Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 188: Deal with Lu Feng! Conquer Qingfeng Base?

Not long after.

Zheng Lin came to the fortress.

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Lu Feng also met him as soon as possible.

"Congratulations, boss, the plan is half successful!" Zheng Lin congratulated as soon as he met.

Lu Feng nodded and said: "Next, you take Chen Feng to the Li family!"

Zheng Lin asked: "Boss, about the new planting land, do you want to report it to the Li family? And Chen Feng also secretly hid a lot of food. He built a private granary, and the food is all there."

Lu Feng heard this and said decisively: "Hand over most of the food in the granary to the Li family, and report the matter of the planting land, so that the Li family can let down their guard against us."

"It's better to get some benefits from the Li family, such as the position of the fortress guard officer, and say that I need support and allow me to recruit soldiers from the East City Alliance."

He really doesn't care about food.

After all, he can keep getting food from reality.

As for the new planting land, even if he told the Li family, it would not be harvested immediately after planting, nor did it mean that the planting land was given to the Li family.

It would take at least a few months to wait for the new planting land to be harvested.

These few months were enough time for a lot of things to happen.

This would win the favor of the Li family. When the opportunity came, even if he occupied the planting land, the Li family would have no way to stop him, right?

Moreover, as long as he could get the position of the East Suburb Guard Officer, he could recruit people openly in the East City Alliance.

You should know that in addition to the internal area, the East City Alliance has a million people in the periphery and slums, gathered in the East District of Tianhai City.

Last time he went to the East City Alliance, although he only bought Cheng Yaoyao's electromagnetic electrical technology in a very peripheral place, compared with other places in Tianhai City, even the periphery of the East City Alliance, there was a hint of prosperity.

Zheng Lin nodded directly after hearing Lu Feng's words, and soon took Chen Feng out of the fortress and returned to the East City Alliance. Wang Cheng was also with him, and he was naturally responsible for contact to avoid any problems.

Chen Feng had been put on an electronic chain and tied up, and with the serious injuries, he had no way to think.

Zheng Lin drove the suspension car and rushed back to the East City Alliance at the fastest speed.

The most famous place in the East City Alliance is naturally the Noble District.

The streets in this Noble District are very clean, and there are even special sanitation workers to clean up the garbage and fallen leaves on the streets.

Moreover, there are suspension cars driving here, and there are hawkers on the roadside.

There are all kinds of shops open on both sides of the road, cake shops, flower shops, pubs...

There are even graceful ladies walking on the street with their pet dogs.

The scene in front of me doesn't look like an apocalypse at all, but like a prosperous city before the apocalypse.

This is the Noble District, which is like two different worlds from the apocalypse outside where food is scarce, people even eat each other, and morality is degraded.

So, no matter what kind of society you are in, only those who hold power can live better than others.

And the people in this Noble District are all from families that hold power in the East City Alliance.

A suspension car drove into the streets of the Noble District.

Zheng Lin looked at the neat streets and the peaceful and harmonious prosperous scene, and felt very emotional.

This is also the reason why he, as a fire elementalist, chose to be a running dog of the Li family.

In the end times, who doesn't want to survive in such an environment?

Only here can you live like a human being.

But not everyone can enter this noble area, even if you are a person with abilities.

Because these noble families have more people with abilities, if you don't follow their rules, they will also deal with you mercilessly.

Therefore, even if you are a person with abilities, you can only choose to rely on them.

Zheng Lin drove the hovercraft to a manor again.

He didn't know how many times he had entered this manor.

This is where the Li family is.

But as a person with abilities outside the family, he is not qualified to live here.

Zheng Lin reported and was put into the Li family.

After all, letting Qingfeng Base be cannon fodder to suppress bandits in the eastern suburbs is also one of the things that the Li family is very concerned about now.

Qingfeng Base replaced the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group and is now responsible for helping the Li family find that team of salvation army.

But the Li family would never have thought that the Salvation Army was already at the Qingfeng base, and the weapon the Li family wanted to find, that is, the mecha weapon, was also at the Qingfeng base.

Zheng Lin quickly entered the hall of the Li family manor.

There was already an old man waiting for him there.

It was Li Sheng, the head of the Li family.

Li Sheng saw Zheng Lin carrying Chen Feng, who was covered in blood and wearing an electronic chain, and his brows immediately frowned: "Zheng Lin, what's going on?"

This Zheng Lin is a member of his Li family, and he is also the guard officer of their Li family who controls the East Suburb Fortress. From the scene in front of him, anyone can see that something must have happened in the East Suburb.

Zheng Lin did not dare to hesitate and reported immediately: "Mr. Li, this time I took the people from Qingfeng Base to the East Suburbs to investigate the whole story."

"The people sent to the East Suburbs by the Li family were killed by Chen Feng. The leader of the banditry in the East Suburbs was called One-Eyed Tiger. It was Chen Feng who colluded with One-Eyed Tiger and killed the two groups of people sent by the Li family before."

"Moreover, this time Chen Feng used the same trick again and wanted to eliminate the people from Qingfeng Base with One-Eyed Tiger. Fortunately, I noticed it in time and led people to escape."

When Li Sheng heard this, his face was solemn: "Why did he do this?"

