Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 171 Weapon Design Drawings!

After Weisen left the warehouse, Lu Feng also used the detection watch to check the entire warehouse. Only after confirming that there was no problem did he bolt the warehouse door.

Then, he entered the game with a thought, went to the internal air-raid shelter area, and walked towards the empty warehouse that Lin Jiao had prepared before.

Lin Jiao and Guo Zhen were talking about something inside, and when they saw him, they immediately came forward: "Boss!"

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"Boss!" Guo Zhen.

Lu Feng nodded in response and walked directly towards the empty warehouse.

Lin Jiao and Guo Zhen followed.

When they arrived at the warehouse, Lu Feng asked the two to stay outside, and he entered the warehouse himself and locked the door.

After that, he quit the game again and began to move those weapons in reality.

He quickly moved the weapons and ammunition into the game one by one.

It took some time for him to move all the weapons that were enough to arm 1,000 people into the game.

Because the game warehouse was relatively small, the weapons filled the entire warehouse.

When Lu Feng walked out of the game warehouse, Lin Jiao and Guo Zhen were still waiting outside.

Both of them looked very expectant.

After all, they knew that their boss would definitely take out a lot of food every time he did this.

In the end times, food is a good thing.

I wonder how much there is this time?

Lu Feng saw the two and ordered: "Tell someone to move all the things in the warehouse out and distribute them."

Guo Zhen nodded immediately, took out the walkie-talkie to call people, and then followed Lin Jiao to the front of the warehouse and looked inside.

When the two saw the scene inside, they were stunned.

It turned out that there were not food inside, but weapons.

Those weapons almost filled the entire warehouse.

Where did the boss get so many weapons?

Lu Feng said again: "Didn't I ask if there are any old-fashioned weapons experts in your base before? Call them too, there are infantry fighting vehicles and cavalry fighting vehicles that need them to assemble!"

The two reacted and realized that the boss had indeed asked about the old-fashioned weapons experts.

I didn't know the boss's purpose before, but now I know.

Guo Zhen immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and gave orders again.

Soon, many guards from the base came to the warehouse, and two of them came alone.

These two people were experts who were familiar with old weapons.

The gun production line in the base was also debugged and maintained by two people.

Guo Zhen immediately shouted to the guards: "Move the weapons out of the warehouse."

The guards did not dare to hesitate and immediately entered the warehouse. They were surprised to see the weapons, and then they moved the weapons with great interest.

They knew very well that the more weapons the base had, the safer it would be, the stronger their strength would be, and the more stable their living environment would be.

And these weapons were definitely better than what they had equipped now. They were all using rifles now, and these were machine guns, and even mortars and howitzers.

There were also a bunch of disassembled parts, and the size of the barrel alone was not simple.

Lu Feng also waved to the two weapons experts at this time.

The two weapons experts immediately ran forward and shouted respectfully:



Lu Feng nodded and ordered: "Take a look at these chariots and see if they can be assembled!"

The two weapons experts nodded, and one of them said: "Boss, don't worry. Although we are just weapon enthusiasts, these are old equipment. I understand."

The other one also said: "Yes, I have seen the design drawings of various old weapons in the past hundred years. Those are my hobbies before the end of the world. This chariot should be able to be assembled."

The expert just said this, but Lu Feng's eyes lit up when he heard it.

The time in reality is only 2023, and there is still a long time before the end of the world in the game.

Even if it is the same old weapon, it has been updated several times after such a long time, right?

In reality, he controls the Kulda family, and the Kulda family has a weapons production line. If he gets some old gun design drawings out, as long as it is stronger than the degree of one update in reality, the strength of the Kulda family can be stronger.

After all, being able to make stronger weapons is a huge advantage, whether it is to arm yourself or sell to others.

With the same number of people, better weapons, greater power, and longer range, there is no need to say who will win or lose in a war.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng also said to the expert: "Don't worry about the assembly of weapons. Now you can draw some weapon design drawings for me. Have you seen those weapons? As long as the power, range, etc. can be higher than theirs, it will be fine."

The expert was delighted when he heard this: "Boss, don't worry, I will make it and hand it over to you soon."

Everyone in Qingfeng Base knows that as long as you can be valued by the boss and ordered to do something, your status in the base will definitely become higher.

Lu Feng nodded, gave another order, and then quit the game in front of everyone.

Lin Jiao, Guo Zhen and others are no longer surprised by this.

Lu Feng quit the game and returned to the warehouse of the Kulda family.

Outside the warehouse, Weisen stared at the warehouse with great curiosity.

That person has been in there for a long time.

This made him even more curious about what the other party was doing.

Finally, he saw Lu Feng coming out of the warehouse.

