Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 193 Three families surrounded and killed one family, it was settled!

The convoy moved forward quickly.

In the car, Lu Feng's eyes became colder and colder.

Lu Feng has always been a person who holds grudges. What's more, if someone wants his life, he can't just laugh it off.

Now that the other three forces in Dara Town have taken action against him, they must accept the consequences.

Lu Feng thought, then looked at Hong Lizard, and gave an order with a hint of murderous intent: "Red Lizard, when you get to Dara Town, call your people together and let me see your results!"

"Okay, Mr. Lu!" Hongli nodded and immediately took out his phone.

He knew that the other three forces in Dara Town were finished.

Once the Feilinda family, the Dada family, and the Bubul family are finished, it will be even less possible for the other small forces in Nadala Town to resist him like this.

The town of Dara.

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There's obviously something a little bit rough today.

Everyone in the town seems to be able to vaguely feel a special stagnant atmosphere.

Especially seeing the soldiers gathered outside the Kudar family.

Those were people from the other three factions, and the leaders of those three factions entered the Kudar family's residence.

In the small town of Dara, there were not many times when the leaders of these four forces gathered together.

Now obviously something big is going to happen.

People in the town can even smell the lingering smell of gunpowder in the air.

In the hall of the Kudar family.

Vaisen frowned and looked at the three middle-aged men in front of him.

The three middle-aged men also looked at Vessen with a sneer, with a kind of ridicule and playfulness on their faces.

These three people are Feilinda, the leader of the Filinda family, Dalon, the leader of the Dada family, and Huosi, the leader of the Bubul family.

"Weisen, I didn't expect you to do such a big thing silently!" Huosi looked at Weisen jokingly.

Feier also said with a smile: "The new weapons are actually more advanced than those in the world. They are very awesome."

Dalon smiled and said: "Don't the forces in our town of Dara always advance and retreat together? Therefore, if you have good things, you should share them with everyone. Otherwise, I'm afraid someone wants to dominate one family, and it belongs to everyone. The enemy."

Vaisen's face turned gloomy when he heard this.

He had tried his best to keep it a secret, but he didn't expect that these people would find out.

Now he is not worried about the three people in front of him, but worried that Mr. Lu will blame him for not doing a good job in keeping secrets.

He has a deep understanding of the terror of Mr. Lu.

These three people are nothing to Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu will enter the camp of these three people to deal with them, and their men will not be able to harm Mr. Lu at all. In the end, it will be a matter of seeing whether they can survive, or wear this kind of electronic chain like him.

You know, when so many of his men shot at Mr. Lu, they didn't hurt Mr. Lu even a hair.

Seeing that Weisen didn't speak, Dalon sneered: "Weisen, don't think that we don't know anything. The design of this new weapon was given by the people from the Eastern China country, and your people have been sent to pick it up." The other party?"

Vessen was stunned when he heard this: "Dalong, what do you mean?"

Huosi smiled and said: "Weisen, don't you understand? Those people you sent should have died by now, and the people from Dongfang China should have fallen into our hands. Just now, we just came to see your manner."

"But your attitude makes us very disappointed, so the three of us have to respond. You know what you should face."

The leaders of the three forces all sneered.

Although their factions have covenants and rules and appear to advance and retreat together, everyone wants to swallow up the others. However, they are equally powerful and no one dares to act rashly.

Even if there was civil strife in the Kudar family before.

But it's different now.

The Kudar family has quietly developed new weapons, and judging from Veson's attitude, it is obvious that they want to dominate the family.

Stimulated by this new weapon, the three families naturally united to get this new weapon. With the addition of Kurda, the family's strength should be weaker than before after the civil strife.

Therefore, they just took the opportunity to carve up the Kudar family.

The town of Dara is dominated by four families, not as big as three families.

"Hahaha!" Veisen suddenly laughed and looked at the three of them sympathetically: "I know what will happen, but I advise you to hurry up and make preparations. Don't die in an ugly way."

Vessen didn't want to talk nonsense with these three people.

In his eyes, these three people were already dead.

He always knew that Mr. Lu would definitely take action against other forces in Dara Town, but he didn't know when Mr. Lu would take action.

Because people are always ambitious.

The unification of the town of Dara is equivalent to controlling this area of ​​​​no regard, and you can completely build a country by yourself.

Which of these people has no ambition?

This is what he wants to do.

The other three wanted to do it too.

It's just that no one can kill the other three forces. The most important thing is, even if the others are killed, will it be recognized, or will the surrounding countries focus on the unified town of Dara and send troops.

After all, the unified town of Dara is not as chaotic as before. With such a large territory, it is completely possible to develop the economy. No one will be indifferent, right?

Huosi, Dalon, and Feier laughed completely when they heard Veisen's words.

This Vessen is seeking death.

When the three of them saw the situation, they left without hesitation.

At the same time, the guards around them were on full alert and grasped their weapons.

Next, the war begins.

Who knows if the Kudar family will directly attack without practicing martial ethics?

When they arrived outside the Kudar family, the three of Dalon looked at the Kudar family's station again, their faces even more murderous.

With the three of them united, the Kudar family cannot afford to waste anything.

After the three people left, Veisen did not hesitate and said directly to Brin aside: "Brin, it's time to gather people. President Lu must be very angry now."

"They're finished." Brin said, walked out of the hall, and began to gather people.

They were even afraid of Mr. Lu, so they also knew how ignorant the leaders of the three forces in Dalong were.

