Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 189 Who plots against whom? Self-righteous!

At the East Suburbs Fortress, Lu Feng walked to the horizontal wall of the fortress.

In order to increase the defensiveness of the fortress, when the East City Alliance built this fortress, not only did they build the walls very thick, so that people could stand on the horizontal walls to attack, but they also built a lot of attack platforms.

These attack platforms were originally equipped with machine guns and howitzers by Chen Feng.

If Chen Feng himself was not in a hurry to kill them and led people out of the fortress, he would definitely need a lot of effort to take down the fortress.



The people from the Qingfeng base around him greeted him respectfully when they saw him.

These people were installing new howitzers, heavy machine guns, and mortars on the platform.


These were all brought in by him from outside.

Although the fortress was originally equipped with more powerful howitzers, there are still many places where they can be installed to make the defense of this fortress stronger.

And these alone are not enough.

Since there is a fixed fortress, he can go to Dara Town and get some powerful artillery and anti-material assault guns for armed fortresses.

As long as there are enough anti-material assault guns, they can cover the attack and kill many people with abilities.

Lu Feng thought about it and quit the game in front of the people from Qingfeng Base.

These people knew that their boss had this ability, so they were not surprised to see this scene.

Lu Feng returned to the villa and called Chen Bo.

"Boss Lu, what do you want?" Chen Bo asked as soon as he answered the phone, and his words were more respectful than before.

After all, he knew more and more about Boss Lu, so he couldn't disrespect him.

He was originally just a small county town like Youcheng. He thought about making a name for himself in Tianzhou City, but he knew it was difficult.

No matter how well he did in a small county town, he would still be a small shrimp in a place like Tianzhou City.

But following Boss Lu, he made a name for himself in a blink of an eye. Even after Boss Lu dealt with the Gao family, he became one of the most famous people in Tianzhou City.

People like him and Yang Ming who followed Mr. Lu naturally became famous.

Now when they meet some underworld figures in Tianzhou City outside, they will take the initiative to make friends with him when they hear his name.

For him, this is already very good and very high-end.

But who knows, not long after he learned that Mr. Lu also had military forces abroad and could sell weapons.

Suddenly, he felt that his previous thoughts were a bit low again. Compared with this, what is the so-called underworld in Tianzhou City?

After he went to Dala Town, he could become a legendary figure in Tianzhou City.

So, how can he disrespect Mr. Lu?

"How are your preparations going?" Lu Feng asked.

Chen Bo is going to Dala Town, so he naturally has to make some preparations and pick some people to take with him.

Now he plans to go to Dala Town again, so they can go together.

Chen Bo quickly replied: "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I have selected some people and conducted some tests. There is no problem."

"Yeah!" Lu Feng was not worried about this. Even if the people he brought had problems, what waves could they cause in Dara Town?

He asked Hong Xi to use the mutant bones brought by the game to train special forces. Everyone in this force is stronger than the elite special forces and can be directly crushed.

After talking to Chen Bo on the phone, Lu Feng called Yang Qingxue again.

After fighting and killing in the game, he always wanted to relieve his mood when he returned to reality, and didn't want to be too affected by the living conditions in the game world.

Having a warm time with his girlfriend, that kind of relaxation can really adjust this mentality well.

After knowing that Yang Qingxue was in the beauty salon, he also went out and drove to the beauty salon.

Qingxue Beauty Salon is also doing very well now, and you can often see women who want to do beauty treatments and have cosmetic surgery come in and out.

Moreover, Qingxue Beauty Salon has been opened for a short time and is also very famous in this area.

After all, it is no secret that there are female stars coming to Qingxue Beauty Salon, and many noble ladies come to do beauty treatments. .

Therefore, the reputation of Qingxue Beauty Salon's high-end services has also been spread, and it has also attracted many high-end female customers.

This also made the senior beauty technicians who originally looked down on Qingxue Beauty Salon come to the store on their own initiative.

After all, technicians also want to make more money and make more high-end customers.

The successive joining of senior technicians has also made the technical services of Qingxue Beauty Salon better and more advanced.

This is also a virtuous circle.

Naturally, the premise of all this is still inseparable from connections.

Lin Yao is very clear about this. If there is no Mr. Lu, Mr. Kai will not be able to help with publicity. If there is no Mr. Kai's publicity, those stars and ladies and socialites will not come at the beginning.

However, it is precisely because of Mr. Lu that these ladies and socialites come to the store and are polite to her and Yang Qingxue.

"Manager Lin, let's go out for dinner after work tonight? We have booked Fulin Restaurant!"

When the two middle-aged women came down from upstairs, one of them invited Lin Yao.

Lin Yao immediately said with a smile: "Sister Li, Sister Hu, you go, I have an appointment with my boyfriend tonight!"

The two women nodded and did not invite again. Repeating it many times would make people unhappy.

They came to this beauty salon because they heard that the owner of this beauty salon is the girlfriend of the owner of Qingfeng Network Company and Qingfeng Entertainment Company.

In Tianzhou City, who doesn't know the power of Qingfeng Network Company?

Many people, like them, wanted to expand their network of contacts, and many wanted to invite Yang Qingxue to dinner, but she kept refusing, and they couldn't force her.

Lin Yao was easier to get along with, and would accept the invitation.

