Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 165 Let’s talk, I will accept you!

Lu Feng faced the gun and looked at Black Snake, Hadona and the others beside him.

If they hadn't been with them, these members of the Kurda family would have been dead.

Therefore, he now chooses to exercise restraint.

Sometimes people will always worry about certain things. This is driven by human nature and conscience.

Some unnecessary losses will also be avoided by one's own choice.

"Of course it's no problem. I'm going to see your leader, Mr. Veilin. After all, our business has not been concluded yet." Lu Feng said to Bulin with a smile, and then ordered to Black Snake and the others: "Hadon, follow me." Go translate, everyone else is waiting for me here!”

Black Snake and Red Lizard all looked at each other. They all knew Mr. Lu’s strange and unpredictable abilities, and they probably also knew that they were now Mr. Lu’s burden.

So, they all nodded.

"Very good, Mr. Red Lizard made a right choice, please!" Brin smiled proudly. Sure enough, no one dared not surrender in the face of a gun.

As long as he reaches the town of Dara, this person will not be able to escape even if he grows 10 pairs of wings, unless the other party hands over the gold obtained from that country or tells where the other gold is.

Lu Feng followed Brin out of the yard and headed to the town of Dara.

In the yard, Brin left many people behind, pointing their guns at Red Lizard and Black Snake.

The red lizard also raised his gun and pointed it at the opponent, still tense.

But Brin's attention was only on Lu Feng. He was thinking about the stolen gold from that country, and he seemed to have forgotten to give these people follow-up orders.

And without an order, both sides would not shoot. After all, everyone cherished their lives.

After the shooting, some of them will definitely die. Who knows if it will be them?

There is no need, no one would bet on these.

The key is that they don't dare to put down their guns.

When faced with a gun, wouldn't putting down the gun mean putting your life under the control of the other party?

Therefore, both sides could only point their guns at each other. This was fine for a moment, but as time passed, a sore and numb feeling began to come over them.

This feeling is uncomfortable, especially as time goes by.

But in this situation, both parties could only persist, so soon someone on both sides began to sweat, and beads of sweat flowed down.

Finally, Black Snake couldn't hold on any longer, so he said, "Um, everyone's hands are sore?"

Both sides looked at each other.

The red lizard gritted his teeth and said: "It's not sour, how long has it been!"

The person opposite was not to be outdone: "Humph, whose hands will be sore, we have all received professional training!"

"Red Lizard, I'm a little sore. You guys hold on, I'll let it go for a while!" After all, Red Snake didn't receive much professional training and really couldn't hold on any longer.

As he spoke, he put his hands down and began to stretch his arms.

This scene made both sides look at him.

Is this tense situation a little too casual?

Watching Black Snake's movements, both parties subconsciously wanted to shake their arms, but they didn't want the other party to see it, so they could only grit their teeth and persist.

Black Snake obviously knew the status of both sides, and said with a smile: "Now their big shots are going to talk, and they haven't said anything about starting a war. Why are you doing this? Why don't you all put it down and take a rest?"

"You guys, put it down first!" Those who were left behind by Brin finally couldn't help but said.

The red lizard immediately said: "Let's put it down together!"

"Let some take turns!" one of Brin's men said again.

Clearly, both sides are being cautious.

Lu Feng was sitting in a car, with a member of the Kudar family sitting on both sides. Moreover, there were cars in front and behind the car, and they were also members of the Kudar family.

This is actually escorting him.

The people of the Kudar family looked down upon him.

He was actually a little confused. What was the purpose of the Kudar family? Is it for the bag of gold he took out before?

That doesn't seem like it should be.

For such a powerful force to damage its own reputation for the sake of gold, it is obviously not worth the gain.

But if it wasn't for the gold, then what was it for?

This was something he couldn't figure out either.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he is willing, all these people can go to see the King of Hell now.

It's just that things happened, and he also wanted to make it bigger.

This Wei Lin is looking for death, so he will fulfill the other party's needs. It depends on whether he kills him or not. At least he must first put an electronic chain on the other party, control the other party first, and accept the power of the Kudar family.

Originally he had no plans for this.

Since Wei Lin came to the door himself, he can't be blamed.

To be honest, it is good to control a weapons channel yourself.