But the ignorant are fearless, right?

He was also happy to see this happen.

After all, President Lu's power will be greater if the town of Dara is unified. He has already completely surrendered to President Lu, so he naturally hopes to see this scene.

Because of this, his status and rights will also increase.

It didn't take long.

Lu Feng took the red lizard to the Kudar family.

Red Lizard has already gone to his camp to bring people. The soldiers he trained with mutant beast bones are all in this camp.

As soon as Lu Feng arrived at the Kudar family base, he saw the Kudar family members gathering inside.

They stood in formation, each with a weapon in his hand.

This scene fell into the eyes of Chen Bo and others, making them swallow their saliva subconsciously.

We can’t blame them for being like Grandma Liu when she entered the Grand View Garden.

Because they had really only seen this kind of scene in movies, and it was really shocking to people from a small place like them.

When Vessen and Brin saw Lu Feng arriving, they immediately said respectfully: "Mr. Lu, you are here."

This is a half-baked Chinese language that they learned exclusively from Hadona during this period.

Lu Feng looked at the people gathered around him and said with a frown, "It seems that something happened here in Dara Town."

Vaisen immediately explained: "Mr. Lu, we already know that three other families have sent people to intercept you, and now the other three forces have started a war with us."

"Now they should go back and gather men. They will attack us soon."

When Lu Feng heard this, he immediately said coldly: "Since they want to die, let's help them. I don't mind taking over the town of Dara."

When Vessen and Brin heard this, they glanced at each other subconsciously.


Those three forces angered Mr. Lu.

In other words, Dalon and the other three are going to be in bad luck.

Not long after, Red Lizard led a team he had trained into the Kudar family's residence.

This team instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the Kudar family.

Both Veson and Brin subconsciously looked towards that team.

The two of them knew that Red Lizard was recruiting people for training, and they specifically asked for a camp from them.

They knew that this was Mr. Lu's order, so they did not embarrass Hong Lizard and let him do whatever he wanted.

After all, in a short period of time, the people recruited by the other party are all new people. No matter how hard they practice, they can't be compared to the elites of their Kurda family.

Therefore, the other party has a force in their hands that is weaker than them.

But now looking at this team, they directly felt something was wrong. Everyone was very strong and capable.

Moreover, these people are very powerful.

How can this be?

The two of them didn't believe it. How did the Red Lizard train these people in this short period of time?

In contrast, when training soldiers, marksmanship is easier to practice. As long as you give them enough bullets and feed them enough bullets, they will always improve.

They don't need every fighter to be a sharpshooter.

But a person's physique and physical fitness really take a long time and many months to improve.

The elites of their Kudar family have been trained for a long time.

The key is that everyone's physical potential is limited, and it is difficult to improve after reaching a certain level. This is also a limitation. Otherwise, wouldn't everyone be able to become a special soldier?

Anyone who can be a special soldier has physical potential that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Now look at these people trained by Red Lizard. Their momentum and physical strength alone completely overwhelmed the elites of their Kudar family.

The momentum is intimidating.

The red lizard naturally saw the shocked look of the two people, and felt extremely proud.

This is due to the bones given by Mr. Lu.

He still doesn't know what animal those bones belong to.

Maybe it belongs to a tiger.

Otherwise, how could he be so awesome?

But how many tigers would be killed for so many bones?

Come to think of it, it's impossible. I've never heard of tiger bones having such an effect.

Of course, this doesn't matter. All he knows now is to hold on to Mr. Lu's thigh, and he will surely rise to the top and become the best.

Brin also asked Lu Feng at this time: "Mr. Lu, those three forces will attack us soon. Should we take the initiative to attack, or wait for the other party to come?"

"There is no need to keep the war in our own place, so we have to take the initiative to attack!" Lu Feng did not think much and immediately ordered: "Since there are three forces, it is just right for the original members of the Kudar family to attack one of the forces. Red Lizard, you can also lead people to deal with a force, no problem!"

Vessen and Brin were stunned for a moment when they heard this order.

The Kudar family had gone through civil strife last time, and although their strength had weakened, they had those new weapons and the crushing of weapons, so they had no problem against a force.

But the people trained by Red Lizard also attacked a force? Isn't it a bit unsafe?

"Boss Lu, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task." Red Lizard was very confident.

It was impossible not to be confident.

The people he trained, through those animal bones, each of them had a stronger physique than the elite special forces.

Moreover, in the team he trained, he specially recruited several retired special forces as instructors and captains, and trained them in the way of special forces.

It was impossible for a team whose members were better than the elite special forces and had stronger weapons to not be able to deal with a force in Dara Town.

He only needed to lead people to conduct a surprise decapitation operation to disintegrate a force as quickly as possible.

"In that case, I will deal with the remaining force myself!" Lu Feng nodded after hearing Red Lizard's answer. He naturally knew how strong the warriors trained by mutant animal bones were in reality.

On the contrary, people like Weisen and Brin were not surprised at all when they heard that Lu Feng was going to deal with a force alone. They thought it was natural.

After all, they had personally seen how powerful this Mr. Lu was.

Not long after, the Ludar family took action. Soldiers took their weapons and swarmed out of the Kudar family’s residence.

Even the Kudar family brought weapons such as howitzers, infantry fighting vehicles, cavalry fighting vehicles...

This was completely the rhythm of a war.

This was seen by everyone in the town.

Everyone had only one thought: that something big was really going to happen in the town of Dara.

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