
When Brother Huaqiang saw Yang Ming coming out, he stretched out his hand and waved out the window.

The cars he brought were also started from other places.

Qingfeng Entertainment City.

After Yang Ming came out, he went straight to the parking lot.

After Chen Bo left, he became very busy. Not only did he have to take care of the brothers he had shaken up, but he also had to take care of the brothers Chen Bo had shaken up, and there were also brothers recruited locally in Tianzhou City.

In addition, he had to pay attention to the affairs of Qingfeng Entertainment City in various countries.

The most important thing was to pay public grain to his girlfriend. Even if he was exhausted every day, men were still very active in paying public grain.

Yang Ming entered the parking lot, got in his car and started it.

But when he drove the car out of the parking lot, several cars rushed towards him. The speed of those cars was very fast, and the roar of the motor was even more harsh.

Yang Ming frowned slightly, but the next moment, he felt that the car body was hit violently, and the whole car was out of his control and slid out diagonally.

He was dizzy from the impact

But just when he gritted his teeth and tried his best to control the car body, another car hit his car body, and instantly crashed his car into the flower bed beside him.

The violent collision also made Yang Ming completely unconscious, and his head was already hit with blood.

There was chaos all around, with noise and exclamations.

The passing vehicles also stopped in shock, and some kind-hearted people took out their phones to call the police.

The security guards at the entrance of Qingfeng Entertainment City saw this scene and reported it in fear. A group of brothers soon emerged from Qingfeng Entertainment City.

But those cars had already driven away quickly.

Brother Huaqiang saw this scene and smiled and rolled up the window, asking the driver to drive away.

Since Mr. Chen said to give a warning, then he would give a warning,

This warning should be enough.

Tianzhou International Airport

Lu Feng got off the plane with a frown on his face.

Through Wang Kai's narration, he actually roughly knew why Qingfeng Network Company was approached so quickly, and why several departments came to the door at the same time all of a sudden.

There must be someone behind the scenes manipulating and exerting force.

Mr. Chen appeared in his mind. It was because of this that those who took the shares of Qingfeng Network Company would follow the trend and contribute to the current situation.

But just after leaving the airport, his cell phone rang.

The number was called by A Pao. He hurriedly answered the call, and A Pao's urgent voice came immediately: "Mr. Lu, your call finally got through. Brother Ming had a car accident and is now in the hospital."

When Lu Feng heard this, his face suddenly became gloomier. After hanging up the phone, he hurriedly said to Heishe: "Go to the hospital!"

Heishe couldn't help but be alert. He felt a murderous aura on Mr. Lu.

This murderous aura made people sweat.

Soon, Lu Feng appeared outside the First Hospital of Tianzhou City.

Ah Pao had been waiting for a long time, and he went to meet Lu Feng as soon as he saw him.

"What's the situation with my cousin?" Lu Feng asked immediately.

Ah Pao frowned and said, "Brother Ming is still in surgery, and I don't know what's going on for the time being."

Lu Feng walked into the hospital without saying a word, and followed Ah Pao to an operating room. At this time, many people had gathered outside the operating room.

There was Lin Yao, who was worried, and Yang Qingxue who accompanied her.

There were also brothers like Yang Lin. The dense crowd of big men made the atmosphere a little stagnant, and the family members of other surgical patients next to them did not dare to breathe while waiting.

"Lu Feng, you're back." Yang Qingxue immediately walked in front of Lu Feng.

She and Yang Ming have known each other for a long time.

In the past, in Youcheng, Yang Ming also took good care of her and Lu Feng.

Now seeing Yang Ming in trouble, she couldn't help but feel sad.

"It's okay, you go and comfort Lin Yao." Lu Feng comforted her.

Yang Qingxue nodded and went to accompany Lin Yao again.

At this time, Kai Ye came in from outside and greeted Lu Feng when he saw him: "Mr. Lu, you are back, this is for you!"

As he said that, he handed a mobile phone to Lu Feng.

"What is this?" Lu Feng asked in confusion.

Kai Ye immediately said: "The surveillance videos around the scene are evidence found when the official investigated the case, but they were warned, so there will be no splash in this case. I got the video out through my connections, which should be helpful to you."

Lu Feng nodded and turned on his phone, which happened to have a video.

He immediately played the video and saw the scene of several cars rushing out and hitting his cousin's car.

The screen turned to another surveillance video, which was a surveillance screen of one of the cars that hit his cousin parked somewhere else.

Coincidentally, the driver of a car in the picture stuck his head out of the car window and was photographed.

This is actually the key evidence, which is enough to arrest people.

