Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 182 Soft Knife! Stumbling Block!

Qingfeng Network Company suddenly became unstoppable.

Everyone knew that even a giant like Penguin could not do anything to them.

Countless capitals also contacted Qingfeng Network Company and wanted to invest in Qingfeng Network Company.

Unfortunately, Lu Feng had no interest in this at all.

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Qingfeng Network Company released a financial report that attracted everyone's attention.

This financial report is not about Qingfeng Network Company itself, but about the dividends of intelligent assistance software authorization.

Because intelligent assistance software needs to use various appearances.

These appearances include animation and real people.

These all require copyright and portrait rights.

Animation characters must pay copyright fees to the copyright holder, and portrait characters must also pay fees to the person themselves.

As for these fees, some are settled in one lump sum, and some choose to share, that is, they can get 10% of the portrait share.

That is, someone spends money on this character, in addition to the cost, the portrait person accounts for 10%, and Qingfeng Network Company accounts for 90%.

Most people choose to pay a lump sum. Naturally, there are also many people who are too proud to authorize and do not want their portraits to be used by so many people.

For example, a certain celebrity named Jin is famous for being too proud.

But this time, the financial report of Qingfeng Network Company's portrait sharing came out, which shocked everyone.

The first place was the teacher Youcai, whose 10% portrait sharing reached 41 million.

This number shocked everyone.

Maybe some people will think that this number is too much, but you have to know that this is only 10% of the profit. Qingfeng Company will make more.

How much did Qingfeng Company make from Teacher Youcai alone?

90% of the profit is 369 million.

This is definitely a very incredible thing.

You have to know that Teacher Youcai only authorized the portrait rights, and did nothing, just lying down and making money?

Although she also made money lying down, how could she make as much money lying down as she does now?

But think about it, if she hadn't lied down for so many years before, she wouldn't have the ability to make money now.

But I don't know how many stars regret it.

Because Qingfeng Company had approached them at the beginning, but they refused. Who knew that authorizing the portrait rights to Qingfeng Network Company would be so profitable?

You know, they worked hard to catch up with the announcements, and they didn't make so much money.

For a time, countless stars began to express their willingness to cooperate with Qingfeng Network Company.

Among them was the star surnamed Jin.

How noble this star surnamed Jin was at the beginning, how humble he is now, so noble is just a persona, and in the final analysis, it's just money and interests.

This news is naturally not only a sensation in China, but also in the country of plaster.

Because Qingfeng Company is going to send settlement information and bills to Teacher Youcai.

When Teacher Youcai received the message from Qingfeng Company, she was also dumbfounded. She took out a calculator to calculate it at the first time.

820 million yen?

Teacher Youcai couldn't believe it. You know, she only made 3.5 million yen for a movie.

How many movies does it take to make this?


Tianzhou City

In the seaside villa, Lu Feng naturally knew about the release of "Xia Ke", and the result was within his expectations.

After all, this game is 20 years ahead of modern games, and it is an imaginative game that will be popular in 20 years.

He brought this game out of "After the End of the World", so it will naturally be popular.

He went online to check the news, and most of the news on the Internet was praising this game.


Lu Feng was stunned when he saw some news.

"There is no doubt that Qingfeng Network Company has become a new giant, and has even surpassed Penguin, because it has made Penguin powerless twice! 》

"The new code of Qingfeng Network Company has made it the emperor of the Internet. In the future, if Penguin and Mouyin cannot crack the new code, then they will become the stepping stone of Qingfeng Network Company. 》

"Qingfeng Company is unstoppable, and the key is that its shares seem to be completely in the hands of one person! 》

"It is almost conceivable that the boss behind Qingfeng Network Company will become the richest man soon! Moreover, the national public opinion will also be controlled by the other party! 》

γ€ŠOne person controls a country's public opinion channel, that's...》


There are more and more such news, and every piece of news is praising Qingfeng Network Company.

He looked carefully and found that there was even a Penguin media that released such news.

This is definitely not normal.

Lu Feng frowned tightly.

Is it a flattery?

Soft knife?

These news were naturally seen by countless netizens. For a time, the momentum of Qingfeng Network Company seemed to have really surpassed Penguin.

It also made Qingfeng Network Company the biggest hot spot at the moment, and there were news reports on the Internet.

Tianzhou City, an official office building.

A figure walked into the office of Mr. Chen.

"Is there any latest news about Qingfeng Network Company?" Mr. Chen asked as he looked at the secretary coming in.

The last time he fell at Qingfeng Network Company, he chose to give in, because Qingfeng Network Company already had the ability to create public opinion.

So, he could only stop, just let people pay attention, and wait for the opportunity.

The secretary immediately took out the news he had collected and handed it over: "Mr. Chen, take a look at these news, the opportunity you have been waiting for seems to have come."

Mr. Chen took the news and saw that the news was actually praising Qingfeng Network Company.

