Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 183: Killing with a borrowed knife! The cannon fodder will be killed!

Outside the East Suburbs Fortress.

Lu Feng looked at the fortress in front of him with a sharp gaze.

It was made of cement and steel bars, and was equipped with steel facilities. It was very spectacular. Just the length, width and depth alone made it a small city.

In the end times, with limited weapons, it would not be an exaggeration to set up enough heavy machine guns, howitzers, mortars... on the fortress. If there were no capable people involved, it would take dozens of times more soldiers to capture such a city.

To be honest, if it was just used as a base, the fortress in front of him would be more suitable than the manor community.

"How can I get this fortress?" Lu Feng had some thoughts.

After all, after the violent zombie tide caused by the hexagonal beast broke out, not only was the East City Alliance destroyed by the impact, but other survivor bases in Tianhai City were also impacted and suffered heavy losses.

If there was such a fortress, it seemed that there would be more protection.

Zheng Lin explained: "This fortress was built in the early days of the East City Alliance. After the end of the world, the soil was extremely acidic and unsuitable for growing crops. Only the East Suburbs area could grow crops, so the East City Alliance built this fortress to guard the East Suburbs."

"The current guard of this fortress is from the Li family, because the East Suburbs are now under the jurisdiction of the Li family. The banditry in the East Suburbs suddenly became serious some time ago, so the Li family had to send people to suppress the bandits."

"But they sent two groups of people here and both died in the hands of those bandits. If you want to get this fortress, you may have to snatch the right to manage from the Li family, or become the guard of this fortress."

Lu Feng nodded.

The guard is somewhat like the appointment of the guard of the ancient city.

I just don't know if there is a way to kill the guard of this fortress and replace him.

Looking at the crops planted in various places in the East Suburbs, he felt that he could make a plan.

He can transport food from outside, but there will be more and more people in the future, and he can't rely on him to transport food from reality.

At this time, in the fortress

After receiving the news, the sturdy bearded man walked out of the hall and headed for the gate of the fortress.

He saw Lu Feng and his party, and Zheng Lin standing next to Lu Feng.

Zheng Lin saw the bearded man and immediately said: "Chen Feng, this is Mr. Lu, who was newly sent by the Li family to suppress the bandits. You should have received the news."

Obviously, the two knew each other.

Chen Feng heard Zheng Lin's words and said with a smile: "I did receive the news, but the bandit problem has been very serious recently. The bandits in the eastern suburbs appeared before you came."

"So, I can't let you enter the fortress before confirming your identity and checking whether there are spies in your team."

"I have asked people to clear the station in the north. You will stay there tonight. Tomorrow, we will let you into the fortress after we have finished the investigation."

As he spoke, he was already quickly observing the weapons and equipment of those people in the Qingfeng base.

They were all simple rifles, which should be the standard weapons of the East City Alliance. There was not even a machine gun.

Through this, he roughly understood that this was the cannon fodder sent by the Li family.

The Li family has been really busy recently. They can't spare any manpower on the other side, and they don't want to give up the right to manage the East Suburbs. They can only find these cannon fodders to hold them up first, creating more time for things over there.

Since they are cannon fodders, let's get rid of them as soon as possible.

Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

Outside the fortress, Zheng Lin frowned slightly when he heard Chen Feng's words. He always felt that there was something wrong, but if the bandit problem was serious, it was not unreasonable for the other party to be cautious.

"Mr. Lu, let's go to the southern garrison first!" Zheng Lin had to say to Lu Feng.

This fortress was specially built by the East Alliance of the City to defend the East Suburbs area. Even if there are documents, you can't force it. The key is that with the defense of this fortress, every part has heavy machine guns.

If you want to force it, there will definitely be heavy casualties, unless Mr. Lu leads those ability users to raid, but Chen Feng is also an ability user, and there are more than one ability users stationed here.

"Well!" Lu Feng nodded, and first called people to leave and go to the southern garrison. Even if you want this fortress, you have to think about it in the long run.

Watching Lu Feng and his men leave, Chen Feng showed a sneer without disguising his face.

When he turned around and walked inside, the sneer became more intense.

Back in the hall, he called a trusted subordinate and ordered: "Go tell One-Eyed Tiger that the people have arrived and are stationed in the south. These people are poorly equipped and are just cannon fodder. Let him take action tonight. I will pretend to support them at that time. If there are any remnants escaping, I will help to solve them."

"Also, let him pay special attention to Zheng Lin. The other party is an elemental ability user, and there may be ability users in this group of people. They must all be solved."

The trusted subordinate left in a hurry after hearing the order.

Seeing this, Chen Feng raised his palm, and a kind of fluff began to appear on his arm.

This is his beast ability, which is stronger than ordinary ability users.

With stronger abilities, there are naturally greater ambitions.

This East Suburb area has such a large area for growing crops. As long as he records less and reports less, it will be a huge fortune that can support many people.

Moreover, he found a large area of ​​land that could be cultivated in the mountains of the East Suburbs, which he did not report.

