Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 179: Twenty years of difference! This speed is unmatched!

Lu Feng looked at the rows of mobile game options and had some difficulty choosing.

After all, there are popular mobile games in every era, and each one is phenomenal. If I really have to choose, I really donโ€™t know how to choose.

Cheng Sisi is very thoughtful. She collected game introductions behind these games, which can let him understand these games more intuitively.

While watching these game introductions, suddenly a game attracted his attention, because this game note said that it would replace the market of games such as Honor of Kings and Peace Elite in 20 years and become the terminator of such games.

In other words, Honor of Kings and Peace Elite can still be popular for another 20 years.

This game is called "Xia Ke".

According to the introduction, it is a game about Xia Ke.

Xia Ke is an indispensable profession in the story books of their country, and it is also the yearning of countless people.

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After all, who doesn't want to be like those knights, with superb martial arts and the ability to fly over eaves and walls?

Who wouldn't be excited by the phrase 'the greatest knights serve the country and the people! '?

There is also the poet Li Bai: "Kill one person every ten steps, leave no trace for a thousand miles, leave after the task is done, and hide your body and name."

Knights have existed since ancient times. They do not belong to any department of the ruling class. They are extraordinary and come and go without a trace, but they have never attempted to control or help control the society at that time by force.

Knights do not follow the "loyalty" in Confucianism, but "benevolence" and "righteousness".


Looking at these introductions, Lu Feng roughly knows what kind of game this is. In addition to having fun, this game also has a taste of guiding people to be good.

Chivalry, loyalty, benevolence... these are the main themes of the game.

This is much better than Zhuge Liang being a mage, Jing Ke being a woman, Li Bai being an assassin, etc.

Itโ€™s just that this kind of game with a teaching meaning is generally hard to be popular, right?

After all, life is so stressful, and people play games just to relax and have fun, not to be taught.

โ€œAdapt this game and import it into the phones I gave you before.โ€ Lu Feng finally asked Cheng Sisi to make this game.

In any case, you have to try it out. After all, itโ€™s not easy to replace the two games, King of Glory and Chicken Eating.

In reality, the mobile phone has updated the new system version 20 years later, so if you download and install it directly, the real mobile phone has no way to start running.

In fact, this is very magical.

You have to know that this "After the End of the World" is just a game in reality. Now that it has been turned into the real world, it actually reflects many real things.

For example, King of Glory and Peace Elite.

Cheng Sisi got the order and immediately took a few computer talents to start the action.

Because the game is only 20 years older than reality, even if the mobile phone system is different, it is also very simple for Cheng Sisi and others.

They have a special program for this kind of ancient code, which can be converted in a fool-proof way for them.

It didn't take long for the game code of "Xia Ke" to be converted. Cheng Sisi installed the game on a Weihua mobile phone and handed it to Lu Feng: "Boss, it's done."

Lu Feng nodded and took the phone. Sure enough, he saw the logo of "Xia Ke". Looking at the size, it took up much less memory than King of Glory and Chicken.

After clicking it, the game started.

As soon as the sound came out, it was the logo of an unknown game company. In other words, 20 years later, a new Internet company rose and replaced the two leading mobile games of Penguin.

This logo will be changed to Qingfeng Network Company by Cheng Sisi and others.

Soon, Lu Feng entered the game by registering and logging in.

As soon as he entered the game, there was an interface, which was a screen for creating a game character.

This character creation is different from the fixed templates given by general games. You can really create the appearance of the game character yourself, and there are points allocated, which are allocated by the players themselves. There is no fixed upgrade mode.

Naturally, for those who are not good at it, there is a special modeling sales platform, which allows others to build models and then sell them.

But there is a limitation, that is, each model can only be sold to one person, ensuring that everyone who enters the game is independent.

Is this a bit too much?

Lu Feng casually created a bald and crooked-mouthed character and entered the game.

Unlike the usual game that appears in a novice village, this game is actually assigned a family in the game world as soon as it appears.

It is a bit like the beginning of a stand-alone game.

Lu Feng's character was born in the Lu family and is the third son of the Lu family. Because the Lu family is poor and the eldest son of the Lu family is getting married, his family sold him to the escort agency in the town as a walking escort, that is, a small minion.

Lu Feng was a little confused at first. Isn't the ordinary game about fighting monsters and upgrading, or a competition like the King?

Until he increased his strength by carrying goods, controlled the game character to keep running, and increased his agility by 1 point, he seemed to realize something.

After that, he learned a basic sword technique in this escort agency.

In general games, a skill gives you an icon, and you can release it by clicking.

But in this game, after you get this basic sword technique, there are actually ten moves, and you can match and combine these ten moves yourself.

