Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 172: Building a special forces team!

[This is a complete design drawing of old-fashioned weapons, which can produce updated old-fashioned weapons for Western powers in 2033...]

[This is a complete teacher’s weapon design drawing, which can be used to make old-fashioned weapons that can be upgraded by Western powers in 2030...]

Lu Feng saw the information about the weapon design drawings through the game's detection skill.

It can be known from the information that these weapon design drawings are complete and corresponding weapons can be designed.

The most important thing is that this weapon is a product of future updates by Western powers.

You must know that in terms of weapons, the weapons of the Western powers are the most advanced.

This weapon design is a weapon that has not yet appeared in Western powers.

In other words, if these weapons are produced, they will be more powerful and perform better than the weapons of Western countries at this stage.

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Once this weapon is produced, I am afraid it can be sold directly to Western powers.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng put away the weapons design drawings and told the expert: "After that, you can continue to draw some weapons design drawings. Draw as many as possible according to the order in which various types of weapons are updated."

The expert nodded quickly: "Okay, boss, I will work hard."

Just as Lu Feng was about to exit the game, he saw Xu Bin driving a team of people into the air raid shelter, then carrying pieces of bones down from above and sending them to a warehouse.

Lu Feng walked over curiously.

"Boss!" Xu Bin immediately greeted him respectfully.

As someone who joined the department store from the very beginning, Xu Bin is considered the oldest veteran after Lin Jiao, so he also has great power in Qingfeng Base.

"These are striped cow spines?" Lu Feng's eyes lit up when he saw those bones.

After the end of the world, mutant beasts appeared. In the background information of the game, the origins of mutant beasts are very mysterious.

Moreover, the meat of most mutant beasts contains toxins and is not suitable for consumption. However, these mutant beasts are very ferocious, and most survivors are unwilling to provoke them.

But there are some parts of some mutated beasts that are treasures, which are of great use to survivors, either as medicinal materials or as ingredients for making wine...

The striped beef backbone can be used to brew wine, and the brewed wine can also increase people's physical fitness.

His mother had undergone surgery, which would have made her very weak and required a long period of recovery, but after drinking some brewed wine, her body became better than that of a young woman.

Naturally, if the striped beef backbone is used to stew the soup and drink it, the effect will be even better.

In the game world, people like Lin Jiao and Xu Bin are very powerful even if they have not become ability users, far exceeding ordinary people.

If we insist on using an example to compare, in terms of physical fitness alone, Lin Jiao and Xu Bin are much stronger than real special forces, right?

This is also because they have taken a lot of striped beef spine and other things to increase their physical fitness.

Xu Bin replied: "Boss, didn't you set up a mechanical trap in Hongye Base to kill zombies? The loudspeaker not only attracted zombies, but also many wandering mutant beasts."

"There are striped cattle among them, and there are also mutated bearded tigers. The backbones of these mutated beasts can increase people's physical strength. Hongye Base informed me that I took people to transport these bones back."

Lu Feng nodded, picked up a bone, and used the game detection skill to see the message:

[This is the backbone of the mutant beast striped cow, which contains the essence of the mutant beast striped cow. After being used by people, these essences can greatly improve a person's physique...]

It was indeed a striped cow.

He picked up several other types of bones and examined them, including the bones of the mutated bearded tiger that Xu Bin mentioned.

Looking at these mutated beast bones, Lu Feng thought that these things should be able to cultivate many warriors in reality.

In reality, although he controlled the Kudar family, he only controlled people like Vaison and Breen with electronic chains.

He himself does not control a group of teams that are 100% loyal to him without electronic chain control.

He always felt that there was no harm in completely controlling the Kudar family.

It might be of great use in the future.

Therefore, you can plan and plan.

Lu Feng thought about it, and put some of the bones into his backpack, and then quit the game with a thought.

Return to the Kudar family residence.

Lu Feng convened another meeting.

This time during the meeting, the faces of Red Lizard and Black Snake were even more excited.

Because after Mr. Lu gave the bag of gold, people like Vessen did use the gold to recruit a lot of people, and now the new recruits are under their control.

When Lu Feng saw that everyone was here, he took out the weapon blueprints and said to Veson and Brin: "Look at these weapon blueprints."

