Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 199 Xuanfeng Alliance? Playing house?

After hearing Lu Feng's decision, Brin and Hong Xi's faces showed excitement.

This is what they want to see.

Brin hurriedly asked: "Mr. Lu, what is the name of our alliance?"

"Xuanfeng Alliance (it is stipulated that foreign alliances cannot be established, only alliances can be used)!" Lu Feng said decisively.

He did not think much about this name.

After all, is it strange to use your own name as the name of a self-established alliance?

Not strange at all.

There are many such forces in history.

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"Sir, what about our alliance flag?" Hong Xi also asked immediately.

This time, Lu Feng said more decisively: "Dragon, black dragon flag, if you don't understand, ask Hei She, he will know how to do it."

As a descendant of the dragon, there is no need to think too much about this.

And the black color is the national color of that dynasty. It must be this color. The power of that ancient country is really the pride of their nation.

The "Xuan" in "Xuanfeng" also comes from this!

Hadona was responsible for translation, and he hurriedly looked at the black snake while speaking.

The black snake was confused and came back to his senses.

After all, Mr. Lu really wants to establish a **, and now he is asked to make a flag.

This is really exciting.

Lu Feng also looked at everyone in the hall at this time and said: "Now let me talk about the general division of positions after the establishment of the ** in Dara Town."

This made everyone look at Lu Feng, with expectations and fear in their eyes.

Brin and Red Lizard are naturally looking forward to it, after all, they just want to hug thighs, and Huo Si and Weisen are naturally fearful, after all, after the establishment of the **, they may completely lose their role.

Lu Feng announced directly: "Hong Xi, from now on, you are the military commander-in-chief of the Xuanfeng Alliance, and Brin is the deputy commander. You will fully train and reorganize all combatants."

"Wesen, you are the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Xuanfeng Alliance. From now on, you will be responsible for the diplomatic affairs of the Xuanfeng Alliance to the surrounding areas. In the future, Dara Town will be changed to Dara City, and Huo Si, you will be the mayor of Dara City."

"That's it for now. You can discuss and summarize the rest for me later. Also, please remember that the current position is only temporary. If you don't do well, you will be replaced by someone else."

This appointment seems a bit of a joke, but at the beginning of this construction, it can only be like this. The simpler the better, and the details will come later.

After all, even the laws have not been written.

Naturally, the biggest reason for Lu Feng's joke is that no matter Hong Xi, Brin, Huo Si, or Wei Sen, they all have electronic chains, and he can use them, and they dare not make any trouble.

After that, Lu Feng looked at Chen Bo again and ordered: "Chen Bo, you will be the chief of the police station in Dara City. All the people you brought will be assigned to the police station. Then ask Brin to help you select the people needed by the police station."

"????" Chen Bo was stunned when he heard this, and he was so shocked that he was numb.

After all, he was just a small figure in the underworld. He applied to come to Dara Town in order to make a name for himself. Who knew that he would become the chief of the police station in a city in the blink of an eye after arriving here?

He was a man of the underworld, and this change was a bit earth-shattering.

If he called back to tell Yang Ming and his parents, they would not believe it. They would think he was crazy, right?

But he soon realized that this might be the most unlucky time in his life. This was an opportunity to completely change his fate.

To be honest, who wants to be a man of the underworld?

No one wants to.

In modern society, people like them are regarded as scum by most people, right?

Now this kind of opportunity, he will definitely seize it well.

He quickly said to Lu Feng: "Boss Lu, I won't let you down."

At this time, Black Snake reminded him: "Boss Lu, we can't call you like this in the future, right? What should we call you?"

Now only he and Hadona have not been assigned positions.

However, he was not in a hurry. After all, Boss Lu had been with him all the time, so he was just like Boss Lu's secretary. Haven't you heard of the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister?

Haven't you seen in TV and movies that the eunuchs around the emperor are more powerful than the first-rank officials?

In China, who dares not to give face to the secretaries of those big figures?

Not to mention Hadona, who has been following Lu Feng as an interpreter, and is also a close minister of the emperor.

"Call him the governor first, and talk about the rest later." Lu Feng was not too arrogant, but just gave himself such a title.

The positions were hastily decided one by one.

Waste and Fire Silicon were slightly relieved to see their own positions, but at the same time they also sighed a little, after all, their positions were really nothing compared to Brin and Red Lizard.