He took a closer look and found that there were shadows of companies like Penguin among them.

He immediately understood that Penguin was obviously giving Qingfeng Network Company a soft knife.

Thinking of this, he smiled: "It's really a good time. Someone in Beijing should be unable to bear it, right? I should add fuel to the fire here."

Their country is a system country, and some things have their own rules.

Even Penguin and Douyin cannot avoid it.

Once Qingfeng Network Company is involved, there is no way to use public opinion offensives against them at will.

This is also the reason why Douyin and Penguin have not reported on this aspect.

He immediately made a phone call and said respectfully: "Leader, I want to talk to you about Qingfeng Network Company. Has this company triggered some clauses and has a tendency to monopolize..."


In the villa.

Lu Feng temporarily stopped paying attention to the news and turned his eyes to the screen of the game world.

Deng Lin was holding something and waiting in front of the core building of the air-raid shelter of Qingfeng Base, obviously wanting to see him.

Seeing this, he also entered the game with a thought and met Zheng Lin.

"Mr. Lu, the document from the East City Alliance has arrived." Zheng Lin immediately handed the document in his hand to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng immediately took the document, which was obtained by the Li family from the East City Alliance for them, that is, an organizational identity, so that they can go to the East Suburbs area controlled by the East City Alliance.

[This is a document from the East City Alliance, which may sometimes play a big role. ]

Lu Feng saw this note information and smiled.

Indeed, with this document, there is a chance to go to the East City Alliance to do something.

Moreover, with this document, they can openly use the banner of the East City Alliance when they go out to do things at Qingfeng Base. Sometimes, this can also reduce a lot of trouble.

However, the arrival of this document also means that they have to go to the East Suburbs to suppress bandits first.

Lu Feng also called Lin Jiao and asked her to get ready.

After summoning the elite soldiers who had been trained and equipped with weapons, Lu Feng also led the team to leave Qingfeng Base.

This time, he only took half of the combatants with him, and the other half stayed at Qingfeng Base.

Half of the troops fully armed with howitzers, mortars, infantry fighting vehicles, and cavalry fighting vehicles were enough to fight against the bandits in Dongjiao who were not fully armed.

Moreover, he also took half of the ability users who were transformed by crystal cores before, as well as his and Wang Cheng's mecha weapons.

Guo Zhen's mecha weapons were also left at Qingfeng Base to guard the house.

This kind of force can no longer deal with those bandits who are mixed in the suburbs, so they can find a piece of tofu to kill themselves.

Dongjiao is located in the east of Tianhai City and in the southeast of the East City Alliance.

Lu Feng led his men from Qingfeng Base and passed by two survivor bases on the way. However, they put up the banner of the East City Alliance, and the people in these two survivor bases also retreated.

Except for the battle with the mutant beasts, they also arrived at the East Suburb area soon.

Arriving at the East Suburbs, Lu Feng indeed found that Tianhai City was somewhat different.

The land here did not seem barren, but many places were planted with crops.

Moreover, the continuous area in one direction was actually planted with crops such as wheat and rice.

The soil here can obviously still be used to grow crops, but the fruits of the crops are sparse and the harvest is not very high.

The soil still has a great impact.

Moreover, there are sentry towers in many places in this area. If they did not have the documents, they would be regarded as enemies if they rashly entered this area.

"Mr. Lu, do you see that fortress? That is the military station of the East Suburbs of the City Alliance." Zheng Lin pointed to a fortress not far away and shouted.

Lu Feng looked at it and saw that the fortress was obviously built for combat purposes. It was also important to the East Suburbs of the City Alliance to grow crops in this area.

Such a fortress was built to protect this place.

But now a very powerful bandit has appeared. Two of the generals sent by the Li family died in the hands of those bandits in succession, and many people were lost.

The Li family needs manpower in other directions now, so they temporarily use Qingfeng Base as cannon fodder.

When the Li family has recovered, they will probably focus on this side, and then they may have ideas about Qingfeng Base.

However, Lu Feng doesn't care about it. After all, it is still unknown whether they are here to be cannon fodder or to subdue cannon fodder.

In their convoy, there is a car full of electronic chains.

"Let's go!" Lu Feng and his party quickly arrived outside the fortress, but they hid some of the weapons they brought on the hovercraft and covered them with canvas, and only had ordinary standard rifles.

He didn't want the people of the Li family to know his current weapon configuration.

Immediately, the person in charge of the guard came out to ask.

Lu Feng immediately took out the document of the East City Alliance and handed it to the person in charge.

After reading the document, the other party hurried into the fortress and saw a sturdy bearded man in the inner hall: "Mr. Lu, there is another team outside, sent by the East City Alliance, because they are the people from the Qingfeng Base mentioned by the head of the Li family."

When the bearded man heard this, his eyes became a little cold: "Another stumbling block has come, it seems that we have to kill these people again."

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