Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 191 Dividing Qingfeng Network! Undercurrent!

After Lu Feng received Black Snake's call, he immediately called Yang Ming, Chen Bo, and Black Snake.

When the three of them arrived at the villa, he said: "Chen Bo, Black Snake, get ready. We will go to Dara Town tomorrow. Cousin, you should keep an eye on Tianzhou City."

Yang Ming nodded.

Chen Bo and Black Snake also responded, chatted for a while and left together to get ready.

After a while, Wang Kai came to the villa again.

Lu Feng asked the other party to sit down and make tea together, and took out +3 Qingfeng tea to treat him.

Although it is said that Qingfeng Network Company became popular mainly because of the software and games he brought out of the game, Wang Kai manages Qingfeng Network Company with hard work and no credit.

Wang Kai drank a cup of tea, took out a document, and reported: "Director Lu, I have a document for you to sign. It is about the celebration. I plan to invite the previous intelligent assistant to sign it. Celebrities or copyright individuals and companies come to participate.”

"Yeah!" Lu Feng nodded.

For an Internet company, such activities are indispensable. Just look at Penguin. Such activities are held every three days.

Moreover, Wang Kai is now the person in charge of the company. If the other party decides, he will naturally not object.

Such an event does not even require his signature. The other party brings it to him to sign, which also shows respect.

He also signed the document.

Wang Kai added: "Director Lu, one more thing is that Teacher Youcai, the smart appearance sharing champion, will also participate in the event this time, and she also intends to sign with our company as an artist."

"Uh! What kind of artist can she be?" Lu Feng was stunned for a moment.

He naturally knew that Teacher Youcai was in good shape, beautiful, and talented.

But a teacher like her wants to be an artist in their company? ?

It's a bit of a joke.

Should he be asked to create the action guide movie in the information ball in the game?

This is more tongue-in-cheek.

Their company doesn't like this type of lying-down movie.

Wang Kai explained: "Director Lu, according to Teacher Youcai's wish, she wants to be a singer. She had this dream before, but she just entered the entertainment industry. This time she received so much money from our company, she She just wants to fight for her dreams, and her voice is really nice.”

"That's true." Lu Feng had to admit.

The sound is indeed nice and attractive.

Besides, there’s no rule against her wearing clothes to pursue her dreams, right?

Thinking of this, he thought of the information ball containing music, which seemed to contain some songs from the Plaster Country.

Thinking about it, he said to Wang Kai: "Wait a moment!"

Wang Kai nodded and watched Lu Feng go upstairs.

Lu Feng went upstairs to find a room, and an idea entered the game. When he arrived at the eastern suburbs fortress, he took out the information ball containing the songs, then found Cheng Sisi and asked him to play out a few songs about the women in the Plaster Country. First convert the code and store it in the actual USB flash drive.

After finishing, he took the USB flash drive and exited the game, went downstairs and handed the USB flash drive to Wang Kai and said, "There are some songs from Plaster Country. You can give them to Teacher Youcai and send her an album to try." , After all, she is now a cash cow for our company. When the time comes, will she become more popular as a singer-star and as a teacher?”

Wang Kai took the USB flash drive and suddenly asked: "Director Lu, are you interested in having a meal with Teacher Youcai?"

As he said this, he blinked as if as a reminder.

After all, in his mind, his boss had prepared a song specifically for that teacher, and it seemed that he had already prepared it.

Lu Feng understood Wang Kai's special reminder and couldn't help but be stunned.

Is this interest a typo?

Is there any unspoken rule for Teacher Cai?

But thinking about it, it's a misnomer. With the current resources of Qingfeng Network Company, just mentioning it may cause others to blame it.

It's not that anyone broke the news, but the son of the once richest man once made a concubine selection in the entertainment industry in a club.

Lu Feng was naturally not interested in this matter.

the next day.

Chen Bo took Renhe and Black Snake to the villa.

Chen Bo was followed by five people, all of whom were strong men and brothers from Youcheng. He had met three of them several times.

When these five people saw Lu Feng, they immediately shouted respectfully: "Mr. Lu!"

Now everyone knows how powerful Mr. Lu is.

Youcheng is already a legend about him.

To put it simply, Brother Huang Zizhi has withdrawn from the arena, but because of his relationship with Mr. Lu, everyone now looks to Brother Zhi to take charge of matters in the Youcheng arena.

"Has everything been arranged?" Lu Feng asked Black Snake.

Black Snake nodded: "Go to the airport now and you'll be on the plane in a while. Hadona is also waiting over there in Myanmar."

"Well, let's go!" Lu Feng greeted, and the group left the villa, went to a few venues, and soon got on the plane.

