Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 166 Everyone wear electronic chains!

Bang! ~

Intense gunshots rang out in the hall.

Brin fired decisively.

But then, the air became stagnant, and Brin could hear his own heavy breathing.

With that shot, blood should have spurted out, and the other party should have fallen to the ground howling miserably.

But this did not happen.

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The red lizard stood there steadily, not noticing anything.

Barking Sen's eyes also froze, and he looked unbelievable: "What's going on?"

Brin pulled the trigger again and fired several bullets at Lu Feng.

But this time, he was even more shocked and stepped back subconsciously.

These shots still did not hurt the other party at all.

How could anyone resist the bullets?

"Get down!" Lu Feng said to Hadona lightly.

After activating the energy barrier ability, he was not worried that these people's weapons could hurt him.

His only worry was to accidentally hurt Hadona.

Hadona didn't hesitate, and instantly got down, covering his head.

He knew that Mr. Lu was going to get angry.

These people were going to be finished.

Indeed, after Lu Feng finished speaking, he took out two pistols from the backpack space.

Seeing the guns appearing out of thin air in his hands, everyone around him showed a ghostly expression.

Brin's eyes widened in horror.

He had checked thoroughly when he came, and the other party didn't have any weapons at all.

How did these two pistols appear now?

Weisen was shocked and shouted immediately: "Get rid of him, get rid of him quickly."

In this case, they are all in this hall. If the other party shoots at him, he may be killed.

He can't give the other party this opportunity.

For a while, those people from the Kurda family raised their guns and shot at Lu Feng crazily.

In this regard, they are well-trained.

For a while, there was a lot of gunfire in the hall.

The gunfire was also heard throughout the entire residence of the Kulda family.

Even other forces and residents in the town of Dara also heard it vaguely.

This made everyone confused.

What happened to the Kulda family? There were constant gunfire today.

Inside the Kulda family, the people of the Kulda family heard the gunfire and rushed to the direction of the hall.

These are all people of Barking Sen, or Barking Lin's subdued subordinates.

Now that Barking Lin has just died in the family, they have to be careful.

Although the situation has probably calmed down, who knows if Barking Lin's former subordinates will cause trouble?

In the hall.

Barking Sen and his men were completely panicked.

Even when the gunfire rang out, they couldn't help but show more fear on their faces.

They had so many people shooting, what happened to the red lizard?

The bullets seemed to be unable to hit the other party, and there was also that transparent shield.

This is simply hell.

"Ah, my butt!" Hadona screamed.

He was hit in the butt by a stray bullet.

Seeing this, Lu Feng also decisively raised his gun and pointed it at the two people from the Kulda family.

The next moment, the two people from the Kulda family fell straight down with blood splattering from their heads.

With the skill of the old-fashioned gun, it was impossible for him to miss such a live target.

Bang! ~

Bang! ~


Continuous gunshots rang out in his hands, and then he saw the people from the Kulda family falling down one by one in a row, very rhythmic.

Moreover, everyone was shot in the head.

This scene completely frightened the people from the Kulda family.

What kind of monster is this?

With so many people shooting together, even a car would be shot into a hornet's nest or exploded.

But now it can't hurt the red lizard at all.

Is this man a monster?

The rest of the people subconsciously wanted to flee, but the more they did so, the faster the god of death would greet them.

In two steps, they were also hit and all fell to the ground.

The gunshots stopped.

In the hall, besides the bloody smell in the air, there were only the heavy breathing of Brin and Weisen.

Their bodies even began to tremble.

What kind of monster did they provoke?

Lu Feng had already rushed to Weisen, and there were two more electronic chains in his hand. Before Weisen could react, the electronic chains were already put around his neck.

Brin saw this and subconsciously knew that it was going to be bad. Just when he was about to do something, he saw Lu Feng's gun pointed at him, which frightened him and made him dare not move.

Lu Feng waved the gun muzzle and signaled the other party to come over.

Brin's face was pale, and he could only do it, because the gun in his hand had no bullets.

Even if there were bullets, it would not have any effect on this monster.

When Brin came close, Lu Feng also put an electronic lock on his neck.

Brin and Weisen looked ugly.

The two didn't know what was on their necks, but they knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

Dense footsteps sounded.

Two figures suddenly rushed into the hall.

