Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 197 The conditions for establishing a country!

Huo Si frowned slightly when he heard what his subordinates said: "Maybe! After all, people's ambitions cannot be stopped!"

He was actually thinking about this issue too.

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In this current situation, the town of Dara is basically unified. If the thing around his neck is removed, he can only surrender like Veson.

The people of the Da Da family and the Brinda family were basically incorporated.

The other small forces were either driven away or surrendered and incorporated. No one in the town of Dara dared to resist him.

Moreover, the area of ​​Dara Town is not small. It can even be said that the combined combatants in Dara Town are not even less than the border standing armies that can be used by several surrounding countries.

Moreover, the total area of ​​​​this three-nothing area completely meets the area standards of a small country.

In this case, if it were him, he would definitely build a country.

You must know that the famous resistance army is not stronger than the overall power of their town of Dara.

Everyone can establish a political power through armed resistance, and then declare righteously to the international situation: "As one of the residents of this planet, we cannot use armed fighting to solve problems, but need to sit down and talk!"

When the news came out, people from all countries froze, right?

You must know that it was you who were the most ruthless in armed fighting.

This is like a ruthless person who just defeated several people by himself, and then turned around and said to others sincerely: "Fists can't solve the problem!"

That armed resistance force can do this, and now the unified town of Dara can do it even more. The only thing that needs to be guarded against is whether several surrounding countries will take advantage of the situation and rob it.

Although the town of Dara is unified, the number of combatants has also dropped sharply. Maybe some people will not think of attacking Dara town without understanding the situation.

Especially Cambodia.

It’s not like the other party has never had the idea of ​​​​Dala Town.

Because the other party is also a semi-armed force and semi-state, but it has too little territory.

Therefore, they also want to take advantage of this area, including copyright and expansion of territory.

"Let's go to the Kudar family headquarters!" Huo Si also said to his confidant.

What does this have to do with him?

After all, he was not the one in power when he founded the country.

Huosi said and led others outside to the residence of the Kudar family.

When he got here, he saw Veson, Brin, and the red lizard.

The reputation of this red lizard is now very big in the town of Dara.

Everyone knows that he led people to the Da Da family to behead Dalon, and he was the one who solved most of the small forces.

Moreover, everyone knows that the special combat members under him are so powerful that the small forces in Dara Town who dare to confront them are basically defeated at the first touch. They are not ordinary people at all.

As for the other people, he didn't know them. Except for Hadona, who could find information, the others couldn't find any information at all, which meant that they had never appeared in Dara Town before.

Chen Bo was also looking at Huosi.

He has naturally read some information these days and knows what kind of ruthless person this person is.

The other party used to be the leader of a force in this place.

The Jianghu people in Tianzhou City are basically more like little shrimps than little shrimps in front of him, and a small melon can solve them.

After the people in the hall arrived, they found seats and sat down, looking at each other, waiting for Lu Feng to appear.

It wasn't until Lu Feng appeared that all of them stood up and stared at Lu Feng.

This also illustrates Lu Feng's current authority.

"Everyone, sit down!" Lu Feng also said to these people. After he sat down, the others followed suit.

Lu Feng glanced at Veisen and Huosi and said, "Now everyone knows that there is only one force in Dara Town, so in the end, the Kudar family will no longer be used."

"Now that everyone is unified, a new force name will be appointed. As for what it will be called, I will let everyone know when I think of it."

Vessen and Huosi sighed when they heard this.

This was also what they expected.

After all, whoever had reached this stage would not be able to retain the name of their power.

Brin said directly at this time: "Mr. Lu, we all listen to you. When the time comes, you tell me the name, and I will let all the places in Dara Town be replaced with the flag of You!"

He directly chose the first schedule and became loyal.

At this time, he no longer cared about Vaisen's feelings.

After all, when it reaches this level, it’s better to hug your thighs tightly.

If Vaison no longer has illusions, he should learn from him.

Lu Feng glanced at Brin for a second, and he could naturally receive the signal that the other party wanted to hug his thigh. After all, it was already so obvious.

Moreover, the other party already wears an electronic chain, so he doesn't mind the other party's loyalty.

Weisen raised a question that he was concerned about: "Mr. Lu, I don't know how the town of Dara will be managed next. After all, the former soldiers of each force have been recruited, especially regarding the sale of weapons, how to manage it in a unified way?" ”

Obviously, Huo Si was also concerned about this issue, and he also looked at Lu Feng.

Lu Feng frowned slightly when he heard this.

Indeed, the town of Dara was unified, but he really never thought about how the town would survive after the town was unified.

Or I have thought about it, but it’s not specific.

After all, Dara Town has always been famous for selling weapons. Now that he controls Dara Town, how can he continue to run Dara Town?

Continue to sell weapons?

To be honest, he hadn't thought about this question.

Or he was somewhat resistant to selling weapons. After all, Qingfeng Network Company was a money-making tool, earning more than selling *, and he didn't need to make money from this business.

At this time, Brin stood up again and said, "Mr. Lu, since you have unified Dara Town, the area of ​​our area is large enough, it's just chaos. We in Dara Town are now united and can completely solve this chaos, so why don't we establish a country of our own?"

When he said this, Weisen and Huo Si frowned.

Sure enough, someone would bring up this matter.

Weisen sighed even more. He knew that his Kudar family was basically out of his control now. After all, Brin's attitude was obvious enough.

But Brin looked at Lu Feng with a fanatical face.

He had thought about this problem a long time ago. After all, everyone in Weisen and others had this idea at the beginning, but they just didn't have the ability.

He knew that Mr. Lu would unify Dara Town sooner or later.

So, Mr. Lu could resist the temptation to establish a country.

He also hoped that Mr. Lu could establish a country, and then he would also rise to prominence.

Chen Bo and the people he brought were completely shocked by this topic.

You know, they were just people from the underworld and could not be on the stage at all. Who knew that after following Mr. Lu to this Dara town, they were shocked by one thing after another.

Now they are going to establish a country?

Has Mr. Lu played so big?

This is absolutely something they dare not even think about. Let domestic directors make movies and see if they dare to shoot like this.

Lu Feng was stunned when he heard what Brin said.

After all, he had thought about this issue and heard that Dara Town could establish a country.

He didn't expect it to be brought up by Brin.

And the temptation of establishing a country for a man is hard for anyone to resist.

"You guys discuss this matter among yourselves and tell me later. Now I'm going to go out for some fresh air." Lu Feng said, and also got up and left.

The fresh air was fake, and the slowness was real.

At the same time, he also wanted to see the conditions for establishing a country for himself.

He didn't believe that establishing a country would be as simple as Brin said. There must be many things that need to be paid attention to.

Sure enough, after investigation, he found that establishing a country requires four conditions: one, people, two, territory, three, government, and four, sovereignty!

The most difficult of these is territory, which is also a condition that many forces cannot achieve.

But Lu Feng found that this is now the simplest condition for him.

After all, the area around Dara Town is already under his control.

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