Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 181 Qingfeng Company becomes the third largest company!


Qingfeng Network Company's smart assistant has long become an indispensable software for more and more people to install on their mobile phones.

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On the day when the game "Xia Ke" was released, users of these smart assistants received notifications.

Moreover, Qingfeng Company is very smart. It is not in the form of conventional advertising, but in the form of software assistant notifications.

For example, those LSPs who use Teacher Youcai as the image of smart assistants will hear their smart assistants say this when they take out their mobile phones:

"Husband, husband, a new game "Xia Ke" is online today. Do you need me to download it for you?"

"Dear, the new game "Xia Ke" is online. I heard it's very fun. Do you want me to download it for you!"


For those LSPs, Teacher Youcai's voice said this to them. Who can bear it? They wanted to try it immediately.

Naturally, when facing female users, the wording is another style, because it is too dirty, so no description is made. .

However, under this advertising formula, the download volume of the game "Xia Ke" exploded soon after it was launched, and the download volume exceeded 500 million in a short period of time.

You must know that in the era of fast-food games, most games may not have 500 million downloads from the time they are released to the time they are cold.

Moreover, this number is still increasing rapidly.

For this reason, Qingfeng Entertainment Company had to urgently expand the server again. The increase was too fast, and Wang Kai and Wang Xin were afraid that the server would explode.

At the beginning, these users only tried to download "Xia Ke" because of the smart assistant.

But as they entered the game, most game-loving users were deeply addicted to it.

These people felt that this game was incredible.

That kind of operability, that kind of entertainment, that kind of openness... can completely satisfy their fantasy of the martial arts world, as if they had traveled to this martial arts world.

Moreover, this game also has very interesting farming operations, such as opening a restaurant, setting up a stall... and so on, but it is not the rigid template of ordinary games.

The key is that you don’t need to pay for it.

As they immersed themselves in it, these players knew that this game would definitely be a hit.

Many people began to spontaneously invite their friends or post messages in some game groups.

People who love games will have some online friends who play games with them on a daily basis. They will create a group to brag and chat in it.

Moreover, many people found that when they posted a message, someone else also posted one.

This game is undoubtedly going to be a big hit.

Penguin, which has been keeping an eye on Qingfeng Network, naturally knew the news of the release of "Xia Ke".

Almost immediately, Mr. Ma summoned the relevant personnel of Penguin and gave an order: "Qingfeng Network's "Xia Ke" has been released, so our "Awakening Dawn" will be released at the same time. Similarly, the activities of King and Chicken will be launched immediately. This time, let everyone know who has the final say in domestic mobile games."

"In addition, the cracking department will crack this game immediately. The previous smart assistant software could not be cracked. Don't tell me that even this game cannot be cracked? After all, this is what we are best at."

Following Mr. Ma's instructions, the relevant departments of Penguin started to operate quickly. .

Mr. Ma is very confident about the game.

Their King and Chicken occupy most of the mobile game players in China.

As long as they hold activities for these two games, the players of the two games will be stable and will not be attracted by the other game.

This is also their usual method.

Afterwards, they used Penguin's huge number of users to promote the carefully crafted game "Awakening Dawn" to compete with the other party's "Xia Ke".

Penguin's series of actions naturally attracted the attention of the entire Internet and game circles.

Everyone knows who Penguin is targeting.

Penguin had previously intended to attack Qingfeng Network Company, but it just didn't succeed.

This time Qingfeng Network Company expanded its game business, which is entering the market controlled by Penguin. How could Penguin not teach them a lesson?

Moreover, many people also downloaded the two games "Xia Ke" and "Dawn Awakening" out of curiosity, and then everyone was shocked to find that these were not games of the same level at all.

Although the size of "Xia Ke" is smaller than that of King, the actual data capacity in it must be multiplied by dozens.

This does not seem to be the game technology that should appear in this era.

Moreover, just the playability, attractiveness and entertainment alone, Penguin's "Dawn Awakening" is completely crushed.

As time went by, this was soon confirmed.

The number of players in the game "Xia Ke" was almost overwhelming, but the number of players in "Dawn Awakening" was very small.


One day passed quickly!

Penguin headquarters.

Mr. Ma finished a meeting at Penguin Music and returned to the headquarters in a good mood, because the Penguin Music New Force Plan he led was successfully promoted.

He wanted to use this opportunity to intervene in the Chinese music scene and let Chinese music also be dominated by him.

Originally, he wanted to promote virtual idols, and he almost succeeded in the variety show "Tomorrow", but unfortunately he was blocked by the star named Xue.

When he returned to the company, he also summoned all the leaders related to the game.

He wanted to know the results of the Qingfeng Company as soon as possible.

There must be good news.

His three-pronged approach has never failed.

But when the leaders related to the game were called in, he found something wrong.

All the leaders looked unhappy.

"What's wrong? All of you look like this?" Mr. Ma realized that something was wrong.

A leader frowned and reported: "Mr. Ma, the situation is a bit bad. Our "Dawn Awakening" has only exceeded 150,000 online active users so far."

"So few?" Mr. Ma frowned.

Although this first day was better than most companies' games, it did not meet their Penguin's standards for themselves.

He also immediately asked: "What about Qingfeng Company's "Xia Ke"?"

The leader's face was even more unpleasant: "The latest news released by the other party is that the average number of online active players has exceeded one million!"

