Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 170 It is impossible to have such ability!

However, Brin was relieved when he saw the scene inside. At least there was no bloodshed or even a conflict.

In this case, there is no need to worry about Mr. Red Lizard getting angry.

He touched the electronic chain around his neck and breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.


Brin's men saw him coming and rushed to greet him.

One of them immediately said: "Boss Brin, you are finally back."

Others were also nervous and on guard.

They knew that when Brin came back, things would come to an end.

One night, I finally didn’t have to suffer anymore.

People like Red Lizard and Black Snake were also on alert and clenched their weapons.

Brin ignored his men at all. Instead, he walked up to the red lizard and said enthusiastically: "Everyone, I have really neglected you. I am here to apologize in person. In addition, Mr. Red Lizard invites you to go to Dara Town."

The red lizard and the black snake looked at each other with smiles on their lips.

The cautious and enthusiastic attitude of the other party is not fake.

They knew that it must be Mr. Lu who let the other party know how powerful he was.

Everyone in the Kudar family should be frightened by Mr. Lu's terrifying ability, right?

Brin's men were confused.

You must know that they were still coming with force yesterday, and Boss Brin took the red lizard away full of evil spirits.

What's going on now?

Boss Brin’s attitude is wrong.

Regardless of what his men thought, Brin hurriedly invited the red lizard again: "Brother, please come with me. Let's not keep Mr. Red Lizard waiting."

Obviously, he could tell at a glance that the red lizard had a higher status. At least the others were obviously one level behind him, which meant that this one was more capable and could convince everyone.

The red lizard also nodded and followed Brin outside.

He was even more looking forward to it.

Because he knows the Kudar family.

Mr. Lu went to the Kudar family and apparently made these people docile.

Brin arranged the car as quickly as possible and let the people brought by Lu Feng get on. He also personally took the red lizard and black snake with him.

He had a feeling that now that the Kudar family was in the hands of Mr. Red Lizard, and they were wearing electronic chains, they might not be able to stand up.

Therefore, in order not to be killed by Mr. Red Lizard inexplicably in the future, he felt that it was necessary to have a good relationship with his subordinates like Mr. Red Lizard.

Moreover, he had a feeling that with the terrifying ability of Mr. Red Lizard, he might one day cause an uproar in the small town of Dara.

Maybe surrendering to the other party is not necessarily a bad thing.

After all, he has never seen that kind of terrifying ability in his life.

Thinking about it, he even got close to the red lizard and asked: "Sir, don't you know your surname?"

The red lizard replied subconsciously: "Red lizard!"

"???" Brin was stunned.

Red lizard?

What the hell?

Then who is the one in their Kurda family residence?

He was not a fool and figured it out immediately.

That person used a pseudonym or the name of his subordinate.

It made him want to slap his forehead.

What are they doing?

He didn't even know the other party's true identity, so he suffered such a disaster inexplicably.

Not long after, Brin brought the Red Lizards and others to the town of Lada and entered the hall of the core building of the Kudar family's residence.

Once inside, Red Lizard and Black Snake saw Lu Feng at first sight, and saw Mr. Lu sitting on the main seat in the hall.

Of course they know what this means.

Sure enough, there were rows of figures standing around, all holding weapons and respectfully guarding the surroundings.

No matter how stupid you are, you know that Mr. Lu is subduing the Kudar family.

The red lizard couldn't help showing excitement.

Mr. Lu conquered the Kudar family, which means he became one of the top figures in the town of Dara.

The purpose of these people going to stab tiles and fight is not just to be noticed by big shots, and then make a name for themselves and become a figure.

Moreover, such things happen all the time in Pakistan, Myanmar, and Afghanistan.

But how can the forces of the world in various countries compare with the forces here in Dara Town?

The forces in Dara Town seem to be a country of their own. Except for some strategic weapons, their weapons are often even stronger than those of surrounding countries.

Now that President Lu has conquered the Kudar family, and he is now a member of President Lu, he has a chance to rise to the top in one step.

Thinking of this, he immediately ran to Lu Feng and greeted him respectfully: "Mr. Lu!"

