Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 192 Force him to build a country?

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’πŸ‘πŸžπ•€π•™π•¦.π•Ÿπ•–π•₯


On the deserted wild road, Lu Feng and his group moved forward quickly.

The car was a little bumpy on such a road.

Chen Bo looked at the scenery outside the car window, and his heart was surging.

But his face was still pretending to be calm.

Really, the scene just now really shocked him.

This was a great experience as soon as he arrived here.

The scene was really something he had never seen before.

In the dark.

Three teams of people were lurking in the woods.

It can be seen that the three teams were wearing different uniforms, obviously from three different forces.

Three of them were holding binoculars and looking at the deserted wild road.

Several cars entered their field of vision.

It was the car that Lu Feng and his group were riding in.

One of them said coldly: "That's them. I just received news that it's the Dongfang Huaguo people."

The other one nodded and said: "Just keep the Dongfang Huaguo people. Our leaders all want to get the weapon design drawings from him. As for the others, they are all dealt with."

"That's exactly what I want!" The third person also said: "We can't let the Kudar family dominate. We also want the new weapons."

For a while, murderous aura spread all around.

The forces in Dara Town are very balanced.

But now something has happened that can affect the balance of Dara Town.

That is, the Kudar family has actually produced several new weapons, which are not only more powerful, accurate, but also have a range that far exceeds the old weapons.

When this news came out, their leader was naturally anxious and sent people to investigate secretly. Finally, he got a message from a drunk member of the Kudar family.

That is, a Dongfang Huaguo person came to the Kudar family, and then the Kudar family had the ability to produce the new weapon.

They didn't know the specific situation, but only knew that this matter was related to the Dongfang Huaguo people.

Therefore, today, the Kudar family sent several cars to Myanmar, and the people they were monitoring discovered it. .

Their leader guessed that this might be to pick up people from the Eastern country, and they were specially sent out, but they didn't expect that it was true.

"It's our turn!"


The car continued to move forward.

In a car, Hong Lizard also reported to Lu Feng: "Mr. Lu, the things you ordered have been done almost, and the people have been trained. The 10 or so people who picked you up this time are part of them."

Lu Feng knew what Hong Lizard was talking about.

Before, he took out a lot of spotted cattle spines and some other mutant animal bones that can enhance human physique from the game, and asked Hong Lizard to use these mutant animal bones to cultivate a special army that obeys his orders.

Moreover, the soldiers trained with the mutant animal bones are definitely stronger than the elite special forces.

Hong Lizard's speed of producing results is faster than he imagined.

Boom! ~

While chatting, there was a bursting sound.

The car in the front suddenly had a flat tire and slid forward.

"Enemy attack!" Red Lizard took out a walkie-talkie and shouted inside almost immediately.

He heard the gunshot not far away very clearly just now.

Someone is ambushing.

Almost at the same time, three groups of people rushed out of the woods in front.

These people leaned against the trees and shot at them frantically.

"It's the Flinda family, the Dada family, and the Bubul family." Red Lizard saw the signs on those people and shouted immediately.

During this period of time, he was almost very familiar with Dara Town, so he naturally recognized the identities of these people at a glance.

He did not forget to explain to Lu Feng: "Mr. Lu, they are the other three forces in Dara Town."

Lu Feng frowned slightly when he heard this.

He didn't even think about attacking these three forces, but he didn't expect the other party to attack him first.

He probably guessed the reason.

Maybe it was for those new weapons.

After all, in a place like Dara Town, the Kudar family is also a grassroots force, and it is impossible to expect them to keep it completely secret.

But he didn't expect that other families in Dara Town had already known about it, and they even caught the time when he came and ambushed him here.

This obviously took a lot of thought, right?

At this time, Red Lizard had already gotten off the car, and the dozen people he brought with him also got off the car with weapons.

Only Hadona stayed in the car.

He was not good at fighting, and he lay tightly on the seat.

"It's time to see our performance, kill them." Red Lizard got off the car with a weapon and shouted excitedly.

Then, he raised his hand and shot, and the key point was that his shot actually hit a person who was hiding behind a tree and attacking.

Obviously, his shooting skills were very accurate.

Because shooting skills are affected by factors such as strength, coordination, and reaction.

Therefore, a person's physique, as long as the body is flexible and the strength can keep up with the reaction, it can really affect the shooting skills.

After getting off the car, the other dozen people quickly ran away, entered the woods, and attacked the other side at a glance.

Soon, the three families who ambushed found something wrong.

Because the people brought by the Red Lizard were not only faster, but also had better reaction speed. When they saw each other face to face, they would always shoot a step later.

Everyone knew what this meant.

In an instant, people from the three families fell one after another.

This made the three family leaders look a little unhappy.

In the car.

Chen Bo and the few people he brought also lay tightly on the seats.

Chen Bo pretended to be calm and looked at the exchange of fire outside the window.

He didn't expect that he had been nervous enough just now, and now there would be such an exciting experience.

Is it so chaotic here?

Then, he saw Mr. Lu get off the car.

An even more shocking scene happened.

After Lu Feng got off the car, he also had an extra weapon in his hand, and he almost shot it as soon as he raised his hand.

Under the skill of the old-fashioned gun, the man's head exploded and he fell down instantly.

Then, Lu Feng shot again, the second person was shot in the head again, the third person, the fourth person...

As long as Lu Feng targeted them, no one could escape this fate.

In addition, Lu Feng's current level, his physical fitness is more than three times that of ordinary people, and his reaction speed is also far beyond ordinary people. Almost as soon as someone shows his head, he can react and shoot the other party.

This abnormal scene scared the people of the three families.

How could there be such a terrifying gun technique?

Chen Bo was also dumbfounded, and swallowed his saliva in a daze.

He had never thought that President Lu would be so terrifying, and he really had no expression when he killed people.

Oh my God?

And that kind of terrifying gun technique.

Who could have thought of this?

Today he finally knew what a ruthless person was, and President Lu was a ruthless person.

To be honest, compared to this, what is the martial arts world in Tianzhou City? It's just like playing house.

Hong Xi knew how powerful Lu Feng was, so he immediately shouted: "Go over and kill them."

As soon as he finished speaking, he had already led people to rush over.

Seeing this, Lu Feng cooperated with Hong Xi and his men, and the speed of attack became more frequent.

As long as those people showed their heads, they would be finished.

But if they didn't show their heads to attack, Hong Xi would rush in front of them.

The leaders of the three families were completely dumbfounded.

"Damn it, the intelligence is wrong."

"They have a sharpshooter!"

"Those people are not ordinary people, retreat quickly!"

All of a sudden, the three leaders turned around and ran. There was no other way. They were suppressed and could not get out. If they didn't leave, they would be left alone when those people approached.

They never thought that they had brought people to ambush, and they ambushed the other party, but now the situation was completely wrong. They were the party being attacked.

They must take this news back to tell the leader and must think of other ways.

In a short time, the people of the three families died or escaped, leaving only Lu Feng and his group.

The key is that in this ambush by the other party, the more than ten people brought by the Red Lizard did not die, only 3 were injured. This also shows that the ability of these people trained by the Red Lizard is very strong.

The Red Lizard asked: "Mr. Lu, what should we do next? The people from these three families attacked us, and we can't let it go."

"Go to Dara Town first!" Lu Feng frowned and said.

It is said that the power of Dara Town has been unified, and the area of ​​this no-man's land is enough to establish a country.

Are these guys going to force him to build a country?

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