Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 180 Sniper Qingfeng Company!

After Lu Feng hung up the phone, he left the villa and went to Qingfeng Network Company.

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Now that the game has been brought out, it must be promoted as soon as possible.

After Wang Kai received the call, he had summoned the people from the game department to wait. As soon as he saw Lu Feng arriving, he stepped forward and said, "Director Lu, everyone from the game department is in the conference room."

"Go to the conference room!" Lu Feng said and walked towards the conference room.

Wang Kai followed and walked inside together.

The two arrived at the conference room together, and people from the game department were already inside.

Lu Feng sat down and handed the USB flash drive containing the "Xia Ke" game to Wang Kai.

After Wang Kai took the USB flash drive, he said to the people in the game department: "Okay, everyone, your game department is alive. This is the game that Director Lu bought. Now you are responsible for analyzing this game and then promoting it with all your strength. This game.”

"Manager Hu, please operate it and let everyone take a look at the game first!"

"Okay, Mr. Wang." The young man sitting first on the left stood up. He was Hu Lin, the manager of the game department.

Internet companies always have young employees, especially upstart Internet companies like Qingfeng Network Company.

After Hu Lin took the USB flash drive, he exported the game inside and clicked to install it on a computer.

This computer uses a special mode and system, which is almost exactly the same as a mobile phone.

After "Xia Ke" was exported, everyone in the game department also saw the size of the game.

"This game is not big, much smaller than Honor of Kings."

"Well, it's much smaller!"

Hu Lin frowned slightly.

He knew that the company spent 1.5 billion to buy new games. This was because their game department had not developed a complete game.

But for such a small game, it seems that the playability is not very high. After all, the size limits the game.

Is this really worth spending 1.5 billion?

Wang Kai also knows this, the game is very small.

However, he still believed in his boss. Director Lu bought the game back. This game must have its merits.

Soon, "Xia Ke" was installed.

The easiest way to see if a game is fun is to play it yourself.

Therefore, Hu Lin immediately led the people in the game department to look at the game icon on the computer, and then clicked to start it.

The Qingfeng Company logo appeared at the beginning of the game, which Lu Feng asked Cheng Sisi and the others to specially modify.

Then, enter the game.

But when the game was launched, Hu Lin and the people in the game department were all shocked, whether it was the playability, the openness, the free trade, or the story...

This is nothing like what a game of this size can display.

Are you kidding me?

Even if the game were 10 times bigger... no, even if it were 20 times bigger, it wouldn't be possible to achieve this level.

But this game is obviously smaller than King of Kings, but it has achieved such a level of compression. This kind of compression technology is simply incredible.

Hu Lin immediately led the people in the game department to start playing the game, but as they played, they became immersed in it.

Yes, as gamers, they are immersed in it.

Generally speaking, people who make games can rarely play other games because they all have their own understanding of the game.

Maybe they are all addicted to it, which means this game is awesome and will definitely become popular.

Wang Kai also tried it out and was immersed in it. The beginning of this plot mode is very interesting.

He was born as a Quanzhen little Taoist priest.

He discovered that his uncle was spying on a female warrior from the Tomb Sect, and while the female warrior was having her acupoints tapped, he actually covered her face in order to defile her.

Naturally, he came to save the beauty as a hero and scared the uncle away with his words.

But when he looked at the female knight who couldn't help but want to do something, he was reminded that this was not a chivalrous act. Once he took action, he would become an evil person and be punished by the court and the soldiers of justice.

In this case, the evil person is just an evil person, and then he controls the game character.

Later, he discovered that even if he did it, as long as he was not discovered, his identity as an evil person would not be exposed.

Therefore, he directly exposed his uncle, saying that he saw his uncle going to the heroine at that time.

Then the uncle was chased by the female hero and became the scapegoat.

This gameplay simply shocked Wang Kai.

It's open to such an extent that even computer games can't do it, let alone mobile games.

Now this mobile game is actually possible, and it's still so small.

At this time, Hu Lin also shouted to the people in the game department: "The five of us have taken over the task of conquering the bandits. Come and intercept us and try to kill us."

The people in the game department made it, and within a moment someone exclaimed: "Isn't this combat method the 5V5 canyon mode? But the operability is much better than the canyon mode, and the playability is not much higher!"

I don’t know how long it took for these people to come back to their senses and think of business, but their faces were all shocked by this game.

"This game is bound to be popular!" Hu Lin said.

"Yeah!" Wang Kai also said: "Director Lu, the game you acquired is incredible!"

People in other game departments also nodded their heads, all agreeing with this point of view.

Director Lu is really amazing.

It was the intelligent assistance system before, and now it is such an awesome game.

Wang Kai immediately ordered: "Let's take a look at the source code of this game and the encryption program immediately."

Hu Lin nodded and immediately led the people to start the operation. For a while, the crackling sound of the keyboard kept ringing in the conference room.

But as time passed, Hu Lin and the entire game department looked at each other.

"It's the same encryption program as the smart assistant software." Hu Lin's face was full of emotion and shock.

If you don't know the original code of this encryption program, who can crack it?

Even if a computer master of the level of Technical Director Wang Xin invites 10 masters of the same level, there is no way to crack it, right?

Wang Kai felt relieved when he heard this.

After all, he knew how awesome this encryption program was from his brother.

He was curious about where Director Lu purchased the game. There was no doubt that the team that produced this game was absolutely terrifying in terms of computer technology.

In the words of his brother Wang Xin, the other party can completely subvert the existing computer software technology.

As for how to release the game, there is no need to think about it. After all, Qingfeng Smart Assistant software is the best release channel.

Not long after, Qingfeng Company announced that the new game "Xia Ke" would be launched.

Qingfeng Network Company has attracted much attention during this period, especially its rapidly growing number of users. It can be said that companies in the entire Internet industry are crying wolf, and it is a hungry wolf.

Therefore, everyone is curious about where Qingfeng Network will develop next. Once the number of users increases, it is inevitable that it will blossom in many aspects.

Therefore, no matter which aspect Qingfeng Network Company focuses on, network companies that mainly engage in this area of ​​business may face a huge competitor.

Now everyone knows that the next step for Qingfeng Network is games, and this is a good time, because the biggest player in the game business is Penguin, the leading group among Internet companies.

When Qingfeng Network Company enters the gaming industry, Penguin will definitely block it. This is also a common practice.

Almost all companies' games face the challenge of Penguin, and they either go out of business or become Penguin's games.

Penguin Company, Boss Ma also quickly received the news that Qingfeng Network Company was going to launch a new game.

"Take a look, they are coming to steal our cake." When Boss Ma learned about the news, he took it very seriously and immediately convened a meeting with the senior management.

He said something and then immediately added: "However, when it comes to games, we Penguins are the absolute masters. Although the other party's smart assistant software is powerful, we have the final say in the game."

"Presumably, the entire Internet company industry is also looking at us now, so we can't do nothing. On the day when the other party's game is released, Honor and Chicken are in full activity, as well as our new game "Awakening Dawn" I also went online that day and competed with the opponent.”

"A multi-pronged approach should be taken to let the other party know what sniping is. At the same time, we must organize people to crack his game as quickly as possible, and then quickly come up with games of the same type."

In short, the purpose of sniping is to buy time for pirated opponents' games.

As long as they pirate the other party's game, they will have a way to destroy the other party's game.

Mr. Ma quickly issued instructions one by one. He was very confident about this. They had never lost in the game.

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