Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 198 Restrictions! The formation of the alliance!

It is very difficult to establish a country. Even the world-famous rich man Musk wants to establish a country, but he can't do it because he has no territory.

But on the Internet, Lu Feng also found some very interesting information. There is actually a country with 4 people in the world.

This is a principality, an unmanned fortress on the sea. It was discovered by a fisherman and then the principality was established.

There is only one king, one queen, one princess and one prince in the population.

Even such a country has experienced a coup.

The town of Dara is not big, but with the surrounding no-man's land and the surrounding mountainous forests, the area is really very large.

You should know that the area of ​​the surrounding Cambodia is only 180,000 square kilometers, which is almost the size of a small province in China.

And the total area of ​​Dara town has exceeded 50,000 square kilometers.

Therefore, the area of ​​Dara town will not be smaller than a small country.

Lu Feng carefully looked at the relevant information again and found that all this must comply with the "Mondot Dovi Convention".

And it just so happens that the no-man's land of Dara town just meets this convention, and there is no problem at all.

What is lacking is only the internal operation.

That is, the people.

There are not many people in Dara Town now, most of them are members of the armed forces of the Kudar family before, and the residents of Dara Town are only a part of it.

Moreover, the folk customs of these residents are very unsophisticated, and every family holds weapons, which is even worse than that of the United States.

This is not enough to build a complete country.

At that time, maybe we have to think about the policy of attracting immigrants.

In addition, to be truly recognized by the world and even appear on the world map, there are still many things to do.

There is also the military force for defense, which is not a problem.

Anyway, there are still many rules and regulations. If you don’t do these, you can only have fun by yourself.

Just like some countries that have declared the establishment of a country but are not recognized as having sovereignty, they make money by selling unrecognized nationalities, passports, souvenirs, and titles.

Then many people paint a picture to buy it, and they don’t take it seriously, they just think it’s like teasing a clown.

Lu Feng is a person who either doesn’t do it or does his best.

He thought for a long time and searched a lot of information on the Internet. Although many people on the Internet don't know anything, some netizens can still give a lot of useful opinions.

Moreover, many netizens said a common point, that is, the law.

The most important thing for the establishment of a real army is the law. Only the law can ensure the stability of the army and assist the military force to ensure stability.

Therefore, Dara Town is still short of laws.

The law of a country is not something that can be thought of by brainstorming. It must be compiled seriously. This is obviously not something that can be done by those people in Dara Town.

Invite talents from other countries?

It's not reliable either.

Everyone will have selfishness, and to a large extent, they will tend to some ideas and concepts of their own country.

This is not what he needs.

Lu Feng thought of the talents in the game. There will always be people who understand the law, right?

After that, he simply entered the game with another idea and appeared in the East Suburb Fortress.

The East Suburb Fortress has basically resumed normal operation. There are often teams of patrol personnel patrolling outside, which is no different from the past.

The only difference is that the owner of this place has changed.

Lu Feng called Lin Jiao and ordered: "Help me find a few talents who understand the law, I am useful."

"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiao nodded, and then said: "Boss, I also have something to report to you, about the newly discovered place for planting. I took people to see it. The area is not small!"

"Although we have reported to the Li family, do we need to report in detail? Or we are about to plant, how much should we report on the planting situation?"

Lu Feng understood what this meant when he heard this, that is, the original area was 10, and only 8 was reported, so the rest could be completely swallowed.

If the harvest is 10, then the report is only 7, then the rest can also be completely eaten.

This is why Chen Feng has so many thoughts.

The profit here is too big.

If he does this, he should be able to make Qingfeng Base self-sufficient, and he doesn't need to carry food in reality frequently.

However, he wants to completely control this place, and he thinks this method is very LOW.

Moreover, when the crops planted on the new land mature, it is still unknown whether we need to worry about the Li family at that time, so there is no need to think too much.

He is just very curious about the acidity of the soil.

"Lin Jiao, is there any way to increase the yield of this crop?" Lu Feng thought for a while and asked: "After the end of the world, the soil is not suitable for growing crops. Only the East Suburbs can be planted. There must be a reason, right? Didn't the people of the East City Alliance study it?"