Available in Tianzhou City.

However, several people entered Mr. Chen's office.

One of them is Mr. Chen's secretary, and the others are all middle-aged men.

"Mr. Chen, we're here." The secretary came in and said to Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen also immediately looked at the middle-aged men and asked, "How is the situation now?"

The middle-aged men also said immediately:

"The antitrust authorities above have taken action, and they will meet with Qingfeng Network Company later!"

"The meeting with the News Director* has also been completed, and we will also have an appointment with Qingfeng Network Company later!"

"In addition, the meeting of the Information Office has also been held!"

"I have discovered that it is not just us who are making efforts, Penguin, Baidu... several forces are also making efforts!"

"They seem to want to have a piece of the pie too."

"According to estimates from all parties, if Qingfeng Network Company wants to continue to operate normally, it will be good for that person to keep 30% of the shares."

"The most important point is that that person's company is not the model of a certain Dong. In that situation, he can be kicked out completely!"

Mr. Chen laughed when he heard this.

This is the power of the system in China. How many founders of companies have been kicked out for this reason.

Even people like Shuangma are inevitable. Think about how many shares that Penguin Ma has left now?

Penguin Ma has the ability and can still control the company.

Qingfeng Network Company, a grass-roots company that suddenly emerged, has no foundation. It would be strange if that person could still control it.

When the other party loses the weapon of Qingfeng Network Company, I don't know if the other party can still jump out like this?

Hadu International Airport

Hadona had been waiting with his people. At the airport reception area, he had people put up a large banner that could be seen from a distance.

So, when Lu Feng got off the plane and entered the airport reception area, he saw Hadona and his people at a glance.

Hong Xi also waited with a dozen strong men.

The scene was actually very eye-catching without the airport reception banner.

"Mr. Lu!" Hadona was the first to greet him and shouted respectfully.

"Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Lu!"

Hong Xi also shouted with those people, using half-baked Chinese, but very neatly, which shocked the other people who were waiting at the airport.

Hadona respectfully picked up Lu Feng and led the way in front of him. When they arrived at the airport parking lot, there were already several cars waiting there.

After the group got in the car, they drove towards the border of Myanmar.

Along the way, Lu Feng also introduced Chen Bo to Hong Xi and Hadona, and introduced Chen Bo to the two of them.

However, he also gave some hints to Chen Bo and Hong Xi respectively.

These hints could only be understood by both parties.

Chen Bo probably thought that he was just asked to keep an eye on the Kudar family, while Hong Lizard thought that since you have an electronic chain, I trust you the most.

Not long after, they arrived at the border. Hong Lizard looked at a team of uniformed soldiers in the distance and said angrily: "It's really troublesome. Someone is checking today."

In such a place, this team of people would not have any mission, and they are undoubtedly asking for money.

This is the national situation, and it is also normal.

At this moment, the team of uniformed soldiers signaled them to stop.

One of the leaders shouted: "Stop and accept inspection!"

Another person also echoed: "Cooperate obediently, I suspect that you have contraband in your car."

As he said, these people were going to check.

Hong Lizard and Hadona looked at each other, and they knew that this was probably a signal to give benefits.

Chen Bo and others were a little nervous when they saw this scene.

After all, those soldiers were still carrying weapons.

I really didn't have the opportunity to see this scene in China, and I didn't expect it to be so chaotic here.

While talking, the leader had come over.

But at this moment, Hong Xi blew a whistle, and the next moment, Hong Xi and the big men he brought with him took out weapons from the car, and it was obvious that they were definitely stronger than those soldiers.

Chen Bo was sitting in the back seat of a car, and saw the driver took out a gun from the car seat.

Seeing this weapon, he and the people he brought with him widened their eyes.

Is this the level that Mr. Lu plays here?

This is too damn scary.

The leader of the team of soldiers widened his eyes in shock. He immediately shouted to his men: "The inspection is completed, there is nothing abnormal, let them go quickly!!"

Those soldiers were also sweating.

What kind of people are they?

Those weapons, if they really fight, they will definitely be dead soon.

So, after hearing the words of the leader, they hurriedly gave way. Who the hell wants to die.

This scene also made Chen Bo and others dumbfounded.

Are these people so cowardly?

But watching the driver casually put down his weapon and drive again, it seems that this has nothing to do with courage, but with stupidity and whether he wants to die.

Red Lizard disdains this, continues to start the car, and drives people towards the direction of Dara Town.

But just as they left, the leader of the team took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Yes, it's confirmed, it's inside, it should be the Dongfang Hua people, no doubt, you can start."

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