Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 195 Everyone is playing me?

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

Huo Si guessed Lu Feng's identity, and his face suddenly showed excitement. He shouted: "Are you the one who gave the Kudar family the new weapon design drawings?"

Lu Feng did not deny: "It's me!"

"Haha, it's good that it's you." Huo Si laughed immediately, and immediately shouted to his confidant: "Catch him and bring him back to the base!"

He was obviously in a very good mood. This Dongfang Huaguo man came to the door himself, so he naturally had an advantage over the other two families.

In case Weisen finally chose to take extreme measures and destroyed the new weapon design drawings, it would be fine.

Thinking of this, he felt that he could do something. While destroying Weisen, he also calculated the other two.

Several of Huo Si's confidants immediately approached Lu Feng with fierce faces.

The next moment, they were shocked on the spot, and the Dongfang Huaguo man in front of them disappeared from their sight.

Lu Feng used his speed ability to approach these people at an incredible speed.

Faced with his speed, Huo Si's trusted subordinates could not react at all.

When Lu Feng rushed through them, they felt something on their necks.

"Damn it, what is this?"

"When did you put it on?"


Those people wanted to pull off the electronic chain, but after the electronic chain shrank, they were helpless.

This scene made Huo Si subconsciously shocked. What happened to the other party just now?

Lu Feng looked at him with a sneer, and an electronic chain appeared in his hand again, and walked towards Huo Si.

Before coming, he had seen Huo Si's photo, so he naturally knew that the man in front of him was the leader of the Bubul family.

Huo Si didn't understand the situation at all. Seeing Lu Feng walking towards him, he subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly took out a pistol and shot Lu Feng's feet.

He didn't aim at other places.

In his mind, he was still thinking about controlling Lu Feng and getting the new weapon design, so it would be enough to just hit his feet.

After one shot, the result made him widen his eyes in shock!

The opponent was not hurt at all?

Huo Si's men were also shocked.

If the distance was close, did the leader miss?

The leader's shooting ability is good.

Huo Si didn't believe it, and hurriedly shot at Lu Feng again.

But this time, he was completely dumbfounded.

Still failed to cause any damage to the opponent.

If one shot missed, it would be understandable, but if all missed, he himself couldn't understand, his shooting skills were not so bad.

Then what was going on?

How could someone not be afraid of bullets?

Lu Feng was surrounded by an energy barrier, and even laser weapons could not penetrate it. The broken weapons in these people's hands were no different from fire sticks.

He didn't want to waste time, so he activated his speed ability again, and appeared in front of Huo Si in two flashes, throwing the electronic chain on the opponent's neck.

Faced with his speed, Huo Si didn't even have a chance to react.

"What is this?" Huo Si grabbed the electronic chain on his neck and shouted in half-baked Chinese.

"Let me show you!" Lu Feng jokingly took out a remote control and pressed a button. The electronic chain on the neck of one of Huo Si's trusted subordinates burst, and his head rolled to the ground.

The bloody scene shocked all the people of the Bubul family, and they took two steps back in shock.

Huo Si's face subconsciously turned ugly.

Lu Feng took the remote control and pressed a button again, and saw the electronic chain on the neck of another of Huo Si's trusted subordinates burst, and another head rolled to the ground.

At this point, anyone who didn't understand the function of the electronic chain would be a fool.

Huo Si's face became even uglier.

He suddenly remembered that Basen seemed to have this thing on his neck.

Huo Si understood instantly that the Kudar family was no longer controlled by Basen.

Weisen was controlled by the man from Dongfang Huaguo in front of him.

"Have you figured it out? So, what do you think of me taking over the Bubul family?" Lu Feng looked at Huo Si and picked up the remote control again.

Huo Si was the leader of a force after all, and he was extremely entangled.

But in a blink of an eye, he saw that his remaining trusted subordinates all lowered their heads to the other party and were directly scared.

Seeing this, Huo Si could only sigh and said to Lu Fengwen weakly: "Sir, what do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything, just take over the Dara town! Now follow me!" Lu Feng said lightly and walked out directly.

As long as Hong Xi led people to solve the Dada family, there would be only one Flinda family left.

The remaining confidants of Huo Si immediately looked at him, obviously waiting for his reaction.

Huo Si looked at Lu Feng's back and really wanted to pick up his weapon and attack again, but the scene just now made him subconsciously put away the idea.

If he still can't deal with the other party, then he will definitely lose his head.

"Let's go!" Huo Si could only sigh helplessly and led his men to follow Lu Feng. Not long after walking, they heard a very fierce battle in the distance, and even the sound of artillery fire.