Lin Jiao immediately replied: "Of course they have studied it, otherwise everyone would not know that there are more acidic substances in the soil."

"These acidic substances make the soil unsuitable for planting. Only the soil in the East Suburbs has weaker acidic substances, so it can still be planted. However, it still contains acidic substances, so the yield is not high."

"It's not possible to neutralize those acidic substances with ordinary alkaline soil. Later, the East City Alliance also organized people to develop a special neutralizing substance to neutralize this acidic soil, which increased the harvest here a little bit, and also made more soil in the East Suburbs available for planting."

"Unfortunately, the area of ​​Tianhai City is limited. Even if the East City Alliance has plundered all the places with materials, it can only do this much. After that, there will be no more materials."

"Have you ever thought about going to other cities?" Lu Feng asked.

Lin Jiao sighed and said, "Boss, in addition to zombies in the city, there are many mutant beasts that are more threatening, and there are more mutant beasts in the wild."

"Going out to the wild and traveling long distances to other cities is even more dangerous. At the beginning, there was a beast king in the East Suburbs, and the Yan Emperor of the East City Alliance even led people to kill the beast king."

"It seems that because a beast king died here, those mutant beasts dare not approach here."

Lu Feng nodded when he heard this.

If this is the case, then we can only stay in this city.

Moreover, there is another point.

Tianhai City has survivors, but other cities don't?

Therefore, it is not the turn of people in Tianhai City to go to other cities to collect resources.

Lu Feng thought of reality.

There are no such materials in the game world, but there should be a lot in reality, right?

Thinking of this, he ordered Lin Jiao: "Find me the materials needed for the neutralizing substance later."

As long as enough neutralizing substances can be made in reality, it is actually no problem to increase the neutralization degree of the soil in the eastern suburbs on a large scale.

For example, there were only 2 harvests originally, and he made it 4 harvests. He only paid 2 to the East City Alliance, and the rest were his own.

This means that his personal food is comparable to the entire East City Alliance.

When the violent zombie tide crisis of the hexagonal beast breaks out, all of these will be his. At that time, with this food advantage, he can crazily absorb survivors and become one of the most powerful princes in Tianhai City.

"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiao heard the order, nodded and went out to do business.

Not long after, Lin Jiao brought a few people, all of whom were talented people who were good at law before the end of the world.



When these people saw Brother Lu Feng, they all greeted him respectfully.

Lu Feng nodded, and then said to these people: "Now I will give you a task, help me write a law. The situation is an armed force, the situation is very chaotic, there are not enough residents, but it needs to be absolutely stable, and it must be attractive to people from other places, attracting them to come here..."

This made Lin Jiao's eyes light up.

Is the boss going to write laws for Qingfeng Base?

After all, isn't the boss's description Qingfeng Base? They are an armed force, very chaotic, and there are not enough residents.

Now that they have the East Suburb Fortress, they can get a lot of food by operating it, so the boss plans to expand and recruit people.

Moreover, many bases, except for the East City Alliance, will not think about writing their own laws or anything.

Now that the boss has this idea, it is obvious that he has an idea.

This is very good, it can make Qingfeng Base go further.

After Lu Feng explained the matter, he also quit the game. It would not be too late to come in and get the laws after these people wrote them.

In the afternoon, Lu Feng appeared in the lobby of the Kudar family's residence again.

None of them left. After all, who dared to leave at this time?

So, they kept discussing.

It was not until Lu Feng came in that they subconsciously looked at Lu Feng one by one, with more respect in their eyes.

"How was the discussion?" Lu Feng asked after sitting down. .

Brin was the first to speak: "Mr. Lu, we have discussed it with all our strength, and we all feel that the situation in Dara Town is such that it is time to establish a **."

At this time, Weisen and Huosi also nodded in unison.

Both knew that this situation could not be changed, so they could only support this person. At least when this country was really established, they would not be eliminated.

Black Snake and Hadona were even more eager to try. They were all Mr. Lu's people. Mr. Lu established a country here. They should be able to be officials, right?

Only Chen Bo and the people he brought were confused.

Is Mr. Lu really going to establish **?

If I call back and tell my brothers, I'm afraid they won't believe it, right?

Seeing this, Lu Feng nodded and said, "In this case, let's announce the establishment!"

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