Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 173: One bowl of bone soup will give you the effect!

Lu Feng was a little surprised when he saw Hong Xi put on the electronic chain without hesitation.

After all, it was too decisive.

"Boss Lu!" After Hong Xi put on the electronic chain, he said respectfully: "Believe me, I will help you completely control the Kurda family, and I will train a force that only obeys your orders!"

His words were more decisive.

People like them are actually destined to die, either to stand out or to rot in the ground.

His biggest goal in fighting and defending in Ci Wa is to make a name for himself, so that he has the opportunity to be noticed by the bigwigs of the underworld forces in Myanmar, and then take the position.

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But how can those forces in Myanmar compare to the Kudar family?

That is a real warlord, right?

So he must seize this opportunity. As long as he gets the full trust of Boss Lu, he can be above ten thousand people.

As for wearing this electronic chain and being controlled by Mr. Lu, what's wrong with that? He didn't think of betraying Mr. Lu.

Moreover, he didn't dare.

Mr. Lu has such a terrifying power, he would be a fool to fight against Mr. Lu.

Moreover, he believed that Mr. Lu's power would definitely not stop here in the future.

Such a terrifying person should continue to grow and develop in the future, and he will naturally have greater power and status.

Lu Feng could see that Hong Xi was not lying, but was very sincere.

Perhaps he now believes that there were people in ancient times who could go through life and death for their lords, and even died for their lords.

After all, there were many such people in ancient times, and even now, there are many such people.

Perhaps this Hong Xi is such a person, otherwise the other party would not be so decisive to wear an electronic bracelet and put his life in the control of others.

This kind of loyalty does not need too much explanation, nor does it need other proofs, even if the other party has just joined, it is enough.

"Let's go, find a pot!" Lu Feng also said to Hong Xi at this time and walked outside.

Hong Xi was stunned.

Find a pot?

What does Mr. Lu mean?

Lu Feng also quickly found a pot with Hong Xi and brought it into the previous courtyard.

He also sent away all the guards around, then set up the pot and started to boil water!

Hong Xi looked at Lu Feng's operation with some doubts.

He didn't understand what Mr. Lu's sudden use of boiling a pot of water was for.

After all, there was nothing to cook or anything to cook.

When Lu Feng saw that the water was about to boil, he suddenly had an idea and took out a piece of bone and a bag of special ingredients from his backpack space.

These ingredients were used when he cooked the spine of the spotted cow for Lin Jiao and others in the game before. There were still a lot left. Now he just took them out and boiled a pot of bone soup again.

When Hong Xi saw this scene, his face was surprised again. Just now he clearly saw that Mr. Lu's hand was empty, but suddenly that bone and those ingredients appeared.

What kind of ability is this? Is he the legendary magician, with some space magic?

He immediately thought of the transparent shield that appeared when President Lu faced those bullets. All the bullets were blocked by the passport. Maybe it was the magic shield that the magician would use in the legend.

This also made his eyes more determined.

If President Lu is a magician, then does he have the opportunity to become stronger?

After all, it is said that magicians can train many personal guards.

Because magicians are fragile and afraid of being bullied, it is easy to cause harm to them when someone rushes to them, especially when they encounter assassins. Therefore, many magicians in the legend will also cultivate special guard swordsmen to prevent them from being hurt when they are close to them.

If President Lu is really a magician and can become President Lu's guard swordsman, then his strength will definitely be improved, right? Instead of the level where he can only defend the arena now.

Like magicians, swordsmen also have extraordinary power.

Lu Feng knocked holes in the spine of the spotted cow in his hand, and then poured it into the pot, and also put in the ingredients, and then covered the pot.

Red Lizard asked curiously: "Boss Lu, was that magic? What are the bones in this pot?"


Lu Feng didn't expect Red Lizard to think in this direction, but he didn't want to explain his ability, so he simply nodded and said: "Yes, it's magic. As for the bones just now, you can think of them as the bones of a special magical beast. The soup boiled from them has great benefits and can improve people's physical fitness."

Red Lizard's eyes brightened when he heard this.

He actually guessed right. Now he understood why the people of Barking Sen couldn't take down the electronic chain, because it was not a modern product, nor a normal product, but a magical product.

I'm afraid that the remote control that Boss Lu took out was just for show, and it was useless. The real work was still magic.

Therefore, if the people of Barking Sen wanted to use scientific methods to open the chain, it was impossible.

This also made him glad that he took the initiative to bring the electronic chain just now. It was also because of this that Boss Lu now believed him and told him the identity of the magician.

Moreover, he immediately looked at the pot of soup in a hurry.

In the legend of magicians, there are also many legends about swordsmen bathing in the blood of monsters to improve their strength.

Now Mr. Lu said that this is the bone of some monster, and it can improve physical fitness. Doesn't this mean that he wants to train him to be a swordsman?

Not long after, a special aroma of soup floated out of the pot.

This aroma made Hong Xi swallow his saliva. It was indeed very fragrant. The key is that this soup is very tempting to him now.

Not long after, this pot of spotted beef spine soup was stewed.

Lu Feng also said to Hong Xi: "Take a bowl to drink this soup. As for how much physical fitness can be increased, it depends on your physical limit."

This spotted beef spine soup was also given to my cousin before, but they only drank a little bit to improve their physical fitness.

He used to drink this soup in the game before, and he could gain a lot of experience, but then it gradually had no effect, but at that time, his physical fitness was far beyond that of ordinary people.

Therefore, ordinary people like Hong Xi drink it, and their limit is much stronger than ordinary people, at least not weaker than specially trained special forces.

Or not only that, after all, Lin Jiao and others can also increase their physical fitness after drinking it, and Lin Jiao and Xu Bin were definitely stronger than the special forces in reality.

Hong Xi didn't know this. After hearing Lu Feng's words, he immediately went to find a bowl. He just wanted to drink the soup quickly.

After finding a bowl, Hong Xi couldn't wait to fill the soup from the pot and started drinking it.

Then, surprise appeared on his face.

Because he felt the effect with just one bowl.

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