Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 210 No clues! Impossible!

Although they had feuded before, this was the first time Lu Feng heard Mr. Chen's voice.

"Liu Huaqiang, what are you doing? Talk!" Mr. Chen's voice came again.

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"Hello! Mr. Chen!" Lu Feng said into the phone with a smile. Naturally, he turned on the voice changing effect on the mecha weapon.

In this case, even if this conversation is recorded or someone obtains it, it will not be linked to him.

This mecha weapon is the latest weapon produced before the end of the game world, and the sound-changing effect is difficult to detect even with the technology of that period.

In the real world, if you take it for a test, it won’t be detected even after decades.

Mr. Chen opposite was obviously stunned, and his voice became colder: "Who are you? Where is Liu Huaqiang?"

Liu Huaqiang actually answered the phone for someone else, that's how ignorant he is.

Lu Feng said jokingly: "That Hua Qiang brother? He should have gone to a place where no one can find him!"

These words made Mr. Chen's expression change: "What do you mean?"

"Enlighten yourself!" Lu Feng said jokingly: "Besides, it will be your turn soon, Mr. Chen!"

These words seemed to be a notice and a threat. Mr. Chen's mood suddenly sank to the bottom. Just as he was about to say something, he found that the other party had hung up the phone and only a blind tone came out of the phone.

After Lu Feng hung up the phone, he also took out his testing watch and started testing the room.

He didn't want to leave any clues. What if Liu Huaqiang contained something in it?

However, there was nothing in this room. Instead, he discovered an unexpected hidden compartment.

This secret compartment is very secretive.

Lu Feng carefully opened the secret compartment, then took out a document bag from the backpack space. When he opened the document bag and saw the contents inside, a sneer appeared on his face.

The things in this document bag are not simple. They are obviously things that Liu Huaqiang left for himself to save his life.

It contains evidence of collusion between the Gao family and Mr. Chen, and even evidence of his own contact with the other party. The USB flash drive contains data and recordings.

Although it is not empirical evidence, Mr. Chen can settle it with just a few operations, but it can definitely get him into a lot of trouble.

Moreover, what if Mr. Chen has no chance to operate and is still outed by public opinion?

Then this guy is definitely doomed.

What if he disappears again?

Then everyone will have an idea, whether he ran away, especially to a foreign country.

After all, this is also a choice that people like the other party often make.

Otherwise, why would so many people send their wives and children to study abroad, and buy houses abroad?

This is good. After all, the identity of the person surnamed Chen is different. He cannot deal with Liu Huaqiang so casually. The impact will be too great.


The other side.

Mr. Chen was already in a bad mood due to this phone call.

He immediately called and called his secretary.

"Mr. Chen, it's so late, what happened?" the secretary asked as soon as he saw Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen ordered: "Something may have happened to Liu Huaqiang. Go to the Xinghua Hotel to have a look. If something happens, you must investigate what happened and find the other party."

The secretary nodded immediately after hearing this, and then hurried out and headed to Xinghua Hotel.

Not long after, he appeared inside the Xinghua Hotel and headed to the inner area on the top floor.

Naturally, he pressed the password and was discovered by Liu Huaqiang's men.

But it was him, and his subordinates also greeted him respectfully.

One person asked: "Secretary Chu, why are you here?"

"Where's your boss?" Secretary Chu asked immediately.

The man immediately replied: "Brother Huaqiang is in the suite. He just invited three girls in before. He must be happy."

"Take me to see him." Secretary Chu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

This shows that nothing happened to Liu Huaqiang, and I don’t know where Mr. Chen knew that something happened to Liu Huaqiang.

The subordinate knew the identity of Secretary Chu, and also knew that the other party coming to his boss must have something important to do, otherwise a phone call would be enough.

But there are some important things that cannot be said on the phone.

He immediately took Secretary Chu to the internal suite.

When they arrived outside the suite, they could see more than 20 strong men standing guard outside. They all greeted Secretary Chu when they saw him coming.

These people are Liu Huaqiang's confidants and naturally know the identity of Secretary Chu.

Secretary Chu felt more at ease when he saw this scene.

If something happened to Liu Huaqiang, it would be impossible for these people to remain idle here so peacefully.

"Where's Brother Huaqiang? Secretary Chu wants to see him." The person leading the way said immediately.

The person in charge who was guarding outside said: "Still inside, let me ask about Brother Huaqiang."

With that said, the man took out a special walkie-talkie and said inside: "Brother Huaqiang, Secretary Chu wants to see you." This walkie-talkie only has a one-to-one connection, and it is also the contact method between them and Brother Huaqiang.

Under normal circumstances, Brother Hua Qiang doesn't want to hear knocking on the door when he is doing things. If the boss has such an order, they will naturally follow it as the younger ones.

But this person shouted into the intercom for a while, but there was no movement at all. Jean could only shout again: "Brother Huaqiang, Secretary Chu wants to see you."