Black Snake also stepped forward to say hello with a shocked face: "Mr. Lu."

He also knew what the Kudar family represented. When he came out from Tianzhou City with Mr. Lu, he never thought that such a thing would happen?

If those Jianghu forces in Tianzhou City knew about Mr. Lu's situation, they would probably be shocked. Whoever makes Mr. Lu hate them would probably not be able to sleep.

No matter how awesome the Jianghu people are, can they compare with the warlords? I'm afraid I have to be careful of flying RPGs whenever I go out.

Vessen was slightly startled when he heard the names of these people, and then smiled self-deprecatingly.

He has been here for so long, so he naturally knows what's going on.

"Everyone, sit down!" Lu Feng pointed to the chairs on the side of the hall and said.

On the other side sat Vaison and another leader of the Kudar family.

Brin also sat on this side very wisely.

When Vessen saw this scene, he could only sigh helplessly.

He knew that with this arrangement by Mr. Lu, these people might want to divide his power.

But what could he do in this situation?

He really regretted why he had to attack this person.

If he had not attacked the other party, but had completed the business that his elder brother had taken with the other party, would the situation be different now?

The most important thing is that he already knew that the gold in Mr. Lu's hands had nothing to do with the gold stolen from that country.

That batch of gold was not in this person's hands.

This was why he wanted to find a pill of regret the most.

The reason why he attacked the other party was also for that batch of gold, thinking that the batch of gold was in the hands of Mr. Lu.

Who knew that this was just a mistake, but he sent the Kudar family away because of this mistake.

At this time, Lu Feng asked Weisen: "Weisen, how is the batch of weapons I need prepared?"

Weisen didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately replied: "It's ready and placed in a separate empty warehouse."

"Take me there!" Lu Feng said directly.

Weisen nodded and hurriedly led the way in front.

When Lu Feng left, he said to Brin, "Treat my men well and take them to get familiar with the Kudar family's base."

Since the Kudar family has been taken down, it is necessary to arrange our own people.

Red Lizard and his people are the best choice for the time being. After all, people like Weisen are not clear about the status of the electronic chain. Who knows if these people will suddenly become upset?

In addition, it is best for a force to have multiple checks and balances.

When I go back to Youcheng, I can discuss with my cousin to see if I should send a few more brothers.

Weisen took Lu Feng out of the Kudar family's base and went to an area in the north of the town.

Here you can see rows of warehouses, which are all places where the Kudar family stores weapons, and even the Kudar family's production line is here.

Many forces of the Kudar family are also guarding here.

In addition, such warehouses and production lines are also forbidden areas in Dara Town. No people are allowed to approach, even other forces.

This is a rule that several forces have discussed and unified.

After all, everyone relies on this production line and weapons to make a living. Today you come to mess with my production line, and tomorrow I come to mess with your production line. Then, do we still want to play?

If someone violates it, that's just right. Everyone has an excuse to unite and deal with him and divide the other party's power.

It is precisely because of this that the various forces in Dara Town have always been at peace. Even if they want to annex other forces, they dare not act rashly.

"Mr. Lu, the weapons are all in this warehouse." Weisen took Lu Feng to a very large warehouse.

The guard guarding the warehouse had hurriedly opened the door, obviously because Weisen had greeted him.

The warehouse door opened.

Lu Feng immediately saw the mortars, grenade launchers, heavy machine guns, 7.62mm machine guns, 72 5.56mm machine guns, 14 submachine guns...

There are also disassembled ones, which will be equipped with 2 M2 infantry fighting vehicles and 6 M3 cavalry fighting vehicles!

"Mr. Lu, these are the weapons you need, and they are all equipped with enough ammunition!" Weisen reported immediately.

"Take the people out and close the door." Lu Feng nodded and ordered Weisen.

Weisen was stunned. He didn't understand why Mr. Lu wanted to lock him in this warehouse. Could it be that the other party could make these weapons look fancy, or that Mr. Lu could make these weapons disappear?

So, you don't want him to see it?

Thinking of this, Weisen laughed at himself. How could this be possible?

The other party was already so terrifying, and he had this ability. He simply gave up the idea and surrendered.

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