He tried it, different combinations and combinations have different powers.

Moreover, if the hand speed is fast enough, you can combine them again in the combination to make the basic sword technique more powerful.

This is amazing.

In other words, the same skill, even if it is the same character attribute, the power of the person who uses it is definitely different.

Even the lower level can kill the higher level, unlike the usual game where you can crush by level and equipment as long as you pay for krypton gold.

By the way, this game does not have a krypton gold page, only a monthly point card channel.

This is simply a clear stream. You know, now game companies are engaged in krypton gold, quickly rolling money, and completely treat players as leeks. After 20 years, they actually return to their original simplicity and start the monthly point card method 20 years ago?

You know, this kind of monthly point card game is truly fair. As long as the number of players is large enough, it can make more money, last longer, and become more sentimental than krypton gold games.

After all, there was once a game that relied on selling point cards to make the boss the richest man in China.

Moreover, Lu Feng discovered that this game is completely open and completely free to trade.

These two points are simply against the sky, and they are not what the current games can do. Will the games be so awesome 20 years later?

As he operated, Lu Feng gradually became addicted to it. Finally, when they were escorting the caravan, they encountered a robbery from other forces.

In other games, this kind of fight should be a direct chop.

But this "Xia Ke" is not like that. The game screen turned and a screen similar to the Canyon of Kings appeared, but the terrain was the terrain around the game character.

There were two sides in total, the game characters and the escort agency people on one side, and the robbery forces on the other side, a total of 5V5.

Moreover, the competitive method was similar to that of the King's, and it was even more operational, more entertaining, and more competitive.

Lu Feng relied on his own combination of basic swordsmanship to kill two robbers, and assisted the escort agency people to kill the remaining 3 people, and finally won with a score of 2:0:3.

Think about it, if the robbers are players, and the escorts are also players, wouldn't it be fun?


After a series of experiences, Lu Feng felt that this game was very good. The completely open and free trading alone crushed most of the games on the market, not to mention other games.

Moreover, the various settings of this game are probably not available in computer games of hundreds of GB. Now this mobile game has been developed, and it occupies less memory than King of Glory.

He couldn't help but sigh that the game 20 years later was really good.

Lu Feng immediately said to Cheng Sisi: "Sisi, get the source code of this game, and also get the encryption program ready."

The smart assistant software has proved that the encryption program made by the new code of the game world is not crackable by the Internet giants in reality.

Therefore, companies such as Penguin and Mouyin can only watch Qingfeng Network Company grow, otherwise, Qingfeng Network Company would have been swallowed up without a bone left.

The encryption program already existed before, and it was not difficult for Cheng Sisi and others. They quickly got the source code of this game and then got the encryption program ready.

"Boss, the game is inside." Cheng Sisi finally handed Lu Feng a USB flash drive that only exists in the real world.

After Lu Feng took the game, he instantly disappeared in front of Cheng Sisi and the others and returned to the villa.

As soon as he picked up his phone, he saw a payment message, which was 1.5 billion from Qingfeng Company.

Then, his phone rang.

It was Cheng Long, the president of the Industrial and Commercial Bank branch.

It should be about this payment.

He also pressed the answer button, and the voice of the president Cheng Long came from the other side: "Mr. Lu, 1.5 billion has been deposited into your account, which is from Qingfeng Company. In addition, our bank has specially formulated a lot of services for high-level customers like you. If you need it, even services such as babysitting can be ordered at any time..."

"Babysitting?" Lu Feng was stunned.

He didn't even have a child.

He could only smile bitterly and said: "President Cheng, I received the message, but I don't need other services for the time being!"

After that, he hung up the phone.

In this society now, banks are so greedy?

On the other side, Cheng Long also put down his phone with a smile. It didn't matter whether Mr. Lu wanted these services or not. What mattered was that he had to tell the other party these words.

Moreover, there was a message prompt when the bank arrived, and Mr. Lu must have known it. He made an extra phone call and said nonsense just to feel his attention and respect for Mr. Lu.

He was really lucky to have Mr. Lu deposited in his bank. With the 1.5 billion coming in, he had exceeded his deposit task this month and should be able to go to the head office soon.

Lu Feng just hung up the phone, and another call rang. This time it was from Wang Kai, and it should also be about the 1.5 billion.

After answering the call, Wang Kai said, "Mr. Lu, the 1.5 billion has been deposited into your account and should have arrived."

"Yes, it has arrived." Lu Feng replied, and then ordered, "Mr. Wang, you should also prepare it. I will send the purchased game over later."

"The game was bought so quickly?" Wang Kai was surprised.

After all, he had just paid the money for the game, and told him that the game had been bought.

This speed is unmatched.

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