Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 174 A country? ?

Red Lizard originally practiced boxing, so he was sensitive to changes in his body muscles.

Especially after drinking the bone soup, he felt a strange warm current, and he knew that his physical condition had definitely become stronger.

This made him even more excited, and he immediately filled another bowl after finishing a bowl of soup, and then poured it into his mouth.

Red Lizard could not finish the whole pot of soup at once, so for the next two days, Red Lizard kept drinking the pot of spotted beef spine soup.

At the same time, he also tested his strength every day, and found that after drinking the soup, his strength became stronger, and the degree of strength increase was very obvious.

The third day.

Lu Feng followed the Red Lizard to a gym of the Kudar family. After watching the Red Lizard punch an instrument, he asked, "How is it?"

The Red Lizard immediately said excitedly, "The punch has exceeded 800 kilograms. This is the peak strength of the world boxing champion Tyson. This is much more than my original strength. Moreover, I think I am not at my limit. If I can drink more soup, my strength can still increase."


800 kilograms of strength alone is already very terrifying.

In other words, Tyson, who has a peak punching force of 800 kilograms, is definitely not a match for the Red Lizard now.

Because the increase in the Red Lizard's physical fitness is comprehensive, not just strength, and the Red Lizard can also fight. The boxing champion Tyson fights according to the rules of the ring, while the Red Lizard fights without rules and restrictions.

If the two sides collide, the Red Lizard may kill the world boxing champion directly under various conditions.

"Well, let's go!" Lu Feng nodded, took the red lizard away, and went to the courtyard again. Then, in front of the red lizard, he set up the pot again, took out a piece of spotted cow spine again, and stewed another pot of soup and gave it to the red lizard.

This time, after the red lizard drank it, his physical fitness improved again, but it also reached the limit. After another test, the red lizard's punch could reach 1,200 kilograms.

This strength is absolutely terrifying, and it can almost kill a bison with one punch.

Moreover, his speed, endurance, reaction... have also been improved to a terrifying level.

Lu Feng also tested the strength of the red lizard and came to the conclusion that according to the game attributes, the strength and speed of the red lizard are definitely more than 9.

Think about it, if it is a team composed of such a group of people with good physical fitness, and they can learn all kinds of firearms, what kind of terrifying scene would it be?

Agility, endurance, reaction... are all better than the opponent. If there are weapons, it is also suppressed.

If they are close, they can be slaughtered.

"Boss Lu, thank you for your training!" Red Lizard was full of excitement, and he knelt down on one knee towards Lu Feng, expressing his most sincere respect.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng looked at Red Lizard again and ordered: "Red Lizard, remember the task I told you before? That is to help me train a team that is absolutely loyal to me, and I want each member of this team to have the same strength as you now, and to be proficient in various types of firearms."

Red Lizard was shocked when he heard this: "Boss Lu, that requires a lot of such monster bones!"

He knew very well how strong his physique was now. Even if the elite special forces of various countries came, even if it was one-on-several, without firearms, he was confident that he could handle them all.

If a group of special warriors like him could be trained to form a team and be proficient in firearms, it would definitely be a very terrifying scene. On any battlefield in the world, as long as there were no strategic weapons and high-explosive weapons, it would be able to sweep away the elite teams of any country.

Lu Feng also took out the bones of the mutant beasts one by one in front of Red Lizard and put them in the yard.

A moment later, the whole courtyard was piled with a layer of mutant beast bones.

The number directly surprised Hong Xi.

These monster bones were enough to train a group of warriors with the same physique as him now.

"Put these things away and don't let others know." Lu Feng took out all the bones and ordered.

Hong Xi nodded immediately and promised: "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I will definitely be optimistic about it and will not let anyone know the effect of these bones."

In this regard, he was still confident. After all, the people who came with them were trustworthy. First of all, he would include those people in the training plan.

Let them guard here when the time comes.

After Lu Feng made arrangements, he planned to go back to China. Before leaving, he convened a meeting with the people of the Kudar family.

It was still in the hall of the core building.

He still sat in the main seat, but this time was different from before. In addition to the people like Barking Sen, Brin, and Hong Xi sitting on both sides, there were obviously many new guards around.

Moreover, most of these newcomers stood behind the Red Lizard and his men, which also meant that the Kudar family was officially divided into two factions, one was the people of Barking Sen and his men, and the other was the people of Red Lizard and his men.

However, when Red Lizard looked at Barking Sen and his men, he had a faint smile on his face.

When he trained the team that Mr. Lu needed, Barking Sen and his men had better be honest. If they dared to have other thoughts about Mr. Lu, he would not mind using thunderbolts to cleanse the Kudar family.

Lu Feng looked at Brin and ordered: "Brin, how is the transformation of your weapons production line going?"

Breen immediately replied, "Boss Lu, we have introduced tools and started making molds. Once the molds are ready, we can assemble the production line. After the production line assembles the production parts, we have to slowly run in and refine them until we can make a perfect gun. However, this will take some time."

Lu Feng nodded and said, "I'll leave this to you. I will send someone here when the time comes. He will represent me and will notify me as soon as the new weapon is ready."

In fact, with Red Lizard and people like Barking Sen also wearing electronic chains, it doesn't matter whether he sends someone or not.

However, there are still some benefits to sending someone over. At least a sharp sword can be hung over the heads of people like Barking Sen, so that he won't have any random thoughts after being away for a long time.

In addition, with Red Lizard, he is not afraid that the person he sends will have any thoughts.

Even if there are any thoughts, it is unknown whether people like Barking Sen will buy it, and Red Lizard will definitely not buy it.

Breen immediately responded to Lu Feng's words, "Okay, Boss Lu!"

After everything was arranged, Lu Feng also returned to Myanmar with Black Snake and Hadona.

He planned to bring Black Snake back to China because he found that Black Snake was more suitable for doing some underworld things than his cousin Yang Ming.

Although his cousin was also a gangster, he had only been in a small place like Youcheng before, but Black Snake was different. Although he did not make a name for himself in Tianzhou City, he also knew a lot about the international underworld and was well-informed.

Now that the other party had experienced the Kurda family incident, his experience was different, and he was naturally more confident than his cousin.

His cousin was still very cautious about many things.

Therefore, in the future, his cousin should be his positive spokesperson in China, and let him have more contact with people like Kai Ye.

After all, he was also thinking about getting his cousin and others back on track.

As for the people sent to the Kudar family, he would think about who to send when the time came.

After getting on the plane, Lu Feng took a special look at the airport and thought of Dara Town again.

There are rumors that whoever can unify the forces of Dara Town will not have a problem even if a small country is established.

If Red Lizard trains that team, Brin makes stronger weapons, and he levels up a few more levels, and is no longer afraid of those high-explosive weapons, then it is not impossible to unify the other forces in Dara Town.

Moreover, when he makes more money in China, he can invest the money here, so that he will have both weapons and financial resources.

Of course, this matter is very complicated, and it can only be thought about for the time being.

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