Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 190 I was so disappointed before I even saw Lu Feng! New weapons are born!

Eastern Suburbs area.

Li Zong led Zheng Lin and the Li family to a road next to them, deviating from the route that led directly to the Eastern Suburbs Fortress.

Zheng Lin subconsciously looked at the watch in his hand.

This is really a bit difficult.

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If Li Zong follows this route and encounters the attack of the one-eyed tiger, will he be suspected?

Thinking of this, Zheng Lin persuaded again: "Li Zong, I think the Eastern Suburbs are very unstable now. We should go to the Eastern Suburbs Fortress as soon as possible. Since the one-eyed tiger has withdrawn from the Eastern Suburbs Fortress, he should not send anyone to guard us."

"Besides, we came so quickly, he should not react so quickly."

"On the contrary, the one-eyed tiger must be unscrupulous in this area. If the other party moves out again and happens to let us meet, it will be even more troublesome."

"Our current task should be to deal with Lu Feng, and then control the people in Qingfeng Base and guard the Eastern Suburbs Fortress."

He said this deliberately.

Anyway, he will really encounter the one-eyed tiger. He said this, and then he can get rid of some suspicion.

After all, he had persuaded Li Zong, but Li Zong ignored him and insisted on his own way.

Li Zong smiled and said, "Zheng Lin, you don't understand this. Even if you are right, it is always right for us to be cautious. You should learn this from me."

"Besides, we are not so unlucky that we just happened to encounter the one-eyed tiger and move around in this area, right?"

"As for the matter of dealing with Lu Feng, Zheng Lin, you need to cooperate well. After all, the other party is a capable person."

Zheng Lin nodded: "Well, if it is not killed in one blow, it will be troublesome."

Li Zong smiled confidently: "Don't worry, as long as you cooperate with me, I will definitely be able to deal with the other party in one blow. At that time, I will say that he colluded with the one-eyed tiger and charged him. The resistance of those people in Qingfeng Base will be reduced to the lowest."

The group moved forward quickly. When they passed a broken cement bend, they suddenly heard an angry shout: "Enemy attack, there are enemies attacking!"

This shout made Li Zong confused. What's going on?

Why is there an enemy attack?

And why are there people stationed here?

"Oh no, they are the people of One-Eyed Tiger!" Zheng Lin immediately exclaimed and reminded Li Zong.

"What?" Li Zong was stunned, okay?

What kind of joke is this?

The reason why he took a detour was to avoid the bandits of One-Eyed Tiger, fearing that they would send people to monitor them on the main road.

But who knew that he would bump into them directly and even bump into their camping place?

Could this person be so unlucky?

Just at this time, a loud shout rang out: "What enemy attack? This is a fat sheep delivered to the door."

One-Eyed Tiger came out and shouted at the people of the Li family.

The play was really like that.

In fact, they had been waiting here for a long time.

This Wang Cheng is really good. He actually calculated that the people of the Li family would pass by here, and he set up camp in advance to wait for them.

In this case, the other party would definitely not suspect Zheng Lin, right?

Wang Cheng also stood beside One-Eyed Tiger. For him, this was not a problem at all. He was from the army and a captain of the Salvation Army. His military ability must be strong.

Therefore, it was not surprising that he could calculate that the people of the Li family passed by here.

And Li Zong and the people of the Li family did not doubt anything at this time, they just felt that they were too unlucky.

Whoosh! ~

Whoosh! ~

The sound of firing sounded.

"Scatter quickly!" Li Zong shouted subconsciously.

He naturally heard that it was a howitzer.

But as his shout fell, he saw a loud explosion around him, and bursts of terrifying flames were rushed out.

Li Zong and his people were swept away in an instant.

Only Zheng Lin, who had been prepared, was not affected, but he also ate a lot of dirt.

But the ordinary people of the Li family were miserable, rolling on the ground and howling, either with broken hands or broken feet.

These people were not capable people, and they were sent together for a simple purpose, which was to help manage the East Suburb Fortress. After taking over the people of Qingfeng Base, someone had to manage them.

These are all management talents.

Now it is obvious that they can't manage anything, and they have to stay here this time.

Zheng Lin stood up and deliberately shouted loudly to Li Zong: "Li Zong, retreat quickly!"

Li Zong naturally knew and nodded immediately.

But this scene was seen by the one-eyed tiger and Wang Cheng.

They knew that Li Zong was their target this time.

Zheng Lin was reminding them.

"Kill him, he is the leader!" The one-eyed tiger pointed at Li Zong and shouted decisively.

This shout made Li Zong's face change instantly.

What a joke?

How did these people know that he was the leader?

At the moment when he was stunned, three figures rushed towards him quickly. The speed was very fast. It was obvious that they must be capable people.

There are indeed many capable people under the one-eyed tiger.

How did such a force appear in the eastern suburbs?

Li Zong didn't want to get entangled with these people, and he also tried his best to escape, but suddenly, a dangerous breath attacked him, making him subconsciously avoid it.

The next moment, he saw a huge hole in the concrete road in front of him.

There were also terrifying traces of fragmentation around.

"Anti-material sniper rifle!" Li Zong's expression changed drastically. Being hit by this gun would definitely be bad.

