Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 178 Dominating the mobile game market?

Lu Feng didn't say anything after hearing what Wang Kai said, as long as the other party knew what he was talking about.

Moreover, he did think of one thing, that is, the teacher in the teaching film is not only Teacher Youcai, but there are so many teachers, and they must be able to take advantage of them.

Even those teachers who are already old are still the memories of many old men, belonging to their youthful years.

At that time, there will definitely be those old men willing to pay the bill, and it may inspire new youth in them.

However, he believed that Wang Kai himself knew it well and would not miss this point.

After that, he also left Qingfeng Network Company and returned to his seaside villa.

After returning to the villa room and locking the door, he entered the game with a thought.

As soon as he arrived at the Qingfeng base, he went outside to check. Although the development of the base was not concerned, some situations still needed to be paid attention to.

Qingfeng Base has changed a lot since last time.

The walls were thickened again, and shooting platforms were clearly built on each building, with howitzer launchers installed on them.

This is a fixed firing position.

Once an enemy comes to attack, even if they are not close to the gate, these howitzers can carry out a covering bombing to eliminate all incoming enemies.

Moreover, this kind of weapon will be more accurate when bombing from high down.

In the manor community, there are rows of elite soldiers training in the specially built square.

Now that the people sent by the Li family have gone back, only Zheng Lin is still here to monitor. Naturally, the name is to monitor the Qingfeng base, but in fact, it is helping the Qingfeng base to hide the Li family.

Therefore, these elite soldiers were also armed with weapons he brought in from outside.

These elite soldiers will also be sent to the eastern suburbs to suppress bandits.

But there is no way to set off now. After all, the Li family needs to get an official document from the Shidong Alliance. They can only set off after getting the official document.

Because the eastern suburbs are under the jurisdiction of the East City Alliance, the Li family only obtained the right to garrison and defend this area. This area does not belong to the Li family.

Without the official documents from the Shidong Alliance, the Li family would have no way of casually sending people to garrison there.

Therefore, the Li family must first establish their organization and let them have an organization in the East City Alliance, so that they can be legitimately sent to the eastern suburbs.

Does this operation sound familiar?

In the human world, whether it is ancient times, modern times, or the end of the world, this kind of operation will never go out of style and will always exist.

Lu Feng thought about it. With the establishment of the Shidong Alliance, many things could be done.

Is it convenient to do some things?

Then when the disaster of the violent zombie wave controlled by the Hexagon breaks out and the Shidong Alliance is destroyed, can he also use this to absorb the survivors of the Shidong Alliance?

You must know that the survivors in the outer periphery of the Shidong Alliance alone are no less than one million. If they can receive some of them, then they can also become one of the vassal bases in the future.

Lu Feng thought, and returned to the air raid shelter, heading to the area specially designated for the technical research department.

The technical research department didn't have many people, but it was one of the departments Lu Feng valued most.

Because this department can help him reproduce the technology of the game world and then bring it to reality.

Whether it was the electromagnetic rice cooker technology that Cheng Yaoyao led to repair, or the intelligent auxiliary software that Cheng Sisi led to write for him, they all brought him huge benefits in reality.

Qingfeng Electric Company and Qingfeng Network Company are also very famous now.

Seeing Lu Feng come in, those inside stood up one after another to show their respect for the base controller.

Cheng Yaoyao led someone forward and handed the two documents to Lu Feng: "Boss, during this period, our electrical appliance team has repaired two more electrical appliance technologies. Let me show you!"

Lu Feng took the two technical documents, used the game exploration function, and also saw the remark information of the two electrical appliances:

[This is the technical information of a refrigerator that can produce a special refrigerator with +2 preservation, +2 antibacterial, and +2 moisture retention! 】

When Lu Feng saw this remark, he could tell from the previous electromagnetic rice cooker that this was definitely a very powerful attribute.

You must know that the induction rice cooker only has +1 attribute, so it is so awesome.

This refrigerator has all +2 attributes. The effect of keeping fresh, antibacterial, and retaining moisture must be incredible. Anyone who has some requirements in life will want to buy it, right?

[This is the technical information of an air conditioner. It can produce a special air conditioner with air purification +1, dehumidification +1, heating +1, and temperature control +1! 】

Obviously, the technology of this air conditioner also has +1 attributes, and it is definitely more effective than ordinary air conditioners.

With the addition of these two appliances, Qingfeng Electric Co., Ltd.'s products will be more abundant. As Qingfeng Electric Co., Ltd.'s reputation increases, the money will be harvested faster.

Electrical appliances are indispensable products in everyone's life. Although not everyone will replace electrical appliances frequently, and every electrical appliance will have a window period to a certain extent, but as long as the number of these appliances is large enough, it will be different. .

"Well done." Lu Feng also praised Cheng Yaoyao and others.

After that, he walked to another area.

Cheng Sisi is writing things with some talents on the Internet. He previously asked Cheng Sisi to write a subsequent version of the intelligent assistant software. He also asked Cheng Sisi to write some intelligent systems that could be used in all aspects of life decades ago.

"Boss!" Cheng Sisi also stood up and greeted Lu Feng respectfully when she saw him.




The same was true for the others.

They were full of respect for Lu Feng, because they were really satisfied with their current lives and could survive and exchange for food with the skills they learned before the end of the world.

Although he didn't know why the boss needed them to do these things, they knew that there would never be such a good thing in other bases.

Lu Feng nodded to several people and asked, "What are you busy with now?"

Cheng Sisi immediately replied, "Boss, didn't you ask us to write more intelligent systems that could be used for convenience in life decades ago? We have read some old materials and are writing an intelligent car assistance system from that period."

"Yeah!" Lu Feng nodded, and felt that this was worth doing.

After all, cars have almost become a must-have item for every household now, and intelligent systems in cars are definitely very useful.

Then, he said, "Sisi, stop for a moment. I have a task for you. Do you still have the phones I gave you before? I need you to help me make a mobile game that can be played with those phones."

After hearing this, Cheng Sisi took out a storage ball and handed it to Lu Feng, saying, "Boss, we have thought about whether you need to write mobile games before, so we have found all the popular games in the past 100 years, from old mobile phones to holographic virtual phones. See which game you need, and we will help you write it."

Lu Feng was surprised. Sister Sisi knew to go ahead, which was great.

He also took the storage ball, connected a holographic virtual, and saw the data inside.

The names of the games immediately popped up.

Moreover, these games were rated after them, representing the evaluation of each game.

What surprised Lu Feng was that the first two names of the games were familiar to him:

Honor of Kings!

Peace Elite!

It turned out to be these two games. I didn't expect that 100 years later, these two mobile games would still be recorded as the hottest games of this era.

It seems that these two games have left an indelible mark in the history of the Internet and mobile games.

Then, Lu Feng looked at the rows of densely packed game names below, and didn't know how to choose for a while.

How about taking all these games out? What about companies like Penguin, Yiyi, and Baidu?

Simply dominate the mobile game market.

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