That direction was the direction of the Bubul family.

Huo Si was shocked again.

Didn't they say that the Kudar family went to attack the Dada family? Why was the Bubul family's base also attacked?

Did the Bubul family attack two forces at the same time?

Huo Si glanced at Lu Feng's back. Or should he say, he attacked three forces in a row?


The Felda family's power in the town of Dara is similar to that of Kudar before.

If things go by normal circumstances, after the civil strife in the Kudar family, the power of the Fidar family will definitely be stronger.

But similarly, when Vessen led his men to attack the Fidal family, most of his men were also equipped with new weapons, which made up for the gap.

The Philinda clan was a little confused by the sudden attack by the Kudar family. Especially Feier, he never expected that Kudar would dare to give up his station advantage and take the initiative to attack in the face of the three forces joining forces.

"What a great idea!" Feier also quickly understood the purpose of the Veson and Kudar families, and wanted to defeat them all.

It's a pity that the other party underestimated their Filinda family too much.

You must know that the two sides were originally of equal strength. It is said that many people died in the civil strife on the other side.

"Hold them." Feier ordered with a sneer. He didn't even have to fight with Veisen. As long as he held them back, Dalon and Huosi would take the opportunity to bring people to surround and kill Veisen and the Kudar family. people.

If the opponent gives up the advantage of stationed defense, they can pay a smaller price.

The battle in the small town of Dara attracted the attention of the entire town residents and those small forces.

Especially in the battle with the Filinda family, all the artillery fire was used, and it was obviously going to end in a fight to the death for one side.

Vaisen directed his men to attack without any rush. He knew that Mr. Lu was terrifying and that he could deal with the Bubul family.

Moreover, if those unexpected people trained by the red lizard can also deal with the Da Da family, then the Feir and Brinda families will be unable to escape.

Feier was not in a hurry. Instead, he looked at the watch on his wrist and was counting the time.

The forces of the Dada family and the Bubul family are all around the town. If the Kudar family attacks him, the two forces will soon find out.

According to the time, Dalong and Huosi will bring people to support them soon.

Sure enough, within a moment, someone came to report: "Mr. Dalon, the Bubul family is here. They asked us to open the side door. Mr. Huosi will come in, and Bubul and other members of the family will flank him from the side." A member of the Kudar family.”

Feier laughed and said, "Quick, open the door."

Soon, the side of the Bubul family was opened by Huo Si.

But at the moment when the door was opened, a violent attack sounded, and the people behind the door were instantly hit, and all of them fell down.

The people of the Brinda family were stunned.

Aren’t the Bubles allies? Why did they suddenly attack them?

Huosi directly led people into the Bubul family, attacking crazily. Now the situation was stronger than the people. He was already in this situation, so he could only follow that person's instructions first.

Then figure out how to deal with the thing on your neck.

Huo Si led the men to attack suddenly. Feir naturally noticed the movement immediately and immediately asked anxiously: "What happened? Who told me what happened?"

One of his subordinates ran over in a panic and reported: "Mr. Fehr, it's not good, it's not good. Huo Si suddenly led people to attack us and has rushed into our station. Our defense line has been breached."

These words made Feier's face change drastically: "How could this happen? Damn it!"

The sudden change made Feier completely panic.

After a moment, another subordinate came running in panic with his face covered with blood: "Mr. Fehr, it's not good, our defense line was defeated from behind by the Bubul family, and they also let in the Kudar family."

"Damn it, the Bubul family has actually joined forces with the Kudar family. Huo Si has been acting." Feier roared angrily, not daring to hesitate, and immediately shouted: "Notify everyone that we will withdraw and go to the Da Da family. We must Only by joining forces with the Da Da family can we resist them."

This is the only way he can think of now. The fighting sounds from the Da Da family have obviously stopped. I think the Da Da family has already taken care of it.

The Kudar family has pressed all the people to come to him, and there will definitely not be many people going to the Dada family.

Huo Si thought so, and led the people to escape from the station and go to the Dada family's station.

From a distance, he also saw a team rushing towards here quickly.

Huo Si looked overjoyed, it must be someone from the Da Da family coming to support.

The Da Da family will never play him again, right?

If so, wouldn't it be faster for the three of them to join forces and kill him? No need to bother at all.

Huosi thought and led people to greet them, but when he got closer, he was shocked to see those people directly picking up weapons and pointing them at them.

"Damn it..." Huo Si cursed angrily.

He had a feeling at that moment, were all these people in Dara Town playing him?

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