Just with this thought, he felt danger again, and hurriedly turned around and rolled on the ground to avoid it, and there was another ferocious crack mark on the ground where he was originally.

At this moment, the three ability users surrounded him and attacked him.

This scene made Li Zongxin hit rock bottom.

Do you really have a grudge against him? Hit him no matter what.

A military thorn in Wang Cheng's hand had instantly struck in front of Li Zong. He cooperated closely with the other two, and the three of them intertwined attacks.

Li Zong was immediately defeated and unable to stabilize his figure.

Suddenly, two super white beams shot past him instantly and hit him directly in the chest.

At that moment, he didn't even have time to escape. .

"Laser weapon!" Li Zong's eyes widened in shock.

Even the East City Alliance doesn't have much of this thing. Why does a group of eastern suburbs gangsters have it in their hands?

Unfortunately, the darkness swallowed him up and completely took his life.

This doubt can only be taken underground.

Brothers Chen Tao and Chen Hao also put away their laser rifles.

The two brothers looked at Li Zong's body with disdain. With such little strength, they actually wanted to kill their boss. They didn't know who gave the other the courage.

The battle ended quickly.

The people sent by the Li family were dealt with instantly. Naturally, two more people escaped, one was Zheng Lin, and the other was another ability user sent by the Li family.

It was Zheng Lin who saved him. For this reason, Zheng Lin's arm was injured.

This torture plan worked.

The ability user of the Li family was very grateful to Zheng Lin and even cursed Li Zong: "Damn Li Zong, he insisted on going his own way and actually led us into those gangsters!"

Zheng Lin deliberately tried to be a good person and said, "You can't say that. Who would have thought that this situation would happen?"

The ability user did not vent his displeasure and said: "If he hadn't insisted on his own way, we would have gone to the eastern suburbs fortress and killed Lu Feng to control the Qingfeng base to complete the mission. How could this happen?"

Zheng Lin was very disdainful of these words. He was still on duty, and even this matter was part of his plan.

However, he also pretended to be scared and asked: "What should we do now? With just the two of us, there is no way we can complete the task."

"We have no choice but to go back first!" The ability user sighed.

Zheng Lin naturally agreed. He deliberately put himself in a weak position and let the other party make the decision. Then it would be the other party who would directly face the Li family, not him.

At this time, it is very beneficial to reduce your sense of existence.

The two soon returned to the Shidong Alliance and entered the Li family manor.

"What's going on with you? Why are you back now? Where's Li Zong?" Li Sheng looked at the two of them in annoyance.

The surviving ability user immediately said: "Master, Li Zong has been sacrificed. He was killed by the one-eyed tiger. Originally, we could quickly reach the eastern suburbs fortress to complete the task. Who knew that Li Zong had to run around in the eastern suburbs, and ended up running into those... The camp where the gangsters were stationed was immediately besieged by the gangsters, and Zheng Lin and I ran out. "

"???" Li Sheng was stunned when he heard this.

What are you doing? He specially sent a team of people to pick up the people from Qingfeng Base and deal with Lu Feng. But before Lu Feng saw the people, Li Zong took them to the gangster camp and killed them?

What the hell...

Eastern suburbs fortress.

Wang Cheng and One-Eyed Tiger also arrived in front of Lu Feng early and reported to Lu Feng.

He was relieved when he heard that the people sent by the Li family had been dealt with, and then asked the one-eyed tiger to take the people back, and also ordered him to subdue other gangsters in the eastern suburbs.

This knife is so easy to use, so naturally it needs to be sharpened.

I just don’t know if the Li family will send someone over again. If they do, they will have to think of another way to kill him.

Soon, Lin Jiao came back, bringing back the scientific research talents from Qingfeng Base, as well as sisters Cheng Sisi.

Lu Feng also immediately called in Cheng Sisi and several computer talents.

When Cheng Sisi saw that her boss had specially called a few of her people, she also took the initiative to ask: "Boss, what are your orders?" Lu Feng immediately handed the information ball containing the artificial intelligence system to Cheng Sisi and said: "Sisi, please work hard. Crack the encryption program of this information ball. There is an artificial intelligence system in this information ball!”

"Artificial intelligence system?" Cheng Sisi was surprised.

She naturally knows about artificial intelligence systems. After all, this technology appeared before the end of the world, but it was not promoted on a large scale and only a few places had artificial intelligence.

Then, Cheng Sisi and others took out the holographic computer and checked the information ball.

After a while, Cheng Sisi said: "Boss, the encryption process this time is a bit difficult. It should take us a lot of time."

"Well, take your time, as long as you can crack it!" Lu Feng nodded.

He naturally knew that the encryption program for this kind of thing must not be simple. If it was so easy to be cracked by Cheng Sisi and others, it couldn't be an artificial intelligence system inside.

After making arrangements, Lu Feng quit the game.

Just after returning to the villa, Black Snake's call came in. Soon, Black Snake also appeared in the villa: "Mr. Lu, there is news from Dara Town. Kudar has made those new weapons. , and after passing the experiment, whether it is power, accuracy, range... all aspects of performance far exceed existing weapons. "

"Hadona said that these weapons should be the most advanced in the world. If they were to spread, I'm afraid all countries in the world would be shocked."

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