When he took a look at the scene inside the warehouse, he was stunned.

The warehouse full of weapons was actually empty.

There is nothing inside.

How can it be?

Vaisen's eyes widened in shock. The other party had really destroyed all the weapons in the warehouse.


"We'll have a meeting in the lobby later." Lu Feng said and already walked towards the direction of the Kudar family.

Vaison stared at him and did not follow him. Instead, he subconsciously entered the warehouse.

After confirming that there was nothing in the warehouse, he ran out with shock on his face and chased Lu Feng.

Returning to the Kudar family, Lu Feng returned to the lobby of the core building.

Not long after, Vessen, Breen, the leader of the Kudar family, as well as Red Lizard and Black Snake all arrived.

Black Snake still can't calm down. Mr. Lu has become one of the largest warlord forces in Dara Town.

Lu Feng took out the bag of gold from before and handed it to Veson.

Vaison took the bag doubtfully, opened it, and saw the smelted gold bars inside.

"Mr. Lu, this?" Vessen asked doubtfully.

"The money for that batch of weapons." Lu Feng said directly.

According to Veilin's previous asking price, that batch of weapons did not require so much gold.

This big bag of gold can buy two batches of the same weapons.

Although he doesn't have to pay, since he controls the Kudar family, he naturally hopes that this power can develop sustainably.

"Mr. Lu, this price is a bit too much." Weissen did not dare to falsely report the price at this time and said honestly.

"Recruit the rest." Lu Feng said and ordered: "When recruiting people, take Black Snake and Red Lizard with you!"

Vessen nodded and sighed silently in his heart.

The meaning is obvious.

The new recruits must be led by these people.

Red Lizard and the others naturally understood what this meant, and their eyes brightened.

Looking at Lu Feng, in addition to awe of Lu Feng's terrifying power, there was something called loyalty in their eyes.

To be honest, a being with terrifying strength and fear is always more likely to make people loyal once he wants to win people's hearts and recruit subordinates.

After all, it is impossible for talents to surrender to the weak, or to people of the same level as themselves. The only thing that can make people worship them is to rob the strong.

In the next few days, Lu Feng stayed in the Kudar family and also entered the game.

At Qingfeng Base, after Lu Feng moved in those weapons, the training at the base became more intense, especially for the soldiers who were equipped with those weapons.

After that batch of weapons is assembled, Qingfeng Base will have the ability to launch a war, a real war.

There are rifle queue shooting, submachine gun impact, and the powerful suppression ability of machine guns.

Naturally, there is also the positional suppression capability of mortars and howitzers.

At the same time, infantry fighting vehicles and cavalry fighting vehicles have the ability to destroy formations.

With the same number of survivors, if both sides fight, even if the other side has abilities, Qingfeng Base can still win.

After all, those two types of tanks are very useful. Even if they are hit, the ability user will have to cool off.

Unless the opponent's team has better weapons, or the opponent's ability user is strong enough to ignore this kind of tank.

Lu Feng came in and was very satisfied with the training at Qingfeng Base. Chen Hao and Chen Tao, who were in charge of combatant training, were obviously very capable.

Naturally, this is also because with the help of people like Wang Cheng from the Salvation Army, they are trained almost according to the military method.

Lin Jiao arrived in front of Lu Feng and reported: "Boss, the weapons have been basically assembled and the tour has begun. Zheng Lin said that the Li family asked us to go suppress bandits. We can also choose a time to go there."

"Well, you choose the people first, and we will set off on this day." Lu Feng nodded, but did not forget to remind: "Remember to produce more electronic chains during these times, and bring more electronic chains with you when the time comes."

Lin Jiao nodded: "I understand!"

She knew her boss's purpose. With this electronic chain, she could control the survivors.

There is obviously no need to be polite to those bandits. If you control them, whether they make them work or use them as cannon fodder in the future, it will be very useful.

When Lu Feng asked Lin Jiao to make arrangements, Guo Zhen came to him with someone.

That person was the weapons expert from before.

He had previously asked the other party to draw weapon design drawings, and it seemed to have achieved results.

Sure enough, when the weapons expert saw Lu Feng, he said: "Mr. Lu, look at these weapon design drawings. I drew them all during this time. It's just that I don't have a weapons production line. Otherwise, the weapons created from these design drawings will definitely be better than what you brought before." The ones that are coming in are more powerful, have longer range, are more accurate..."

When Lu Feng heard this, he took over the weapon blueprints.

Although the game world is in an apocalyptic situation, it is difficult to get a weapon production line, but in reality it is different. The Kurda family can get a weapon production line, and there are also materials that can transform the existing weapon production line to make these arms.

Once these weapons are mass-produced, they will surely trigger a craze in the town of Lada.

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