The two men were sturdy and had fierce faces.

Like Brin, they are one of the leaders of the Kurda family.

"Boss Weisen, what happened?" One of them asked immediately.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he noticed a figure rushing toward them like a ghost. Before they could even react, they felt something being tied around their necks.

Several others rushed into the hall behind the two, but before they could react, Lu Feng activated his speed ability, ran through them at an incredible speed, and put electronic chains around their necks.

Some people reacted faster and tried to resist and dodge, but were slapped by Lu Feng. Stars flashed in their eyes. When they regained consciousness, an electronic chain was also placed around their necks.

When they reacted in shock, Lu Feng had already retreated and stopped beside Veisen.

The members of the Kurda family were horrified and looked at each other. The two leaders reacted and immediately pointed their guns at Lu Feng.

Lu Feng didn't make any expression, he just looked at Weisen with a sneer, and an invisible evil aura pressed against Weisen.

Weisen had killed many people, and he himself had evil aura, but he found that the evil aura emanating from the other party made even him tremble.

Thinking of the terror the other party had just shown, he hurriedly shouted to the Kudar family members: "Put down the gun, put it down quickly..."

The members of the Kurda family looked at each other, but when Vaison gave the order, they had no choice but to obey and put down their guns one by one.

Lu Feng kept staring at Veson, thinking about how to deal with this guy.

After a while, he decided to keep the other party first. Firstly, the other party had already put on an electronic chain, and his life and death were at his discretion. Secondly, he did not know the weapons production line.

Although the forces in Dara Town produce weapons for trade, they need a production line to produce weapons. How will they replenish the production line if there is a problem?

This is also a channel, and it is not available to ordinary people.

Even if he can take over the Kurda family in this way, if he kills Vaisen, he may lose this channel in the future.

After all, the other party would trust the two Vaisenvelin brothers, but the other party would not trust another person. I believe that in most cases, the other party would directly cut off the relationship with the Kurda family.

At least it would have to be re-examined, which would be another hassle, and he hated such trouble.

Therefore, keep Veson first, and then arrange for people like Hadona and Red Lizard to monitor. If conditions permit, we can also find some people from China.

Once the Kudar family's power is completely under control, and they can even find out clearly from Vaison, and get in touch with the production channels behind it, it will be too late to see if the situation needs to be solved by Vaisen.

After all, in reality, with his ability, it is too easy to deal with a character like Veson.

Weisen was stared at by Lu Feng, but his mind was beating wildly, and he said tremblingly: "Hong...Mr. Hong Lizard, you...what do you want?"

Hadona stood up, holding his bloody buttocks, and quickly started to translate again.

Lu Feng looked at Veisen coldly and asked, "Mr. Veisen, let's talk now. Do you have any objection to me taking over the Kudar family?"

These words made Vaisen look ugly.

Of course there are opinions.

He launched a coup and killed his brother before taking control of the Kurda family, and they never thought about handing over their power.

Now the other party wants the entire Kudar family. If he had known this earlier, why would he bother to kill his brother?

But in this situation, would he dare to say no?

Of course I don’t dare.

He was afraid that if he said this word, he would go down to reunite with his elder brother.

At this moment, he really wanted to take the medicine of regret. No wonder the other party could bring that batch of gold from that country, and the other party had such terrifying power.

If he had known this earlier, he would never have dared to provoke the other party. Even with the temptation of that batch of gold, he would not have had the courage.

When Lu Feng saw that Veson was silent, he said calmly: "By the way, let me introduce the thing worn around your necks. This thing is called an electronic chain. As for its specific function? I can demonstrate it to you."

As he spoke, he took out a remote control.

There are many buttons on this remote control, and they have already been connected to those electronic chains.

When he wanted to take those electronic chains out of the game, he had already made such preparations. If he actually used them, he would not have to reconnect the input data to the remote control.

In this way, you can just take out the remote control and use it directly.

After taking out the remote control, he pressed a button with a calm face. Then, he suddenly saw the neck of a leader coming in from behind exploded instantly, and blood instantly spread to the people around him. The leader's head also rolled off instantly. On to the ground.

This scene made Veson's face turn pale instantly.

Brin and the other people who were put in electronic chains also shrank their heads subconsciously, feeling layers of cold sweat on their foreheads.

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