For these two people, Lu Feng and now were unprepared, after all, both of them were wearing electronic chains.

Even if the other party does not truly surrender, with the electronic chain, as long as they are not willing to risk their lives and rebel even at the cost of their own lives, then they can definitely be trusted under the electronic chain.

"This is..." Vessen was suddenly surprised.

He naturally saw at a glance that it was a weapon design.

Brin even exclaimed: "Mr. Lu, the design of this weapon is very exquisite. It seems to have better performance than similar weapons in the world. Is this the design drawing of a new weapon?"

"Can you tell?" Lu Feng asked in surprise.

Brin nodded: "These weapons have different components and outlines in each period. More importantly, the recoil point, muzzle, spring force structure... these are all different from existing weapons. Now these structures are not The existing one is obviously a new weapon, and this design..."

Brin finally stopped talking with a face full of surprise.

No wonder he was surprised.

Because there are no new weapons on the market now.

Those big countries have not updated their weapons with new ones.

Otherwise, once they appear, people like them will definitely get the latest news, and many new weapons will even be circulated and traded privately.

But now there is really no such news.

So how did Mr. Lu get his design drawings?

This is incredible.

Could it be that the design drawings of new weapons that big countries are still planning to produce were secretly obtained by Mr. Lu?

"That's all you understand." Lu Feng looked at Brin and nodded, then ordered: "In this case, you will be responsible for making these guns, can you do it?"

Brin nodded immediately: "There is no problem, but our current production line cannot produce it. We must transform the production line, which takes time."

"In that case, I'll leave the matter to you." Lu Feng arranged the matter without any further nonsense.

After that, he looked at the red lizard again, thought for a while and said, "Red Lizard, come with me."

He brought out those mutant beast bones from the game. Using these mutant beast bones, he could cultivate a group of special forces-level teams in reality.

And the towns of Lada and Kudar are the most favorable conditions. There are venues, people, and weapons... If you are in the country, the restrictions will be huge. You can't even equip them with weapons. If you do that, I'm afraid it will be a disaster. Someone will show up soon to invite you to tea.

But even in the Kudar family, he needs to find someone who is not afraid of betrayal, will sincerely surrender, and is strong enough to convince others.

This kind of person came and went, and his eyes could only be on the red lizard.

Therefore, before that, he planned to have a good talk with the red lizard.

When the red lizard heard Lu Feng's greeting, he naturally followed him out immediately and arrived in a courtyard with Lu Feng.

When Lu Feng arrived here, he went straight to the point and said to Hong Lizard, "Red Lizard, I want to train a special forces team that only obeys my orders."

The red lizard was stunned when he heard this.

The special forces team is not something that can be easily cultivated. Moreover, cultivating special forces requires a huge cost.

You must know that the weapons dealers in Lada Town do not have a special forces team in the true sense, so they can best form an elite team.

However, this Mr. Lu in front of him is not an ordinary person. Considering the other party's terrifying ability, and the other party said that he wants to build a special forces team, there must be a way, right?

Lu Feng then said to Red Lizard again: "With the special forces team, I need a commander and instructor who I can absolutely trust. Can I trust you?"

The red lizard was stunned when he heard this.

He is not stupid. He knows that this is his golden opportunity. If he makes a good choice, he can become the commander and instructor of the team that Mr. Lu mentioned.

Moreover, he will truly become President Lu's confidant, and by then he will truly be the leader of the Kudar family.

But after the excitement, Hong Lizi's face was full of distress, because he had no way to prove that he could reassure Mr. Lu.

After all, he had only joined Mr. Lu not long ago, so how could he trust him?

In the end, he could only sigh and said: "Mr. Lu, I really have no way to prove this. After all, no matter how much I say, you won't believe me, but I do sincerely surrender to you. "

Lu Feng smiled and took out an electronic chain from the backpack space in front of Hong Lizard: "Red Lizard, you must know what this is."

The red lizard was stunned when he saw that thing. After he came to Kudar Station, he naturally knew what it was from Hadona's mouth.

Now those people in Wesen still wear it around their necks.

Then, the red lizard didn't even wait for Lu Feng to speak again, and decisively reached out to take the electronic chain and put it around his neck.

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