Moreover, knowing that Lin Yao's boyfriend was Mr. Lu's right-hand man, and Mr. Lu's cousin, almost half a spokesperson, they naturally wanted to make friends with him.

The two women were about to walk out of the store when they saw a young man walk into the beauty salon.

Lin Yao saw Lu Feng and immediately came forward: "Mr. Lu, Qingxue is upstairs, I'll send a message to ask her to come down."

This made the two women stop subconsciously and look at Lu Feng in surprise.

Is this Mr. Lu?

Qingfeng Network Company is now very powerful and has become an Internet giant.

But compared to the two people from Mouyin and Penguin, few people have seen Mr. Lu.

They immediately remembered Lu Feng firmly. If they meet him in any occasion in the future, it would be best if they can recognize him and say hello.

At this time, they would not step forward without knowing the situation, but quietly leave.

Sometimes you have to distinguish between occasions, otherwise it will seem too deliberate, which will also make people disgusted.

After Lin Yao sent the message, Yang Qingxue came down from the building immediately: "Lu Feng, why are you here?"

"Take you to dinner!" Lu Feng smiled and said, naturally holding Yang Qingxue's hand and walking out.

His love with Yang Qingxue has long been so natural.

After the passion, the love between two people can reach a natural state, have each other in their hearts, care about each other, and will not betray each other. This is the best relationship.

Yang Qingxue always has a smile on her pretty face. Her current life makes her feel fulfilled, and the booming business of the beauty salon also makes her feel very fulfilled.

Even if the good business is actually because of Lu Feng.

But who let him be her boyfriend?

Lu Feng took Yang Qingxue to a couple's dinner, and then took her back to the villa to rest. While resting, he used some actions from the movie he saw in the message ball.

It was really exciting!


It was unknown how long it had been, but Lu Feng was satisfied and cleaned up with Yang Qingxue.

When he was going downstairs, he saw Wang Cheng hurriedly entering the East Suburb Fortress in the game screen, and walking back and forth in the hall, obviously looking a little anxious.

Seeing this scene, he knew that something must have happened.

He also said something to Yang Qingxue, then found a room, locked it, and entered the game with one thought.

Walking to the hall, Wang Cheng saw him and hurriedly said: "Boss, something has happened. Zheng Lin asked me to pass the news to you quickly."

Lu Feng asked: "What's going on?"

Wang Cheng explained: "Zheng Lin said that the Li family has helped you get the position of the fortress guard officer, and sent a special ability person to read the appointment!"

"However, the real purpose of the Li family is to kill you, and then take over the Qingfeng base and control us. What the Li family really wants is to let that ability person take over as the guard officer!"

When Lu Feng heard this, he couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Good idea!"

However, if it were him, when he was not sure whether he could trust a force, the best way was to get rid of the other party's leader and then take over the other party's force.

This is the way to make himself completely at ease.

This is somewhat similar to the way he controls the Kudar family. The only difference is that Barking Sen is too weak and can be easily controlled with an electronic chain. .

But he is not a waste like Barking Sen.

The Li family wanted to send a person with special abilities to kill him, but they also had to see if the person had the ability to do it and whether he could make it to the East Suburb Fortress alive.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng ordered Wang Cheng: "Go to Shangya Town and tell the one-eyed tiger that there is something to do. I don't want the people sent by the Li family to see the East Suburb Fortress."

"Okay!" Wang Cheng nodded, and immediately left the fortress and soon arrived at Shangya Town.

The one-eyed tiger saw Wang Cheng and asked in surprise: "Mr. Lu won't let me take action so soon, right?"

Wang Cheng said decisively: "Well, the boss wants you to take people to deal with some people from the Li family. We will cooperate with you. In addition, don't touch Zheng Lin. Just play a scene with him."

"It's bad luck for the people of the Li family to meet Mr. Lu." The one-eyed tiger said jokingly, and walked out of the hall, and shouted: "Everyone pick up your weapons and gather for me!"

A moment later, the one-eyed tiger set off with the team and went to the East Suburbs. At the same time, Wang Cheng received a positioning information in one of his communicators.

That was sent by Zheng Lin, so no matter where the people of the Li family went, they could know the location.

This positioning system does not use satellite information, but a method similar to the short-range signal waves of walkie-talkies.

Previously, the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group also relied on the positioning information of the burst chip to find the bank.

However, the Gray Wolf was unlucky and met Lu Feng, who ambushed and calculated it, and directly used dozens of gas cylinders to serve.

On the other side, in the area near the East Suburbs.

Zheng Lin has also arrived here with some people from the Li family.

They stopped and looked at the road to the East Suburbs.

These people from the Li family are all good players, and they were also sent by the Li family. There are two other ability users who are responsible for cooperating with Zheng Lin and Li Zong to kill Lu Feng.

"We are about to enter the East Suburbs." Zheng Lin also said to Li Zong beside him: "Let's hurry up and try to get to the East Suburbs Fortress before dark."

Li Zong shook his head: "We can't go in directly from here. The bandits in the eastern suburbs will definitely be on guard against our Li family's support. They may send people to watch the entrance to the eastern suburbs. It is easy to be ambushed by bandits. Let's go to another place. Even if we walk a little further, it will be no problem. No one will know our actions, which will be more beneficial to our actions!"

As he said, he turned and walked towards the road on the side, intending to take a detour.

Seeing this, Zheng Lin couldn't help but curl his lips.

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