But if someone has said hello, it will be different. This evidence will disappear from the list of evidence, or be deliberately forgotten by the person in charge.

Obviously, as Lu Feng's spokesperson, Yang Ming has become familiar with Kai Ye during this period of time. When he got into trouble, Kai Ye received the news.

Kai Ye is a smart man, so he naturally knows that there must be a conspiracy, and he also roughly knows who the participants are.

So, he also said hello and got the video through his connections.

No matter what Mr. Lu will do in the end, whether he can solve this trouble, he can do a favor with the previous relationship, which is always beneficial.

After Lu Feng read it, a murderous look appeared on his face: "It's him."

He recognized this person. When Brother Hua Qiang delivered the property rights and documents of the nightclubs in the Gao family, the other person was following Brother Hua Qiang.

In other words, this time it was Brother Huaqiang who did it.

At this moment, the door of the operating room opened, and Yang Ming was pushed out. He was still in a coma. .

Yang Lin immediately stepped forward and asked, "Doctor, how is Brother Ming's injury?"

The doctor sighed and said: "Although the operation went well and the patient's life was not in danger, the patient's leg was injured and he will not be able to walk for a long time. He may recover or his walking may be affected."

"Damn it!" Yang Lin couldn't help but cursed angrily.

Others also exhaled the fragrance one after another, "A good person, now one of his legs is missing, who can bear it?"

This not only makes Brother Ming uncomfortable, but also makes the younger ones lose face.

Under normal circumstances, when a doctor is faced with this kind of smelly mouth, he will definitely remind him that this is a hospital and be quiet. To put it bluntly, it means that you are not qualified, so you must be more qualified here.

But looking at the group of angry men, he still chose to remain silent.

Seeing the angry expressions of the group, Mr. Kai also said to Lu Feng: "Mr. Lu, I have also said hello, and that person should also have said hello, so there will be a very delicate period next."

"Master Kai, thank you!" Lu Feng nodded, then turned to Black Snake and said, "Let me investigate. I want to know where that Hua Qiang brother is now."

The subtle time is to give you time to do things to determine the outcome. Once the time has passed, someone will come out to wash the floor. If you jump around again, you are not doing things according to the rules.

This is probably the benefit of having a background relationship.

"Okay, Mr. Lu!" Black Snake nodded immediately, turned around and walked out.

He knew that Brother Huaqiang was dead.

If the other party knew about Mr. Lu’s terror, would he regret it?

Seeing this, Ah Pao directly led some people to follow Black Snake to strengthen Black Snake's strength.

Soon, Yang Ming was pushed to a ward in the hospital.

After Lu Feng entered the ward, he said, "Everyone, please go out. My cousin and I will stay private for a while."

Naturally, no one dared to disobey his words. Even Yang Qingxue and Lin Yao went out. The doctor wanted to check the patient and adjust the equipment, but Yang Lin and others stopped him.

The doctor was also a little helpless.

After Lu Feng closed the door to the ward, he walked up to Yang Ming and took out a bottle of something.

It is the potion of life.

This life potion can restore people's health, that is, HP in the game.

HP100% is the healthiest state.

In reality, people can recover from injuries. As long as their HP is enough, multiple injuries can return people to their healthiest state.

In the game world, Lin Jiao was injured, and he just applied a drop of it, and the other party's injury recovered (Chapter 81!).

He walked to his cousin's bed and dropped some life potion into his mouth.

Yang Ming was obviously aware of it. His brows wrinkled slightly at first, and then relaxed happily.

After finishing, Lu Feng left the ward again.

Now, when Black Snake investigates the location of Brother Huaqiang, it's time to settle the score with him.

After Lu Feng left, Lin Yao entered the ward immediately, with Yang Qingxue accompanying her all the time.

After Yang Lin arranged for some brothers to guard here, he led others and left with Lu Feng.

The doctor also began to examine Yang Ming.

But after a moment, Yang Ming suddenly opened his eyes. Thinking of the situation before coma, he subconsciously turned over and landed directly on the ground.

After falling to the ground, he realized what he was doing and got up quickly.

The brothers around him, including Lin Yao and Yang Qingxue, all looked at him in astonishment.

Doesn’t it mean that Brother Ming’s leg will not be saved?

"Impossible, how could it be possible?" The doctor looked at Yang Ming's legs wrapped in thick bandages. He felt his scalp was numb and something was wrong with his whole body.

He knew very well what kind of injury the other party's leg had suffered during the surgery he performed himself. How could he still roll out of bed like this and stand up right away?

Damn it.

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