Unfortunately, there was still no response from inside.

The man looked at Secretary Chu awkwardly.

Secretary Chu frowned, not because he was angry. He was asked to come because Mr. Chen said Liu Huaqiang was in trouble. Did Liu Huaqiang really have an accident?

He immediately said to the man, "Open the door quickly and see if your boss is inside?"

The subordinate hesitated.

He knew that Brother Huaqiang had a bad temper. He would chop the melons if they were not ripe. Isn't it a death wish for him to let someone in and disturb him?

Secretary Chu was annoyed when he saw this. He stepped forward and kicked the door.

He didn't care whether Liu Huaqiang would be annoyed or not.

To be honest, he came here on behalf of Mr. Chen and had notified him twice. The other party didn't say a word and was still showing off, so he had to give him some face.

Secretary Chu was very strong and kicked the door open in two kicks. When he got inside, he heard the sound of rushing water in the bathroom. Someone was taking a bath inside.

"No wonder you didn't answer the phone." Secretary Chu immediately shouted inside: "Brother Huaqiang, come out after taking a shower!"

But as he finished speaking, only three beautiful women with good figures came out of the bathroom, and there was no Liu Huaqiang at all.

"Brother Huaqiang is in the master bedroom." A woman just heard Secretary Chu's words and pointed to the master bedroom.

Secretary Chu then went to knock on the door of the master bedroom.

But for a long time, he even knocked hard from behind, but there was still no movement.

"Something really happened." Secretary Chu was shocked and kicked the door again. When the door was kicked open and entered, he saw the empty master bedroom, without any figure inside.

"Where is the person?" Secretary Chu's face changed completely, and he looked at Liu Huaqiang's men.

Liu Huaqiang's men were also shocked:

"How could this be? Brother Huaqiang was clearly in there!"

"I didn't see Brother Huaqiang go out, how could he disappear?"

"What's going on?"


Secretary Chu walked to the window. Did someone take Liu Huaqiang away from here?

But looking at the window, there was no point of support at all. It was impossible.

Moreover, there were no signs of fighting in the room. Liu Huaqiang was famous for his toughness. Could it be that someone could quietly deal with him without alerting the guards outside, leaving him without any resistance?

This was even more impossible.

Secretary Chu's scalp was numb the more he thought about it. Liu Huaqiang disappeared out of thin air?

He immediately called Mr. Chen. As soon as the call was connected, Mr. Chen's voice came: "What happened?"

Secretary Chu immediately reported: "Mr. Chen, Liu Huaqiang may have really been in trouble. The other party disappeared out of thin air. There were many guards outside, and they didn't even notice the movement inside..."

He recounted the matter.

On the other side, Mr. Chen's face became more and more ugly after hearing this. He hurriedly said: "Find someone from the criminal investigation team to investigate. There must be some clues. Find that person for me!"

Secretary Chu was stunned when he heard this. It was not difficult to hear from this that someone came in here and took Liu Huaqiang away without anyone noticing.

Moreover, the other party should have talked to Mr. Chen on the phone, so Mr. Chen knew.

But in this situation, who can do such a thing? How did they do it?

He did not dare to hesitate, and immediately called the criminal department and said hello to one of his own people.

Not long after, a pair of people in uniform arrived at the scene.

Secretary Chu immediately handed the matter over to the person in charge and asked him to investigate the situation.

Those people also immediately investigated seriously, but in the end, everyone looked unhappy.

"Secretary Chu, is someone really taken away here? This shouldn't be!"

"Yes, there is no trace left, not even a hair!"

"Such a high position, such a geographical environment, no one can do it, not to mention that there are surveillance cameras around below, but nothing was captured."

This investigation result made Secretary Chu's face even uglier.

The other party is already the most capable person in this area. If the other party can't find anything, then there is nothing to find out at all.

He knew that this matter must be not simple, so he left in a hurry and returned to Mr. Chen.

"How is it, did you find anything?" Mr. Chen asked immediately.

Secretary Chu shook his head and said, "No information was found. It seems like a ghost did it!"

"Ghosts won't talk to me on the phone. The other party must be someone from Qingfeng Company." Mr. Chen's face was extremely gloomy: "Very good, the other party is fighting back against me."

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now?" Secretary Chu asked.

Mr. Chen said coldly: "Does the other party think that I only have the chips in the underworld? Tomorrow, several anti-monopoly departments will go to Qingfeng Network Company again. The minimum result tomorrow is to suspend business for rectification."

As he said this, the coldness in his eyes became stronger. At that time, he didn't need to worry about the other party making public opinion. He just needed to deal with the other party during this period of time.

Could it be that the other party dared to deal with him in the same way as he dealt with Li Huaqiang, a man of the underworld?

The other party didn't have the courage to do so.

"Yeah." Secretary Chu agreed with this.


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