Therefore, he wanted to be the prince of the East Suburbs, and he would never allow anyone to be a stumbling block.

As for the one-eyed tiger, he was the leader of the bandit troubles in the East Suburbs recently.

He was the one who did all this.

There is a saying that goes, "Raising an enemy brings self-respect."

He also brought them out to clean up the Li family.

As for the idiots like the one-eyed tiger, if you give them enough benefits, they will be a very good knife.

This time, if you deal with this group of people, I guess the Li family will not send anyone again in the short term, right?

In addition to building the fortress in the eastern suburbs, the East City Alliance also built garrisons on all four sides of the fortress to protect the fortress.

Once there is a problem on either side, the garrisons on all four sides can be discovered as quickly as possible, and then deal with it first. If they can't deal with it, they can send a signal, and the fortress will also provide support as quickly as possible.

Now the Li family sent people from the Qingfeng base over, and Chen Feng has cleared the garrison in the south for their use.

But when Lu Feng led people to the garrison in the south, his brows slightly frowned.

Because the main gate of this garrison was destroyed, and even the defense facilities were not sound, I don't know if it was like this before, or if it was deliberately moved away.

If such a garrison is attacked, wouldn't it be just a decoration?

"Something is wrong." Zheng Lin frowned.

"Something is wrong." Lu Feng is not a fool. Seeing that Chen Feng did not allow him to enter the fortress and the appearance of the garrison, he could not help but think of the scenes in real TV dramas.

In the old version of the Three Kingdoms, this kind of situation is that the commander wants to kill with a knife, arranges a camp with poor defense and disadvantageous conditions for the generals he dislikes, and then deliberately leaks the news to the enemy, and then does not rescue.

Isn't everything solved?

Why was Cao Wei in the Three Kingdoms stolen by the Sima family? It was because during that period, many generals of Cao Wei were killed by Sima Yi in this way.

The worst death was Zhang He.

"It seems that we must also take some precautions." Lu Feng said, and also attracted Lin Jiao and others.


There is a small town in the eastern suburbs, called Shangya Town.

Shangya Town is surrounded by rivers, which well blocks some mutant beasts running out of the mountains.

In the center of the town, there are obviously lines of fortifications built, indicating that there are survivors here and a base has been built here.

Outside the fortifications, you can see ferocious antler roadblocks set up. They are sharp antlers cut from wooden stakes. Many zombies are stabbed on the antlers, and the intertwined roars they emit are very creepy.

A figure riding a hoverbike quickly approached here, and the guards in the dark immediately came out to question.

Then, the figure was brought into the base.

There was actually a large square inside, and there were guards with banditry all around.

When we arrived at the hall, it was even more smoky. Groups of bandits with bare shoulders laughed and surrounded a group of ragged women and delicate and fair-skinned boys in the middle.

The scene was extremely unbearable.

Those women were naturally good-looking. As bandits, they were naturally robbed from other places.

In this doomsday, if you don’t have military power, your appearance seems to be the original sin.

After all, in this apocalypse, there are no moral constraints and no legal protection. It is not like before the apocalypse, you can be arrogant and noble just because you have a beautiful face and a good figure, and men have to hold you in their arms.

Even if you are kept by someone or become a mistress, rich men have to give enough money and buy enough gifts.

In the apocalypse, as long as you are stronger than you and throw away all human morality, even if you are on the side of the road, you can be dragged into the bushes if you want to mess with you.

After all, everything is different in the apocalypse.

Therefore, Tianhai City is fortunate to have a Shidong Alliance. Although the survivors there live like the poor, there are at least basic rules and order.

After all, to enjoy rights and status, first of all, there must be the guarantee of rules and order. Only with the guarantee of rules and order can rights be high above.

Like this kind of subordinate villages and towns, most of them are hells without order and rules.

The figure soon saw a sturdy man wearing aluminum alloy steel armor and blind in one eye. He was the leader of these bandits, the one-eyed tiger.

"Tell me, what's Chen Feng's business?" The one-eyed tiger asked when he saw the confidant sent by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's confidant immediately said: "The people sent by the Li family have arrived and are stationed in the south. The defense facilities there are almost unusable. You can attack at night and kill them directly. You must kill them all. Those who are capable must be killed. Don't let them run away."

Hearing this, the one-eyed tiger immediately shouted to the people around him: "Get ready for me. There is work to do. When the time comes, bring back weapons, spoils, women... "

The bandits around heard the order and shouted excitedly. For them, looting is already an exciting and exciting thing.

It got dark quickly.

After the one-eyed tiger led his men out of Shangya Town, he led them to a hillside, where they could see the southern station of the East Suburb Fortress.

From a distance, you can see the fire inside.

"The people of the Li family are all inside, remember to deal with them quickly, the guards will cooperate with you!"

The speaker was the confidant of Chen Feng's faction, who also reminded: "There is a person named Zheng Lin in the other team, who is an elemental ability user, he must be dealt with first."

"He can't run away." The one-eyed tiger sneered and took his men to the southern base where Lu Feng and his men were under the cover of night.

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