Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 169 Accept your fate!

Lu Feng came out of the room and was stunned when he saw the scene in the courtyard outside.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝘴𝘩𝘢.𝘯𝘦𝘡

There were rows of people standing in the courtyard outside, each holding a weapon in their hands, and then lined up.

In front of the line were Weisen and Brin, the leaders of the Kulda family.

But obviously, these people's faces were not good, and they were even listless, and their expressions were also a state of resignation.

It was obvious that they had been studying how to crack the electronic chain all night, and now they had accepted their fate.

When these people saw Lu Feng coming out, their eyes were attracted to him, and their faces were even more anxious.

After all, they studied for a whole night and used various methods but failed to crack the electronic chain on their necks.

Let alone take it off.

Every one of the men who were used to try is now dead, with their heads moved.

One night, the later they got, the more helpless they were, the more disappointed they were, and finally they were desperate.

They now completely recognized the facts.

That is, they really have no way to unlock the electronic chain.

Moreover, think about it, if the electronic chain is really so easy to unlock, then the other party would not be so confident to let them try to unlock it.

The key is that the other party set a time. When the time comes, if they haven't found a way, the electronic chain will be triggered by itself.

This made them come here early in the morning.

Even thinking of the tragic deaths of those men, Weisen didn't dare to hesitate, and called some elites to show his sincerity.

In any case, now they can only say what the other party says.

Moreover, in front of the team, there is Hadona.

This guy's butt is bloated and bandaged. Yesterday, his unlucky butt was hit by a stray bullet.

Weisen hurried to Lu Feng, hesitant to say: "Mr. Red Lizard..."

Lu Feng obviously understood his thoughts, smiled and said; "Mr. Weisen, it seems that you have figured it out. Very good, the setting of automatic triggering of the electronic chain on your neck has been cancelled, don't worry."

This inexplicably made Weisen and others feel relieved.

To be honest, he was really worried that this person would oversleep, and then the time would come and trigger the electronic chain, then they would die too unjustly.

"Thank you, sir!" Weisen also said hurriedly.

Although he was unwilling, the situation was stronger than people, and he also knew to keep his position clear.

You know, if the other party pressed the remote control, he would lose his life.

More importantly, he had no way to snatch the remote control from the other party.

The bullets could not hurt the other party at all, but the other party had a god-like shooting skill. If he had that mind, he would not know how to die.

Lu Feng said again: "Go and do two things. One is to prepare all the weapons I needed before, and then put them separately in an empty warehouse. The other is to send someone to the Tal village to bring the people I brought here."

Hadona immediately began to translate.

His face was excited. Although his butt was injured, he also knew clearly that President Lu had conquered the Kurda family.

He knew that these people would definitely not have a good ending if they angered President Lu.

But he was also shocked. You know, before he met Mr. Lu, he was just a small figure, and he was only doing insignificant smuggling with Black Snake.

After meeting Mr. Lu, his world changed drastically. In such a short time, Mr. Lu actually conquered the Kurda family.

You know, the Kurda family is a force in the town of Dara. In the surrounding countries, the Kurda family is very famous, and it is not comparable to the underworld forces in several countries.

This is an armed army with arms, and it is an arms dealer.

But who can believe the process of Mr. Lu conquering the Kurda family?

Telling it to others, others will treat it as a joke.

But the current situation is that these people from the Kurda family are already obedient to Mr. Lu.

After hearing Hadona's translation, Weisen did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly ordered Brin and another leader to do it.

He knew what weapons Mr. Red Lizard needed, and his eldest brother had already prepared them before, so he just needed to prepare these weapons and take them out.

Brin and the leader naturally did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly left the courtyard.


Tar Village.

The scene in the hall was a bit awkward.

Because there was no news from Dara Town.

The key is that people like Barking Sen were all wearing electronic chains, and they had no time and energy to take care of things here.

This caused the people left by Brin to have to confront Red Lizard all the time.

Even when they called, the person who answered the phone in Dara Town only said that the leader and others had gathered together for a meeting and asked others not to approach.

So, there was no way to report to Mr. Brin.

This was very embarrassing.

Because in this way they had no way to withdraw, and could only continue to stare at Red Lizard and his people.

Red Lizard and his people were being stared at, so they naturally did not dare to relax, and could only be on guard against those left by Brin.

Even if both parties had agreed to take turns to put down their guns and rest.

But for a night, staring at each other, who could understand their feelings?

You know, when you are extremely sleepy, you have to raise your gun to guard against the other party, which is sleepy, tired, and sore.

Red Lizard and his men naturally did not dare to relax in the face of this situation. The other party stared at them with their guns raised.

They naturally had to stare at the other party and raise their guns to fight back.

This was really uncomfortable.

The key was that there was no news from President Lu.

They knew what President Lu was capable of, and those people would definitely not be able to do anything to President Lu.

But there was no news from President Lu, so they could only suffer all night.

He wanted to lead his men to fight the other party with real guns and live ammunition.

At most, he would die.

If he didn't think that dying like this was too worthless.

"That..." Black Snake couldn't stand it anymore, and asked the other party again: "Are you hungry? How about discussing it and having someone send some food, so we can eat something and continue?"

These words made the other party look at each other, and two of them looked at each other and nodded subconsciously.

They were also very tired. This night was really a special torment, and they consumed too much physical energy, and their stomachs had already protested.

"Everyone take turns to eat!" One of them didn't forget to say to Red Lizard and his men.

Red Lizard naturally had no objection to this, and even wanted to say, "Hurry up, I'll eat first."

Not long after, breakfast was served.

Both sides swallowed their saliva, and it seemed that the temptation was really indescribable.


Brin rushed to Tal Village as soon as possible.

The guard at the entrance of the village wanted to greet him, and he shouted directly: "Get out of the way, don't block it."

Then he hurried in.

He forgot to tell those people yesterday, and he forgot about it even more because of the electronic chain.

He was afraid that the people he stayed behind would go to war with Mr. Red Lizard's men, or his men would do something to the people brought by Mr. Red Lizard, or abuse those people.

That might annoy Mr. Red Lizard, and he would be finished as long as he pressed the remote control.

So, he was very anxious.

Finally, he rushed to the courtyard where Mr. Red Lizard's men stayed before, and entered it as soon as possible.

When he arrived at the hall inside, he was stunned.

His men were eating with Mr. Red Lizard's men, and there were also full men burping with their weapons.

Something was wrong, not what he thought.

In fact, the scene looked somewhat harmonious!

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