"What?" Mr. Ma exclaimed directly. He is a professional in games, so he naturally understands what this means. In the next few days, the daily increase in data is likely to double.

Once a game becomes popular, it will spread like an infection.

But what kind of game can reach one million online active players on the first day?

"The activities of King and Chicken Eating are useless?" Mr. Ma couldn't believe it.

The leader nodded: "After the event was launched, there were very few players who returned, and even these two games seemed to be influenced by "Xia Ke"!"

"How could it be?" Mr. Ma shook his head and quickly took out his mobile phone to download "Xia Ke". He wanted to try this game himself.

But when he entered the game, the first thing he exclaimed was: "Why is it a monthly point card? Why is it not a krypton gold game?"

Now, he feels that games should be krypton gold. Why do they make games without krypton gold?

Still using the monthly point card of 30 yuan a month 10 years ago?

Isn't that a joke? Who would still make such an ancient and outdated thing?

But now this "Xia Ke" is actually doing this way?

As he entered the game, Mr. Ma's face gradually showed solemnity, and his face became more and more ugly.

After playing it himself, he realized how terrible this game is.

After an unknown amount of time, Mr. Ma put down his phone dejectedly and asked the people around him: "What's the situation online?"

Another manager sighed and said: "Mr. Ma, the situation online is very bad now, almost all of them are making fun of us..."

Mr. Ma silently took out his phone to check the Internet:

"Haha, it's really embarrassing for Penguin's "Dawn Awakening" to compete with "Xia Ke", they are not on the same level."

"Finally, there is a game that can discipline Penguin..."

"Penguin has always thought that it is the overlord of the Internet and wants to participate in everything. This time it is considered to be defeated."

"I'm afraid that Penguin will use rogue tactics again, crack "Xia Ke", and then pirate it. At that time, they will think they can do it in the game industry again."

This is indeed a strong sense of ridicule.

But Mr. Ma was also reminded and immediately asked someone: "How is the cracking of "Xia Ke"?"

They Penguin are never afraid of not being able to beat other games, because if they can't beat them, they can crack them. After cracking, the pirated version is their own thing, and then they can use the pirated version to defeat the original version.

This time, they can still do this.

But the man Mr. Ma asked looked very unhappy: "Mr. Ma, I'm sorry, we are afraid that we can't crack this game. The other party's encryption program is the same new code as the smart assistant software."

"..."Mr. Ma seemed to have lost all his strength and felt completely powerless.

What is going on with Qingfeng Company?

Naturally, someone on the Internet also broke this point through a post.

"The encryption level of the 'Xia Ke' game is the same as the smart assistant software. They are all new codes. People who don't understand this new code don't even think about cracking it, including Penguin Company. In other words, in addition to Penguin and Douyin, another Internet giant has risen! 》

This post became popular instantly.

Then, the whole network was boiling.

I don't know why, netizens just like to see someone beat up Penguin.

Maybe Penguin is really too domineering in some aspects.

Just like when Penguin sniped Douyin and fought with Douyin, many users retaliated by downloading Douyin and registering to support it.

When Douyin defeated Penguin, broke through the Penguin blockade, and became the second Internet giant, many people cheered.

At this time, Qingfeng Network Company released another news:

"Qingfeng Smart Assistant Software Officially Breaks Through 300 Million Users..."

As soon as this news came out, the whole network was boiling again. The 300 million user mark is a watershed.

There is no doubt that this means that Qingfeng Smart Assistant can no longer be stopped. The number of users is growing rapidly and will soon be close to Penguin and Douyin.

Now Qingfeng Company is expanding its business in games, and the game is booming. Penguin can't stop it. What does this mean?

It means that the third giant of the Internet has really appeared!

The new emperor ascended the throne.

It will be the Three Kingdoms in the future.

Who can imagine that an Internet company that has only been famous for a short time can reach this level in such a short time?

Sure enough, this confirms a saying that the Internet will always be a place to create myths and legends.

Now this new legend is Qingfeng Network Company.

Mr. Ma naturally knew this, which made him extremely upset. You know, he had the final say in the entire Internet era before 2016. He was the undisputed emperor. Even the fox was not a threat to him because of different business.

Until 2016, the emergence of a certain audio broke his empire, made his crown fall, and even became a joke for a while.

Even though he was still the undisputed emperor on the Internet at that time.

But he didn't expect that in just 7 years, another Qingfeng Network Company would emerge. No matter how he swung his sword, it was useless to this company.

He felt deeply powerless. You know, he didn't feel this powerless before facing a certain audio.

All of a sudden, he seemed to have a sense of heroism coming to an end.

"Mobilize all our media forces to help promote Qingfeng Company, saying that they have completely surpassed our Penguin and Douyin." Mr. Ma suddenly ordered someone with a sneer on his face: "Also, help me contact some old friends, they should also want to eat a piece of very sweet cake."

No matter how unstoppable Qingfeng Company is, it has a limitation, that is, this country.

This country has its own system and its own limitations.

In addition, the shares of Qingfeng Company have not been obtained by the outside world.

This would be a way to death.

Some things that they Penguin and Douyin have experienced, Qingfeng Company will encounter more intensely.

Perhaps, under the operation, they Penguin also have the opportunity to get shares of Qingfeng Company.

If so, no matter how powerful Qingfeng Network Company is, what does it matter?

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