Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 194 Delivered to the door?

The Da Da family is located south of the town of Dara.

Dalon immediately took people back to the station.

Vaison's attitude today made him very unhappy.

The other two were naturally as unhappy as him.

Therefore, the Kudar family will surely bear their wrath.

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Anyway, the people from Dongfang China should have caught it, and there is no need for Veson to hand over the new weapon design drawings.

But when Dalon returned to the station, he saw several embarrassed figures.

This made him frown.

Those figures were the people he sent to intercept and kill them.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Dalon asked immediately, his face not looking good.

The person in charge replied sarcastically: "Mr. Dalon, we made a mistake. The team sent by the Kudar family to pick them up is not ordinary. Their marksmanship is very strong, and their speed and reaction power are far superior to ours."

"Those people are obviously not ordinary people. I don't think the special forces are as powerful as them. Moreover, they also have a sharpshooter who keeps suppressing us so that we can't get out."

"So, after more and more of our people died, we had no choice but to retreat. Now the other party should return to the Kudar family's base."

These words made Dalon's face become even more gloomy: "The Veson and Kudar families are really ambitious and are fully prepared. Let's see if he can withstand the joint attack of the three of us!"

With that said, he shouted to several of his confidants: "Gather some people for me, today the Kudar family will become a thing of the past!"

Those confidants did not hesitate and immediately went to gather people.

When he came back, he knew that the war was about to break out. After today, the town of Dara would lose one Kudar family.

But when these people left, suddenly there was a sound of fighting somewhere in the Da Da family's residence.

This shocked everyone in the Da Da family.

Dalon just sat down in the hall. When he heard the sound, he stood up in shock and shouted hurriedly: "What's going on?"

After a moment, a subordinate ran in in a panic: "Mr. Dalon, what's wrong, a group of people have invaded our Da Da family, they seem to be members of the Kudar family!"

Dalon's face changed and he cursed angrily: "Damn it, I haven't taught them a lesson yet, and they came to die first? Stop them first, our people will be here soon."

The subordinate looked ugly and said: "Mr. Dalon, we can't resist it at all. The opponent is too powerful. They seem to be special forces. Moreover, they are not ordinary special forces. Regardless of marksmanship, speed, reaction power... none of our people are opponents. , the defense line over there has been broken up, and their numbers are still very large. "

When Dalon heard this, he exclaimed: "Not ordinary special forces? When did the Kudar family train such a team?"

The sounds of battle were getting closer.

A look of panic inevitably appeared on Daron's face.

His henchmen went to gather his men.

His men had not yet assembled.

But the other party actually attacked his lair.

The key is that he has never taken any such precautions.

Because he never believed that anyone in Dara Town could do such a thing.

Is it so easy to break through the defense line of their Da Da family?

As long as there is a slight stalemate, the members of the Da Da family will quickly encircle and eliminate the opponent. Even if the entire Kudar family comes to press, it is impossible to break up their defense line immediately.

But now this situation was completely beyond his expectation.

The Kudar family simply does not have this kind of power.

"Let's go, gather everyone first." Dalon shouted to his men hurriedly, and was about to walk to the other side.

But suddenly, a sound broke through the air, and Dalon howled miserably and threw himself forward.

When he rolled to the ground, he was already clutching his thigh, blood splattering everywhere.

One of his legs exploded from the knee and was directly pierced.

Just from the horrific injuries, he knew it was a sniper.

Fortunately, he happened to be in a bunker when he fell.


Seeing Dalong howling miserably, his men wanted to help him, but the next moment the person who came close had blood bursting from his body and he fell down.

This made the others panic.

"There are snipers!"

"It's impossible, snipers can't attack here."

far away.

A sniper jokingly reported into the headset: "Boss Red Lizard, we have hit the target and only broke one of the opponent's legs. No one can help him, but he is behind a bunker now."

In the Da Da family camp, the red lizard received the report and shouted with a smile: "Let's go, kill that Daron with your own hands!"

He is in a very happy mood now. After all, these are the people he trained and are performing a mission for the first time, even if this is all the result of Mr. Lu's bones.

However, those retired special forces instructors are really capable.

This beheading plan was designated by them, specifically to break in from a position in the Da Da family. If they attack from this position, as long as they are fast enough and the attack is fierce enough, they can force Dalon to escape in another direction.

And that direction will happen to fall into the eyes of a sniper he arranged.

Under normal circumstances, this location, given the environment around the Da Da family, would not be able to be attacked by snipers. This is why Dalon chose this location as his base.

But the snipers he arranged used new weapons with a longer range.

Soon, the red lizard led the people to break through and saw Dalon from a distance.

When Dalong saw Honglizard and his men, his face was completely bloodless.

When his men around him saw this scene, they dared not stay and ran away in panic.

Honglizard had already led his men to point their weapons at Dalong, and then there was a burst of intensive attacks, which directly turned Dalong into a hornet's nest.

This is the decapitation operation.

The battle in the Dada family was naturally discovered by the people in Dara Town, and the sound of the battle was heard from a long distance.

However, no one knew what happened in the Dada family.

No one would believe that Dalong was simply beheaded in his own nest.

The Bubu family and Huosi also returned to their base. He was the first to see the men who failed the mission.

He did not expect that the three families joined forces to send people to capture people, but they failed in the end.

But it doesn't matter, he summoned all the people of the Bubul family at the first time.

The soldiers lined up in a queue, with a large number of people, and each of them was holding a weapon.

These people will follow him to eliminate the Kudar family.

Since there is no way to catch people, just go and rob them yourself.

Just at this time, a man hurried in: "Mr. Huo Si, there was a fierce battle over at the Dada family!"

Huo Si heard the report and immediately shouted: "The Dada family must be the Kudar family. Strike first? Defeat them one by one?"

Thinking of this possibility, he immediately waved his hand and led his men to set off. Since they had united to destroy the Kudar family and share the new weapon design drawings, they could not let the Kudar family succeed at this time. They had to support the Dada family.

But when Huo Si led the people of the Bubul family out of their own station, he was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Because a figure appeared outside their station and stood there quietly.

When Huo Si saw this figure, his eyes lit up slightly.

The other party was obviously from the Eastern Hua country.

He thought of something. This person was the one who flew the new weapons of the Kudar family.

Did the other party come to his door?

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