Zheng Lin immediately explained: "Mr. Li, Chen Feng is ambitious. He secretly collected a lot of food in the eastern suburbs and stored it in several warehouses. The quantity is very large. Qingfeng Base will deliver the food later."

"Moreover, Chen Feng also found a new place to grow plants in the eastern suburbs. The area is not small, but Chen Feng did not report it and wanted to occupy it privately!"

When Li Sheng heard this, he stared at Chen Feng instantly, and a strong murderous aura enveloped him: "Is what Zheng Lin said true?"

Facing Li Sheng's murderous aura, Chen Feng panicked: "Mr. Li, spare me, I have been obsessed, I was wrong, I am a capable person, and I am still useful to the Li family!"

"Damn it!" Li Sheng knew what Zheng Lin said was true when he heard this. The murderous aura on his face surged, and he waved his hand casually, and there was only a sound of breaking through the air.

Zheng Lin saw a transparent wind blade flying past at a high speed.

Before he could react, he saw Chen Feng's head leave his body and roll to the ground.

But the wind blade continued to charge forward, and it actually pierced through the wall a few meters behind.

Zheng Lin swallowed his saliva when he saw this.

The head of the Li family was indeed as terrifying as the rumors said.

"What is the situation in Dongjiao now?" Li Sheng immediately asked Zheng Lin again.

Zheng Lin replied: "The situation is a bit bad now. In fact, the leader of the bandits, the one-eyed tiger, has been plotting against Chen Feng. Moreover, the one-eyed tiger is not only a capable person himself, but also has many capable people under his command."

"This time, the other party took the opportunity to kill the guards of the Dongjiao Fortress that Chen Feng took out, and also attacked the Dongjiao Fortress."

"What?" Li Sheng couldn't stay calm when he heard this, and stood up directly.

This is definitely very bad news for the Li family.

According to what Zheng Lin said, their Li family can't now allocate people to Dongjiao to solve this problem.

Once the Yan Emperor knows about this, he will definitely take back their Li family's right to manage Dongjiao, which will definitely be a very bad thing for the Li family.

Seeing this, Zheng Lin immediately took the opportunity to say: "Mr. Li, don't worry. When the one-eyed tiger attacked the fortress, the leader Lu Feng of Qingfeng Base and I went to rescue the fortress together."

"The one-eyed tiger seemed to be worried that occupying the fortress would be retaliated by the East City Alliance and sent a large army to clear it out, so it did not stay for long. After robbing the resources, it left. Now the Qingfeng Base is stationed at the fortress."

"That means the fortress is still in our hands." Li Sheng subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Zheng Lin nodded: "Yes, Mr. Li, now the one-eyed tiger is powerful, and Qingfeng Base hopes to get the support of the Li family. The leader Lu Feng hopes to become the guard officer of the fortress and guard the fortress legitimately. He also hopes to come to the East City Alliance to recruit people!"

"Qingfeng Base!" Li Sheng did not respond, but instead muttered.

In fact, he can do both of these points.

Their Li family is in charge of the eastern suburbs, and the issue of the guard officer of the fortress is easy to solve. It is even a small matter to let the other party come to the East City Alliance to recruit people. After all, if he becomes the guard officer of the fortress, the other party can naturally come legitimately.

But Chen Feng has his own ideas, so Lu Feng won't have any ideas?

After Chen Feng's incident, he is not from the Li family, so he can't be trusted.

Thinking of this, Li Sheng instructed Zheng Lin: "Zheng Lin, there is a task for you. I will issue the documents of the fortress guard officer to Lu Feng, but I will let Li Zong take people with you."

"However, I want Li Zong to be the guard officer in the end, and then you will cooperate with Li Zong there."

"Ah!" Zheng Lin was stunned when he heard this, and immediately said: "Mr. Li, do you mean to get rid of Lu Feng?"

Li Sheng said coldly: "This kind of thing happened in the eastern suburbs. The Qingfeng base team is indeed a very good force to guard the fortress, which can temporarily solve the dilemma of our Li family."

"But the people of the Qingfeng base are not in their own hands, which always makes people feel uneasy, so use the documents to paralyze Lu Feng first, and then find an opportunity to cooperate with Li Zong to kill him, so that Li Zong can replace him and control the people of the Qingfeng base."

Zheng Lin opened his mouth when he heard this, and didn't know what to say for a while.

The boss obviously miscalculated, and obviously did not expect the Li family to be so ungrateful and sneer.

According to his report, the boss helped the Li family share their worries and solved a problem.

Who knew that the head of the Li family was so ungrateful that he even wanted to destroy the boss and replace him with someone from his own Li family

Really cruel.

But Zheng Lin could only answer honestly at this time: "Okay, Mr. Li, I will definitely cooperate with you to the fullest!"

"Very good!" Li Sheng was very satisfied with Zheng Lin's attitude, and soon asked someone to call a sturdy man and directly ordered: "Li Zong, you will take two people and Zheng Lin to the East City Alliance to cooperate with him to solve the leader of the Qingfeng Base, Lu Feng. Remember, after solving that Lu Feng, take the opportunity to subdue the people of the Qingfeng Base. Only in this way can people feel at ease."

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