But now they can only accept it. Fortunately, the new governor also said that positions are not static, and whoever does not do well will step down.

When all these are ready, there is only one thing left, that is, to announce the establishment of **.

"Tell me, how to announce it to the outside world?" Lu Feng has no experience in this area, so he also asked others.

Brin is very positive about this matter and immediately said: "Governor, under normal circumstances, we can first let Foreign Minister Weisen send a message to several neighboring countries, and then announce it through the international media. The more people know, the better. It would be great if we can select some countries from some of them to establish diplomatic relations."

Lu Feng nodded, since he had no experience anyway, the Caotai team could only do this for now.

He also said to Vessen: "Vesen, I'll leave these things to you. In addition, I will make arrangements for Dongfanghua Country myself."

With the Qingfeng Network Company in China, it is easy to spread the news. It only takes a short time for the news to spread throughout the country.

I just want to think about it, is it possible to establish diplomatic relations with China?

The other thing is, do you want to expose yourself?

After all, it is the honor of establishing a country.

But thinking about it, he still needs to go back to the country and has family and friends in the country, so he decided not to expose himself for the time being.

After all, he will attract a lot of attention by then, and someone might turn their attention to him, which would not be a good thing.

After the matter was settled, the next step was to take action. Vessen left directly. Now that he had recognized the facts, he now had to contact surrounding countries to send news, then find international information and use the media to release the news.

I just don’t know how the international community will react to them?

Red Lizard's face was full of excitement. His original choice had now paid off. He knew that he would have a bright future with Mr. Lu, but now this future was beyond his imagination.

An independent military commander-in-chief was something he had never dared to think about before.

Now that he has sat in this position, he will not go down again. Therefore, the combatants must be organized well. Whoever dares to target them must make the other party pay the price.

Red Lizard has clearly fallen into character.

He also immediately said to Brin: "Commander Brin, shall we wait to discuss the reorganization of the troops?"

Brin nodded and said: "Commander Red Lizard, this is how it should be. I want to maximize my combat power."

As he spoke, he said to Nahadona: "Mr. Hadona, I wonder if you can teach me Chinese?"

When the red lizard heard this, he secretly thought that Brin was smart, and immediately said: "Mr. Hadona, please teach me."

The governor speaks Chinese. People like them cannot have difficulty communicating with the governor, so learning Chinese is also a must.

After the others left, Chen Bohe and the people he brought looked at each other a little bit.

"Boss Chen, I'm going to be a policeman? Why does it feel a little unreal?"

"Yeah, this is like a dream!"

"I am now the chief of the government, and I feel like I am dreaming!" Chen Bo said with emotion.

Then, he also remembered something, and immediately took out his mobile phone and made a long-distance call. The number was Yang Ming's.

As soon as the phone call came through, Yang Ming's voice came: "Chen Bo, what's the matter?"

Chen Bo immediately said: "Yang Ming, I want to be the police chief!"

"Crazy, I don't have time to joke with you." After Yang Ming's voice came, there was the sound of the phone hanging up.

"..." Chen Bo was stunned, and immediately dialed another phone number, which was his father's phone number.

As soon as the phone call came through, the old man's voice came from the other side: "Guawazi, what's going on?"

"Dad, I'm going to be the police chief." Chen Bo also reported the good news.

"Guawazi, it's not dark yet, what are you dreaming about?" After the old man's voice came, there was also the sound of hanging up the call.

"..." Chen Bo suddenly lost his defense.

Soon, Vessen also made some preparations and had people spread the news to several surrounding countries.

At the same time, he also found some international media, especially after the flag was produced, he recorded a video and passed the news to a major Western news company.

This news company is called AFP, and the person in charge is named Dai Ansi, a blond man.

Soon after, within the French Press Agency, the person in charge, Dai Ansi, returned to his office.

What he does every day is review the news produced below.

After sitting down, he reviewed the news one by one.

When he saw the news, he was stunned.

"Xuanfeng Alliance is officially announced!" 》

Xuanfeng Alliance?

Dai Ansi muttered: "I've never heard of it. Which rich man is trying to play house again to build a country?"

Think about it, how many countries have been established this year?

There are about 7 of them, right?

There is only one who can really count as a leader, the other six are basically joking.

This is probably the same for the Xuanfeng Alliance, right?

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