, his men will report it to him long ago.

Unless the other party comes in through the window.

But that is even more impossible. This is the top floor. Because of the special design, there is no fulcrum outside. How can it be possible to wear this?

Lu Feng looked at Liu Huaqiang, but without saying a word, he directly activated his speed ability and rushed to Liu Huaqiang like a ghost.

That weird scene made Liu Huaqiang fall to the ground in shock.

The next moment, he felt a sense of suffocation, and the whole person was pinched by the neck and lifted up. He could only use his legs to push Lu Feng frantically, and beat with his hands.

But the sound of steel could only be heard when hitting the mecha weapon.

"Who... are you?" Liu Huaqiang's face was flushed, and he spoke with difficulty.

Lu Feng said coldly: "Don't worry about these, just know that I want your life. If you do something, you have to pay the price."

This made Liu Huaqiang's eyes widen. He thought of something. The other party came to avenge Yang Ming.

Damn, how can there be such a person in Youcheng?

When he was confused, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. Under the pain, it seemed that his soul dissipated. Then, he widened his eyes in horror, and his pupils became dead fish eyes, without any breath of life.

Lu Feng still carried Liu Huaqiang's body and took a look. He thought of one thing. There is no way to bring living things in and out of the game world. What about the body?

Carrying Liu Huaqiang's body, he disappeared on the spot with a thought.

The next moment, he appeared directly in the game.

The lobby of the East Suburb Fortress.

When Lu Feng appeared, Lin Jiao was holding a meeting with Wang Cheng and others. After all, when he was away, everything in the Qingfeng Base depended on these people.

Seeing Lu Feng appear, Lin Jiao and others looked at him.

"Boss, who is this body?" Lin Jiao asked subconsciously.

It was the first time they saw their boss suddenly appear with a body.

"No need to know, just deal with the body, and then you can continue the meeting." Lu Feng said, after leaving Liu Huaqiang's body, he had another idea and quit the game and returned to the suite in reality.

I didn't expect it to work.

In this case, this is a good way to deal with the body. Just embarrass the game, and no one will know. If the body is not found, the official investigation will not be able to file a case, and it can only be handled as missing.

In this case, since Mr. Chen is looking for death, he can be dealt with in the same way.

As long as he is not exposed, who can find out anything?

Moreover, with the means he got from the game, he has many ways to act in reality without exposing himself.

Then, Lu Feng looked at Liu Huaqiang's dropped mobile phone, picked it up and checked the call record. He had just received a call.

The note was Mr. Chen.

I think it should be that person.

He directly pressed the redial button, and the call was connected to that side. .

Almost immediately, a middle-aged man's voice came from the other side: "Liu Huaqiang, what else? Why are you calling again?"

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