In this case, if the game world still needs it in the future and you want to bring it into the game, it will be much easier.

Soon, the car arrived at the Kudar family's residence.

After Brin showed up, the guards immediately put three cars in, and the cars drove straight to the station hall.

Returning here, Brin found that the hall had been cleaned, the tables had been replaced with brand new ones, the air had been sprayed with special perfume, and many decorations had been hung on the walls. There was no sign of a war at all. scene.

Brin brought Lu Feng into the hall, and then walked towards Veson who was waiting inside: "Sir, we have arrived."

Weisen stood up, walked to Lu Feng, looked at him, and asked, "Are you the red lizard?"

Hadona, who followed, immediately began to translate.

Lu Feng didn't answer, but asked: "Where's Huilin? Bring me here. Isn't it time for him to show up?"

Wisen laughed when he heard this: "I'm really sorry that you can't see him because I've killed him. Also, let me introduce myself. My name is Weisen, and now the Kudar family is under my control."

Lu Feng was stunned when he heard Hado's translation.

On the way here, he thought that Weilin was looking for death, and thought about how to teach him a lesson before putting an electronic chain on him.

Who knew that the situation seemed to be a little wrong, Weilin had been killed.

In other words, a coup took place in the Kudar family.

Wisen laughed again at this time: "Red Lizard, I think you should first understand your situation. Now you have fallen into my hands, so. Now you should think about how to survive next."

"I know the origin of the batch of gold in your hand. After all, that country has spread, and that batch of gold may enter the borders of several surrounding countries."

"Now it seems that the batch of gold has been brought into our no-man's land by you, so hand over the batch of gold, it will be good for you."

Lu Feng was stunned when he heard this.

If the other party came for the gold, he would understand even if he asked him to hand over the gold.

But what the other party said was totally wrong.

It should be that a country had lost a batch of gold, and then that batch of gold may have entered the borders of several countries around the Dara area.

So, when he took out a bag of gold, this Weisen automatically substituted it, thinking that he had that batch of gold in his hand, so he did this just to get that batch of gold.

This is really a disaster without cause.

He just wanted to simply buy a batch of weapons and bring them into the game for Qingfeng Base. Who knew there would be such a misunderstanding?

But since the incident happened, there is no way.

Maybe God wants him to conquer the Kudar family.

In this case, he can't live up to God's will.

Weisen saw that Lu Feng didn't answer for a long time, and said coldly: "You can think about what to do now, but I won't give you too much time, and I hope you don't provoke my anger."

Weisen said, and sat down with a smile.

He is in control of the situation now, and instead of summoning them, he gives them time. This will put them under greater pressure and make them more nervous. If they really don't know what's best for them, then when he uses his methods, their willpower will be even weaker.

Lu Feng shook his head when he heard this, and turned to Hadona, the translator, and said, "Remember to lie on the ground later."

Hadona was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded immediately.

He knew that Mr. Lu should take action, because he had seen Mr. Lu's unpredictable abilities with his own eyes.

This Barking Sen probably never thought that there would be such a terrifying person as Mr. Lu in the world, right?

After a while, Barking Sen said again, "Red Lizard, how do you think? I shouldn't need to take action to greet you, right?"

Lu Feng smiled and said, "Actually, I want to talk to you more. How about I take over the Kudar family?"

This irrelevant answer made Barking Sen stunned for a moment.

Brin and the people of the Kudar family around him were stunned, looking at Lu Feng in disbelief.

Is this man crazy?

Doesn't he realize his situation?

"Good, very good." Weisen couldn't help but laugh.

He liked such ignorant people very much. In this way, he would have a way to treat and torture them. When they told him everything, he would feel more accomplished.

He waved his hand, and two people from the Kudar family immediately understood and walked towards Lu Feng to control him.

The two men stretched out their hands, and one of them grabbed Lu Feng's shoulder.

But as soon as they stretched out their hands, they felt two fist shadows hit their faces incredibly.

They only felt a sharp pain in their faces, and then blood spurted out of their mouths and noses, and they fell straight down.

This scene made Weisen's face gloomy to the extreme: "Very good, courageous, good skills, but I don't know if your fist is as hard as a bullet?"

While Weisen was talking, Brin had already taken out a pistol and shot directly at Lu Feng's leg.

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